I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C128 Real Aliens?!

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


Rocket, leading the way with a determined stride, motioned for Peter, Peggy, and Tony to follow him. "Come on, this way to the control room," he barked, his voice tense but focused.

Peter glanced at Peggy and Tony, then followed Rocket. They navigated through the hallways of the Red Room, the alarm still blaring in the background, causing a sense of urgency to settle over the group.

As they hurried along, they encountered a group of Black Widows, their faces a mix of confusion and concern. One of them stepped forward, her brow furrowed. "What's going on? Why is the alarm sounding?"

Peter raised a hand to calm them. "Return to your rooms for now. We'll handle this."

The Black Widows hesitated but nodded, dispersing back to their quarters. However, Natasha lingered, her eyes locking onto Peter's. "I'm coming with you."

Peter nodded, not having the time to argue. "Fine, let's go."

They continued their brisk pace through the hallways, finally arriving at the operations room. The doors slid open, revealing a space filled with an array of alien technology, the hub of the Red Room's control systems. The room was bathed in a soft blue glow, illuminated by various screens and holographic displays.

Waiting inside were the rest of Peter's crew: Groot, Cosmo, a groggy Howard the Duck, Teefs, Lylla, and Floor. Revan was notably absent, still lying low as the Jedi could arrive at any time.

“…” Peter's eyes narrowed slightly at the sight of Howard, who avoided his gaze, hungover but clearly aware of the trouble he had caused the night before.

Tony couldn't help but whistle in admiration as he took in the advanced technology that filled the room. "Impressive setup," he muttered, his engineer's mind already buzzing with curiosity.

But before Tony could say much more, a pressing issue demanded attention. "Why are the alarms going off?" Peggy asked, her voice cutting through the tension.

Rocket moved to the central desk, his fingers flying over the control panel. "I'll show you," he said, pressing a series of buttons. Moments later, a large holographic screen flickered to life, displaying dozens of Kree warships breaching Earth's atmosphere.

The room fell silent as everyone stared at the holographic display, the reality of their situation sinking in. The Kree invasion had begun.

"The sensors picked up the signals from the incoming warships," Rocket stated grimly, turning to face the group.

Peter's brow furrowed as he scrutinized the number of warships on the holographic display. The sheer size of the fleet was unexpected. "Sidious sent this many ships just for Carol?" he mused aloud. ‘I wonder if he’s aboard one of them?’

Tony, staring wide-eyed at the Kree fleet, was in shock. The reality of the alien invasion, which he had doubted, was now glaringly apparent. "That... that's a real image, right? It's not fake?" he muttered, unable to tear his eyes away from the screen.

Rocket scoffed, glancing up at Tony. "Oh, it's real, alright." His nod was accompanied by a taunting tone. "What? Are you scared?"

Tony didn't reply, the truth evident in his expression. Fear gripped him, but he tried to mask it with a forced smirk. “Not a chance…”

Peter, sensing the need for swift action, immediately took control of the situation. "Peggy, contact Magneto and the Professor. Let them know the Kree have arrived sooner than we expected and that we need them here immediately."

Peggy nodded, pulling out her phone and stepping into a corner to make the calls. Her voice was calm but urgent as she relayed the situation.

Turning to Rocket, Peter asked, "Where are we right now? Did we make it to the designated location already?"

Rocket hit a few buttons on the control panel, bringing up another hologram that displayed their location on a map. They were exactly where they had planned to be: a forested area in the northern part of Upstate New York, close to the Canadian border.

Peter nodded in approval. "Good. Now we don’t have to worry about innocent civilians getting killed." He paused, his eyes fixed on the hologram showing the Kree ships descending toward Earth. "Of course, it all depends on whether the Kree follow Carol's ship's beacon here, as we hope they will."

The room fell silent as Peter watched the first hologram intently, waiting to see if the Kree ships would head their way.

Natasha, unable to stand the tension, spoke up. "Why’d you go quiet? Shouldn’t we do something? Like prepare or maybe contact them?"

Peter shook his head. "We've already prepared, and we're currently waiting to see if the Kree will come to us."

Tony, still processing the enormity of the situation, asked, "And if they don’t?"

Peter frowned in thought, his gaze never leaving the hologram. "Then we'll have to go with Plan B...”


