I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C6 Padawan Obi-Wan Kenobi

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 7 chapters ahead! 

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After being accepted into the Jedi order, Windu led Peter through its vast corridors, explaining the significance of each area with a measured cadence.

As they strolled through the training grounds, Peter saw all types of alien people harnessing the force and using it in all sorts of different ways. Some were simply levitating objects while others were dueling with lightsabers clashing at inhuman speeds. The atmosphere, although serene, crackled with an energy that Peter couldn't quite grasp. 

The younglings training nearby cast curious glances in his direction, and Peter couldn't shake the feeling that all eyes were on him as he realized. 'I'm probably going to be forced to live with these kids from now on…' 

The prospect of being stuck in a place surrounded by people who are far less mature and aware than he is was a hard pill to swallow. 'I should keep my distance... I refuse to be a babysitter…'

"Here we are," Windu announced as they arrived at the dorm area. The doors whooshed open to reveal a series of neatly arranged rooms, each bearing the name of its young occupant. Windu led Peter to his designated room, and upon entering, Peter was met with a surprisingly comfortable space.

"This is your room, Peter. Make yourself at home," Windu said, gesturing to the modest and plain surroundings. The room was basically a metal box with a small desk by the window, and a neatly made bed. It felt more like a prison cell than a bedroom, but Peter would make do. 

Although Peter appreciated the fact that his room didn't seem to be made for a child, it made him wonder whether the other children were being taken care of properly. 'Are all of the children given rooms like this?' 

Windu continued, "You'll find everything you need here. Clothes, personal items, and essentials are all provided. Take your time to settle in."

Examining the provided wardrobe, Peter discovered a set of traditional Jedi robes along with more casual attire.

Windu guided him through the contents of the room, detailing each item's purpose. "These are your training materials, the bathroom is through that door, and here's a datapad for your studies." He listed off before eyeing Peter with a serious look in his eyes. "The Jedi path requires dedication and discipline, but you're not alone. We'll be here to guide you."

As Windu spoke, Peter felt a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The transition from a homeless child in a foreign galaxy to a Jedi youngling was both surreal and daunting. 

With a final nod, Windu left Peter alone in his new quarters.

The door closed with a soft hiss, enveloping Peter in a moment of solitude. He took a deep breath, trying to absorb the reality of his current situation. The weight of everything seemed to settle on his shoulders, leaving him in silent contemplation.

'I'm really doing this,' Peter thought, imagining the path that lay ahead. He glanced at the Jedi robes laid out on the bed, a tangible representation of the choice that he made.

In the quiet of the room, Peter took a shower to freshen up and changed into his new Jedi attire, each fold and drape a symbol of his new commitment to the Jedi order. As he looked at himself in the small mirror, he saw not just Peter Quill but a potential Jedi in the making.

[Insert picture of a Jedi youngling(Just to show the clothes)]

With newfound determination, Peter set about organizing his belongings, which wasn't much. His mixtapes, a broken Walkman, and an old picture of his mother alongside the letter she gave him before her passing, each found a place on the desk, making up the entirety of his personal belongings. 

Staring down at the unusable gifts that his mother gave him, Peter felt a surmounting urge to break down and cry. 'I need to fix this…' he steeled himself and began to fiddle with his busted Walkman.

Hours passed and Peter grew increasingly frustrated with each failed attempt to repair his Walkman. The old machinery resisted his efforts, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was making it worse. 

Soon enough, a wave of anger surged within him, directed at the broken device and himself for not being able to repair it.

As his frustration intensified, the room seemed to respond. The desk trembled, and the bed shook as if echoing Peter's inner turmoil. He stared in disbelief as his surroundings mirrored the chaos within. 

'What's happening?' Peter wondered, feeling a strange connection between his emotions and the physical disturbance.

The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning, he was unconsciously wielding the Force. The power he had seen Jedi use on the training grounds was now responding to his emotions. Wide-eyed, Peter struggled to comprehend the magnitude of this revelation. 'Was that me? Did I just... use the Force?'

Concern etched across his face, Peter forced himself to calm down. He took deep breaths, trying to suppress the anger that had unwittingly unleashed the Force within him. The room gradually stilled as Peter regained control, leaving him both bewildered and intrigued by the untapped potential he seemed to possess.

Before Peter could delve too deeply into his newfound abilities, the door to his room slid open, making him wonder, 'did someone notice?' 

But thankfully that didn't seem to be the case…

In walked a humanoid droid, its metal frame glinting in the artificial light. "Good evening, Youngling Quill. Dinner is being served. Master Windu instructed me to escort you to the cafeteria. Please follow me," the robotic voice announced, its tone devoid of any emotion.

