I’m the dungeon master

3.Sylvan Shade

1628…. 1628….. 16….

I… I feel dizzy…

I took a couple of steps back, almost falling, I… I just can’t fall and dirty it, with tears in my eyes I said

“System can I have a refund on this boxer?”


My heart ached “B… B… But, why?”

<Extra comfortable fit auto-cleaned blue boxer is a personal item, personal items can’t be resold to the dungeon master system>

-I spent almost 1700 points on a comfortable boxer-


“System does this boxer have any special characteristics”

<Extra comfortable fit auto-cleaned blue boxer is extra comfortable, can fit any body size for male or female, it doesn’t need cleaning as it is impeded with second class magic>

“Is that all? God-damn it, I guess I don’t need to be afraid of falling after all, IT WILL FUCKING CLEAN ITSELF.”

-This 1700 points must’ve been my startup points, I needed to use it wisely to keep myself safe from invasions, I don’t exactly know what invasions are, but I have a few good ideas, and it doesn’t look good in any of them-

I said trying to calm down “system explains the dungeon invasion process please”

-Let’s hope it’s not as bad as I think-

<dungeon invasion is initiated by hunters with the goal of reaching the boss room 'admin room' and kill the dungeon boss ‘dungeon master’ the number of invaders usually correlate to the dungeon size>

-Just as shitty as I thought, but I need to know how this dungeon will appear to people and where is it exactly on earth. Quiet appearance and an unpopulated area please-

“System where and how will my dungeon appear on earth”

<Ravenswood will appear in a random location after 71H:17M:37S, the dungeon will appear on earth as a dimensional door, the size of the door will depend on Ravenswood size>

-Wow, thanks, don’t you think you gave too much information here system?-

<the dungeon master system operate based on precision, the information provided are precise>

“Yeah, yeah, that was sarcasm, Ass”

-By the way, did I actually spend about 20 minutes moping about my 1700… well, it's within my right, but if I want to survive, I have to pull myself together-

-I now know what to do with points, and I know that I need to protect myself from being fucked, the question is how to spend, I can buy troops probably from recruit, but is it the most efficient option here?, I mean I can’t fuck this up anymore otherwise my death will be certain-

“Maybe I should call for that handsome freak, I mean the system called him assistant, and the system is precise, that I can agree on.”

The admin room isn’t too big, probably only 12ft by 12ft, I walked a little until I reached the arched exit, I looked down through the exit to see a very long staircase leading down, I tried to move my feet toward the staircase, but I felt a repelling force.

-the system was right, I can’t leave this room-


I stood there for a couple of seconds -should I yell for him?-


It echoed through the staircase, the hallway and probably the other rooms.

-This is so embarrassing-

That’s when I heard an enthusiastic voice calling me


My face distorted –I will ask him to call me Raven, this master shit is disgusting-

I saw him running on the staircase, even though he was running, his movement was full of allegiance, long black hair whipping behind him, muscles for days showing through his robe, I took a few steps back to let him enter.

I grimaced -Maybe you should cover yourself, slut-

And there is absolutely no irony in what I said.

I moved to the other side of the room, while the hot hunk of a man stood right in front of the exit.

Hands behind my back I turned around to face him, if I wasn’t wearing underwear I think I would truly look like a master.

“From now on, call me Raven.”

He looks at me with surprise, “But how can…”

I cut him off quickly before he started to yap “you can because I tell you, I don’t like this master shit, alright?”

He gave me an odd look and answered, “understood Raven”

It’s weird, why would he look at me like that, ahhhh whatever “what is your name?” I asked, it’s not like I could call him hunk all the time

He answered, “I don’t have a name”

-Yeah, no surprise there-


“I decided to abandon my ancient name and wait for my future master to name me”

-Ohm, so it’s that kind of shitty story, but ancient?-

I asked another question, “where are you from?” I mean, I think he is created from the system, to be honest.

He answered, “I was born in the depth of the abyss”

-okay shit, that sounds cool-

“And where is that.”

“It’s another plane of existing… Raven”

-based on what he is saying the abyss should be another planet like earth, and is it rally that hard to say Raven-

“alright and how did you get here from the abyss”

I was confused because he didn’t answer me and had a complicated face

He slowly said, “even though I truly want to tell you Raven, there are information that I'm not allowed to tell you for now, however I can say just like the other intelligent life forms that you can recruit throughout the system, I chose to be here.”

He had a look of determination on his face.

-Alright it’s not like it would make much different for me if I knew the answer, but it’s good to know that he wasn’t forced to join me, after all we will probably die really fast after I spent 1700 points on boxers-

Anyway, now to the important shit “you know about my system and that I can recruit so it’s safe to assume that you have a good understanding of my system, right?”

He answered immediately, “yes, although I can’t share with you what you are not aware of, so I recommend you to experiment with the system yourself”

-so he can only give me advice, not explain the functions of the system, maybe?-

“alright, so what do you think is the optimal way for me to defend Ravenswood”

He looked at my eyes for a while, then his eyes moved downward, which made me loss my composure and cover myself with my hands, after a moment of silence, he said slowly

“as you have spent about 1500 on what, I assume, is the extra comfortable auto-cleaned underwear, we currently have about 200 points, right?”

A look of extreme embarrassment showed on my face as I said quietly, “it was actually fit too, for just an extra 128 points.” I don’t care if it sounds stupid, I will explain myself.

After a long moment of silence, he said slowly, “so we only have 72 points?”

I coughed “Yes”

“Well that is less than optimal, but I think we can work something out”

-I knew I could depend on you, my hunky man-

He continued, “our best option is to buy the weakest subordinates and pray that our attackers will see us as a level farm with no threat and give us time to gather points before realizing how dungeons actually work”

He started to stroke his chin and said, “if we get lucky enough, and keep this going for a couple of months, we might be able to defend ourselves, while working slowly to expand our army to invade this human realm”

My face twisted, "so basically hide and hope?"

He answered with a serious face, “Yes”

I sighed -I can’t blame him, it’s my fault for spending 1628 points, but still this is too dangerous, hopes and prays don’t sit well with me-

“how will the humans or hunters attack us”

He answered promptly, “based on our current dungeon size, most likely a maximum of 5 hunters can enter at once”

“And what will their strength be” if only 5 normal humans invade every time, then it should be easy to defend.

He shook his head, “I can’t answer this question”

-Wait, I have an idea, system how strong will the people invading me be?-

<the invaders level will not exceed 2 for the first 30 days of Ravenswood appearance on planet earth, as long as Raven Hart or his subordinate don't have level 2 or above>

Now to see if my theory is correct, “if I ask you the same question you can answer it right”

He gave me a nod, with a smile, “I can give you more specific information too”

I'm proud of how smart I'm to see that, general information from the system and specific from the assistant, I gave the man a look and said

“would you like for me to name you?”

-I mean, he can’t change masters now, otherwise he would’ve already. I know I would.-

He smiled at me, “I would love that Raven”

-why do I always get a weird feeling when I look at this guy?, anyway, what should I call him, well, my name is ‘Raven Hart’ and my dungeon name is ‘Ravenswood’ so I should keep the theme.-

“What do you think of ‘Sylvan Shade’?”

He answered after a moment, “it’s perfect”

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