I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C68 Ruthless Castration

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

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In the regal solitude of her throne room, Queen Padmé Amidala stood by a large window overlooking the palace gardens. Her gaze was distant, troubled by the events that had led up to her reign, leaving a bitter taste of fear and unease among her and her people.

As she turned back to face the room, her advisors whispered among themselves, casting occasional glances toward their queen, but Padmé's thoughts were elsewhere—on the imminent arrival of Star-Lord.

Padmé, like most in the galaxy, knew little about the new ruler of Knowhere, except that he had subdued the chaos of Hutt invasions with a ruthlessness that had become almost legendary. 

His deeds were spoken of in hushed tones across the galaxy; a mysterious man, who had become almost mythical. And yet, his true face remained a mystery, hidden behind the alias of Star-Lord.

As the afternoon light waned, a soft alert chimed, signaling the approach of Star-Lord's ship. Padmé straightened, her posture shifting from contemplative royalty to a leader steeled for confrontation. "Prepare the reception," she commanded, her voice carrying a quiet authority.

“!” The guards, servants, and officials nodded as they rushed to prepare. 

Outside, the hum of engines grew louder, and through the window, Padmé watched as an unfamiliar spacecraft pierced the cloud-dotted sky, escorted by a pair of Naboo's finest N-1 starfighters.

As the ship landed, the queen made her way to the throne, her steps measured and her mind racing as she took a seat. “…”

And soon enough, the doors to the hall opened, revealing the diverse assembly of Naboo's dignitaries and a handful of Padmé's most trusted advisors, all awaiting the arrival of the galaxy's most talked-about leader.

Moments later, Captain Panaka entered, his expression taut with tension. "Your Majesty, Star-Lord has arrived and is going through security as we speak," he informed her succinctly.

Padmé nodded, her face a mask of regal calm. Security hadn't always been so stringent, but after the Ravagers' attack, the previously peaceful citizens of Naboo insisted on enhanced safety measures for themselves and their queen.

After what felt like an eternity, the doors of the throne room opened, and a parade of figures entered, unlike any she had seen before. Leading the group was a man she recognized from their video calls, his stride confident and his gaze hidden behind a mask. 

‘Star-Lord…’ She thought. 

Behind him, a group of the most unusual companions followed: a duck and a dog, both species unknown to Naboo, and a towering tree-like being that resembled the legendary Neti of old.

The sight was so unexpected, so bizarre, that for a moment, Padmé's composure faltered. The duck, clearly agitated, was muttering under its breath, while the dog paced around the group, seemingly excited. The tree-being, imposing yet serene, added a surreal quality to the assembly.

Without a word, her new guest hauled Stakar Ogord forward and dropped him unceremoniously at the foot of the throne. The heavy sound of the Ravager's body meeting the palace floor resonated ominously through the room, and Stakar began to stir groggily from his slumber.

Star-Lord stopped a few paces before the throne, his crew lining up behind him. "One vile piece of trash, delivered as promised."


Peter stood tall, the noise of the throne room seeming to hush at his presence. His eyes locked with Queen Padmé's as he tossed Stakar Ogord before her throne. The Ravager's body thudded heavily against the polished floor, his groans of awakening cutting through the air.

Padmé's face contorted into a scowl, memories of horror flashing across her features as she recognized the man responsible for the heinous crimes burned into her memory. "Guards!" she barked, her voice echoing against the high ceilings.

As the palace guards hurried forward to restrain the prisoner, Stakar struggled against their grasp, his gaze craning up to see Padmé. "You must be the new Queen of Naboo?" he laughed, his gaze mocking and cruel. “Too bad what happened to the old one… She was good while she lasted though, that’s for sure.” His words dripped venom, recalling his deeds, a smile on his face. 

Padmé recoiled, her hands clenching into fists, the restraint visible in her posture as she held herself back from ordering a beating. Instead, with a steel edge to her voice, she commanded, "Take him away. Lock him up."

As the guards took him away, Stakar turned his head, giving Padmé a flirtatious and menacing wink. "I'll see you real soon," he taunted, thrusting his hips as he was dragged to the door. 

