I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C17 TimeSkip

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 10 chapters ahead!

🚨Patréon Link🚨



One year later…

In the silent shroud of the night, atop the once-corrupted Sith shrine now cleansed of its dark past, sat a 12-year-old Peter Quill, his eyes glowing a fierce yellow. Thin blue strands of lightning danced along his outstretched hands, crackling with the raw energy of the Force.

His master, Darth Revan, observed closely, his ethereal silhouette bathed in the glow of Peter's power. "Control, Peter," his voice cut through the night, stern yet encouraging. "Your rage fuels your strength, but it must not govern you."

Peter's expression, twisted in concentration and anger, softened at Revan's words. Taking a deep, steadying breath, he reined in his emotions, the chaotic dance of lightning calming into a steady, controlled flow. His eyes returned to their normal shade, the yellow light fading as he wrangled control of his rage, at least for the time being.

Over the past year, Peter had become a regular visitor to this underground shrine, seeking the teachings of his new master under the cover of darkness. Through Revan's guidance, he's delved deep into the Sith arts, learning to conjure Force lightning, as he's doing now.

Of course, that wasn't all he's learned. Peter's become quite adept at a few different Sith arts, such as Force Choke, a power where one would use the the Force to choke or strangle a victim, oftentimes with a grip-like gesture.

Or Deadly Sight, an ability that harnessed a Force-user's fury and hatred and then projected that through an intense glare onto the victim. It should blister the skin and vaporize extremities, but sadly, Peter wasn't at that level yet. At most, he could scare his enemies with a single look, which wasn't a bad start.

But one of the things Peter's focused on the most, other than controlling his own emotions, was safe guarding his mind, as he didn't want to be hypnotized, controlled, or have his thoughts read.

And thankfully, both the Jedi and Sith had their own ways of protecting their minds, so Peter had the luxury of learning both, securing himself like a towering fortress.

Yet, the techniques he's learned were more than simple weapons or safe guards; they are a reflection of his mastery over himself, a balance Peter struggled to maintain. Though he was progressing more and more each day.

Each lesson was demanding, pushing Peter to the brink of his emotional and physical limits. Learning to channel his emotions, to let them empower him without succumbing to their control, was an especially arduous task.

Yet, it was one that the Grey Jedi Code helped him navigate. This unique philosophy, blending the differences of each side of the Force, offered him a beacon of balance amidst the hardship of his training.

And to Peter's surprise, Darth Revan was unlike any Sith he'd seen on the big screen. Beyond the expected and often brutal teaching methods, Revan proved to be an astute and wise mentor. His guidance often weaved between the harsh lessons of the Sith and the wisdom of the Jedi, reflecting his own complex history with both orders.

Despite the harshness of his training, Peter couldn't deny the growth he'd experienced under Revan's tutelage. The Sith lord's sadistic tendencies were undeniable, yet his approach to teaching was effective, imbuing Peter with a profound understanding of the Force from a perspective he hadn't known before

However, Peter's education in the Force wasn't limited to the dark teachings of his Sith master…

Above, within the Jedi Temple, he had access to the teachings and wisdom of numerous Jedi Masters. His foundation in the Jedi ways remained strong, and his skills and knowledge often surpassing what he learned from Revan.

After all, he's was learning to be a Jedi for two years before he accepted Revan as his teacher. His journey had begun with the Jedi, and their teachings continued to guide him, ensuring his path wasn't consumed by the Darkside.

Over the past year, in his Jedi training and studies, Peter has learned and become adept at a few light side abilities, but the most important of them were telekinesis, which he also learned from Revan, and Force light.

Telekinesis is a neutral ability that most Force-sensitives had which allowed them to move and otherwise manipulate physical matter in a variety of ways, all with the power of the Force. Force choke was actually a branch of this technique.

And secondly, Force light is a light side power, which Peter learned for two very important reasons, to protect himself against Revan in the early days of his apprenticeship, just in case, as he didn't know him very well yet. And most importantly, to help suppress his own dark side if the need ever arose.

