I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C120 Convincing the Jedi

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

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In the Jedi Council room, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation as the last council member took their seat. 

Yoda pressed a button on his datapad, and his call with Peter was sent to the holographic projector in the center of the room. 

A hologram image of Peter appeared before the Jedi Council, and Peter bowed respectfully. “Masters.” 

Mace Windu, looking tired of waiting, spoke up first. "What's all this about, Peter?"

Ki-Adi-Mundi, a leader of the faction of the council that disapproved of Peter and his methods, chimed in next. "Yes, what exactly is this about? I don’t remember Jedi Knights having the power to gather the council. But then again, I don’t remember Jedi Knights being allowed a vacation either…”

A handful of council members nodded in agreement, their expressions disapproving.

This set off an argument among the council members, with those who supported Peter clashing verbally with those who wished to be stricter with him or just outright disliked him.

"He's brought us valuable information before," argued Shaak Ti. "We should at least hear him out."

"Information or not, there are protocols to be followed," countered Saesee Tiin. "We cannot always bend the rules for one Knight. How will others feel?"

"His insights have proven useful time and time again," defended Adi Gallia. 

"But allowing a Knight to bypass procedure undermines the council's authority," insisted Oppo Rancisis.

The debate grew heated, with voices overlapping and tensions rising.

Seeing no end to this, Yaddle raised her hand, her voice calm yet commanding. "Enough. We would know what this is about if we allowed Knight Quill to speak."

Yoda nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Unorthodox, this is. Important, he says it is. Hear him out, we should, before making up our minds and dismissing him."

Out of respect for Yoda, the council members fell silent. Plo Koon turned to the hologram of Peter, who had been waiting patiently for his chance to speak.

"Please, tell us what you have to say, Knight Quill," Plo Koon said, his voice measured and calm.

“Before I begin…” Peter’s hologram turned to Yoda and asked, "Is the room secure? The information that I’m about to tell you is very sensitive. We need to ensure only the council members are present."

Instantly, the council members turned serious, though some still looked at Peter skeptically. 

“…” Yoda silently waved the Jedi Temple guards out of the room. Then, he reached over to the controls on his chair and pressed a sequence of buttons, activating the council room’s highest level of security.

As the guards left, the door hissed shut, and metal shutters dropped from above, sealing not only the door but the windows as well, darkening the room considerably.

"Sealed, the room has been," Yoda said, his voice echoing in the now dimly lit chamber. "Encrypted, our communication is, to the highest level."

Mace Windu spoke next, his tone firm. "You can speak freely now. What’s this all about, Peter?"

Peter took a deep breath, the weight of his revelation pressing down on him. "I believe a Sith Lord was behind the Kree Rebellion and is currently the leader or a leading member of the New Kree Empire."

The reactions of the council ranged from skepticism to serious concern, their expressions a mix of disbelief and worry. They exchanged glances, some more troubled than others.

"A Sith Lord leading the Kree Empire?" Ki-Adi-Mundi's skepticism was evident. "This is a serious claim, Knight Quill."

Plo Koon's voice was more measured, but no less concerned. "If what you say is true, this could have grave implications for the entire galaxy."

Mace Windu leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Explain everything. How did you come to this conclusion?"

Peter nodded and began explaining. "I found the Kree Empire's mysterious enforcer you told me about."

Yoda and Windu exchanged a glance of worry. Windu frowned. "We warned you to keep away from Kree airspace and their enforcer..."

Peter quickly cut in, "And I did as I was told, but I just kind of found her."

"Her?" Windu asked, his frown deepening. 

Peter nodded. "Yes, the Kree’s mysterious enforcer is a woman named Carol Danvers. She crash-landed on a planet in Wild Space."

Instantly, the council grew tense. Plo Koon spoke up, his tone full of disapproval and worry. "Wild Space? Does that mean you are in Wild Space as well?"

Scratching the back of his head awkwardly, Peter admitted, “Uhh, yeah..."

This admission set off a maelstrom in the council chamber.

