I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C61 Knighthood

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 13 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


The gentle vibration of the Jedi ship reverberated under Peter’s boots as he navigated towards the towering structures of Coruscant. The city-planet gleamed like a gem against the black velvet of space, its lights twinkling warmly, beckoning him home. 

Behind him, in a separate vessel, Groot’s ship maintained a steady course, the silent guardian watching over his friend.

As they descended through the atmosphere, Peter felt a surge of excitement tinged with anxiety. The last time he had departed, it was with a mission; now, he was returning triumphant, on the brink of becoming a Jedi Knight.

Landing smoothly in the hangar of the Jedi Temple, Peter was the first to disembark. The hangar was bustling more than usual today. Jedi of various ranks were returning, their faces etched with relief and happiness. It was very different from the relatively quiet hangar he had departed from weeks ago.

As Groot followed, his towering form descending from his ship, murmurs of curiosity bubbled among the onlookers. Groot looked around, his expression unreadable, his usual greeting of "I am Groot," echoing softly in the hangar. 

Almost immediately, they were greeted by Master Yoda and Master Windu, both wearing relieved expressions as their Padawan has returned unharmed. "Peter, returned you have, and with young Groot," Yoda’s voice was gentle, his eyes sharp as they rested on Groot.

“Yes, Masters,” Peter began, his voice faltering slightly as he glanced at Groot. “Sadly, he’s the only survivor from his village…”

Windu’s gaze was thoughtful as he studied Groot, “And you said he has a speech issue?”

Peter nodded his head, “It’s always been this way for him, as far as I know. I think... maybe he’s different, or maybe what he witnessed scarred him, I don’t know…”

Nodding, Windu placed a comforting hand on Peter's shoulder, "We may never fully understand. But Groot is welcome here."

"Come, follow us," Yoda’s voice broke through Peter’s contemplations, his small form turning towards the main halls of the Temple. "Awaiting your report, the Council is."

As they walked, Peter noticed the unusual activity in the hangar. "Why are there so many people returning today? Did something happen?”

Windu’s face held a rare smile, “The Kree people have rebelled against their government, Peter. They've withdrawn from the conflict with the Nova Empire. The war is drawing to a close, and our brothers and sisters are returning.”

Peter stopped in his tracks, his mind racing. "A rebellion?” He asked, as that wasn’t something that was supposed to happen, at least not to his knowledge. “What caused it?"

"The details are still unclear," Windu replied, his eyes meeting Peter’s with a depth of seriousness. "But indeed, the galaxy is changing, and swiftly so."

As they approached the large, ornately carved doors of the council chamber, Peter adjusted the collar of his jacket, a nervous habit he hadn’t quite shaken off.

Seconds later, the doors slid open with a solemn, almost silent whoosh, revealing the Jedi Council in all its intimidating glory. The semi-circle of Council members was already assembled, their expressions ranging from welcoming to distinctly unfriendly. 

About a third of them frowned upon seeing Peter, their disdain barely masked. With a quick roll of his eyes, Peter stepped forward and bowed, a gesture of respect despite the obvious tension.

"Masters," Peter greeted, with Groot executing an awkward bow beside him.

Master Yoda nodded sagely. “Report, you will now give. Curious, the council is, about your mission, hmm.”

Peter cleared his throat, his gaze sweeping over the Council. "The mission went about as you would expect," he began. "I was tracking a bounty hunter—Cad Bane. He attacked the Neti village and intended to sell Groot here to the highest bidder," he said, gesturing to his companion.

Murmurs filled the room as Peter continued lying, detailing his pursuit of Cad Bane across multiple star systems, deliberately leaving out any mention of Knowhere and his new, somewhat unorthodox, companions.

One of the council members who disliked Peter interjected, his voice cutting through the whispers, "And Cad Bane? You were tasked to bring him to justice. Where is he now?"

Peter met their gaze squarely. “He’s dead.” He responded simply. 

A hushed murmur swept through the Council at Peter's blunt admission. Several members exchanged glances, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. Some cast disapproving looks his way.