When used against a Sith or other Dark side users, Force light would weaken the darksider's connection to the Force. With the light of the Force, Peter could either purge or contain dark side manifestations or nexus points, whether in places, spirits, or even living persons. Hence why it was such a good ability to have for Peter, and Yoda was more than happy to teach it to him.

Although Peter's studies were seperated by light and dark, one Sith and the other Jedi, he did his best to incorporate all that he's learned within himself. After all, In all things, balance seemed to be the key…

Especially when it came to the Grey Jedi Code.

As Peter controlled the Force lightning, dimming its intensity but maintaining its presence, he reflected on his journey. The past year had been transformative, challenging him in ways he hadn't imagined. The balance between the dark and the light within him was a constant battle, one that the Grey Jedi Code helped him navigate.

But there was one thing that he wasn't able to progress in, and that was the power he used to purify the Sith Shrine. Revan called it a state of force enlightenment, and Peter has tried to re-access that powerful state countless times, yet no matter how hard he tried, it didn't seem possible, at least not yet.

"Good, Peter," Revan commended, a rare note of approval in his voice. "Remember, the Force is a reflection of our will. Mastery comes from within."

Peter nodded, absorbing the lesson. Despite the complexity of his training, swinging back and forth between the Sith and Jedi teachings, he felt a sense of accomplishment. The path he walked was his own, shaped by the wisdom of both orders yet bound by neither.

As the minutes rolled by, Peter's hands continued to crackle with electricity. But soon enough, he began to struggle once again, fatigue setting in.

Noticing his apprentices struggle, Revan decided it was time to move on. "Enough," he declared, his voice a mixture of stern command and a hint of eagerness for what was to come. "That's enough for today, let's move on to combat training, where the true test of your control and your will shall be revealed."

"Oh, thank god…" Peter sighed in relief as the lightning vanished, his hands still stinging from every time he messed up and shocked himself.

With a casual flick of his wrist, Revan sent two stolen training sabers spinning through the air towards Peter. Catching them with an ease born of constant practice, Peter watched as Revan summoned another pair of stolen sabers to his hands. The azure blades ignited with a hiss, casting eerie shadows on the stone floor.

Peter ignited his own sabers, the blades glowing a similar soft blue. "Shii-Cho or Niman?" Peter asked.

"What do you think?" Devan replied, his brow raised.

"Niman it is…" He assumed the opening stance of Form VI, Niman, the duel wielding form that Revan had been teaching him throughout the past year.

Revan, his posture relaxed yet menacing, watched Peter with a critical eye, but Peter didn't make a single move. Instead, he simply stood in his stance, waiting for his master to come forward.

And so, the duel commenced with Revan advancing, his movements a blur of precision and power. Peter met his master's strikes with deft blocks and counterattacks. Each clash of their sabers echoed through the cavernous chamber.

Revan was relentless, each of his strikes a lesson in the brutal efficiency of combat. Peter, fuelled by determination and a year's worth of training, responded with equal fervor. His mastery of Niman allowed him to keep up with Revan's aggressive onslaught, but just barely.

"You're too defensive, Peter!" Revan barked as he pushed Peter back with a series of aggressive strikes. "Niman is about balance, but you must not forget the importance of offense. Strike, don't just parry!"

Peter took the advice to heart, adjusting his stance to be more aggressive. He launched a swift series of attacks, aiming to push Revan back. But Revan easily countered, demonstrating the vast gap in their skill levels.

The dance of their blades was a blur, a deadly ballet illuminated by the light of their sabers. Revan's style was a mix of precision and sadistic pleasure, taking every opportunity to exploit Peter's mistakes and punishing him for it.

"Ugh!" Peter grunted as his right arm was hit for the fifth time in a row.

"How many times must I beat it into you before you learn to evade!" Revan chided, a malicious air to him. "If this was a real duel, your arm would have been severed minutes ago!"



As almost an hour passed, Peter stood across from his master, unable to lift his arms anymore, exhausted beyond belief. "Can… Can we call it for today…?" He asked, his breaths heavy.

And with a sudden, unexpected maneuver, Revan appeared before Peter in a burst of speed, knocking him to the floor, sending one of his sabers clattering alongside him. Peter, battered, panting, and drenched in sweat, could only watch as Revan pointed the tip of his saber down at his chest, the duel concluded.

