I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 283: 2nd Trial

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In a high-security laboratory, a shining blue-skinned man stood bound in the center of the room, forced into a deep sleep.

[Insert picture of Electro here]

Maxwell Dillon, also known as Electro, is an electrical engineer turned villain.

Shunned for most of his life, Dillon was extremely insecure and lonely, seeing himself as a self-proclaimed nobody despite designing New York's Power grid for Oscorp Industries.

However, Max was saved by Spider-Man on his way to work one day, in one of the hero's many fights against the Russian Mob.

That encounter could be said to be the highlight of Max's entire life.

Treated with kindness by the superhero, Max became fanatically obsessed with Spider-Man, coming to reimagine his life as a fantasy in which he and the latter were best friends.

Although he was deeply delusional, Max found himself becoming more confident and social in his daily life.

However, his life would soon be changed forever when on the day of his birthday, he was forced to work overtime at Oscorp Tower in order to fix a loose electrical cable.

Shocked by the giant cable, Max fell into a vat of electric eels, which mutated his body into a translucent form of living electricity.

Confused and angry, Max's new electrical nature drove him to Times Square, where the police mistook him for a monster and swiftly attacked, provoking him into retaliating against them with his newfound powers.

With the arrival of Spider-Man, Max's rage soon worsened, as the superhero couldn't recognize him in his new form.

How could his best friend not recognize him?

When Spider-Man tried to talk and settle the situation peacefully, Max was shot by a sniper rifle, despite the hero promising him that the police wouldn't shoot at him anymore.

Max's built-up rage and anger finally bubbled to the surface as he lost it and started attacking civilians, police, and the hero who he felt had betrayed him.

Thankfully, Spider-Man managed to capture Electro in the end, sending him to his current prison, where he's heavily sedated and bound.

Suddenly, alarms began to blare across the whole building, though they weren't able to wake Electro from his sleep.

Seconds after the alarms went off, a young man with messy hair and a black leather jacket rushed inside with a crazed look in his eyes.

[Insert picture of Harry Osborn here]

Harold Theopolis Osborn, the son of the deceased Norman Osborn, also known as the Green Goblin, and ex-CEO of Oscorp Industries, as the board voted him out rather recently.

After discovering that he has the same incurable illness as his father, Harry became desperate to live.

At first, he decided to get Spider-Man's blood, as he thought it could be used as a cure based on a video of Oscorp's spiders, but he was swiftly denied by New York's favorite hero.

Of course, Spider-Man wanted to help his friend, but the possibility of a negative reaction to his blood was very likely.

And sadly, all of Oscorp's spiders were long gone, and even if they weren't, Harry didn't have access to anything at Oscorp anymore.

Not only was he voted out, but he was also barred from entering the building.

Though upon learning that the venom of one of the spiders was still kept in Oscorp's Special Projects vault, Harry decided that he had to steal it.

It was his only way to survive, after all.

Which is why he's here.

To team up with Spider-Mans latest villain, Electro, and use him to get the venom that he so desperately needs.

Staring at the bound glowing figure for a moment, Harry quickly hit a button on a nearby panel.

"Sedation off." A robotic voice spoke as the glowing captive groggily opened his eyes.

"I'm going to get you out of here, but we don't have much time." Harry says as he nervously looks over his shoulder.

"Who are you?" Electro asks in a deep and rumbly voice.

"I'm Harry Osborn, and I have a deal for you." He offered.

"I should kill you" Max wasn't so fond of anybody related to Oscorp.

"Come on, think bigger Max!" Harry exclaimed as he looked Electro in the eyes. "I'm not the one you want. You want Spider-Man and I can give him to you, but I need something first..."

Suddenly, Harry could hear the sound of footsteps rushing his way from the hall.

"Max, we don't have much time!" Harry continues to frantically look over his shoulder.

"Give me one reason why I should trust you?" Electro asks in suspicion.

"Because I need you!" Harry was practically begging at this point.

Those words seemed to spark something in Max's delusional brain.

"You need me..." He muttered.

No one has ever needed him before, not even Spider-Man, the friend who betrayed him.

