I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C53 Jabba the Hutt

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 13 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


A week had passed since Peter unceremoniously declared himself the new overlord of Knowhere. The once lawless space station mining city, a hub for the galaxy's most nefarious activities, was now under his unexpected and increasingly firm rule.

After his initial declaration, the reactions were mixed; some were hopeful, while others were skeptical or fearful. But Peter didn't care. His message was clear: crime would no longer be tolerated. 

Enforcement came via the automated turrets and drones, remnants of the Collector's extensive security system, which Peter had repurposed and deployed under his command. 

The following days were a test of resolve. An armed uprising broke out almost immediately, a violent backlash from those who thrived under the lawless regime. 

But, of course, the rebellion was quashed not by troops or fierce battles but by the cold, impartial automation of turret fire. By morning, the bloody, mangled bodies lay as grim reminders outside the palace walls for all to see.

Peter, observing from above, felt a twinge of discomfort at the sight but dismissed it with a pragmatic shrug. The message had to be clear: rebellion would not be tolerated. It was a harsh lesson, and it resonated. Each subsequent uprising diminished in fervor and size until they stopped altogether.

"You think they finally gave up?" Peter asked over his shoulder.

Carina nodded, walking over to serve Peter some tea. "I think so… There hasn't been an attack in two days, after all."

"I am Groot," Groot interjected, his tone suggesting skepticism.

Peter sighed, meeting Groot's gaze, seemingly understanding what he said. "Yeah, I think so too."

Cosmo wagged her tail slightly. "It doesn't smell like blood anymore, I like it…"

Peter smiled down at Cosmo, grateful for her positive outlook, even if it was kinda creepy. "Hopefully it stays that way…"

Free from his cage, Howard the Duck scoffed loudly, drawing their attention. "I hope they come at us again; I've been meaning to try out my tommy-gun. It's been gathering dust for too long..."

Upon hearing this, all eyes shifted to Howard who was meticulously polishing his machine gun. Their gazes lingered curiously, taken aback by his unsettling eagerness for violence.

"What?" Howard queried, his expression a mix of confusion and amusement. "You've never seen a handsome duck like me before?"

The room shared a collective eye roll, especially Cosmo, who had grown resentful toward her animal counterpart. Even now, she couldn't forget his harsh words. 'I'm not a bad dog...' she thought to herself.

By week's end, just as they had hoped, the rebellions had not resurfaced. But, half the station's population had either fled or died, leaving a vacuum that Peter was quick to fill with new rules and opportunities. 

Among the remnants were hardened criminals, wary yet subdued; miners thankful for improved safety and better wages; small-time merchants optimistic about stability and profits; and lastly, the ordinary citizens, penniless and without the means to leave, many of whom were born on the station.

Peter's leadership style in Knowhere was unique, blending compassion with authority, which quickly began to transform the community. 

From the start, he understood that providing incentives—such as living wages and employment opportunities—was crucial to maintaining peace and building loyalty among the inhabitants.

One of his first actions was to establish a fair wage system. He raised the pay for all workers, ensuring that it was not only sufficient to live on but generous enough to stimulate the local economy. 

'I never thought my economics classes back at the temple would come in handy…' He thought. 

This initiative was funded by the vast wealth he had inherited from the Collector, which he redirected from hoarding precious artifacts to improving lives. 

Peter remembered the moment he first laid eyes on the immense mountain of credits inside the Collector's vault. "I'm rich..." he murmured, a dazed smile spreading across his face as he took in the staggering amount of wealth piled before him.

And with it, he hired local residents to repair and rebuild essential facilities such as water purification systems, waste management, and the electrical grid. Additionally, housing was upgraded and expanded, with an emphasis on making homes safer and more comfortable.

This new economic plan included miners, market vendors, maintenance crews, and other workers, making sure that it would benefit everyone and reduced the incentive to engage in criminal activities.

Peter also launched several infrastructure projects designed to upgrade the living conditions in Knowhere. These projects were not only about improving aesthetics but were crucial for creating a healthier and safer environment. 

To further these efforts, Peter invested in public spaces to enhance community well-being. Parks, public plazas, and recreational facilities were constructed or renovated, providing residents with places to gather, relax, and engage in community activities. 

