I'm The Godfather Of Black Widow, Exposed By Scarlet Witch

Chapter 352 Spider Battlesuit

And Xiao Lizi played the peak of others, and kicked him at the age of 25... Then he found a young model under the age of 25.

Little Lizi fully interprets what it means that no one is forever young, but there are always young people.

Tony is just playing for real now, he never shows any real emotion, all he does is to decompress himself, before he was worried about the safety of the earth, the pressure was huge, and definitely needed to be relieved.

And now...you're in such a good mood, can't you let yourself go?

In short, for Tony, who is gradually recovering his youth, there is always a reason to play.

And now he has no intention of getting married and having children. In the original plot, the reason why Tony would do this is because he really likes it, and the second is because he is old.

When people are young, they seldom have the idea of ​​having an offspring, and more often they feel that they have not played enough.

But as people get older, this kind of thinking will naturally emerge and become stronger, because this is another continuation of life.

The so-called offspring is another kind of immortality for one's own life, but now that Tony has lived forever, naturally he has no idea of ​​torturing himself.

Therefore, he takes Peter Parker very seriously, and pins this emotion on Peter, and will not change himself.

After some conversation, Tony also knew the purpose of the two, knowing that Aunt Mei had discovered Peter's identity.

Tony said, "I'm ready."

"Peter is too dangerous to do this. He is still a child. I am also worried about him. I have prepared the battle suit."

Tony Stark said it proudly, but in fact he just finished it...

I have been working on Veronica and Ultron before, how can I help Peter build a Spider-man battle suit?

However, building a steel battle suit is easy for Tony. After relaxing, he quickly remembered, so he built a Spider battlesuit for Peter according to his figure and his own ideas.

This is the change of Tony. If it was him before, his promise would have been forgotten long ago, and he would not remember it like now.

It was really the blow that Killian brought to him that almost took him away.

"Veronica, bring over my new Spider battlesuit."

Tony immediately manipulated Veronica, he had always been prepared with both hands, Ultron wanted to do it, Veronica and Dr. Banner did not give up.

Veronica can see everything on the earth through satellites, and can dispatch steel battle suits and even drones at critical moments, but Veronica is not as powerful as Ultron, and generally requires human control authorization.

Just like now, with Tony's authorization, Veronica directly delivered the Spider battlesuit located in Tony's house to the Avengers building.

A loader resembling a box flew over outside the window and landed firmly in Tony's office.

The loader opens directly, revealing the armor-like Spider battlesuit inside. It looks similar to Peter's in appearance, but it has many more functions.

First of all, it is very protective, so that Peter will not be hurt too much, unlike wearing a cloth, which makes Tony worry that the child will be hurt at any time.

In fact, it is true. Although there is no serious injury, Peter has been suffering from minor injuries since he became Spider-man. The clothes on his body have no function other than hiding his identity.

For Peter, broken ribs after becoming a Spider-man are minor injuries...

This means that he has a super strong physique, and he can recover from broken ribs. He can be called Immune to Death Xiaoqiang. Otherwise, Peter would have been finished.

But now, with this Spider battlesuit, he can be well protected.

Tony asked Peter to change it quickly, and it really suited Peter's figure and height. After all, under artificial intelligence, Peter's height and weight J.A.R.V.I.S can be found directly in the Internet records, even if there is a gap, it will not be too much.

Peter moved a bit, this is the first Spider battlesuit, it has a little leather feel, not completely steel like Thanos later.

But it has more than enough functions.

Tony said proudly: "I prepared an artificial intelligence for Peter, Guy Lun, it has certain human emotions, it is my latest research."

As Tony constantly researches artificial intelligence, he has a deep understanding of this aspect. Guy Lun is such a product. It has certain human emotions, just like a close sister. When Peter is bored, he can chat with her to relieve boredom .


Sure enough, Peter lowered his head, and a set of data suddenly appeared in front of him, just like wearing a steel battle suit.

"Spider battlesuit contains 576 combinations of spider web jets to choose from. All the materials you buy are used. You can change the materials yourself when you have money in the future."

Tony went on to say that although he was rich, he didn't provide Peter with cobweb help, that would make Peter lazy.

In doing all of this, Tony hopes that Peter can get better.

"In addition, there is a spider tracker. There is a small drone on the chest of the battle suit. It is a spider type. This is it. You can detect the surrounding environment or track the enemy."

Tony helped Peter Parker click, and a steel little Spider-Man suddenly fell down and crawled on the ground.

"There is also a GPS positioning system, a full range of images, Web Shooters, a laser targeting system, and a function to assist your flight. Maybe yours is not called flight, but just gliding, and the speed is too slow."

As Tony spoke, he couldn't help but speak harshly again, but Peter Parker was very satisfied with this battle suit, and he danced with excitement.

"I just have to tell May the good news and she will be relieved."

Peter Parker said excitedly, and immediately returned to his true nature of talking, and began to chatter.

The two 'old people', Tony and Ke Chen, suddenly felt a little headache.

So Tony also hurriedly said: "Don't worry, this is just the basic model. I have designed at least five battle suits and built them slowly."

Tony waved his hand, and a holographic image suddenly appeared, and the design drawings of five Spider battlesuits appeared in front of the three of them. Each Spider battlesuit was different, at least with changes.

Ke Chen also saw the improved model behind, the real bug battle suit similar to the steel battle suit, and the spider legs that will appear behind him, which will make Peter more agile.

Ke Chen looked at these battle suits and didn't know why he thought of Gwen. He felt that he should build a battle suit for Gwen, and he didn't know how it would move her.

They didn't stay long, and immediately took Peter back to report the good news.

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