As they spoke, a whole team of heavily armed guards rushed into the room and grabbed Harry, who started flailing against their hold.

"I need you please!" Harry yelled and screamed as they pulled him away from Electro. "Please, I don't want to die! I need you!"

With every word spoken, electricity began to dance around Electro's blue body, Sparking hope in Harry as he thrashed against the guards.

"Aaahhhh!" Electro screamed as he was covered in electricity and disappeared from his bindings.


As he disappeared, a wisp of blue lightning shot across the room, zapping each of the guards, killing them in an instant.

As the dead guards collapsed to the floor, Elector appeared in the air, surrounded by crackling electricity.

"What's the plan?"


In a packed road of standstill traffic, which was very normal for New York City, a beautiful blond woman sat at the back of a taxi, on her way to the airport.

[Insert picture of Gwen Stacy here]

Gwen Maxine Stacy was the classmate and girlfriend of Peter Parker and the daughter of the chief police officer, George Stacy.

After Spider-Man's emergence, Gwen soon figured out that her boyfriend was a superhero and supported him as best as she could.

A year into their relationship, Gwen was accepted into Oxford in England, which sadly caused the two to split apart.

"What the hell..." The taxi driver mutters as he and Gwen watch everyone get out of their cars and walk over to the sidewalk.

"Wait here." Gwen says as she leaves the cab to check it out.

From the sidewalk, Gwen could see across the water, where the Brooklyn bridge stood with a giant message written across it in what appeared to be a spider's web.

[I Love You]

Just as a smile bloomed on her face, a man in a red and blue spider-themed costume swung by, lifting her off the ground and taking her with him.


Atop the web-filled bridge, Gwen removed Spider-Man's mask and found her handsome boyfriend underneath.

[Insert picture of Andrew Garfield Spider-Man here]

"Did you get my message?" Peter asks as he held the love of his life in his arms.

"Yeah, I think the whole city got your message." Gwen smiled happily.

"I love you." Peter confesses as he looks into her eyes. "I know there are a million reasons why we shouldn't be together, but I'm tired of them. We all have to make a choice and I choose you."

"..." Gwen was on the verge of tears.

"So, England. I'm following you. I'm following you everywhere." Peter states, shocking Gwen, as she knew how important New York was to Spider-Man. "They have crime there, right? They got Jack the Ripper-"

Before Peter could do his usual rambling, Gwen leaned forward and captured his lips, Shutting her boyfriend up real quick.

As the budding couple was making out at the top of the bridge with the sun setting behind them, suddenly, the entire city's lights flickered for a moment before shutting down completely.

*Boom Boom Boom...*

Alongside the city wide power outage, a handful of isolated electrical explosions could be seen as well.

And as the two separated from their kiss to see what was happening, Peter's eyes flashed for a moment, though Gwen didn't notice it.

Instantly, this Universes Peter took a backseat, trapped in his own mind as another took his place.

"What the hell..." Peter muttered as he assessed his new surroundings, finding a familiar beauty in his arms and a sweet taste in his mouth. 'Is that Emma Stone?'

He instantly knew where he was...

The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

"Is that Max?" Gwen asks as she eyes a glowing figure in the distance, who seemed be sucking in all of the power from the cities power plant.

As Peter followed her gaze to get a closer look, a big text box appeared, blocking his view.

[2nd Trial: Save Gwen Stacy

Details: An alternate version of yourself is about to lose the love of his life. Gwen Stacy will be killed by Harry Osborn, otherwise known as Green Goblin, after helping her boyfriend deal with the escaped villain Electro.

Objective: Save Gwen Stacy from her tragic fate and defeat the two villains (Electro/Green Goblin)

Reward: Perfect Evolution

Limitations: Stuck in the body of your counterpart, limited to only his powers.]

'Okay, save one damsel and beat two villains. I can do this.' Peter thought as he started formulating a plan.

{Hey! What's happening? Get me out of here!}

Suddenly, Peter heard a voice shouting in his mind, distracting him from thinking properly.

A/N: 1596 words

🚨Hand over the💎STONES💎and you can have this🍌Banana🍌🚨


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