I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C72 Earth? Or Nah?

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


Peter gripped the controls of the ship, the familiar hum of the engine mixing with the low murmurs of his crew as they hurtled through hyperspace. Days of traveling through wild space had left the crew weary, yet anticipation filled the air—Earth, Peter's long-lost home, was close.

"Alright, everyone, hold on. We're coming out of hyperspace," Peter announced, his voice tinged with excitement. The stars outside the cockpit window realigned, merging into the distinct form of a green and blue planet—Earth.

"It's here..." Peter whispered, his eyes widening in awe. "It's really here…"

Revan remained silent beside him, his spectral form flickering subtly. Cosmo's tail wagged furiously as she jumped up to get a better look through the window. "Earth!" she barked, sharing Peter's enthusiasm, as it's her home planet as well. 

Groot peered over their shoulders, his deep voice resonant within the confined space. "I am Groot," he remarked simply, clearly impressed by the planet's lush appearance.

Howard, however, scoffed. "A backwater planet if I ever saw one. Can't believe this is your big find, Quill."

Peter rolled his eyes, accustomed to Howard's sharp tongue, and focused on descending towards the surface. He aimed for a secluded area in the middle of a desert on the west coast of the United States—a few miles away from where Los Angeles should be. 

As they neared the ground, the barren landscape sprawled beneath them. "Looks empty…" Howard continued criticizing the planet. "Isn't there a place where we can land that isn't a desert?"

"No, Earth isn't a spacefaring planet just yet. Just wait till we hit the city," Peter reassured the crew, who seemed skeptical of the seemingly lifeless vista.

Landing the ship smoothly, Peter gathered everyone in the cargo bay. "Listen up, we need to keep a low profile. Howard, Groot, Revan—you're staying here."

Howard immediately protested, his feathers practically bristling with indignation. "What? Why do I have to stay cooped up in this tin can while you get to go partying around your home planet?"

Groot, less angry but equally disappointed, added his own rumble, "I am Groot," in a tone that clearly conveyed his displeasure.

Revan, arms folded, remained silent, nodding in understanding. He recognized that their presence—a ghost, an anthropomorphic duck, and a walking tree—would certainly attract undue attention on a planet that's only ever explored its own moon. 

Peter ran a hand through his hair, feeling the weight of their stares. "Look, guys, it's not that I don't want you to come. Earth just isn't familiar with aliens, so if you start walking around carefree, you'll definitely attract attention. And before you know it, we'll be dealing with men in black suits trying to capture and dissect you guys..."

Howard crossed his arms, mimicking Revan's posture but with considerably less grace. "And Cosmo is perfectly fine?"

Peter pointed at Cosmo, who sat quietly, though her eyes were round with the excitement of impending adventure. "Cosmo is from Earth. And even though she isn't your average dog, she can pass for one."

Groot leaned down, his branch-like fingers brushing against the floor, imitating a dog. "I am Groot?"

"Although you make quite the convincing dog, It's just too risky, buddy," Peter replied, placing a comforting hand on Groot's bark-like shoulder. "I need you guys to hold down the fort. If anything goes sideways, I'm gonna need a quick getaway. Can I count on you?"

"I am Groot…" Groot nodded, though he wasn't happy about it. 

Howard huffed, resigning himself to his fate. "Fine, but you better bring me back some booze. And I expect something that doesn't suck."

Peter grinned, relief washing over him as the tension eased slightly. "Sure. I'll bring back something special for each of you. Come on, Cosmo, you're with me, but you gotta lose the space suit."

Cosmo looked up at him, her eyes wide. "But it feels like I'm naked without it," she complained.

"I know, girl, but a dog in a space suit isn't exactly inconspicuous," Peter chuckled, scratching behind her ears.

With a plan set, Peter headed towards the cargo bay. He hopped onto a speeder bike as the ramp opened, releasing a wave of dry desert heat into the ship.

Cosmo settled awkwardly onto his lap, as there was nowhere else to sit, her tongue lolling out in the breeze. 

With a rev of the engine, they shot off towards the horizon, the dusty trails of the desert blurring behind them as they sped towards the horizon, leaving the rest of the crew behind. 

As they cut through the desert, Peter felt a mix of nostalgia and thrill course through him. The earth was exactly how he remembered, and he couldn't wait to dive into its delights—new cassette tapes, McDonald's, and maybe even a slice of good old pizza.

Meanwhile, back at the ship, Howard grumbled as he watched the dust settle. "Great, stuck in the middle of nowhere... Fantastic."

Groot patted Howard's head, his hand heavy on the unhappy duck. "I am Groot," he intoned solemnly.

"Get off me!" Howard struggled to lift Groot's giant arm off him before pacing back into the ship. "I need a drink..."


The barren outskirts of Los Angeles sprawled beneath a sky tinged with the golden hues of late afternoon. Peter guided the speeder, its engine humming softly, while Cosmo perched on his lap, her fur ruffled by the wind.

As the city skyline drew closer, Peter's heart pounded with a mix of excitement and unease. "Excited to be back?" he asked. "I know it's not Russia, but I'm sure we can find you a cat to chase and a steak to eat…"

Cosmo wagged her tail, her eyes scanning the horizon. "Ugh… I hate cats," she grumbled before perking up at the mention of a steak. "Though some cow meat would be good…"

After getting close enough, they parked the speeder in a secluded area, concealed by a hill. Prepared, Peter pulled a dusty tarp over it, ensuring it blended in. With a final pat on the bike, he turned towards the city. "Alright, let's walk from here."

