I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)

C98 Setting Boundaries

Check out early access chapters on my Patréon, currently 14 chapters ahead! 

🚨Patréon Link🚨


Peter’s heart raced as he stared at the elderly couple standing in the restaurant doorway. The disbelief in their eyes mirrored his own shock. He rose from his seat, feeling Peggy's gaze on him.

"Grandma? Grandpa?" The words felt surreal on his lips.

Jason Quill took a tentative step forward, his hand shaking. "It is you, isn't it, Peter?"

Peter nodded, emotion choking his voice. "Yeah, it's me."

Anne Quill rushed forward, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. "We've missed you so much," she whispered, tears streaming down her face.

Peter hugged her back, his own eyes watering. "I've missed you too, Grandma. I've missed you both."

The waitstaff quickly pulled up chairs for the elderly couple. Jason and Anne took their seats, flanking Peter as if afraid to let him out of their sight.

"How did you find me?" Peter asked, curiosity evident in his voice. "How did you get here?"

Jason and Anne exchanged a look before Jason spoke. "It was Peggy. She called General Ross, and the general picked us up."

Peter's eyes widened slightly at the mention of General Ross. "General Ross?"

Anne nodded. "Yes. It was quite the scare at first, but he assured us that Peggy was trustworthy..."

“I see…” Peter leaned back, a thoughtful expression on his face. ‘I forgot they were both in the army…’

"Where have you been?" Jason asked, his voice thick with emotion. "You disappeared all those years ago, and we thought... we thought you were gone."

Peter took a deep breath, trying to find the words. "It's a long story...”

Anne's eyes widened. "We looked for you everywhere. The police, the community... everyone searched for weeks before they finally gave up. They said you must have wandered into the woods and gotten lost, or worse. But we never gave up hope."

She reached into her purse and pulled out a folded piece of paper, placing it in front of Peter. He unfolded it to reveal a missing person's flier with his nine-year-old face on it. Beside him in the photo was his mother, her smile a bittersweet reminder of what he had lost.

Peter's eyes lingered on the picture, a sad smile tugging at his lips. "I only had one picture of her," he said softly. "Seeing this... it's nice."

Jason cleared his throat, his gaze intense. "Where have you been all this time, Peter?"

The table fell silent, Peggy, Fury, and Coulson watching with rapt attention. Peter could feel the weight of their curiosity pressing down on him, but he wasn't ready to share everything. Not with Peggy and her agents around, and certainly not with the knowledge that their conversation was likely being recorded by the many agents outside.

Peter looked at his grandparents, his expression guarded. "It's complicated. And it's not something I can talk about here."

Jason and Anne exchanged a glance, sensing the gravity of his words. "Alright," Jason said softly. "We can talk later, in private."

Peggy leaned forward, her eyes sympathetic. "Peter, we can arrange for a secure location if you need it."

Peter shook his head, appreciating the offer. "Thanks, Peggy. But I can handle that myself…” He refused, knowing that she just wanted to listen in on their conversation. 

"Alright, if that’s what you want," Peggy nodded, as she expected him to say something like that. “I’ll leave you three to catch up, but we need to schedule another meeting about the Black Widows. Here's my number." She stood up alongside Fury and Coulson, sliding her card across the table

Peter picked it up, glancing at the neatly printed digits. "Thanks, Peggy. I'll call you."

Peggy stood, her agents following suit. "Take your time, Peter. We'll be in touch." She gave a nod to his grandparents. "Jason, Anne..."

Jason smiled warmly. "Thank you, Director Carter. We appreciate your help."

Anne added, her voice soft, "Thank you for bringing our Peter back to us."

Peggy returned their smiles before heading for the door, Fury and Coulson close behind. 

“Oh!” As Peggy and her agents began to leave the restaurant, Peter stood up abruptly. "I forgot to tell her something. I'll be right back," he told his grandparents. 

