I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C2 Shockwave

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


Moments earlier, just as Peter and George's soul fused and became one, a sudden shockwave resonated through the force, a universe energy that encompassed everything, from the smallest speck of dust, to the largest of radiating star. From the tiniest microscopic germ, to the biggest Summa-verminoth. 

(A/N: Summa-verminoth is the biggest creature in star wars. Pretty much a giant tentacle monster with hundreds of eyes. They can be 7,500 meters (24,606 ft) in length.)

The shockwave, seemingly caused by Peter and George's union, radiated across the galaxy like ripples on water. And unbeknownst to Peter, this disturbance in the cosmic energy was felt by every force-sensitive being in the galaxy. 


Jedi Temple, Coruscant…

In the serene depths of meditation, Yoda, the wise and venerable Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, gasped as the force surged unexpectedly, his ancient eyes widened, the lines on his green face deepening with a mixture of terror and fascination. The force had seldom reacted in such a profound and violent manner. 

[Insert picture of Yoda here]

The unexpected nature of the shockwave left Yoda unsettled yet intrigued, prompting him to seek answers through the force.

Just as Yoda began to delve deeper into his meditation, a white-robed Jedi temple guard hurriedly entered the room, his steps echoing the urgency of the situation.

Before the guard could voice a single word, Yoda, still focused on the force, spoke, "Call the council, you must. A meeting we must hold. Sense, I will, the cause of this disturbance."

The Jedi temple guard nodded in acknowledgment and swiftly left the room to convey Yoda's message to the other members of the Jedi Council. Throughout the temple, Jedi of various ranks, from younglings to masters, felt the unsettling tremors in the force.

As Yoda resumed his meditation, he pondered the significance of this unprecedented event. The force, like an intricate tapestry, revealed threads of destiny intertwining across the galaxies. He hoped that the council's collective wisdom would unravel the mystery behind the cosmic disturbance that echoed through the force. 



In an opulent mansion on the lush planet Naboo, Sheeve Palpatine knelt in submission before his Muun master, Darth Plagueis. The echoes of the force shockwave reverberated through the elegant chambers, reaching even the dark corners where the Sith manipulated the currents of the force for their sinister purposes.

Darth Plagueis, a towering figure with pallid skin and deep-set eyes, remained seated in contemplation. The dark side of the force surged around him, responding to the mysterious ripple that disrupted its usual currents. 

[Insert picture of Darth Plagueis here]

Palpatine, his apprentice, otherwise known as Darth Sidious, maintained his kneeling posture, uncertainty etched on his face like shadows dancing in the dim light.

[Insert picture of Darth Sidious]

Palpatine's connection to the dark side made him sensitive to disturbances in the force, yet the nature of this shockwave baffled even his cunning mind. Fear of the unknown, a sentiment seldom experienced by the manipulative Sith Lord, clawed at the edges of Palpatine's consciousness.

Silence hung in the air, broken only by the distant sounds of Naboo's serene landscape. Eventually, the master of the Sith spoke, his voice a low and resonant murmur that cut through the tension like a shadowy blade.

"Rise, my apprentice," Plagueis commanded, his deep voice carrying an air of authority. "You must feel it. The force trembles with an unfamiliar energy."

"Yes, Master… It's strange…" Palpatine obeyed, rising from his kneeling position. His piercing yellow eyes locked onto the enigmatic visage of his master, awaiting guidance in the face of this uncharted disturbance.

"Look into this ripple," Plagueis continued, his tone masking the curiosity that lurked beneath his composed exterior. "Gather information from your connections in the Jedi order, and report back to me. I'd like to know what the Jedi Council thinks of this..."

Palpatine, though filled with uncertainty, nodded in agreement. With a gesture from Plagueis, Palpatine departed, leaving the opulent chambers and stepping into the lush Naboo night.

The Sith Lord wasted no time. His cunning mind analyzed the situation as he started reaching out to his 'friends' on Coruscant. 

Meanwhile, Plagueis remained seated, delving into his own contemplation, attuned to the dark currents that surged through the force. 'How odd…'


Deep in the vast expanse of wild space, at the far reaches of the known galaxy, the mighty Thanos, the mad Titan, sat upon a floating throne, his imposing figure observing his daughters, Gamora and Nebula, locked in heated combat.

[Insert picture of Thanos here]

The usual dance of death between the young siblings reached its predictable conclusion as Gamora emerged victorious. However, just as the green-skinned girl celebrated her triumph over her blue-skinned sister, an unseen force ripped through the area.

[Insert picture of Gamora here]

[Insert picture of Nebula here]

A shockwave surged through the very fabric of the universe, and even the mighty Thanos, who had dabbled in the mysteries of the force, found himself affected. Gamora and Nebula, too, staggered under the unforeseen impact, their small frames trembling with the echoes of the force.

