I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C210 Farewell

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


The hangar buzzed with activity as the final preparations for departure neared completion. The cargo bays of Atlas were nearly filled, the last supplies being loaded by a mix of Autobots and Decepticons. The energy in the air was heavy with the weight of goodbyes—bittersweet, filled with anticipation, but also tinged with sorrow.

Peter walked through the busy hangar, hands in his pockets, taking in the sight. Every footstep felt heavier, each moment a reminder of everything he was leaving behind. He had forged connections here—ones that felt deep, meaningful, and hard to let go of. But the call to leave, to keep moving forward, was undeniable.

Ahead, Master Windu stood with a small group of Jedi.

Peter approached Windu, offering a small nod. The Jedi Master inclined his head slightly, his usual stern expression softening just enough to reveal a hint of sadness. After all, he had only just reunited with his Padawan, and now Peter was leaving again. 

“You’ve done well, Peter.” Window spoke. “Without you, none of this would have been possible.”

“Yeah, well… I had some help,” Peter said with a grin.

Windu’s lips twitched—maybe the closest thing to a smile Peter had ever seen from him. “You’ll always have a place here. You know that, right?”

Peter nodded, the weight of Windu’s words settling over him. He looked at the new recruits standing beside the older Jedi—human children who had already joined the budding Jedi Temple, even if the construction wasn’t finished yet. 

But, two familiar faces stepped forward, catching Peter off guard.

Wanda and Pietro Maximoff.

Peter blinked, genuinely surprised. “Wait… what’s with the Jedi robes?”

Wanda smiled warmly, though her eyes carried the same haunted look they always had. “Master Windu thinks we could become strong Jedi… with the right guidance.”

Pietro frowned ever so slightly. “We wanted to join your crew, but we decided to learn space magic first.”

Windu sighed, “Pietro, how many times must I say this? The Force isn’t magic…”

Peter chuckled. “Good for you guys. And hey, who knows? Maybe one day you’ll join me out there.”

Wanda exchanged a glance with Pietro before turning back to Peter. “Hopefully...” The siblings gave Peter a heartfelt goodbye, thanking him for everything.

As Peter said his farewells to the Jedi, a familiar group awaited him next: Peggy, Steve, Nick Fury, and Coulson. The atmosphere between them was a mixture of professionalism and mutual respect. Except for Peggy, who looked like she was about to burst into tears. 

Fury was the first to speak, his tone gruff as ever. “Don’t get yourself killed out there, Quill. We’d hate to lose you.”

Coulson smiled warmly. “We’ll keep an eye on things here. Don’t worry.”

Peter shook Steve’s hand firmly, sensing the genuine admiration in the captain’s grip. “I won’t lie—I’m a little jealous. I’ve always wanted to be an astronaut, you know?” Steve admitted with a chuckle. “But someone has to look after everything while you’re gone, right?”

Peter’s gaze softened. “Thanks, Steve. I know I’m leaving things in good hands.”

Lastly, Peter stepped in front of Peggy, and was surprised as she pulled him into a tight hug out of nowhere. “Take care of yourself, Peter,” she whispered. “And don’t be a stranger.”

Peter smiled against her shoulder. “I’ll come back soon. I Promise.”

When he finally pulled away, Peggy gave him a reassuring nod, though there was an unspoken concern in her eyes, alongside a few stray tears.

Peter then made his way to another corner of the hangar, where the X-Men and Brotherhood of Mutants waited. Charles Xavier greeted him with a nod, his eyes warm with gratitude. “Your presence here has helped build more than just alliances, Peter. You’ve helped kickstart the beginnings of peace in a world that sorely needs it.”

“Let’s hope it keeps heading in that direction,” Peter said, shaking Xavier’s hand.

Magneto stood nearby, silent but watchful. Though he didn’t say much, his presence spoke volumes. There was an unspoken respect between the two—a recognition that their paths, however different, had crossed meaningfully.

Finally, Peter spotted Melina and Yelena off to the side, waiting quietly. He approached them with a grin. “Hey. What, no dramatic goodbye?”

Melina chuckled softly. “We figured we’d keep things simple.”

Yelena crossed her arms, a mischievous glint in her eye. “I wanted to throw you a going away party, but mom said not to...”

Peter’s grin faltered as he realized Natasha was nowhere to be seen. “Hey, have either of you seen Natasha?” He asks. 

Both women shared a glance, their expressions turning awkward. Melina shifted uncomfortably. “She… wasn’t in her room this morning...”

Peter’s heart sank, confusion and disappointment swirling in his chest. “So… that’s it?”

Yelena gave him a sympathetic look but didn’t offer more. It was clear that Natasha had made her decision—without saying it to his face.

Peter forced a small smile, trying to mask his disappointment. “Well… thanks for the heads-up, I guess.”

As he turned to leave, his thoughts drifted to Mikaela. She, too, was absent. The realization that both women might have chosen to stay on Earth hit Peter harder than he expected.

For a moment, he stopped in the middle of the hangar, scanning the area as if hoping to catch a glimpse of either of them. But there was nothing—only the steady hum of activity as his crew prepared for departure.