"This is reckless!" Ki-Adi-Mundi exclaimed. "You have no idea what dangers lurk in Wild Space!"

"He's put himself in grave danger," Saesee Tiin added.

"Wild Space is uncharted and hazardous. This was a foolish decision," Oppo Rancisis argued.

The heated argument quickly escalated, with voices overlapping and the chamber filled with tension.

"Enough!" Yoda banged his cane on the ground, the sound echoing through the chamber and quickly quieting everyone down. He stared straight at Peter, his eyes piercing. "Continue, you must. Answers later, you will give, for why in Wild Space you are."

Peter took a deep breath, knowing his master wasn’t happy. "Understood, Master Yoda."

Mace Windu's expression was intense as he leaned forward. "Where is Carol Danvers now? Is she a danger to you? And how does this all link back to a Sith in the Kree Empire? Did she tell you this herself?"

Peter began explaining. "Carol crash-landed here on this planet and was taken in by some kind people. She was in a coma for a while, but when she woke up, she went ballistic and attacked everyone around her."

Worried, Yaddle cut in. "Are you safe? Were you hurt?" She asked, knowing how dangerous the Kree’s enforcer really was. 

Peter nodded, smiling slightly. "I'm fine. Once Carol was subdued, we discovered a chip implanted in her head, controlling her. The Sith behind the Kree seemed to have implanted it to control her."

Mace Windu asked, "And I presume the chip has been removed?"

Peter nodded. "Yes, earlier today."

Plo Koon followed up, "And she was able to tell you about the Sith afterward?"

Peter shook his head. "Not exactly." This confused the council, but he continued. "When she awoke after the surgery, she didn’t know who she was or where she was. Then, suddenly, she started screaming in pain and holding her head. I moved closer to comfort her, but as I touched her, I had a vision of her past."

Yoda's eyes narrowed. "Psychometry?"

Peter frowned. "Maybe."

Yoda read Peter easily and pressed, "You think it was something else?"

Peter explained, "I believe Carol was recalling a memory, and I simply saw what she was remembering. That would explain the screaming and the pain..."

Frowning, Yaddle leaned forward. "What did you see?"

Peter's voice was grave as he recounted the vision. "I saw her being tortured by a Sith in a black cloak, in the name of training. He shot lightning from his fingers, electrocuting her over and over again. And he enjoyed it. He laughed, but it sounded more like a shrill cackle. and she just took it all willingly, thanking him for every bit of pain he doled out."

The council reacted with a mix of horror and outrage. "Unthinkable," Shaak Ti murmured, shaking her head.

"Yes, but it certainly sounds like a Sith…" Plo Koon's voice was thick with disgust.

The council members muttered between themselves, their expressions serious as they prepared to question Peter further. Windu spoke up first, leaning forward ever so slightly. "Do you know the name of this Sith Lord or what he looks like?"

Peter took a moment to think. He knew who the Sith was—Sheev Palpatine, or rather, Darth Sidious. Though he hadn’t seen his face or heard his name in the vision. 

‘I can’t reveal my past life's information directly, but that doesn’t mean I can’t sprinkle in some extra breadcrumbs to help fill in the blanks, right?’ His decision made, Peter said, "I couldn’t see his face, since he wore a hood, but I did hear what Carol called him, besides 'master,' of course."

Instantly, every member of the council leaned forward, awaiting his reply. And after a short, dramatic pause, Peter revealed the name. "Darth Sidious."

As that name echoed through the chamber, every council member tensed. About five years ago, they were warned about the existence of Darth Sidious by a mysterious source(Peter). But their investigations had led nowhere, as Sheev Palpatine, the true identity of Darth Sidious, had vanished without a trace.

A heavy silence fell over the council room, the gravity of the revelation sinking in. “…”

Mace Windu's face was etched with concern. "This is troubling news..."

Plo Koon nodded. "This could be the greatest threat we have faced in millennia."