After a short walk, they ventured into the streets, Cosmo trotting alongside Peter. But, as they approached what should have been a bustling downtown area, a chilling quiet settled around them. The buildings stood immaculate, their glass facades gleaming under the sun, but the streets were completely deserted. Not a car, nor a pedestrian in sight.

"This is weird," Peter murmured, his gaze sweeping across the empty city. "It's like a ghost town, but everything looks brand new."

Cosmo sniffed the air, her nose twitching. "No scents, no sounds. It's like nothing's alive here."

Peter's instincts screamed that something was off. He walked up to a newsstand where the papers were still stacked neatly, as if waiting for morning commuters. Yet, each sheet was blank, resembling props on a movie set.

"How can this place be so dead when it's kept up like it's still alive?" Peter wondered aloud.

Cosmo's ears perked up, and she growled lowly. "I don't like this, Peter. It feels... unnatural."

They continued deeper into the city, the silence enveloping them like a thick fog. Peter eyed his surrounding in confusion. "You know, I expected to show you the best taco place or catch a Dodgers game, not... whatever this is."

Soon enough, they found a skyscraper with an observatory deck. The elevator whirred to life with a press of a button, surprisingly operational given the desolation around them. As they ascended, Peter peered through the glass, his eyes searching for any sign of life, any clue to explain the eerie abandonment.

At the top, the city sprawled out like a meticulous model—perfect yet uninhabited. Peter leaned on the railing, his thoughts racing. "If this is some kind of simulation or something, it's the most elaborate one I've ever seen."

Cosmo stared at a digital ad cycling through images of happy families enjoying the city. "What if this isn't Earth at all? What if we ended up somewhere else?"

Peter shook his head. "But why would another planet copy Earth?" His voice trailed off as he considered the possibilities. "Wait—"

Peter's eyes widened as a sudden realization struck him. "This could be—"

Before he could finish his thought, a piercing alarm cut through the silence, echoing off the empty buildings with a haunting urgency. The ground trembled slightly under their feet as sewer manholes clattered open around the city, breaking the stillness.

Peter's head snapped towards the nearest street corner as a swarm of sleek, silver, armed droids burst forth from the underground. They soared into the sky, converging rapidly towards their location.

"What the…"


Meanwhile, in a room aglow with the soft light of numerous holographic displays, High Evolutionary observed his meticulously constructed replica of Los Angeles. His sharp eyes scanned the screens, capturing every angle of Peter and Cosmo's exploration of the city. The images of their ship, settled in the desolate outskirts, flickered on another panel.

"It's been so long since we've had intruders," High Evolutionary muttered to himself, his eyes glued to the screen displaying Cosmo. A smirk formed on his lips. "And one of them is an Earth dog..."

His hand hovered over a console, fingers tapping rhythmically as he contemplated his next move. Decision made, he pressed a series of commands, activating the city's hidden defense mechanisms.

Deep beneath the city, hatches swung open, and sleek, silver droids surged upward. Their movements were synchronized and precise. 

Quickly assembling into formation, they split into two groups. One group advanced towards the two intruders, determined to capture the dog, while the other rushed off into the desert towards the parked ship.

Unfortunately, High Evolutionary has no interest in humans or other non-earth creatures, so only Cosmo would be taken alive. The rest would be treated with lethal force. 


Back inside the ship in the desert, Revan stood by a window, his spectral form flickering slightly as he sensed a disturbance approaching. A faint smile played on his lips as he summoned his lightsaber to his hand, marching towards the cargo hold. 

"Groot, Howard, we have company," Revan announced calmly, his voice resonating with a cool confidence. 

Howard looked up from his makeshift bar, annoyance written across his features. "What sort of company? The kind that drinks, or the kind that shoots?" He asked, waving his martini glass around. 

"I am Groot," Groot intoned, his voice deep and worried as he moved to follow Revan. 

Without another word, Revan turned and marched towards the exit. The ramp lowered with a hydraulic hiss, revealing the barren landscape outside. 

In the distance, a dust storm seemed to loom on the horizon. But upon closer inspection, what appeared to be a storm was actually a small army of hovering droids. Their metallic bodies glinted in the sunlight as they rapidly closed in, kicking up sand behind them. 

Howard and Groot hurried after Revan, peering out into the harsh daylight. The sight of the droid army brought a rare seriousness to Howard's face. "Ah, that kind of company," he muttered, turning back around. "Let me get my gun…"


Meanwhile, back in the lab, Rocket, Floor, Lylla, and Teefs huddled together in their dimly lit cage. The atmosphere was tense, every nerve wired for the escape plan that had been meticulously crafted over the past 24 hours. 

Tonight was supposed to be the night they claimed their freedom. But the sudden blare of alarms throughout the facility caught them off guard, changing everything.

Rocket's sharp eyes darted around the room, analyzing the chaos erupting around them. And after waiting for five full minutes, and with no one coming to check on them, he made a decision. "This is it, we move now!" he whispered urgently. 

The usually controlled environment of the lab was thrown into disarray as scientists and security droids scurried to respond to the emergency.

Lylla shook her head, her sleek fur bristling with anticipation. "But Rocket, the plan was for midnight," she protested softly, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Rocket shook his head, his tail flicking with impatience. "No time, Lylla! Whatever's going on out there is a perfect distraction for us, it's now or never!"

Teefs grunted in agreement and barreled into the pre-weakened door of their cage, knocking it off its hinges. "Rocket's right," he said, his voice booming over the alarms. "We should use whatever's going on right now as cover."

"…fine," Lylla hesitantly agreed. 

"Good," Rocket nodded, rushing toward the vent across the room. "Now let's get moving before they come looking for us…"

A/N: 2142 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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