Seeing this, Peter clarified. “It wasn’t me who ended his life,” he stated, his voice firm. He looked over at Groot, standing tall and proud beside him. “It was Groot and it was in self-defense. Bane had decimated Groot’s village, and killed his family. When I caught him, he tried to kill Groot as well, so Groot defended himself.”

Many of the Council members nodded, understanding the grim necessities of such confrontations, while others seemed to stiffen, their frowns deepening.

“And you, Groot, anything to add?” another Council member asked, turning towards the towering figure beside Peter.

Groot’s reply was simple and solemn. “I am Groot.”

Confusion flickered across several faces, prompting Peter to explain. “Groot doesn’t speak like we do. ‘I am Groot’ can mean a lot, you just have to know how to listen.”

After all questions had been asked and answered, Master Yoda gestured towards the door. “Wait outside, Groot will, as further matters we must discuss.”

Once Groot had left the room, the atmosphere shifted slightly. Master Yoda’s eyes seemed to pierce through Peter as he spoke, “Complete your mission, you have. With your knighthood, we will now proceed.”

As Peter stood at the center, the air felt charged, each breath heavy with unspoken thoughts of the Council members.

Master Yoda’s eyes, ancient and wise, locked onto Peter. “Begin, we shall,” he announced, his voice resonating deeply in the quiet. 

Slowly, each member of the Council, even those who harbored doubts about Peter, ignited their lightsabers in a symphony of crackling energy and vibrant colors. The room lit up with blues, greens, and a single violet, casting shadows across the stone walls.

Peter watched, his heart pounding in his chest as the Council members stood. Their lightsabers held high, a ceremonial gesture that felt both intimidating and awe-inspiring. 

Yoda, small yet formidable, stood atop his chair, his own lightsaber igniting in his hand, its green blade casting a soft glow on his wizened face.

“Kneel, Padawan Quill,” Yoda instructed, his voice steady and commanding.

Obediently, Peter approached Yoda and lowered himself to one knee, his gaze fixed forward. He could feel the heat of the lightsabers as they were slowly lowered, each coming to rest just inches from his body, forming a circle of glowing energy around him. The hum of the blades filled his ears, sending chills down his spine.

Yoda stepped forward, his lightsaber hovering just above Peter’s shoulders as he proclaimed, “Peter Quill, by the rite of the Council, by the will of the Force, dub thee I do, Jedi… Knight of the Republic.” With each word, Yoda’s blade gently moved over each of Peter’s shoulders, a gesture both symbolic and ancient.

As the final word was spoken, Yoda’s lightsaber moved with a swift, precise motion, severing the small braid at the back of Peter’s head. The braid fell to the floor, a symbol of his past as a Padawan now concluded. 

The room filled with a soft murmur of approval, the lightsabers were raised once again, and then extinguished, bathing the room back into the dim light of the chamber.

As Peter stood and looked around the room, he saw respect in the eyes of many, and acceptance in others. Even those who had doubted him seemed to temporarily set aside their reservations.

Master Windu approached, his expression solemn yet approving. “Carry this title with honor, Knight Quill. Heavy it may be, but guided by the Force, falter you shall not.”

Peter nodded, feeling the reality of the moment settle upon him. “Thank you, Master.” He said as he paused for a second. “You know, I think I’ll miss being your Padawan,” he added, a hint of nostalgia in his voice.

Windu offered a small, understanding smile. “And I will miss teaching you. But remember, you are now a Jedi Knight, and I expect great things from you.” He said, his smile widening. “And who knows, you may even take on your own apprentice before long."

Peter laughed. “I doubt that…”

As the ceremony concluded, the Council members dispersed, their robes whispering against the stone floor. Peter stood for a moment longer, feeling the echoes of the lightsabers, the weight of history, and the vastness of the galaxy waiting for him.

As Peter stepped out of the chamber, Groot looked down at him, a question in his eyes.

“They knighted me. I’m a Jedi Knight now,” Peter said, a small smile breaking across his face.

