I'm The Godfather Of Black Widow, Exposed By Scarlet Witch

Chapter 325 The Death Of Superman

The spur that suddenly grew out of Doomsday pierced into Superman's body without any hindrance.


Superman also yelled out in pain, and he had to keep his movements to prevent Doomsday from getting the spear out, so he was unprepared to be pierced by Doomsday.

Obviously, Doomsday chose to die with him.

It is precisely because the Kryptonite stone in Superman's hand is too close that his own defense is also weak, and the Man of Steel is useless.

Even Kryptonians, faced with such horrific injuries, still feel the passing of life.

Ke Chen didn't expect Doomsday to change so much. Doomsday also chose to attack him, but his defense did not decrease. Kryptonite had no effect on him, which was beyond Doomsday's expectations, so he had to drag Superman into the water.


Doomsday's body fell heavily to the ground accompanied by a kryptonite spear, Superman Clark also showed a trace of pain on his face, and Ke Chen could clearly feel his thoughts.

"Protect the Earth..."

Clark said with all his strength, and then fell heavily on the other side, his life was completely gone.

Doomsday drained Superman's life when he died, knowing that the Kryptonian's life was strong, and didn't give Superman a chance.

Both Batman and Wonder Woman were stunned. Diana walked over with wide-eyed eyes, looking at Ke Chen at a loss.



Ke Chen nodded, then looked at Batman, all of this was obviously what Batman wanted to see.

Before coming to the Mets, Batman wanted to deal with the threat of Superman, but now Batman is not happy.

He didn't expect Superman's death to be this way, and he didn't even think that Superman would actually die!

Batman is not stupid either, he naturally doesn't think he can kill Superman, he just wants to teach Clark a lesson.

But apparently, thanks to Lex Luthor, things went the other way.


Furious, Batman grabbed Lex Luthor decisively and punched him.

Lex Luthor fell heavily to the ground, but just laughed.

"Humans, no need, aliens protect themselves."

Lex Luthor stared at Batman and laughed wildly.

His ideals are much greater than those of Batman's fans.

And he also succeeded... Killing God!

Ke Chen looked at this scene a little dull, neither Batman nor Luthor was interesting.

The reason why Superman is Superman is because he is unique, even if Luthor has all the power of Superman, he cannot become Superman.

Not to mention Luthor, even Ke Chen himself, who has the same root as Superman but more powerful, can't become Superman, without the mentality of Superman.

There is an obvious difference between Dr. Manhattan and Superman. Dr. Manhattan gradually loses his humanity, while Superman maintains his humanity while having divinity.

This is the reason why Superman is different from all super-ability people. Some super-ability people are much stronger than Superman, and even omnipotent, but only Superman can always maintain a sincere heart.

Ke Chen sometimes thinks that human beings are just ants, but even when Superman faces these ants, he doesn't despise or despise them.

Ke Chen raised his hand, wanting to revive Superman, but when he heard Luthor's words, he suddenly wanted to teach these arrogant humans a lesson.

"You will get the punishment you deserve."

He slowly put down his hand, and the power of time in his hand dissipated.

These people want Superman to die, but when they are really in crisis, they want Superman to save them.

What a sarcasm.


With the death of Superman, his dying roar spread throughout the universe, just like the earth lost its patron saint.

In effect, the Kryptonians suppressed danger on Earth, keeping hidden enemies from showing up.

Like the mother box...

With the death of Superman, the mother box protected by the Amazons once again issued a crack, which was discovered by the female warrior guarding the mother box, and then immediately told Queen Hippolyta.

Queen Hippolyta immediately became vigilant. Although it cannot be ruled out that it was caused by Ke Chen, it may also be the real enemy.

Although the mother box returned to normal immediately, and there was no movement for a while, it couldn't make her feel at ease.

After all, this thing has not moved at all for thousands of years, but it has started to move frequently during this period of time. It was like falling asleep before, but now the mother box is waking up.

There is no doubt that the mother box is sending information to the universe, after all, it is the technology of Apocalypse star.

The Apocalypse star has conquered countless worlds, and the mother box has played a great role.

The new protoss of the Apocalypse star in the universe will receive the information of the mother box, and then go to the earth to retrieve the mother box.

But the Amazons didn't know this. Queen Hippolyta just looked at the mother box with some sadness, weighing the pros and cons.

General Antiope immediately asked, "Do you want to tell Diana the news?"

The news on Paradise Island is blocked, and they don't know what happened in the metropolis. After all, Paradise Island has no TV, let alone the Internet...

This is the hesitation of Queen Hippolyta.

She wanted to tell Diana about the mother box, but she was afraid that she would make a fuss like last time.

What if it was caused by the arrival of Ke Chen again?

So she shook her head, deciding not to tell Diana until something really happened.

"No need, send someone to guard the mother box first, and then tell Diana if there is any change."

Queen Hippolyta finally decided to play it safe, but her brows never loosened.


In Metropolis, the death of Superman made all the people in mourning. When Superman was flying around in the sky, some people felt uncomfortable and even wanted Superman to disappear.

But Superman is really gone, and it is this group of people who are most afraid, because the crime rate in the metropolis has begun to soar.

Some people or things only know their importance after they are lost, the easier they are to get, the less they will cherish them.

Therefore, the people spontaneously held a funeral for Superman, and hundreds of thousands of metropolitan people came to funeral Superman.

Both Ke Chen and Diana attended the funeral but only watched from a distance.

"That's Louise?"

Ke Chen looked at Louise who was crying in front of Superman's body.

"What are you staring at people for?"

Diana immediately grabbed him. The two of them were dressed plainly in the distance, but Diana was wearing a long dress, showing off her figure perfectly.

"I was wondering what to do without Superman?"

Ke Chen immediately looked away, not daring to provoke Diana at this moment.

Looking at the grand funeral, Ke Chen only felt that he attended the recent funeral a little too much...

From Ancient One magician to Superman, God knows what he went through?

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