Peter, still grappling with the revelations of his Force sensitivity, followed the robot silently through the corridors of the Jedi temple.

As they reached the bustling cafeteria, Peter saw all sorts of Jedi younglings chatted animatedly while enjoying their meals, 'What the hell is that?!' He thought as he saw the plates of food sat before each of the children. 

Grey colored slop and bread filled every single plate in the cafeteria, and when Peter looked over to the kitchen, he saw nothing but trays of grey slop and piles of bread.

Suddenly, the droid spoke. "Enjoy your meal, Youngling Quill." It said before walking off, leaving Peter behind. 

"Why does it feel like I'm in prison…?" Peter muttered as he sat down at an empty table with a plate full of slop. 'At least this is better than the food the Ravagers gave me…' 

As Peter contemplated the unappetizing meal before him, a young face caught his attention. A 14-year-old boy with sandy hair and a serene expression approached, taking a seat across from him. The boy wore the traditional Jedi robes, a familiar sight in this temple.

[Insert picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi here]

"Hello there, I'm Obi-Wan," the boy greeted with a warm smile. "You must be new to the temple, right?"

"Uhh… hey, I'm Peter. How could you tell I'm new?" Peter asked, surprised by how easily he just met a main character. 'Wait did he just say hello there?' 

(A/N: It's a meme from the Star Wars movies if anyone doesn't know.)

Obi-Wan chuckled lightly. "Ah, how could I not notice a reaction to the infamous Jedi cafeteria slop? Don't let it discourage you. We like to keep things simple and avoid indulgence here in the temple. The food is meant to provide sustenance without encouraging gluttony."

Peter raised an eyebrow. "Gluttony? Seriously? Couldn't they at least make it a bit appealing?" He asked as he took a spoonful of slop and eyed it warily. 

Obi-Wan nodded. "It's a matter of discipline. Jedi believe in moderation and avoiding attachments, even to something as simple as food. This way, we stay focused on our training and the Force."

As Peter reluctantly ate a spoonful of the tasteless slop, Obi-Wan continued, "I know it's not the most exciting culinary experience, but you get used to it. Plus, it keeps us all on an equal footing. No one gets special treatment, regardless of their background or abilities. Even Grandmaster Yoda must eat the dreaded slop."

Peter sighed, pushing the food around his plate. "Well, it's better than starving, I guess."

Obi-Wan's blue eyes studied Peter for a moment. "You'll find that the Jedi way requires sacrifice and self-discipline. But it's also about finding balance and harmony within yourself and the Force."

As Obi-Wan spoke about sacrifice, Peter couldn't help but feel his emotions through the force, which seemed to be much more turbulent than his outer appearance let on. 'He feels like I felt when my first girlfriend broke up with me…' 

"Are you okay?" Peter blurted out, his face etched in worry. 

"Yes, why?" Obi-Wan asked in confusion. 

"You just seem very… sad?" Peter answered, still feeling his emotions. 

"I'm fine…" Obi-Wan answered, slowly realizing that Peter was sensing his emotions. 'Just how strong in the force is he?' 

"Okay, I won't pry into your business anymore than I already have…" Peter shrugged and returned to his slop. 

As the two fell into a momentary silence, broken only by the murmur of conversations and clinking of utensils around them, Obi-Wan recalled his last mission…

One year ago, Obi-Wan and his master were sent to the planet Mandalore, where they were tasked with protecting Duchess Satine Kryze from insurgents who were threatening her world. 

Bounty hunters were sent after them, forcing them to live as fugitives, never knowing what the next day would bring them. The mission forced them to work and fight together as a team, resulting in them forging a close bond. 

Through all of their hardship, Obi-Wan and the Duchess fell in love, but despite his feelings toward her, he continued with his training and was later reassigned to another mission. 

Obi-Wan regretted leaving the love of his life behind, but ultimately, he chose to follow the Jedi Code he had sworn to live by and threw his love away. 

Obi-Wan shifted the topic, "So, where are you from, Peter? How did you end up here? You seem a bit old for a new recruit…"




After talking for a while, and enjoying their slop, Obi-Wan had to return to his master for training, but before he left, Peter had one last thing to say. "I know I'm probably stepping out of line right now, but If you love whoever you're missing, then you shouldn't let the Jedi hold you back. Regret is the worst pain that you'll ever experience, because you'll feel it for the rest of your life…"

Nodding his head dumbly, Obi-Wan silently walked off, contemplating Peter's words. 

A/N: 1793 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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