I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C65 Stakar Ogord

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 13 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


Peter sat wide-eyed, his datapad in his hands. The screen before him showed a young woman adorned with the regal, unmistakable makeup of Naboo's royalty, her expression composed. 

"This is Queen Padmé Amidala of Naboo. I understand you're interested in the bounty for Stakar Ogord." She spoke, her voice commanding. 

Peter, still grappling with his surprise, managed a casual, "Uh, yeah. But, I hear it's sanctioned by the Republic, so I'll need it to be issued officially to avoid any... misunderstandings."

Unlike black market bounties, which operate outside the law, Republic-sanctioned bounties are officially approved and regulated by the government, providing a legal framework for bounty hunting. 

As such, Republic-sanctioned bounties are issued only for individuals who have committed recognized crimes or have otherwise incurred the displeasure of the Republic.

Padmé nodded, her eyes sharp. "Indeed. Pursuing Stakar without official sanction could be seen as vigilantism. You'll need the proper credentials to ensure you receive the reward and legal protection."

"Yeah, I'd rather not have the Republic on my case for helping you out..." Peter nodded, shrugging his shoulders. 

As Padmé’s face filled the screen, a stern voice could be heard in the background. "This lack of respect is outrageous," Captain Panaka grumbled, clearly not amused by Peter's relaxed demeanor. “Does he know who he’s talking to?”

Padmé glanced at Panaka, silencing him with a firm look, then turned back to Peter with an apologetic expression.

Unfazed, Peter merely shrugged. "Look, no offense, but could you let your little minion know that I'm not from Naboo? You might be a queen, but you ain’t my queen. And honestly, even if I had a queen, it probably wouldn't make much difference to me."

Padmé's lips twitched, a hint of amusement breaking through her diplomatic facade. "Very well. We'll skip the formalities then." Curious, she tilted her head slightly. "So, why the mask?"

Peter chuckled, the sound muffled by his mask. "Unfortunately, I have to cover my face—my dashing good looks attract far too much attention. And we wouldn't want you falling for a dangerous bounty hunter like myself, now would we?"

Another disapproving grumble came from Panaka, but Padmé merely rolled her eyes, a smile threatening to break through her composed exterior.

"No, we wouldn't. I believe my 'minion,' as you so eloquently called him, would certainly disapprove," she said, smirking over at Panaka before quickly regaining her poise. "Ahem, back to business... Stakar is to be brought in alive. He must stand trial for his crimes against Naboo."

Peter, his interest piqued, leaned forward. "And what exactly did he do to Naboo again?”

"You're not aware?" Padmé raised an eyebrow. "Stakar murdered my predecessor, Queen Ameé. His clan also plundered the royal palace and killed many, including the Queen's handmaidens and guards." She revealed, a frown marring her otherwise flawless face. 

Peter nodded solemnly. "My condolences. Should I find any of the stolen items, would you want them returned?"

"They are mere objects," Padmé replied, her voice firm. "Keep them if you find any. I only seek justice for those lost."

"And his clan?" Peter asked, ready to note down her orders. “I can bring them in alive as well, but if you don’t want them, I’ll probably just end up killing them…”

Padmé's expression darkened for a moment as she recalled the brutal scenes she had witnessed in the palace only a few days before her coronation. "Do as you see fit," she said quietly, knowing full well she just ordered their deaths.

"Consider it done. Send me my authorization and any information you have on Stakar, and I'll contact you when I have him," Peter affirmed with a nod.

Before he could end the call, suddenly, Padmé stopped him. "One more thing—your name?"

Peter smirked beneath his mask. “Star-Lord," he replied, and with a flick, he ended the call.


Back in her throne room, Padmé sat in silence, the name 'Star-Lord' echoing in her mind. Recognition flickered in her eyes as she recalled where she had heard the name before…

“Your Majesty, I must protest. That man was far too disrespectful,” Panaka began, his voice thick with disapproval.

Padmé offered a slight shrug, her gaze fixed on the darkened holo-projector. “Some people have a way about them, Captain. It’s...refreshing, in a way. To be spoken to so directly,” she admitted, a faint smile tracing her lips, hinting at her hidden appreciation for the mysterious Star-Lord’s straightforward demeanor.

A month into her reign as Queen of Naboo, Padmé was already growing weary of the endless barrage of titles—Your Majesty, Your Highness, My Queen. It was all just so annoying, which is why she found Peter’s casual conversation quite appealing.

Panaka’s brow furrowed in concern. “I understand, Your Majesty, but please, be cautious. Star-Lord is not a simple bounty hunter. He’s bested the Hutts not once, but twice. He’s dangerous.”

Padmé nodded, walking over to the grand window overlooking the royal gardens. “I understand your concerns, Panaka, and I will be cautious.”

Nodding, Panaka looked unconvinced but held his tongue, trusting in his queen’s judgment. Padmé’s eyes turned distant, reflecting on the mission she had just set into motion.

“With Star-Lord involved, perhaps Ameé and her handmaidens will finally get the justice they deserve,” she whispered, more to herself than to Panaka. Her face hardened as she recalled the cruel fate that had befallen her predecessor. 

