I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C24 Two Masters?

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 10 chapters ahead!

🚨Patréon Link🚨


As Peter announced his choice, the room fell into a rare silence. The Council members, seated in a semi-circle, exhibited mixed reactions—some nodded in approval at his decision, while others did their best to mask their feelings of jealousy or disappointment.

Mace Windu, leaning forward with an expression of composed curiosity, was the first to break the silence. "Why have you chosen me, Peter?" he inquired.

Peter, standing firm yet respectful before the Council, explained, "Well, you saved me and brought me here to the Jedi Order. You rescued me from a prison cell, where I would have most definitely starved to death. I owe you my life and-"

Before Peter could continue, Windu interjected, "While I am honored, Peter, you shouldn't choose a master solely because they saved you. Your choice should reflect who you believe is the best match for you as a master."

Around the room, many of the masters, especially those who harbored hopes of being Peter's choice, nodded in agreement.

Peter nodded, absorbing Windu's words with the seriousness they deserved. "That's exactly why I chose you," he said, his voice steady. "The truth is, the choice was between you and Master Yoda. However, since Master Yoda is practically a master to me already, as the teacher of the Bear Clan which I belong to, I thought it best to choose another master. This way, I feel like I'm getting the best of both worlds. Two masters, in a sense."

Some council members started to voice their concerns, arguing that a Padawan could only have one master. However, before the debate could escalate, Yoda's voice, calm and steady, cut through the tension. "Truly see me as your master, do you?" he asked, looking directly at Peter.

Peter nodded earnestly. "It was a hard choice," he admitted. "I almost chose you, Master Yoda. But I thought, why limit myself to learning from one teacher when I can have two?"

A small laugh escaped Yoda, soon shared by Windu and a couple of other Masters. The room's atmosphere lightened for a moment, the shared humor bridging the gap between tradition and Peter's unconventional perspective.

However, as the laughter faded, some of the more conservative Jedi on the council began to voice their complaints once more. The debate seemed to revolve around the traditions of the Jedi order.

Sensing the mounting tension, Yoda sighed deeply and addressed Peter, "Wait outside, you must, while we discuss, hmm."

Peter nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He gave a quick, respectful bow before exiting the Council Chamber, leaving the members to deliberate on his unconventional request.

As the door closed behind him, Peter let out a sigh as he found himself alone in the corridor, awaiting an answer. 'I hope my little speech swayed them…' He thought, knowing it would enhance his training by a large margin if he had two of the strongest Jedi as his Masters.


Soon enough, the heavy door of the Council Chamber swung open once more, beckoning Peter back into the room filled with some of the galaxy's most powerful Jedi.

As he stepped inside, he couldn't help but notice a few scowls etched on the faces of the more conservative members of the Council. 'A good sign, perhaps?' he thought hopefully.

Yoda, seated at the heart of the semi-circle, fixed Peter with a discerning gaze. "Come to a decision, we have," he began, and Peter's heart sank as Yoda continued, "Agreed we have that two masters, you cannot have." The frown on Peter's face was almost instantaneous, a mirror to the disappointment budding in his heart.

But before the cloud of gloom could settle over him, Windu's voice cut through the tension. "However," he said, a small smile forming on his lips, "it is within my right as your master to allow another to train you alongside me or in my stead whenever I see fit. And I see no issue in having Grandmaster Yoda assist in your training."

A smile quickly replaced the frown on Peter's face, realizing that this was a loophole in the strict traditions of the Jedi Order, and it seemed Yoda and Windu were more than happy to exploit it for his benefit.

While he might not be able to call Yoda his master officially, the venerable Jedi could still act as one with Windu's blessing, which he seemed willing to give.

Instantly, understanding dawned on Peter as to why those conservative members had been scowling upon his re-entry. They were technically right, he wasn't allowed to have two masters at once, yet they had been outmaneuvered by a simple loophole.

As the meeting came to an end, Windu gestured for Peter to follow him. They left for a secluded training ground. They hadn't spoken too often since Windu had rescued Peter three years ago, and the weight of the moment wasn't lost on either of them.

Under the shade of an old, spiral-branched tree, Windu finally spoke. "As a Padawan, your duties as a Jedi have finally begun. This period is about more than just honing your skills with the Force and a lightsaber. It's about understanding the deeper responsibility that each Jedi holds."

He paused, allowing his words to sink in. "You'll be allowed to leave the temple with me for missions or other purposes. These experiences are vital, offering lessons that the confines of the temple cannot..." He said, staring Peter in the eyes. "To be clear, you are not a Youngling anymore, so I will not treat you as one. I expect a level of maturity and awareness from my padawan, understood?"

"Yes, you have nothing to worry about from me." Peter nodded his head.

"And," Windu continued, a slight smile touching his lips, "when you're deemed ready, you may also undertake missions on your own. This autonomy is a very rare privilege granted to those who show exceptional maturity and skill."

