I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

Chapter 698: Stomping Kage’s

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters ahead! 



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"Don't mind me…"

The allied Kages stared in disbelief as Peter went back to eating his ramen, the slurping sounds continuing unabated. "?"

Beside him stood Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Shizune, who was holding a sleeping Anko. "Zzz…"

"Is that Lord Orochimaru's student…?" Whispers filled the Konoha side, noticing the student of the traitor who fled their village.

Tsunade crossed her arms and glanced around the village, her expression one of irritation. "Why did I have to come back here? I never wanted to return," she grumbled, clearly unhappy as she gestured to Peter. "Besides, can he deal with all this?"

Jiraiya sighed, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We needed your help, Tsunade. Besides, it's not all bad being back, right?"

Tsunade shot him a withering look. "Speak for yourself, perv. I left for a reason."

Shizune, holding Anko gently, looked around at the familiar surroundings, a mixture of nostalgia and concern in her eyes. "We're here now, Lady Tsunade. We have to do what we can to protect the village."

Peter, still munching on his ramen, glanced down at the gathered armies. 'Well, this should be interesting...'

The allied Kages, momentarily taken aback by the sudden appearance of Peter and his companions, quickly refocused. The Kazekage, Rasa, narrowed his eyes. "Who is this fool?"

The Raikage, A, clenched his fists, his temper flaring. "Enough of this nonsense! We came here to crush Konoha, not to watch some idiot eat ramen!"

Peter raised an eyebrow, his eyes glinting with amusement. "Idiot, huh? That's not very nice." He paused mid-bite, pointing his chopsticks at A. Everyone watched in surprise as white energy gathered at the tips of the wood and shot toward him.

"?!" The Raikage's eyes widened as lightning covered his body, enhancing his speed. But, unfortunately, it wasn't enough. "Ugh!" he grunted as the energy struck his forehead, sending him flying back into the army behind him, knocking down many of his own soldiers.

"A!" Bee exclaimed as he rushed over to his brother.

"?!" The allied army and their leaders turned, beginning to take Peter's presence much more seriously.

*slurp…* Peter finished off his ramen, drinking the last of the broth before setting the bowl down beside him. "Hmm?" Glancing down, he noticed that despite his earlier instructions to ignore him, all eyes remained warily fixed on him. The tension in the air was palpable.

Sighing, Peter decided to just get involved. He stood up, brushing off his clothes. "Alright, seems like I'm the center of attention now."

With a casual hop, he jumped down from the wall, landing gracefully in front of the allied armies. His sudden movement caused the assembled forces to tense, their hands gripping weapons and their eyes watching for a possible attack. But Peter simply stood there, calm and unthreatening.

The silence stretched for a moment, heavy with anticipation. Then, breaking the tension, Bee and a slightly injured A leapt out from the crowd, their combined assault aimed directly at Peter.

Peter's eyes narrowed as he watched them approach. Bee's fists were wrapped in a shroud of lightning, his speed blinding as he aimed a punch at Peter's head. At the same time, A charged with his body encased in a cloak of lightning, his fist drawn back for a powerful strike.

Just as Bee's fist was about to connect, Peter sidestepped, his movement a blur. He grabbed Bee's wrist, twisting it behind his back with a quick, painful motion that forced the Raikage's brother to his knees.

"Argh!" Bee grunted in pain, trying to wriggle free, but Peter's grip was ironclad.

A's fist came crashing down next, but Peter released Bee and spun around, catching A's punch with his open palm. The impact sent shockwaves through the ground, but Peter remained unshaken.

"Nice try," Peter said, his voice calm. He tightened his grip on A's fist before launching him into the air with a powerful kick to the gut. A's body soared into the sky, crashing into the forest with a thunderous impact.

"Bro!" Bee shouted, his voice filled with concern for his brother. He tried to stand, but Peter grabbed him by the collar and effortlessly tossed him after A. Bee's body collided with the trees, the sound of breaking wood echoing through the forest.

Peter dusted off his hands, turning his attention back to the assembled armies. "Now, where were we?"

The allied forces stared in disbelief, their confidence shaken by how easily Peter had dealt with two of their strongest warriors.

Minato and the other Konoha ninja watched from the wall, a mixture of awe and relief washing over them. Peter had just demonstrated the level of power that had given them hope.

"Oh, I remember now…" Peter took a step forward, his gaze scanning the ranks of the enemy forces. "You all came here thinking Konoha was weakened, that this was the perfect time to strike. But did you ever wonder who fed you that information? Who manipulated you into this?"

A murmur ran through the allied armies, uncertainty flickering in their eyes.

Peter raised his hand, creating a portal in mid-air. "Allow me to enlighten you." With a wave, he opened several more portals, and from each one, a Zetsu clone dropped to the ground, bound and gagged by glowing Eldritch restraints.

The clones wriggled and squirmed, their black-and-white bodies struggling against the bindings. The Kages stared in shock, recognizing the beings that had assisted in organizing this whole operation.

Peter waved his hand again, and a final portal opened, this one dragging the original Zetsu out and depositing him at Peter's feet. "?!" Alarmed, Zetsu immediately tried to flee, but Peter cast a spell circle with a flick of his wrist, locking Zetsu in place with glowing runes of containment.

"This," Peter said, pointing at Zetsu, "is your true enemy. He and his clones are the ones who fed you lies, manipulated you into attacking Konoha while knowing full well the village wasn't weakened whatsoever. All for his and his master's agenda."