Jason and Anne reluctantly nodded, watching him like hawks as he rushed out of the front doors. They were ready to run after him at any moment, as they didn’t want him disappearing on them again. “…”

Peter hurried after Peggy, catching up to her just as she was about to step into her SUV. The agents alongside her looked wary, their hands hovering near their weapons. Peggy waved them off, motioning for them to let Peter through.

"Did you forget something, Peter?" she asked, her tone calm.

Peter nodded, his calm facade crumbling to reveal a stern face filled with simmering anger. The agents tensed, their hands reaching for their guns, but with a flick of his wrist, Peter used the Force to constrict their bodies, restraining them. They stood immobile, unable to move or draw their weapons.

Peggy, though outwardly composed, felt a rush of fear. Peter stepped closer, his gaze intense. "I know you probably had good intentions bringing my grandparents into this," he began, his voice low and dangerous. "But I do not like you meddling with my family. If you do it again, I won't hold back like I'm doing now. Do I make myself clear?"

Peggy gritted her teeth, her eyes meeting Peter's unwaveringly. "Crystal."

Peter nodded, the furious anger in his eyes dissipating. "Good." He smiled, though the gesture didn't reach his eyes. "I'm sorry for this, but I needed to make sure you understood how serious I am."

Peggy nodded grimly. "I understand. Family is off-limits. I'll remember."

Peter's smile became more genuine. "Good. I'll call you soon about the Black Widows." He turned, waving over his shoulder as he walked back to the restaurant.

As Peter reentered the restaurant, the door closing behind him, the agents he had restrained with the Force were finally released. A few scrambled for their guns, gasping for air, but Peggy chided them. "Put those away. We're leaving."

She and her men loaded into their SUVs and drove off. From the backseat, Peggy watched through the window as Peter took a seat beside his grandparents, a genuine smile on his face. Despite the fear and anger, she felt a sense of satisfaction. She had made the right choice, even if it had angered him a little.


Moments earlier, inside the restaurant, Jason and Anne Quill watched as Peter hurried out of the restaurant after Peggy. The urgency in his movements unsettled them, but they remained seated, watching from a distance. 

"What do you think he's doing?" Anne asked, her voice tinged with worry.

Jason shook his head, his eyes fixed on the scene outside. "I don't know, but it looks important."

Through the window, they could see Peter catching up to Peggy just as she was about to get into her SUV. The agents around her seemed tense, their hands hovering near their weapons. Anne's heart skipped a beat, a cold fear gripping her chest.

"Why are they reaching for their guns?" she whispered, her grip tightening on Jason's hand.

Jason's jaw clenched. "I don't know. Should we go and help him?"

They watched as Peggy waved off her agents, motioning for them to let Peter through. The tension in the air was palpable, even from inside the restaurant. Peter's posture was rigid, his expression shifting from calm to something much more intense.

"He's angry," Jason observed, a frown creasing his forehead. "Really angry."

Anne's eyes widened as Peter raised his hand, and the agents around Peggy suddenly froze, their bodies constricted by some invisible force. "What's he doing?" she gasped, her voice barely audible.

"I don't know," Jason replied, equally astonished.

They watched in silence as Peter stepped closer to Peggy, his face a mask of stern resolve. Although they couldn't hear what he was saying, the confrontation was clearly serious. Peggy's expression shifted, and even from this distance, they could see the fear flicker across her features.

Jason's heart pounded in his chest. "She’s afraid of him," he realized. 

Anne nodded, her eyes never leaving the scene. "But why?"

Jason frowned in thought. “I don’t know…” He began to realize that he didn’t know a lot…

When Peter reentered the restaurant and took his seat beside his grandparents again, a genuine smile on his face, they knew that, despite how mysterious he’d become, he was still their family. For now, they were just grateful to have him back, safe and sound.

Peter turned back to his grandparents, a mixture of relief and anticipation in his eyes. "I'm sorry about all the secrecy. There's just a lot going on right now."