Queen Ameé and her handmaidens had suffered atrocities that went beyond simple murder; their dignity had been marred in unspeakable ways…

Panaka, with a stern but supportive tone, reassured her, “We will not rest, Your Majesty, until their murderers are apprehended.”

Padmé’s hands clenched at her sides, the memory of discovering the bodies—a sight so horrific it haunted her nights. “They were more than murdered, Panaka. They were violated, diminished...” Her voice broke, laden with sorrow and rage.

Seeing his queen so troubled, Panaka approached, his expression softening. “We will find justice, Your Majesty.”

Padmé nodded, her resolve steeling once again. “Hopefully...”


Peter ended the call with Queen Padmé Amidala, lowering his datapad into his lap. Removing his mask, he let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding, the corners of his lips tugging upwards into a smirk. 

As he turned around, his crew—Groot, Cosmo, Howard, and Revan were stood before him. Their expressions ranged from amusement to mild interest, all except Revan, who maintained his stoic facade, though Peter caught a slight twinkle in his eye.

"So, not even five minutes out of Knowhere and you're already flirting with royalty, huh?" Howard quacked, wiping a fake tear from his eye. “I’m so proud…”

"What can I say? The queens can't resist the charm of Star-Lord." Peter replied jokingly. 

Groot shook his head, his body rustling in a way that somehow conveyed his amusement. "I am Groot," he chimed, which only made Peter chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Peter retorted. "Did you hear her minion? I thought the guy was going to have an aneurysm."

Revan merely nodded slightly, his silence speaking volumes as he turned his attention to the datapad in Peter’s lap, which chose that moment to beep loudly, signaling a new message. Peter flicked the screen, and a detailed file loaded up, filled with everything he needed about the Stakar Ravager clan.

"Looks like the queen didn’t skimp on the details," Peter murmured, scrolling through the dense information. Names, places, last known activities—it was all there. "Naboo must have spent a pretty penny on this intel, because there's no way they could have compiled all of this on their own."

Cosmo waged her tail beside him. "And where do we start hunting, Captain?!" She barked excitedly. 

Peter scanned the list, his finger pausing as a particular location caught his eye, recalling it from the second Guardians of the Galaxy movie. "The Iron Lotus, a brothel on Contraxia, a planet in the Outer Rim. Looks like it's our best bet. Cold, icy, and a favorite among Ravager Clans." He said, then swiveled his chair toward the cockpit and began entering the coordinates.

Anticipation buzzed through the crew, their previous teasing giving way to the thrill of the hunt. Cosmo paced restlessly around the ship, too excited to remain still, while Howard busily disassembled and cleaned his gun, eager to get moving.

As the ship's course was locked in, Peter turned to face his crew again, his grin mirroring their enthusiasm. "Alright, we’ve got a bounty to collect, and then—it’s off to find Earth."


Meanwhile, on Contraxia, inside the Iron Lotus, laughter and drunken shouts echoed through the brothel, the sound of a night spiraling into chaos. 

As the neon lights flickered against the dark, icy sky outside, Ravager clans terrorized anyone within arm's reach, their brutality fueled by lust and intoxication. 

In one grim corner, a group of Ravagers cornered a young waitress, their laughter booming over her muted pleas. “Let go of me!” She screamed, but they didn’t listen. 

Across the room, the brothel's owner, a middle-aged man with a face marked by years of fear and subservience, was dragged toward a VIP table. He knew the reputation of the men he was dealing with—pirates without a shred of mercy.

Stakar Ogord sat at the table, surrounded by frightened-looking, scantily clad women, his presence commanding and ominous. 

The owner was tossed before him, his voice quivering as he spoke. "M-Master Stakar, I beg your forgiveness. I never meant any disrespect to you or your esteemed clan."

Stakar listened, his expression unreadable. The room fell silent, the earlier racket dimming to murmurs as everyone's attention turned towards the unfolding drama. After a moment that stretched far too long, Stakar’s lips twisted into a semblance of a smile.

"Forgiveness?" he mused aloud, his voice deceptively calm. “Alright...” The owner’s eyes lit up, his body visibly relaxing. 

"Thank you, sir—" the owner managed only a few words before Stakar abruptly extended his hand, leveling his blaster at the man's face without warning.


The gunshot was loud and definitive, reverberating off the walls. The owner's body jerked a single time before slumping over the table, a charred hole in his forehead. 

"Consider yourself forgiven..." Stakar muttered, his words drawing laughter from the surrounding Ravagers.

“!” The women around him screamed, scrambling to their feet in a panic. They tried to flee, their fear palpable as they glanced desperately around for any route of escape.

"Where do you think you're going, ladies?" Stakar called out, his voice cutting through the turmoil as he waved his still-smoking blaster. "The party's just getting started." His men laughed cruelly, moving to block the exits, ensuring no one could leave.


As the chaos unfolded within the Iron Lotus, the icy skies of Contraxia were cleaved by the descent of the late Cad Banes ship, its engines cutting through the frosty atmosphere.

Sat at the cockpit, Peter slipped on his mask, his crew poised behind him. "Time to start hunting," he declared, smirking confidently. 

A/N: 1900 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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