Peter nodded, absorbing every word, liking the idea of being able to go out and explore on his own. 'Maybe I can go looking for one of the infinity stones someday, if they even exist in this universe…'

Windu's tone softened a bit as he added, "Now that you're a Padawan, you'll also have access to a broader range of the Jedi archives as well. I urge you to make use of this privilege. The archives hold knowledge accumulated over thousands of years—wisdom on the Force, history, diplomacy, and more. Studying hard will not only make you stronger in the Force but also assist you in your duties as a Jedi."

Peter felt a surge of excitement. The archives were a treasure trove he had only begun to explore, as his former status as a youngling locked him out of 99% of the information. 'I can finally start preparing for the future…' He thought, recalling his goals.

Peter's goals:

•Train and learn everything I can before leaving the Jedi Order

•Become self-sufficient

•Kill my Father

•Find Love and get married.

The opportunity to delve deeper into the archives was invaluable, as it would help him complete his first two goals.

"And lastly, to become a Jedi Knight," Windu concluded, his gaze turning very serious, "you must demonstrate your mastery in lightsaber combat and various Force techniques, but more importantly, you must embody the principles of the Jedi Code. Once you've shown me this, I can recommend you to the council, who would then decide if you're ready or not."

Peter understood. 'So I have to convince them that I'm the perfect Jedi, huh? That shouldn't be too hard…'

With that out of the way, Windu turned to Peter, his serious expression loosening slightly. "Now, I'd like to get a grasp of your skills, Peter. Show me what you can do."

With confidence, Peter demonstrated his proficiency with the Force—telekinesis, Force light, and other abilities.

Of course, he didn't show any of the Sith abilities that Revan had taught him, as that would most likely get him killed, or at the very least locked away.

Peter also discussed his academic prowess, noting his high performance before graduating. Windu listened, his expression one of quiet approval.

When Peter concluded, he drew his all-black lightsaber, igniting it with a flick of his wrist. The black energy blade was a stark contrast against the backdrop of the calm training ground.

Windu's eyebrow arched at the sight of the unusual weapon. "That's quite the lightsaber," he remarked, a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"Thanks, I had to go through a lot to get it…" Peter said, a confident smirk playing on his lips. "Now, why don't we spar? After all, it'd be better to show you my dueling skills rather than just tell you,"

"We don't have to fight." Windu shook his head, acknowledging Peter's eagerness. "I'm well aware of your prowess with a lightsaber, Peter. It would be hard not to hear about the genius youngling who could outmatch Padawans and even some Knights in a spar."

Still, Peter was insistent, hungry for the chance to test his skills, especially with his new lightsaber. "I need to test this out anyway," he said, almost pleading.

With a resigned sigh and an amused smile, Windu relented. Drawing his own lightsaber, he ignited the purple blade, and nodded at Peter, a silent signal for him to make the first move.

With determination and excitement etched across his face, Peter lunged forward, his blade slicing through the air towards Windu. The Jedi Master deftly parried the attack, his movements fluid and precise.

The duel escalated quickly, with Peter unleashing a series of aggressive attacks, each one met with Windu's unshakeable defense. Windu, in turn, countered with powerful, deliberate strikes, forcing Peter to draw upon every bit of his agility and training to dodge and parry.

As they moved, their lightsabers clashed in a blur of light and shadow, the sound of energy against energy echoing around them.

Peter was pushed to his limits, and forced to use maneuvers that only Yoda could bring out of him. "I didn't know you were this good with a sword." He commented as he ducked under Windu's blade, wondering who would win in a duel, Yoda or Windu?

"I am among the best in the order…" Windu replies with the tiniest hint of pride in his voice.

And Peter didn't doubt him, as he was relentless, a formidable opponent whose understanding of lightsaber combat was unparalleled. Yet, despite the intensity of his attacks, there was control and precision to his movements.

Constantly enhancing himself through the force, Peter felt his muscles strain and his breath quicken as the duel continued, each exchange more intense than the last.

As the duel reached its climax, Peter saw an opening and seized it, channeling all his energy into a final, powerful strike. Windu, anticipating the move, stepped aside at the last moment, allowing Peter's momentum to carry him forward. With a swift, gentle motion, Windu tapped his off-hand against Peter's back.

"I think that's enough…" Windu announced.

The duel ended as quickly as it had begun, with Peter panting heavily, facing away from Windu, his lightsaber still in hand. He deactivated it and turned to face the Jedi Master, a mix of fatigue and respect in his eyes.

Windu smiled, deactivating his lightsaber. "Impressive, Peter. You've pushed yourself far beyond what many Padawans are capable of. Your skill with a lightsaber is truly commendable, but remember, the essence of being a Jedi lies not only in combat."

Peter nodded, having heard that a dozen times already. He agreed that life wasn't all about fighting, but he also enjoyed dueling with a lightsaber more than he probably should.

Windu placed a hand on Peter's shoulder, his expression one of approval. "You have great potential, Peter. Now go and get some rest. I'm sure you're tired after traveling to and from Illum." He said, shooing him away. "We'll meet again tomorrow to officially start your training."

A/N: 2001 words :) The Marvel/MCU arc starts NEXT CHAPTER!🚨Patréon Link🚨

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