The Kages exchanged concerned glances, wondering whether they had actually been played or not.

A, limping slightly, stepped forward alongside Bee, his expression twisted with anger. "Even if he misled us, it doesn't matter! We have the combined strength of all the major villages here. Konoha still doesn't stand a chance against us."

Gengetsu Hōzuki, the Mizukage, nodded in agreement, his gaze icy. "Whether we were misled or not, the fact remains that Konoha is vulnerable."

Onoki floated a little higher, his expression one of contempt. "Our armies are here, ready and willing. We will not turn back now."

Seeing the resolve in their eyes, Zetsu laughed, his voice dripping with malice. "Fools! Do you really think you can stand against every major village?"

Peter sighed, casting a spell circle to gag Zetsu, silencing his mocking laughter. "Enough of that. If you won't see reason, then I suppose you'll have to learn the hard way."

With a wave of his hand, Peter cast a spell circle that swiftly created a barrier, locking the entire allied army inside and leaving only their Kages outside.

"?!" Alarmed, the soldiers and their Kages tried to break through the barrier from both sides, but nothing worked.

Peter turned to the Kages, his expression serious. "Here's what's going to happen. Since I don't feel like creating countless widows and orphans today, we'll settle this between ourselves. You Kages are free to come at me all at once, and when you've learned your lesson, you can turn around and go home in peace."

Seeing their wary gazes turn to Minato and the other Ninja, Peter added, "Don't worry, they won't interfere."

Realizing they had no choice, the Kages exchanged glances, their expressions grim. They silently made a battle plan before disappearing in a burst of speed, appearing in a circle around Peter.

Peter smirked, his hands casually in his pockets. "Alright then, let's see what you've got."

As if on cue, Rasa, the Kazekage, was the first to strike. He raised his arms, manipulating his gold dust to form massive waves that surged toward Peter. The shimmering particles moved with deadly precision, intending to engulf and crush their target.

Peter moved with blinding speed, weaving through the waves of gold dust. His movements were a blur, too fast for the eye to follow. As he dodged and deflected the attacks, his expression remained calm, almost bored.

"Is that it?" Peter taunted, his voice carrying over the battlefield.

Next, Gengetsu Hōzuki, the Mizukage, stepped forward, summoning a giant water bubble. The sphere grew rapidly, aiming to trap and drown Peter. The water swirled menacingly, reflecting the cold determination in Gengetsu's eyes.

Peter watched the water bubble approach, his expression unchanging. Just as it was about to engulf him, he struck it with a wave of energy, causing it to burst and send the Mizukage sprawling.

"Pathetic…" Peter muttered, shaking his head in disappointment.

A and Bee charged together, their bodies crackling with lightning. Their combined speed was incredible, and they aimed powerful punches at Peter from either side. The air around them sizzled with electricity, the sheer force of their attacks creating shockwaves.

Peter caught their fists mid-air, stopping their attacks dead in their tracks. "Did you two get weaker?" he asked tauntingly, lifting both A and Bee off the ground and slamming them into each other with a resounding crash.

"Ugh!" They were sent flying backward, tumbling across the battlefield.

Onoki, the Tsuchikage, floated above, his eyes sharp and calculating. He summoned a massive rock golem, directing it to crush Peter. The golem's heavy footsteps shook the ground, and its immense size cast a shadow over the battlefield.

Peter jumped onto the golem, running up its massive arm with incredible agility. He reached the golem's head and delivered a powerful punch, shattering it into pieces. Onoki barely had time to react before Peter appeared behind him, sending him crashing into the ground with a swift kick.

The Kages regrouped, panting and battered. Their combined efforts had been futile, and Peter stood in the center of the circle, completely unharmed. His expression was one of boredom and mild amusement.

"You're going to have to do better than that," Peter taunted, his eyes glinting with confidence.

Rasa tried again, manipulating his gold dust to form spikes that shot toward Peter. But Peter moved with such speed that he seemed to vanish, reappearing behind Rasa and delivering a crushing blow to his back. The Kazekage fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

Gengetsu attempted to summon another water attack, but Peter intercepted him, grabbing his arm and twisting it behind his back. With a swift motion, Peter sent him flying into the ground, the impact creating a small crater.

A and Bee, determined to protect their allies, launched themselves at Peter once more. But Peter sidestepped their attacks effortlessly, delivering precise, powerful strikes that left both brothers sprawled on the ground, groaning in pain.

Onoki, refusing to give up, directed his rock golem to attack again. But Peter shattered the golem with a single punch, then grabbed Onoki by the collar and threw him to the ground with bone-jarring force.

The battlefield fell silent as the Kages lay beaten and battered, their bodies aching from the relentless assault. Peter stood in the center, completely unscathed, dusting his hands off. "Okay, you can go now…" He shooed them off. "I still have to train my new students today, so leave quietly. Don't disturb people."

Watching from the wall, Minato, Kushina, and everyone else felt a mixture of relief and awe. Peter had single-handedly dismantled the combined might of the four Kages.

But, just as everyone thought it was over, a sudden hush fell over the battlefield. A man in a black cape, appearing to walk with a cane, stood atop the barrier Peter had created to contain the armies. His red eyes glowed ominously under his hood, drawing everyone's attention.

"It seems this old man has to step in…" the mysterious figure said, his voice carrying an eerie calm.

A/N: 2024 words :)



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