I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C131 Nuke Inbound

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

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Peter stood with his head bowed in respect as Yoda and Mace Windu descended from the Jedi ship, flanked by several armed Jedi Knights. The surrounding mutants alongside Groot and Carol watched in silent bewilderment, many unaware of the Jedi and Peter's relationship with them. 

"Welcome to Earth, Masters," Peter greeted, lifting his head to meet their gazes.

Yoda nodded, his wise eyes taking in the scene. "Grateful we are, for your welcome, Knight Quill," he smiled, happy to see his padawan again.

Mace Windu stepped forward, his demeanor calm but focused. "It's good to see you, Peter. I'm relieved to see that the Force has guided us here in time."

Yoda tapped his cane on the ground, his ears twitching slightly as he addressed the Jedi behind him. "Clean up the battlefield, you will. Capture those who surrender, you must." He commanded. 

The Jedi Knights ignited their lightsabers with a synchronized hum and sprinted off towards the forest, the force propelling them forward at inhuman speeds, their mission clear. 

"?!" The crowd behind Peter watched in shock. Not only did every single one of them wield a laser sword, just like Peter, but they also appeared to have enhanced bodies. 'Are they mutants?' many wondered.

Lightsabers flashed as they moved with purpose, their forms disappearing into the trees alongside the Jedi from the other ships that had landed.

Seeing there was no longer a threat in the sky and all enemy ships had been shot down, leaving only stray Kree soldiers who survived the crashes, Peter tapped the earpiece in his ear. "Hey, as you can see, the Jedi have arrived and taken care of the enemy ships. You can all relax. This war is basically over. But, If any of you feel like stretching your legs, you're welcome to come down and join the Jedi in cleaning up the leftovers."

Turning to the crowd behind him, Peter added, "That goes for you guys as well. If you want to help, follow the Jedi's lead." 

In the control room of the Red Room, relief washed over the group. Tony, hearing Peter's message, grinned and immediately donned his armorless Iron Man prototype, a makeshift exoskeleton suit that enhanced his strength and agility. "I'm heading out," he declared, excitement in his voice.

Peggy, his godmother, tried to stop him. "Tony, wait! It's still dangerous out there!" she yelled, clearly unwilling to let him go and risk his life. But she was old and couldn't keep up as Tony sprinted down the hallway, especially with his new exosuit. 

Howard, not wanting to miss out on the action, followed Tony with a determined look on his face. Rocket, seeing his chance to join the fray, activated his new backpack jet pack and shot out of the room, a trail of blue energy marking his path.

"Be careful, Tony!" Peggy called after him, worry etched on her face. She could only watch as her godson disappeared into the distance, heading towards the battlefield.

Back on the ground, the forest was alive with the sounds of battle. Lightsabers hummed and clashed, blaster fire echoed through the trees, and the roars of mutants and the growls of Groot reverberated across the battlefield.

On this battlefield, Tony Stark rocketed through the trees, his armorless suit humming with energy. This was his first real test run of the prototype, and although it lacked the protective shell he envisioned for the future, the mechanical enhancements to his strength and the thrusters on his feet and hands made him feel invincible.

'Why didn't I create something like this earlier?" He asked himself, the wind blowing through his hair as he flew at breakneck speed. 

As he burst into a clearing, Tony steadied himself, feeling the rush of wind and the exhilarating freedom of flight. His suit whirred and clicked as it adjusted to his movements, his excitement palpable.

"Alright, let's see what this baby can do," he muttered to himself, spotting a group of Kree soldiers emerging from the wreckage of a downed ship.

The Kree soldiers turned, their eyes widening in shock at the sight of a human flying towards them. Before they could react, Tony aimed his hands backward and throttled his thrusters, propelling himself forward with a burst of speed. 

Less than a second later, he landed amidst the shocked group, his enhanced strength allowing him to dispatch two soldiers with powerful punches that sent them flying into the forest as if they weighed nothing. 

"Not bad for a test run," Tony grinned, dodging blaster fire as he flew up again, using his thrusters to maneuver around the battlefield, a confident smirk on his face. 

Treating this like an amusing game, he flew through the air, laughing as the remaining alien soldiers opened fire on him, missing every shot. 

"Is that all you've got?" He called out, excitedly twisting his body as he dodged another barrage of blaster fire. 

But sadly, Tony wasn't Iron Man just yet. He was still just an irresponsible young man who had only ever been in a few bar fights and brawls, and this battle was on an entirely different level. 

His inexperience began to show as he misjudged a thruster boost, resulting in a blaster bolt grazing his shoulder. "Agh!" he exclaimed in pain, crashing into a tree and falling to the ground.

"Ugh…" Groaning, he scrambled to his feet, narrowly avoiding yet another blaster shot aimed at his head.

"Damn, I need to add that armor when this is over," he muttered, re-engaging the thrusters and launching himself back into the fray, his expression much more serious than before. 

As time passed, he made a few more mistakes—overestimating his suit's strength and missing some attacks here and there—but gradually, he began to get the hang of it, a glimpse of the real Iron Man starting to shine through.

Tony's movements became more fluid, his strikes more precise. He used his thrusters to dodge incoming fire and deliver powerful blows, sending Kree soldiers sprawling. He was still far from perfect, but with each engagement, his skill and experience grew.