As the cosmic ripple subsided, Thanos shooed his daughters away with a dismissive wave of his hand. His deep, gravelly voice resonated through the cosmic chamber, "Leave me."

Gamora and Nebula exchanged perplexed glances but obeyed their father's command, scurrying out of the room. 

The towering Titan closed his eyes, delving into a meditation that transcended the physical realm. His meager knowledge encompassed the force, an energy that connected all living things, and he sought to decipher the meaning behind this disturbance that even he, in all his might, could not ignore.

In the corridors outside, Nebula followed Gamora out, surprisingly upbeat. The lack of punishment from their father for her defeat was an unexpected victory in her eyes. Her few cybernetic enhancements glinted as she skipped along, reveling in the unusual turn of events.

Usually, when she loses to Gamora, her father would punish her, and lately his punishments have been getting worse and worse, hence the cybernetic enhancements on a child's body. Not only was her father beginning to force these 'upgrades' on her, but he would do so without numbing the pain, adding salt to the wound of an already grotesque punishment. 

"Gamora, what do you think that was back there? Father seemed pretty serious about it…" Nebula asked as she followed after Gamora. 

Although Thanos did all he could to ruin their relationship, Nebula tried her best not to blame her sister for their fathers actions. Even though she's constantly pitted against Gamora, and loses every time, she still sees her as family, and tries to get close to her, but…

"I don't know…" Gamora answered plainly as she walked off, not even looking back at her sister. 

"O-Okay…" She muttered, unsure how to carry on the conversation. "So… Do you want to play a game? We don't have to practice anymore since father is busy…" 

"No." Gamora answered, either unaware or uncaring of her sisters feelings. "And stop following me…" She huffed in annoyance as she turned a corner, leaving Nebula behind. 

Nebula stopped dead in her tracks as her little hands tightened into fists. 'Why is everyone so mean to me?!' She asked herself. 

In her fathers eyes, she was nothing but a failure, which made her a failure to all of his lackeys as well. Nebulas only hope was Gamora, who used to treat her kindly, but sadly, those happy days seemed to be long gone. 

Running in the opposite direction, as her sister told her not to follow, Nebula's vision grew cloudy as tears rolled down her cheeks.


Across the vast expanse of the galaxy, every force-sensitive individual felt the shockwave. From the unknown tribes dwelling on backwater planets, who regarded the force as an ancient magic, to the formidable Nightsisters of Dathomir, a ripple coursed through their beings like a distant echo. Each, in their own way, felt the disturbance that emanated from the fusion of Peter and George's souls. 

But only one was close enough to the shockwave to follow the ripples back to its source.

In the vastness of space, Mace Windu, the esteemed Jedi Master, floated in meditative tranquility aboard his ship. The gentle hum of the vessel's engines echoed in the background as he sought to center his connection with the Force. 

However, an unexpected shockwave in the Force disrupted his serene meditation, though he could sense that the disturbance he felt was very close to his current location.

Rushing into the cockpit if his ship, Windu followed the trail of the disturbance, guided by the Force itself. The Ravager ship, a rusty and worn vessel, came into view, drifting lazily against the backdrop of stars. Mace Windu couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency emanating from the source of the cosmic anomaly.

Hailing the Ravager ship through his communication system, Windu awaited a response. After a brief moment, a blue-skinned figure with an electronic mohawk appeared on the screen. 

[Insert picture of Yondu here]

Yondu, the leader of the Ravager vessel, seemed disoriented and possibly under the influence of some illegal substances. 

"Whassup, you lost or somethin'?" Yondu's words came out in a confusing mumble as he squinted at the holographic display. Behind him, Windu could see all sorts of ruffians, and all of them seemed just as inebriated as Yondu. 

Mace Windu, maintaining his Jedi composure, responded with a calm but firm tone, "I am Mace Windu, Jedi Master. I have sensed a disturbance in the Force originating from this ship. Identify yourself and prepare to be boarded."

Yondu chuckled, seemingly amused by the Jedi's presence. "Well, ain't you a fancy one. You them monks with the glowin' sticks, right? Disturbance, you say? Well, lemme tell ya, we got a few issues here, but I doubt it's any a your business…" he said, tauntingly. 

Growing wary of Yondu's dubious demeanor, Windu ended the call, deciding to take matters into his own hands. Navigating his ship with precision, he approached the Ravager vessel. The docking process was anything but smooth, as he had to brute force the connection between the two ships.

Docked with the Ravager ship, Mace Windu, clad in his Jedi robes, ignited his purple lightsaber. Prepared for the potential confrontation ahead, he steeled himself and made his way into the Ravager ship. 

A/N: 1750 words :) 🚨Patréon Link🚨

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