These spaces were designed to foster a sense of community and civic pride, which Peter believed was essential for long-term peace and stability.

Of course, these initiatives were still underway, as it had only been a week, but it wouldn't be long before Knowhere transformed from a notorious hideout for criminals into a thriving, prosperous city.

(A/N: Just to be clear, this won't be a kingdom-building story. There may be moments like this where that's mentioned, but it will never be the focus.)

Amid these sweeping changes, Peter hadn't forgotten about the living beings held captive in his new Collection. He systematically released those who were harmless or could fend for themselves, ensuring that Knowhere's transformation included an ethical overhaul. However, he exercised caution with beings like the Dark Elves, Chitauri, Frost Giants, and others with notably malevolent pasts. 

Understanding the potential threat they could pose, Peter opted to keep them securely contained until he could devise a safe and responsible plan for dealing with such dangerous entities.

Peter briefly considered simply killing them, to prevent any future threats, which he did do for a few of the more dubious individuals, as they deserved it. But, upon reviewing all of the files, he found that most of the captives had fairly clean records. This is why he chose a more ethical path, focusing on keeping them contained like a prison. 

Among the creatures and beings that Peter had released from the Collector's captivity, many found themselves bound to Knowhere despite their newfound freedom. Stripped of resources and lacking both funds and transport, they had nowhere else to go. 

The Collector had not only confined them physically but had also left them destitute, without a home to return to. As a result, these individuals remained at the station, becoming residents as Peter gave them homes and some starting money for food and other necessities. 


With the city's situation calming, Peter could finally turn his attention to what he truly wanted to do all this time—unearthing treasures from his sizable inheritance. Stood in the vast expanse of one of the late Collector's many storerooms, his gaze swept over countless artifacts and relics. 

"Alright," he muttered to himself, flipping through the holographic inventory that Carina had updated. "Let's see which of these shiny things are fun and which are just galaxy-ending disasters waiting to happen."

As he perused the catalog, his finger paused on an entry marked 'Krayt Dragon Pearl.' Intrigued, he navigated the storeroom's labyrinthine shelves until he found the artifact—a shimmering, faintly pulsing yellow orb that seemed to shine like a large, luminescent marble.

"Huh, looks cool," Peter mused, pocketing the pearl, intending to look it up later. 

Next, his attention was drawn to a darker section of the room where a relic known as the 'Dyson Sphere Miniaturizer' was stored. This device, rumored to condense whole stars into palm-sized spheres, was obviously too dangerous to be left on display, as it already has a small sun trapped inside. 

After a moment of consideration, Peter decided it needed to stay locked away. He logged its coordinates in his datapad for relocation to the deeper vaults within the palace.

The day wore on, with Peter finding a mix of useful gadgets and perilously powerful weapons. Each item required a decision: use, destroy, or secure.

Like the Buchcub, a sinister-looking tome that immediately gave Peter a bad feeling. "Oh, no you don't," he muttered, wary of even touching it as it seemed straight out of a nightmare. His instincts were confirmed when he read its description on his datapad—a magical book that devours memories. "Yeah, no thanks."

Next, Peter came across the Blu'dakorr, another sinister-looking book, this one with an eye embedded in its cover as well. "What's with all these evil books?" Deciding against opening it once again, he instead pulled up its details on his datapad. 

As he read about the ancient, ominous scripts calling for the sacrifice of spirits and other dark incantations, Peter decided it was best to steer clear of this one too.

"Maybe I should destroy them?" he pondered. However, when he later tried to destroy the tomes, they magically remained intact, compelling him to securely store them away from anyone foolish enough to use them.

His attention then shifted to the day's most dangerous discovery, the Casket of Darkness. Similar to the Casket of Ancient Winters, this ominous casket is said to contain "All-Dark," a pitch-black, shapeless entity that extinguishes all life.

The moment he read its description on his datapad, a shiver of dread ran through him. "Nope, nope, nope," Peter chanted, quickly logging its coordinates for deep storage.

The Fire of Mahkala was less intimidating but shrouded in mystery. A beautiful, solitary blue flame danced on a pedestal, serene and inviting. "Pretty and probably deadly," Peter remarked, deciding against any interaction. He documented its location and moved on.

