I'm The Godfather Of Black Widow, Exposed By Scarlet Witch

Chapter 341: A Hero Without Super Ability

"Okay, leave Tony alone."

In the end, it was Ke Chen who interceded, and then Jean Gray waved his hand, and Tony suddenly felt that he could open his mouth.

Tony was relieved and didn't dare to provoke Qin anymore, but he was still a little mysterious about magic.

Like Strange, he didn't quite believe in magic at the beginning, and only when he got to know it slowly would he trust it.

"We've already failed once."

Ke Chen spoke.

MR.Fantastic and others were a little puzzled, but they became serious after hearing Ke Chen's explanation.

Fortunately, Ultron is not so easy to fail, it's all about chance.

This time, MR.Fantastic managed to take control of Ultron and showed no problems.

There seemed to be a long river of history in Qin's eyes, and she nodded this time.

As long as Ultron's program does not make mistakes, the success rate is still very high.

It didn't take long for Ultron to make a completely different sound.

"The Ultron system has been completed, the purpose is to maintain the peace of the earth and fight against all criminals..."

Hearing these female voices, everyone nodded immediately.

Tony also looked at Ke Chen, until Ke Chen nodded for confirmation, Tony said: "J.A.R.V.I.S, let go of the Ultron restriction."

"Okay, sir."

J.A.R.V.I.S also scanned Ultron, and from J.A.R.V.I.S's point of view, Ultron has no problems, so the restriction was lifted.

Although Ultron has just been created, it is higher level than J.A.R.V.I.S.

But after all, J.A.R.V.I.S poured Tony's efforts into it, and it is not a simple artificial intelligence.

Otherwise, Tony could have created another J.A.R.V.I.S after J.A.R.V.I.S was swallowed by Ultron, but in fact Tony used Friday...

Ultron did not directly break through the defense of J.A.R.V.I.S this time, but was released by J.A.R.V.I.S.

Then, rows of steel battle suits in Avengers came out under the control of Ultron.

Although J.A.R.V.I.S can also do this, the actual effect is not as good as Ultron, because Ultron is like a control center, and J.A.R.V.I.S is best as an auxiliary effect.

Soon, Ultron took over the control of the Avengers Center and began to try to monitor the dangers in New York. A successful Ultron can maintain the peace of the earth, instead of becoming a villain robot.

However, MR.Fantastic expressed dissatisfaction looking at the row of colorful steel battle suits.

"We need an iconic robot, and it's not a steel battle suit. If the steel battle suit is not controlled by someone, it can't fully exert the effect of Ultron, and the defense is not enough."

MR.Fantastic said that he already had the idea of ​​the Ultron robot in his mind.

Tony said, "definitely, I've prepared it a long time ago. These steel battle suits are controlled by Veronica."

Hearing his arrogant words, the others laughed apologetically.

After all, only Tony is rich here, and he is very rich. Whether it is MR. Fantastic or Dr. Banner, they are all poor compared to Tony.

Next, all the Avengers have to do is build the Ultron robot like crazy.

There are enough Ultron robots to maintain world peace, and they are not far from this goal.

The Ultron robot is silvery-white and has the Avengers logo printed on it. It is all made of steel, not a hollow steel battle suit. Its defense is stronger than that of a steel battle suit, and its attack power is higher.

The only thing that is not as good as a steel battle suit is that a steel battle suit is more spiritual when worn by someone...it also cannot protect humans in extreme situations like a steel battle suit.

Even for Tony, it is impossible to use Vibranium to build so many Ultron robots, so we can only add a little bit, and use Vibranium to build the most critical parts of Ultron robots, so that it is not so easy to damage...

Tony and the others are in full swing, and Ke Chen is not from the Avengers after all, so he left with a scepter.

Although Tony was a bit reluctant, Ke Chen helped him build the Ultron system and made it successful, so he could only watch Ke Chen take the scepter away.

He just studied it, and didn't experiment with the psychic scepter...

Ke Chen was afraid that something might happen to Mind Gem again, so he conjured up a Vision for him and took it away.

He and Qin left the Avengers building directly, and found a scenic spot with no one to catch up.

"You personally interfered with the direction, and it was too much."

Qin Gray looked at Ke Chen and said, and then glanced at the Mind Gem in his hand, wondering what Ke Chen was going to do.

She wouldn't have noticed about Ultron if she hadn't seen Tony Stark's fate change.

Although for Ke Chen, he can easily restart the time, just try again and again.

"Enough has changed, why not make it better? At least the planet is safer."

Ke Chen said that the world has long since changed beyond recognition from what he remembered, and some people say that he has participated in everything, so continue to participate...

According to a saying, it can't be worse anyway...

And it was better than what Ke Chen remembered, why should this purple sweet potato essence fight with them?

"It's also potentially more dangerous."

Jean said: "The more changes, the easier it is to attract attention in the multi-universe."

Ke Chen looked at Qin and asked, "Why?"

"Because it's unique."

Qin said: "But it doesn't matter, it will change anyway."

Ke Chen doesn't know her worries, everyone is changing, and Qin is also changing after becoming Sorcerer Supreme, even more... a magic stick?

I don't know if this is a Kamar-Taj tradition.

After chatting for a while, Qin went back to Kamar-Taj, and made an appointment to have a chance to touch... Ke Chen did not go home, but directly came to the sky carrier with a [teleport].


Seeing Ke Chen's return, Yelena also saw the scepter in Ke Chen's hand, and shouted joyfully.

Ke Chen directly handed the psychic scepter to Yelena, and killed Yelena by touching her head.

The reason why he is obsessed with the psychic scepter is exactly what Yelena asked him to do. Yelena told him that Black Widow wanted to use the psychic scepter to do experiments to see if he could gain super-abilities like Wanda and Pietro...

Although Ke Chen knew that the probability was very low, he was still willing to give it a try. After all, if Black widows could obtain real super abilities instead of potions, they would be much stronger.

After all, super-ability is very important, and in the world of Marvel or DC, no super-ability will work.

In this world, no super Ability can become a superhero, only Green Arrow, Red Arrow and Pancake Man...

"This is Infinite Gems. It is more harmful than the obelisk. Remember to be careful. Ordinary people will do great harm if they touch it."

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