“I am Groot,” came the simple, deep reply, filled with congratulations.


Peter, newly minted as a Jedi Knight, guided his towering friend Groot on a tour of the temple, wandering through its expansive corridors. As they walked, the significance of his new title weighed both comfortably and heavily on his shoulders.

"And this, Groot, will be your quarters during your time here in the temple," Peter explained, gesturing around the minimalist room. "It's not much, but you’ll be leaving soon anyway."

"I am Groot," came the deep, rumbling reply, his posture showing a hint of sadness. He had grown quite attached to Peter and didn't want to return to Knowhere without him.

Peter sensed Groot's reluctance and sighed. "Hey, buddy, I know you don't want to be apart, but I'll be back before you know it. We won't be separated for long, I promise."

Groot tilted his head. "I am Groot," he said, reluctantly agreeing. 

Peter smiled warmly, realizing he had made some true friends and comrades on his mission. Even Cosmo had been reluctant to see him go, whining at his feet for almost an hour before he finally boarded his ship and took off. ‘I may have to leave the Jedi earlier than I originally planned…’

Suddenly, their tour was momentarily interrupted by the sound of light feet and the distinctive clash of lightsabers coming from one of the side halls. 

"Hmm, is someone practicing?” Peter muttered as they entered a large training hall. 

Inside, Aayla, Gamora, and Nebula were engaged in a tense sparring session. The three were a blur of motion, their lightsabers, and combat skills perfectly in sync, painting streaks of color with each movement.

As Peter and Groot stepped in, Aayla executed a flawless spin, her lightsaber whooshing dangerously close to both Nebula and Gamora’s faces. But the moment her eyes met Peter’s, her aggressive stance melted into a broad smile. "Peter!" she exclaimed, deactivating her saber and rushing over, followed closely by Gamora and Nebula.

Their expressions shifted from joy to awe as they took in Peter’s appearance—the absence of his Padawan braid marking his new status. "You're... a Knight now?" Aayla asked, her voice a mix of surprise and a tiny bit of jealousy.

Peter rubbed the back of his neck, where his brace once was, a sheepish grin on his face. "Yeah, just happened. Master Yoda knighted me right in the Council Chamber."

Nebula gave him a rare, approving nod. "Impressive."

Groot, feeling a bit left out, shuffled his wooden feet, drawing the attention of the trio. "Oh, and this is Groot," Peter quickly added. "He's—"

"I am Groot," Groot interrupted. 

Peter laughed. "Yeah, he’s Groot."

“””?””” The women exchanged puzzled glances, clearly not understanding.


Later that night, after a day of celebrating his knighthood with Groot and the girls, Peter made his way through the quieter parts of the Temple to a familiar meditation room. 

With a subtle use of the Force, he activated the mechanism for the spiral staircase. It slowly sank from the center of the floor, unveiling a hidden passage that led downward.

The air grew cooler as Peter descended into the shadows of the Temple’s forgotten basement. As he stepped into the vast underground chamber, the air suddenly shifted.

"You missed me, didn't you?" Peter's voice echoed slightly, a smirk playing on his lips as he spoke into the darkness.

The faint, ethereal glow of a force ghost materialized in front of him. Darth Revan, clad in his dark robes, his presence both menacing and familiar, appeared with a scoff.

"Missed you? Hardly," Revan's voice was deep, resonant even in his spectral form.

Peter chuckled, stepping closer. The ghost of Revan mirrored his movements, closing the distance with a fluid grace. For a fleeting second, Peter thought Revan might reach out, perhaps a ghostly touch of camaraderie, but instead, Revan's translucent hand dipped into Peter's pocket.

Pulling out the Gray Jedi Holocron, Revan held it up, the artifact pulsing with a soft inner light. "I came for this, not you," he stated flatly, turning the Holocron over in his hands.

Peter watched, a knowing smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Sure, you did. But it's good to see you too, Master."

Revan's form flickered slightly as he turned away. "Spare me your sentiments…” He replied, a small, unseen smile on his face.

A/N: 2236 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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