"You have improved, Peter," Revan conceded, his voice carrying a trace of rare approval. "But remember, mastery of Niman requires not just balance in technique but also in aggression and defense. Let this lesson deepen your understanding."

"Ughh… Yes Master…" Peter groaned as he stood to his feet, every inch of his body screaming at him in pain.

The training had been grueling, leaving Peter both physically and mentally exhausted. Yet, as Revan began to turn away, signaling the end of their nightly ritual, Peter remained still, an unusual hesitance in his stance.

"Master Revan," Peter began, his voice steady despite the fatigue that weighed heavily on his shoulders. "I, uh, might not make it to training for the next few days..."

The air between them grew tense, a palpable shift as Revan's ethereal cloak fluttered to a stop. He turned, his features obscured by shadows yet the intensity in his eyes unmistakable. "And why is that?" Revan's tone held an edge of disapproval, an unspoken rule being challenged.

Peter shuffled his feet, an awkward tension building. "Well, I've decided to join the Jedi Initiate Exam this year. To, you know, become a Padawan and stuff," he said, scratching the back of his head. A sheepish grin spread across his face, betraying his nervousness about the decision.

(A/N: Yes, I know it's called the Jedi initiate trials, but the word trial has been passed around a lot lately, so I decided to change it.)

For a moment, silence hung between them, thick and unyielding. "You seek to undertake the exam," Revan finally said, his voice low and contemplative. "A significant step. But why bother? I doubt you plan to stay with the Jedi for long… In fact, I could help you leave right now if you'd like…"

Peter's grin faded into a look of determination. "You're right, I don't plan to stay with the Jedi. But I'd rather leave after my training is finished, and preferably on good terms with them as well."

After all, if he were to just run away, that would no doubt start a manhunt, which would do nothing but make his life harder.

Revan studied Peter for a long moment before nodding once, a silent concession. "Very well. But be careful. It's been a long time since I've gone through my initiate exam, so I can't say for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if they test your emotions in some way..."

Peter nodded, a mix of excitement and apprehension bubbling within him. "Thanks, Master. I'll keep my guard up."


The rising sun cast a soft, golden hue over the Jedi Temple, its light filtering through the large windows and illuminating the cafeteria where Peter sat for breakfast.

Across from him was Aayla, who turned 8 years old just a few weeks ago. She had grown from the tiny, inquisitive girl he first met into a slightly less tiny force of nature, her presence comforting and familiar, though Peter would never admit that out loud.

As they ate, their conversation flowed easily, filled with the kind of teasing and laughter that had become a hallmark of their relationship. Despite her youth, Aayla's maturity and understanding had blossomed, making her company something Peter enjoyed. It reminded him of his sister from his previous life, a connection he knew he could never return to.

Finishing their meal, Peter felt a mix of excitement and nerves churn within him. Today was the day he would declare his intention to join the Jedi Initiate exam, a significant step toward his goal to ultimately leave the Jedi order.

The walk to class was silent, a contrast to their usual chatter. As they entered the classroom, the presence of Master Yoda immediately commanded attention.

Without hesitation, Peter stepped forward, his actions drawing the eyes of every youngling in the room. "?"

"I wish to join the Initiate exam this year," Peter announced, his voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions inside him.

A murmur of surprise rippled through the room. Aayla's expression shifted to a frown, the upset clear in her eyes, as well as a hint of hurt that he hadn't told her beforehand.

Master Yoda regarded Peter with a deep, contemplative gaze. "Sure of this, are you? Only three years, you have been with us. Longer, most younglings wait before they are ready."

Standing firm, Peter met Yoda's gaze. "I'm ready," he stated with confidence.

Yoda studied him a moment longer, then nodded, a small smile appearing. "Add you to the list, I will."

Relief washed over Peter, when suddenly, a familiar blue figure appeared beside him. "I wish to take the Initiate exam too!" Aayla exclaimed, shocking Peter.


A/N: 2450 words :) I'm writing 4 chapters on Patréon again today, if anyone's interested. PS- The latest Patréon chapters are already up to the first MCU/Marvel arc.🚨Patréon Link🚨

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