Peter, witnessing the fear flicker across Padmé’s face, extended his hand in a swift motion. Instantly, a powerful burst of telekinetic force surged from his fingertips, targeting Stakar's pelvis. 

There was a sickening crunch as the bone snapped and his genitals mutilated. “Aaaahhhhhhh!” Stakar’s high-pitched scream tore through the throne room, halting the guards in their tracks.

Padmé's eyes widened in shock, her gaze snapping to Peter, who walked towards Stakar with a menacing stride. Captain Panaka instinctively stepped in front of his Queen, his blaster drawn, a silent guardian against any further violence.

Ignoring Panaka, Peter knelt beside Stakar, his face inches from the writhing man. "Did you forget I was here?" he asked quietly, his voice a dangerous calm, his fury visible only in his eyes.

Realization dawned on Stakar, and fear replaced the arrogance on his face. His voice quivered as he stuttered out apologies, "I-I'm sorry, please... I didn't mean to—I just... please, mercy!" His words tumbled out in a desperate plea.

Peter pointed over his shoulder at Padmé. "You're apologizing to the wrong person."

Stakar’s eyes followed Peter’s gesture, landing on Padmé. He swallowed hard, his voice shaking as he addressed her. "I... I am sorry, Your Majesty. I beg for your forgiveness."

Peter shook his head, not satisfied. With a simple gesture, he lifted Stakar slightly off the ground before slamming him back down into a groveling position. "Do it again," he commanded.

Barely able to speak through the pain, Stakar managed a strained, "I am profoundly sorry for the atrocities I committed. I... I apologize, Your Majesty."

Nodding once, Peter stood and turned to the guards. "You can take him away now," he said, his voice steady. The guards looked to Padmé for confirmation. 

She nodded sharply and this time, as they hauled Stakar away, his earlier joviality was gone, replaced by a grimace of defeat and pain. The throne room seemed to breathe a collective sigh of relief as he was removed from sight.

With Stakar Ogord now in the custody of the palace guards, Peter turned back to face Padmé, his eyes meeting hers with an earnest, apologetic gleam.

"Sorry about that," he started, his tone genuine. "I just couldn't help myself there. But, uh, it's really nice to finally meet you in person, Padmé."

Padmé's stern expression softened slightly at Peter's demeanor. “It’s nice to see you in person as well.” She said, giving a slight nod to Captain Panaka, who still stood protectively in front of her with his blaster at the ready. "It's alright, Captain," she assured him with a calm authority, "you can stand down."

Reluctantly, Panaka holstered his blaster and stepped aside, though his eyes remained sharply on Peter, watching his every move.

Once Panaka had moved, Padmé's gaze returned to Peter. "I didn’t know you were a Jedi," she remarked, her voice tinged with both curiosity and caution.

Peter chuckled, shaking his head as he looked down at his attire—a far cry from the traditional robes of a Jedi. "Do I look like a Jedi to you?" he quipped. He wore a rugged leather jacket over a simple white shirt, paired with dark pants and sturdy boots. Nonchalantly, he opened his jacket to reveal the absence of a lightsaber at his hip.

Padmé’s brow furrowed in confusion and concern. "Then how have you learned to use the Force?" she asked, her tone shifting towards suspicion. "You aren’t a Sith, are you?"

Peter's brow raised at the mention of the Sith, a hint of amusement flickering across his face. "No, definitely not a Sith either," he replied, his tone reassuring. "Just picked it up here and there, you know, trial and error." He lied with practiced ease. 

Padmé seemed to ponder his words for a moment, then nodded, deciding to take him at his word for now. "Well, regardless of how you came by your abilities, we owe you and your crew a great debt for bringing Stakar to justice." She gestured to a guard who stepped forward with a heavy case.

The guard placed the case at Peter's feet, flipping the latches open to reveal rows of neatly stacked credits. "Your reward, as promised," Padmé declared. "Feel free to count it if you wish."

Peter glanced at the case and then back at Padmé with a charming smile hidden under his mask. "Nah, I trust you," he said, his voice light. He gestured to Groot, who lumbered forward to take the case with a grateful rumble, "I am Groot."