A lighter moment came when he found a large black marble known as the Black Sphere. Its surface, speckled like a starry night, was mesmerizing. "Finally, something that doesn't want to kill me," he said with relief, leaving it on display.

Finally, Peter paused, his eyes fixed on a mask displayed prominently on a pedestal in the center of the room. 'The Mask of Darth Nihilus...' he read from his datapad, nearly overwhelmed by its dark aura. The malevolent energy pulsing from the mask made his decision swift. "Into the vault you go, no arguments," he said firmly, locking away the mask and feeling a weight lift off his shoulders.

Exhausted yet exhilarated, Peter stepped back, surveying the room. "Not a bad day's work," he declared, wiping his brow.



Later, as Peter sat cross-legged amidst the relics he had set aside to examine more closely, he pulled out the Krayt Dragon Pearl again. Its surface seemed to ripple with an inner light, mesmerizing him. Curious about its properties, Peter flipped open his datapad, scanning for more information.

The datapad beeped, displaying a detailed entry: Krayt Dragon Pearl—Extremely rare and powerful, often used to enhance energy-based weapons, particularly lightsabers, by amplifying their power and altering their properties.

Peter's eyes widened with realization and excitement. "Enhance a lightsaber, huh?" he muttered to himself, glancing over at his own lightsaber on his waist. An idea sparked in his mind. Why not combine the pearl with his lightsaber? The thought of wielding something even more unique and powerful was too tempting to resist.

He retrieved the lightsaber, carefully opening its compartment housing the Kyber crystal. With a gentle, precise touch, he placed the pearl next to the lightsaber's crystal before closing it back up and turning it on. 

The effect was immediate and dramatic.

When the blade ignited, the energy that emerged was still black, consistent with his original Kyber Crystal. However, with the addition of the pearl, it now radiated a striking yellow glow, enhancing its appearance and intensity.

It was now a vibrant, crackling energy blade, pulsing with power that filled the room with a howling sound, reminiscent of a Krayt dragon's roar. The blade seemed almost alive, its power visibly greater, and the howl it emitted was both thrilling and slightly terrifying.

"Whoa," Peter exclaimed, almost dropping the saber as the sound echoed off the walls. He steadied his grip, marveling at the transformation. The lightsaber felt stronger in his hand, and the pearl had integrated perfectly, as if it had always been meant to be part of this weapon.

As he switched off the saber, after giving it a few practice swings, the sound faded. Hanging the saber back on his hip, Peter's thoughts drifted from his current arsenal to another mystery he had tucked away—the Holocron he'd found upon his arrival. 

Taking the small, cube-like device from his pocket, Peter turned it over in his hands, intrigued. "Alright, how does this thing work?" he muttered to himself, pressing his palm against it, channeling a slight push of force power. 

The Holocron responded immediately, its surfaces glowing a bright, almost blinding grey. Light filled the small space, and Peter squinted, stepping back as the device projected an array of holographic images and cryptic texts swirling in the air.

"Cool and... confusing," Peter remarked, scratching his head as he attempted to make sense of the symbols and diagrams that floated before him.


Meanwhile, not too far from Knowhere and unbeknownst to Peter, danger was brewing in the vastness of Hutt space. Jabba the Hutt, a name that inspired fear and respect across the galaxy, sat in his opulent throne room surrounded by his minions and henchmen. 

[Insert picture of Jabba the Hutt here]

News of the Collector's demise had traveled fast, bringing with it opportunities for those quick enough to seize them.

"Knowhere mo maka-cheesa(Knowhere is ripe for the taking)," Jabba rumbled in his deep, guttural voice, his eyes gleaming with greed. "Peedunkee na Collector, huttun kuna me exploit. Uba tu fleet. Me wanna wanga tu territo(With the Collector gone, there's a power vacuum we can exploit. Prepare the fleet. It's time to expand our territory)."

His underlings nodded, a mix of excitement and fear coursing through the room as they anticipated the coming battle. Plans were drawn up, routes mapped out, and soon Jabba's forces were poised to strike at the Tivan Group, and ultimately, Knowhere, eager to claim it for themselves.

A/N: 2385 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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