Meanwhile, Carol Danvers stirred in her hospital bed, the soft beeping of medical monitors provided a steady rhythm, grounding her disoriented thoughts. As her eyes fluttered open, she realized she was in a brightly lit office, the walls adorned with bookshelves.

Voices, low and urgent, reached her ears. She turned her head and saw four unfamiliar people alongside Professor Charles Xavier, Storm, Beast, and Colossus. “?!” Her eyes widened in shock as she took in the sight of Colossus and Beast, their inhuman appearances startling her.

"Peter just contacted me," Xavier's voice was calm but edged with urgency. "The Kree have arrived. We need to leave immediately."

Storm crossed her arms, her brows furrowed. "Are we taking any of the more powerful students with us as backup? I don’t want to involve them, but—"

"No," Xavier interjected gently. "The students must be kept safe. We are the strongest teachers here, so it will be just us. The others will stay behind to watch over the students."

Colossus nodded, though his worry was palpable. "I agree, but are we certain this isn’t some kind of trick? This whole alien invasion thing... it sounds far-fetched."

Storm added, "Yes, Professor. Are you certain this isn't a deception? I mean, was the ship she—" She gestured towards Carol, who immediately closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. "—crashed in truly alien?"

‘I crashed in an alien ship?!’ Carol couldn’t believe it. 

Xavier shook his head, his expression resolute. "No, it’s not a trick. Although I don’t like reading others' minds without permission, I can still sense their emotions. Peter was not lying. This threat is real, even if it seems unbelievable."

The conversation was rushed, each member of the team feeling the pressure of time. Yet, their doubts and questions stalled them. 

Beast glanced at Carol's bed, his eyes filled with concern. "These aliens are technically here for her, right? Is it safe to leave her here unprotected?"

Carol's eyes widened at this revelation, her heart pounding in her chest. Aliens were after her? She couldn't remember why. In fact, she couldn’t remember much at all, except for that one torturous memory she recalled the last time she woke up. 

The thought of it made her flinch involuntarily, the pain and fear still vivid. ‘Who was that?’ She asked herself. 

“Hmm, that makes sense. Maybe we should take her with us?” Charles turned in his wheelchair, his gaze landing on her. He had sensed her consciousness, knowing she was awake the whole time. "Carol, I know you’re awake. Given the situation, do you want to come with us?"

The rest of the teachers, slightly alarmed, raised their brows, realizing they had no idea how long she had been awake and eavesdropping on their conversation.

Carol warily opened a single eye, peaking out at them as she tried to process everything. Aliens, invasions, her missing memory... It was all too much. But if these aliens were truly after her, and that torturous memory was genuine, perhaps she had no other choice but to go with them…

Swallowing hard, she nodded slowly. "Y-Yes... I’ll come with you..."

“Good,” Xavier gave her a reassuring smile. "We’ll explain everything on the way. For now, just stay close and follow our lead."

Storm, Beast, and Colossus exchanged looks, their earlier doubts replaced with a sense of purpose. They had their mission, and now they had to execute it. The Kree invasion was upon them, and they needed to get to the Red Room as fast as possible. 


At the same time, Magneto stood in his penthouse, the morning sun casting long shadows through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The cityscape of New York stretched out before him, but his mind was elsewhere. He had just hung up the phone after speaking with Peggy, the urgency in her voice echoing in his thoughts.

"Everyone, get ready. We’re leaving for the Red Room," Magneto announced, his voice commanding and unwavering. He glanced at Juggernaut, Mystique, Toad, and Sabertooth, who were already gearing up. "Meet me on the roof in five minutes."

As his followers moved to comply, Magneto turned back to the window. He closed his eyes, extending his senses outward, feeling for the metal in the Kree fleet. ‘Where is it?’ He hoped to finally determine whether Peter had been lying to him about these aliens.

Magneto's powers stretched across the distance, and he gasped as the overwhelming presence of the ships filled his mind. ‘He wasn’t lying…’ Dozens of enormous vessels, some the size of small cities, were headed straight for them.

Mystique approached him silently, watching as his eyes flew open in shock. "What is it?" she asked, her voice tense.

Magneto pointed out the window at the clear sky. "Do you see it?"