With the reveal of the name Darth Sidious, the council took Peter’s information much more seriously. Even those who disliked him had solemn expressions on their faces.

Windu spoke up, his tone urgent. "Where are you exactly, Peter? We’ll send some Jedi to retrieve you and Carol Danvers immediately."

The council nodded in agreement. They needed to get Carol into their custody and start asking questions. The information she had could be crucial. No, it was definitely crucial.

Peter replied, "Actually, there’s another reason I called."

Hearing this, many in the council raised their brows, wondering what else he had to say.

"Carol's powers are not of the Force, but they're quite powerful nonetheless. Sidious most likely sees her as a high-value resource. He won't abandon her, even if she’s crashed and presumed dead on some backwater planet in Wild Space."

Realizing what Peter meant, Yoda spoke. "Believe he will send people to retrieve her, you do?"

Peter nodded. "Or he’ll make the trip himself."

“!” Instantly, the council members tensed.

"Peter, you must leave that planet immediately and take Carol with you," Shaak Ti urged. "Neither of you can be allowed to fall into the hands of the Sith."

"Agreed," added Plo Koon. "It's too dangerous for you to stay there. You need to get to a safe location."

"Your safety and hers are paramount," Yaddle said. "You must return to the temple immediately."

Peter listened to their concerns before responding, "Or… I could stay."

Ki-Adi-Mundi exclaimed, "Are you mad?!"

Peter shook his head. "No, I’m thinking strategically. Tell me, what would happen if Darth Sidious or one of his subordinates came here and found an army of Jedi waiting for them?"

Instantly, the council members realized what Peter meant. This could be a rare opportunity for a surprise attack against the Sith, who would have no reason to believe the Jedi would be there, lying in wait.

Plo Koon's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "A trap... This could be our chance to strike a significant blow to the Sith and finally confirm their existence."

Mace Windu's gaze was intense as he asked, "How long ago did Carol crash on the planet you're on?"

Peter replied, "A little over a week ago, I think."

Plo Koon saw where Windu was heading with this. "Then it's likely the Kree have known about her crash and have already sent people to retrieve her. They’ll most likely arrive before us, even if we leave right this second."

Peter frowned in thought before nodding. "Yeah, but if I can keep them busy long enough for you to arrive, we can still take them by surprise with an ambush."

The council fell silent, each member contemplating the situation. Windu finally shook his head. "Absolutely not. Your safety is far too important to risk. Maybe if we could get there before they arrive, I'd be willing to consider it, but not if you’re at risk."

The rest of the council voiced their agreement, their concern for Peter clear. After all, he is the chosen one. His life held far greater importance than anyone else's.

Yoda, agreeing with the council, looked at Peter and gave his order. "To your ship, you must go. Return to the temple immediately. Give up the surprise attack, we will. Fight another day, we can."

Peter fell silent in thought. If he were to leave as they ordered, the Kree would still come, which meant Earth would be in danger. “…”

Shield and the mutants of Earth might hold them off, but if even one Kree ship escaped and alerted Sidious to the existence of mutants, Earth would be in real peril.

Peter couldn’t allow that. It would put his home, friends, and family in danger. Besides, this was a golden opportunity, especially if Sidious came himself. They could get rid of him for good without a galaxy-wide war.

Seeing the look on Peter's face, both Windu and Yoda glanced at one another, sensing their apprentice was about to do something reckless.

Windu tried to intervene. "Peter, you have to see reason. We—"

But before he could finish, Peter made up his mind. Smiling, he said, "I won't be returning. So, you should all saddle up and get here quickly." He winked and added, "See you soon."

Windu jumped out of his seat, yelling, "Peter, don't you dare—"

But Peter ended the call, leaving Windu and the rest of the council with his decision. “…”

As they realized the corner they had been put in, Yoda spoke up, his voice firm. "Prepare for departure. Within the hour, we leave."

The council members nodded, understanding the urgency and gravity of the situation. They had no choice but to act swiftly and support Peter…

A/N: 2291 words :) 🚨Patréon Link🚨

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