As Groot handled the reward, Cosmo trotted up beside him, her tail wagging under the intrigued looks of some of the Naboo guards. 

Meanwhile, Howard smirked mischievously, already calculating the number of extravagant purchases he could afford with his share of the bounty.

With the formalities out of the way, Peter's gaze returned to Padmé. "So, what's next?" he asked, nodding towards the direction where the guards had taken the prisoner. "For Stakar, I mean.”

Padmé's expression hardened. "He will stand trial for his crimes against Naboo and, given the evidence, will likely spend his life in prison," she declared, her voice steady.

Peter's brows furrowed, and his lips twisted into a frown. "That's it? A trial and then prison?" he challenged, his tone laced with disbelief.

Captain Panaka, who had been lingering nearby, bristled at the question. Stepping forward, he snapped, "Are you questioning the Queen's judgment?"

Unperturbed by Panaka's rising temper, Peter met his glare with a calm, unyielding gaze. "Yes, I am," he said firmly. "You didn't see what I saw. Stakar and his clan are monsters. I found them in a brothel, raping women who would've gladly slept with them for just a few credits. Stakar doesn't deserve your mercy; he deserves death, just like his clan..."

Padmé's hands clenched into fists at her sides. Her eyes, once filled with the resolve of justice, now flickered with the flame of vengeance.

Peter, sensing that his earlier suspicions might have been correct, pressed on. "So they didn’t just kill your predecessor, did they? There’s more to it, isn’t there?"

Biting her lip, Padmé's facade of calm wavered as she reluctantly nodded. "No, they didn't. It was... similar to the situation you found them in, except they didn’t have a Star-Lord around to save them..."

"That’s all the more reason to execute him," Peter argued, his voice firm yet respectful. "Believe me, sparing such a vile person will only come back to haunt you."

Padmé frowned, the conflict evident in her gaze as she considered his words. "I’ll think on it," she finally said, her voice a mix of determination and doubt.

Peter nodded, his expression softening. "It's your call. Just know, some choices come back around. And remember, if you have another job or bounty, or if you ever just need help, don't hesitate to reach out."

With that, Peter turned to join his crew, who were already moving towards the exit, the case of credits in tow. As he walked away, he paused and looked back at Padmé, his tone sincere. "You know how to contact us."

Just as they were about to leave, suddenly, a voice, gentle yet firm, cut through the quiet.


It was Padmé. She stood from her throne, her posture poised but the indecision previously clouding her features seemed to have dissolved into a warm invitation. "Would you and your crew like to stay on Naboo for the night?" she asked, her smile tentative but genuine. "You must have traveled a long way, and I’m sure capturing Stakar and dealing with his Clan wasn’t easy..."

"Uh, actually, we have to—" Peter's voice trailed off as he glanced back at his crew. Noticing their expectant glances, he reconsidered. Their ship was reliable, but far from luxurious, and they could definitely use a break from its confines. "You know what? Yeah, a pit stop might do us some good," he conceded with a half-smile.

Smiling, Padmé turned to her servants, who were discreetly lined up along the sides of the room. "Please prepare rooms for our guests," she instructed with a gracious nod. 

The servants bowed and quietly exited to carry out her orders.

However, Captain Panaka immediately stepped forward, his expression tight with concern. "Your Majesty, I must advise against this. It’s too dangerous to allow them to stay within the palace walls," he protested, his voice low but urgent.

Padmé’s eyes met Panaka’s with a calm, unyielding gaze. "Captain, I understand your concerns, but they have shown no signs of malice," she reasoned softly yet firmly. "We owe them hospitality. Enhance the security measures if you must, but their comfort is our responsibility."

Panaka’s jaw clenched, his duty clashing with his protective instincts. "Very well, Your Majesty," he conceded reluctantly, his tone heavy with his lingering reservations. "I will personally oversee the arrangements and ensure the palace is secure."

"Thank you, Captain," Padmé nodded, turning back to Peter with a reassuring smile. "You and your crew will be well taken care of here. Let us ease the burden of your journey, even if just for a night…” 

A/N: 2320 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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