Mystique squinted, scanning the horizon. At first, there was nothing but the blue expanse, but then she noticed something—tiny dots that seemed to grow larger by the second. What she initially mistook for smudges on the glass or distant birds soon revealed themselves to be a fleet of alien ships, dozens of them, bearing down on the city.

Her eyes widened in alarm. "We need to get to the Red Room now!"

Magneto, amused by her reaction, nodded in agreement. "Yes, let’s not keep our new allies waiting." He turned and headed for the door, Mystique following close behind.


As Magneto flew off, the city of New York buzzed with its usual energy as the day began. People bustled through the streets, cars honked in the perpetual traffic, and the city's vibrant life carried on as always. However, the serenity of the morning was soon to be shattered.

High above, the sky began to darken, not with clouds, but with the silhouettes of enormous ships. At first, they were just tiny dots, barely noticeable against the vast expanse of blue. But as they grew larger, moving steadily toward the city, heads began to turn skyward.

"Hey, what's that?" a man on a street corner called out, pointing upwards. 

A group of tourists, cameras slung around their necks, squinted and started snapping photos, their excitement evident. "Are those... new military planes?" one of them wondered aloud, her voice tinged with doubt.

On the side of the street, a bum, who looked surprisingly similar to Stan Lee, emerged from his makeshift home, a cardboard box, shielding his eyes from the sun as he gazed up. His eyes widened as he saw the colossal vessels approaching. "What in the world...?"

Police officers directing traffic looked up, their radios crackling with confused chatter. "Dispatch, we got something strange in the sky. Looks like uhh... alien ships? Big ones."

Someone on the radio responded, “John?! Is that you again? What did I say about… Oh my god…” his voice trailing off, catching sight of the fleet himself. 

In a corporate high-rise adorned with a large sign that stated ‘Fisk Industries,’ a towering elephant of a man with a bald head and a white suit sat at his desk, flipping through paperwork, a skimpily dressed secretary standing beside him. 

[Insert picture of Kingpin here]

Suddenly, the room darkened as a shadow blocked the natural sunlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows. The secretary curiously glanced out the window and froze. "M-Mr. Fisk?" she called out, her voice trembling with unease.

Fisk turned to the window, his eyes widening. "What the hell is that?"

Journalists and photographers at the New York Times building rushed to the roof, cameras, and notepads in hand, capturing the surreal sight. "This is front-page news," a seasoned reporter muttered, his hands trembling slightly with adrenaline.

As the ships drew nearer, the excitement turned to apprehension. People stopped in their tracks, eyes glued to the sky. The enormity of the vessels became clear, their size dwarfing the city's tallest skyscrapers by miles. A wave of fear rippled through the city as the reality of the situation set in.

"We're being invaded!" someone shouted, and panic began to spread.

Mothers clutched their children, dragging them towards safety. Shopkeepers hurriedly pulled down shutters, and people on the streets started running, their initial awe replaced by sheer terror.

But then, a collective sigh of relief echoed through the city as the massive ships passed overhead, not stopping, their ominous presence casting long shadows over the streets below. They were headed inland, their destination unknown to the bewildered New Yorkers.

Darth Maul stood on the bridge of the Kree flagship, his yellow eyes glowing with a sinister light as he gazed down at the planet below. The humans, mere ants from this vantage point, scurried in panic as the fleet of Kree warships passed overhead. 

Maul's lips curled into a sneer, a mixture of contempt and dark satisfaction playing across his face. "Pitiful creatures," he muttered, his voice a low growl. "So easily frightened. They will make for poor slaves when we claim this world."

The officers around him remained silent, their focus on the instruments and screens that guided their path. Maul’s disdain for the inhabitants of Earth was palpable, his mind already envisioning the conquest and subjugation that would soon follow.

He watched as the city of New York faded into the distance, the fleet continuing its journey deeper inland, their destination drawing near.

Maul’s thoughts turned to his mission, his expression hardening. "First, we find masters plaything," he glanced back at his subordinates. "Then we will crush this insignificant planet and claim it for ourselves..."

As the fleet vanished into the distance, a young boy stood frozen, gazing out his bedroom window, his hazel eyes wide with a mix of fear and fascination. In his hand, he clutched a small toy spaceship, now insignificant compared to the real ones that had loomed above.

[Insert picture of child Peter Parker here]

Still staring into the horizon, he whispered to himself, "Aliens... they're real."

A/N: 2484 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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