Jason nodded, understanding. "We get it, Peter. Just knowing you're alive and well is more than we could have hoped for."

Anne reached out, taking Peter's hand in hers. "We don't need all the details right now. We're just happy to have you back."

Peter squeezed her hand, his heart swelling with gratitude. "Thanks, Grandma. Grandpa. I missed you guys so much."

They spent the next hour reminiscing, sharing memories of the past, and catching up on the years they'd missed. Jason and Anne filled Peter in on their lives, the changes in the town, and how they had never stopped hoping for his return.

And when silence descended, as they had nothing left to talk about, Jason asked the question that he and his wife have been avoiding all this time, his voice gentle. "Peter, can you tell us what happened now? Where did you go all those years ago?"

Peter hesitated, glancing around the restaurant. "I will, Grandpa. But we can't talk here. Peggy's probably got this place bugged."

Anne looked around, her brow furrowing. "Bugged? How? Where?"

Peter gave a small smile. "With Peggy, you never know. It could be anywhere—under the table, in the lights, even in the salt shakers."

Jason and Anne exchanged bewildered glances, their eyes scanning the room as if they might spot the hidden devices. Finally, Jason nodded. "Alright, let's go somewhere safe."

Peter led them out of the restaurant, his eyes constantly scanning their surroundings. The streets were quiet, the city winding down for the night.

As they walked, Peter sensed something off. He glanced around, his instincts on high alert. There were people trailing them, both on foot and in cars.

"Keep pace with me," Peter said quietly to his grandparents. "We're being followed."

Jason and Anne exchanged worried glances but did as Peter instructed, trusting his judgment. Peter's eyes darted around, identifying their pursuers. There were two men on foot, moving stealthily behind them, and a white van creeping along the curb.

Peter's expression hardened. He focused his mind, reaching out with the Force. The men on foot suddenly stumbled, their ankles twisting painfully. They fell to the ground, clutching their injured legs.

In the van, the driver and passengers felt a sudden jolt as all four tires popped simultaneously. The vehicle lurched to a halt, the sound of escaping air echoing in the quiet street. And as they tried to get out, the doors sealed shut with a metallic groan, trapping the agents inside.

"What's happening?" Anne whispered, her eyes wide with fear.

"I’m just making sure they can’t follow us," Peter replied, a calm smile on his face. "Nothing to worry about."

They continued walking, the sounds of their pursuers' struggles fading into the background. Peter kept a steady pace, guiding his grandparents through the dimly lit streets. The agents trapped in the van pounded on the windows, their muffled shouts going unheard as the trio moved further away.

Eventually, the park came into view. Peter led Jason and Anne to a secluded spot under a large oak tree, far from prying eyes and ears. He finally relaxed, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Are we safe now?" Jason asked, still looking around warily.

Peter nodded. "Yes, we're safe. But technically, we were never in any real danger to begin with. Peggy is just being nosy.” He sighed in annoyance. “But don’t worry, they won't be able to follow us anymore."

They walked a few blocks to a quiet park, finding a secluded bench under a large oak tree. The stars overhead twinkled brightly, casting a gentle glow on the scene.

Anne sat down beside Peter, her curiosity undimmed. "Who is that woman, Peter? How do you know her? What could you have possibly gotten yourself involved in?"

Peter leaned back, a small smile playing on his lips. "Nothing bad, Grandma. I just... ended up bumping into her. That's all."

Jason raised an eyebrow, clearly unconvinced. "Bumping into someone doesn't usually involve black SUVs and government agents."

Peter chuckled, appreciating his grandfather's sharp instincts. "Okay, maybe it's a bit more complicated than that. But I promise, it's not as bad as it seems."

“What happened Peter?” His grandmother asked, practically begging at this point.

He took a deep breath, wondering if he should tell them the truth. "After Mom died, I… I couldn’t handle it so I ran away…”

A/N: 2238 words :)🚨Patréon Link🚨

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