With a heavy sigh, Peter swallowed his disappointment and pressed forward…

As the final preparations for departure neared completion, Peter stood in the hangar of the Atlas. He watched his crew finishing their tasks, the energy buzzing with excitement, but also a bittersweet sense of goodbye. Soon, the mighty ship would leave Earth, and their journey into the stars would begin.

Peter was lost in thought when a familiar voice called out to him.

“Hey, Peter!”

Peter turned to see Tony Stark striding toward him, wearing his trademark casual smirk. “So, I’ve been thinking…” Tony began, rocking on his heels. “What better way to expand my horizons than a little intergalactic road trip?”

Peter raised an eyebrow, amused. “So you’re tagging along, huh?”

Tony gave a smug grin, pulling out a small device from his pocket. “I already moved my stuff into my new room on the Atlas. Hope you don’t mind the extra company.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Peter’s lips. “You’re seriously coming?”

“Yup.” Tony’s tone was light, but there was sincerity in his eyes. “I’ll have to come back eventually—Pepper, Peggy, and Rhodey will kill me if I stay gone for too long. But for now… the stars are calling, and I’m answering.”

As Tony spoke, his gaze flickered toward Peggy Carter, standing quietly nearby. The two shared a moment of unspoken understanding, and Tony’s usual cocky demeanor softened.

Peggy, sensing the weight of his decision, stepped forward. Without a word, she wrapped her arms around Tony in a tight embrace, as if saying goodbye to a son. “Take care of yourself, Tony,” she whispered, her voice filled with concern.

Tony chuckled softly, trying to keep things light. “Don’t worry, Peg. I’ll be fine.” He returned the hug, his tone carried genuine affection, the emotion in his eyes unmistakable.

Peter, observing the exchange, felt a flicker of warmth. “I’ll keep an eye on him,” Peter promised, giving Peggy a reassuring nod. “You have my word.”

Peggy pulled back from Tony with a reluctant smile. “Good. Just… don’t let him get too reckless.”

Tony rolled his eyes dramatically. “Reckless? Me? Never.”

With a final playful wink, Tony stepped back. 

It was finally time to go.

One by one, Peter’s allies said their farewells. The X-Men, Brotherhood, Jedi, etc. all bid their goodbyes, each in their own way. Ships began lifting off from the hangar, taking to the sky one by one.

The hangar slowly emptied, leaving Peter standing among the last of his crew, new and old. He took a deep breath, turning to face the massive ship at his back.

“Alright,” Peter called out to his crew. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

With that, Peter gave the command, and the Atlas began to shift. The ground beneath them trembled as gears whirred and machinery groaned to life. 

The massive structure morphed before their eyes, the building stretching and folding into a sleek, colossal starship. The transformation was mesmerizing, awe-inspiring, to say the least.

In moments, the Atlas stood in its new form—a Mega-Class Super Star Destroyer, gleaming in the light of Earth’s atmosphere. Its engines roared, and with a thunderous rumble, the ship lifted off.

[Insert picture here]

From their departing ships, Peter’s allies watched in amazement and sadness as the Atlas ascended into the sky. Peggy, Steve, Fury, Xavier, Magneto, and the others could only stare in awe as the ship shot into the stars, vanishing from sight.

Inside the bridge of the Atlas, Peter stood at the viewport, his gaze locked on the shrinking blue sphere behind them. Earth grew smaller and smaller until it was just a dot in the vast expanse of space. His heart was heavy with everything he was leaving behind, but also filled with anticipation for what lay ahead.

His crew bustled around him, settling into their new roles aboard the ship. This was his family now—a strange, mismatched collection of people, droids, and Transformers. 

He allowed himself a small smile as he turned away from the window, the earth no longer in sight.

Peter started toward his quarters, hoping to get some rest before the next leg of their journey. But just as he reached the hangar door, a muffled noise caught his attention.

He stopped, listening carefully. The sound came from one of the large crates stacked near the wall—soft, but unmistakably the sound of… arguing?

Curious, Peter approached the crate and placed a hand on it. Using the Force, he cracked it open, the lid lifting with a soft hiss.

Inside the cramped space were two very familiar figures: Natasha Romanoff and Mikaela.

Both women looked up at Peter, their faces a mix of guilt and annoyance.

“Uh… surprise?” they said in unison, though their tone was anything but coordinated.

Peter blinked, stunned. “What the hell are you two doing here?” He asked, a hurt look crossing his face. “I thought you were staying on Earth…”

Natasha scowled at Mikaela, her voice low with irritation. “You see, I told you we shouldn’t have done this! Look at him! He looks heartbroken!”

“Hey!” Mikaela shot back, glaring at Natasha. “This was your idea in the first place!”

Watching the two women argue, Peter couldn’t help but smile, realizing they hadn’t abandoned him as he feared—they just wanted to surprise him. 

Still, they would have to pay for toying with his emotions…

A mischievous glint flashed in his eyes as a sly smirk curled across his lips. With a wave of his hand, Peter telekinetically lifted both women from the crate, drawing them effortlessly through the air behind him as he strode toward his bedroom.

Panic flickered across their faces as they flailed helplessly in the air.

“P-Peter…” Mikaela stammered.

“I think he’s mad…” Natasha muttered, just before the doors slammed shut behind them.

A/N: 1900 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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