Meanwhile, the Jedi moved through the forest with lethal grace, their lightsabers cutting through the Kree soldiers with ease. For many of the mutants and humans watching, this was their first time seeing Jedi other than Peter in action, and they were awestruck by the display.

Juggernaut, usually brash and outspoken, stood dumbfounded, watching as a Jedi Master flipped through the air, his green lightsaber a blur of motion. "Holy sh*t," Juggernaut muttered, unable to take his eyes off the scene.

Colossus nodded in agreement, his metallic skin reflecting the flashes of lightsabers. "Indeed. Their skill is... extraordinary."

Beast watched as another Jedi deflected a barrage of blaster shots with her blue blade, moving with a fluidity and precision that seemed almost impossible. "Their reflexes and senses must be off the charts," Beast noted, his voice filled with awe.

Sabretooth, usually a picture of bloodlust and aggression, found himself quietly impressed. "Impressive," he growled, his eyes tracking the movements of a Jedi Knight who was single-handedly taking down a squad of Kree soldiers.

As Tony fought, even he couldn't help but notice the Jedi sweeping through the battlefield. He paused for a moment, floating high above the trees, his eyes wide with awe. 'The Jedi… Who the hell are these guys?' He wondered. 

Peter would have some questions to answer later. 

Meanwhile, the Jedi were relentless, their lightsabers cutting through the Kree soldiers with ease. The Kree, despite their advanced technology and superior numbers, were no match for the combined might of the Jedi and the mutants. Those who resisted were cut down, while those who surrendered were swiftly captured and restrained.


While Tony and everyone else were clearing out and capturing the last of the Kree on the ground, Mace Windu and Yoda stayed behind with Peter, their keen eyes assessing the battlefield and the situation. Their gaze flicked to the unconscious and limbless Darth Maul, lying on the ground. 

Peter stepped forward, his eyes meeting those of the Jedi Masters. "This Sith seemed to be the one leading the army," he said, his voice steady. "Sadly, he didn't give his name."

Yoda's ears twitched. "A Sith, he is?" He spoke curiously, his eyes locked on the unconscious Sith. 

Windu nodded, his gaze hardening as he looked at Maul. "Is this the Sith you saw in your vision, Peter?"

Peter shook his head. "No, this one is different. I'm guessing he's the apprentice."

Yoda's eyes narrowed slightly. "An apprentice, there always is. The master, we must find."

Peter nodded. "Agreed. But for now, we need to interrogate him. He has valuable information about the Sith and their plans, which is why I left him alive."

Yoda stepped closer to Maul, his small frame casting a long shadow over the fallen Sith. "Much hatred in him, I sense. Dangerous, he remains."

Peter scoffed, shifting his gaze to Maul. "Well, he is a Sith. And I did cut off his arms and legs. Even a Jedi might get angry after that..."

Yoda nodded sagely, "True…"

"Anyway, let's take him back to my base." Peter gestured to the floating base in the sky. "We can secure him there and begin the interrogation."

As they made their way back to the Red Room, the Jedi continued their sweep of the battlefield, killing the last of the Kree soldiers who resisted and securing those who surrendered, the scene became one of organized chaos. 

Slowly but surely, the battlefield began to quiet, the sounds of combat giving way to the distant hum of lightsabers and the murmurs of captured Kree soldiers. The day had been long and grueling, but they had emerged victorious.


Minutes earlier, across the country in Washington DC, President Bill Clinton was in an emergency meeting with General Ross and several other top military officials. The atmosphere was tense as they discussed how to handle the unprecedented situation. 

"Another group of alien ships has arrived," General Ross reported, his tone grim. "We don't know if they're friendly or hostile..."

President Clinton rubbed his temples, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. "What are we supposed to do? We never planned for anything like this…"

The room fell silent, the gravity of the moment sinking in. Just then, the door opened, and a man stepped in. He was tall and imposing, with his hair slicked back and a sharp, calculating gaze. This was Alexander Pierce, the newest member of the World Security Council, which oversaw Shield.

[Insert picture of Pierce here]

President Clinton's expression shifted to one of relief. "Good, you're finally here. What can you tell me about what's happening? Does Shield have a plan to deal with this?"

Pierce smirked confidently. "Of course, Mr. President. We've anticipated such scenarios, and we're ready to act. But we'll need your permission."

Clinton leaned forward, urgency in his voice. "What do you need?"

Pierce's smirk widened. "I need you to authorize—"


Back at the Red Room, Peggy Carter had remained in the control room, closely monitoring the holographic projections of the battle outside. Relief washed over her as she saw the tide turning in their favor, the combined efforts of the Jedi and their allies overwhelming the remaining Kree forces.

However, her sense of relief was short-lived as her phone began to ring. It was Alexander Pierce again. 'This boy really knows how to get on my nerves…' She sighed, annoyed. She thought she had made it clear that she was handling the invasion and to leave her alone. But apparently, Pierce didn't know how to listen.

She answered the phone, ready to tell him off. "What is it, Pierce? I'm handling—"

Cutting her off, Pierce spoke in a hurry, "Peggy, listen carefully. We have a new directive from the President. I don't know if we have operatives where those aliens are, but if we do, extract them immediately."

Peggy raises a curious brow, a bad feeling creeping up her spine. "Why?" She asked. 

"Because, we just launched a nuke…"

A/N: 2057 words :) 🚨Patréon Link🚨

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