I’m The King

Chapter 109

Chapter 108 : Oriented

In the Juliguan barracks, in the lofty bedroom, there are sixteen boxes neatly yards in the middle. In addition to Gao Yuan, there are Cao Tiancheng, Sun Xiao, Yan Haibo, and infantry. These four people are also lofty now. The most fundamental team.

Stretched out and took a mouthful of the box, Gao Yuan sat down on it, smiling at the four people: “Sit, sit, this battle is over, there are too many things, we need to summarize, we need to discuss, we need to find some countermeasures. Come, big guys don’t hide and tuck them, just say whatever you have.”

Learning to look high, everyone took a bite of the box and sat under their buttocks, but when they thought of the value of the box under the butt, all four of them couldn’t help being felt like a needle felt. Any box here is worth the least. All of them were tens of thousands or more. Six months ago, the four were still worried about survival, but in a blink of an eye, they became super rich.

“Let’s talk about the contents of these boxes first!” Gao Yuan smiled, and slapped the box with his hands. “Sixteen, I am going to hand over six to the county. I will tell them, this time, there will be a total of six. There were twelve such boxes, and He Lanxiong was divided into two, and six of them were obtained.”

The four looked at each other, Gao Yuan said that he was about to swallow ten boxes.

“There are ten more. What do you think? Do you want to divide it, or what?” Looking at the four people from a high level, the smiles on their faces were not diminished.

The four people looked at each other and ten boxes. If you really want to divide it, Gao Yuan will naturally take the big head. The four of you here can get at least one box. For the rest of your life, you don’t have to worry about eating and drinking.

The room was silent for a long while, and Cao Tiancheng stood up and opened the box under his buttocks. The bottom of his **** was full of all kinds of jewels. The value far exceeded the box full of gold and silver. He smiled when he looked at these valuable properties. “It is indeed a great wealth. With these, I don’t have to worry about it for the rest of my life, at least I can be a rich man.”

Yan Haibo raised his head and looked at Cao Tiancheng in surprise.

Cao Tiancheng’s gaze swept across the crowd slowly, “But, I don’t want it!” He said decisively.

“What am I going to do? No amount of money can make me feel safe.” He raised his head and looked at the roof, tears seeping from the corners of his eyes. “This time, my family is almost destroyed, although God is pitiful, Lianer and Godsend to live. Came down, but my wife left me forever. When I saw my house burning in the fire, when I saw Donghu people wielding machetes raging across our land, I understood. For one reason, without strong strength, there is only one to be bullied. Money cannot give me a sense of security. Only a big knife can make me feel at ease. I give my share to the soldiers.”

Yan Haibo jumped up and said, “Neither do I. I am an orphan, with no worries, nothing at all. With this money, I don’t know where to hide it, and I have to be careful when someone touches my neck in the middle of the night. I don’t have to worry about this if I take the money. I will give it to Bingcao, so let Bingcao take care of it. I, I, follow Bingcao, like a war, following Bingcao. , Bingcao knocked people over, I am responsible for cutting the head, it’s not easy!”

Gao Yuan laughed: “You think it’s cheaper, you can take all the benefits!”

Yan Haibo clung to Gao Yuan’s side with a sullen face, “Who makes you the boss? The boss doesn’t worry about it, who cares about it, I, anyway, I’m going to decide the boss and become your little brother.”

Sun Xiao smiled and said: “When the soldier did not come, although I was the head, I was in charge of the eating and drinking of the hundred people. He was a soldier, but it was more like a poker. In order to get the money, what kind of dirty I have thought about the method, and I have done a lot of things that even hate me. I have never felt the dignity of a soldier. Ever since I followed the soldier, especially the soldier who dragged the Donghu from outside the city last year. When the human body returned to the city, at that moment, I was very proud. We used to be stationed at Juliguan and met Donghu people to looting. We were like tortoises with shrunken heads. It was as happy as it is now. In autumn, taking the money may be very comfortable in the future, but it will never make me feel happy or proud. Even if we have money, we will not be like a dog in front of the nobles. The soldiers are very human. Also, from the time when you took your own money to pay everyone and buy weapons and clothing for everyone, I knew that the soldier would definitely be able to do something important in the future. Only in the hands of the soldier can the money be used. My son is also handed over to Bingcao.”

After the three of them finished speaking, their eyes turned to the infantry. The infantry grinned and said slowly: “I can’t say the words of Big Brother Sun, just say, what Bingcao asked me to do, I will do it, Bingcao asked me to do something with one arrow now. County Lieutenant Wu, I didn’t hesitate to mount and walk away, letting them go with one arrow.”

“Infantry don’t talk nonsense!” Cao Tiancheng jumped up in shock, and reached out to cover the infantry’s mouth. The infantry laughed and turned away.

Gao Yuan nodded with satisfaction. “Brothers, to be honest, I do have some ideas about the money, but if you want to divide it, I will give it to everyone without hesitation. Since everyone said so, I will say too. To be honest, I don’t want this money either.”

“You don’t want it either, who will be cheaper?” All four of them screamed.

“I don’t want them, because they are not mine, but our brother’s.” Gao Yuan smiled and said authentically.

The four of them looked at Gao Yuan, and couldn’t say a word in a daze.

“If you want to divide him, I will take it for granted. It’s just a pity, but since the big guys don’t want it, then with this money, we can do a lot of things.” Gao Yuan looked at the four of them and said “Sun Xiao said it well. People live forever, and grass and trees fall. If we can’t leave a little bit in this world, we will inevitably regret and be unwilling. But if we want to leave something, we must be strong. The strength of the people, the money, can make our strength a big leap forward.”

He opened the window, pointed out the window, and said loudly: “Outside us, there is endless land, but they are Donghu people. These barbarians have fertile land, vast grasslands, lofty mountains, and endless. The rivers of China, but no production, only knows to rob, do not know the construction, only knows the destruction. We Dayan people work hard to build our own homes, but we have to worry day and night that they will come to **** our fruits. What? Isn’t it because we don’t have the strength to protect ourselves? If we have a strong army, are we afraid that they will come? As long as we have a strong army, not only do we have to worry about them coming, we can also grab these fertile lands. Back, Master Zhang Shouyue was able to build a Liaoxi County back then, why can’t we move forward and keep moving forward to build a Liaodong County or even larger place?”

Cao Tiancheng’s hand shook slightly. He didn’t expect Gao Yuan to have such ambitions. Sun Xiao was trembling with excitement, the geese passed by, and the others left a name. If Gao Yuan could really do what he said, then, following Gao Yuan, he would definitely be able to leave his name as Sun Xiao in history.

Yan Haibo smiled without saying a word, the infantry blinked with big eyes. For the two of them, it didn’t matter what they were going to do, they just had to follow the distance.

“But now, we still can’t use the money!” Gao Yuan patted the boxes, “Now that we have enough funds in our hands, Tiancheng, first hide the money and wait until the opportunity is right. Will use him.”

“Bing Cao, these boxes are buried in Bing Cao’s bedroom.” Cao Tiancheng nodded heavily. “Sun Xiao, tomorrow, you will take the soldiers out of the customs in the name of practice. Xiaoyan and the infantry will stay and help me. These ten boxes are buried.”

“Yes!” Sun Xiao nodded.

“That’s it!” Gao Yuan said: “We will keep some of the cattle and sheep, and the others will be handed over to the county. The spoils of this battle.”

“Soldier Cao, what do we leave three hundred horses for?” Cao Tiancheng asked.

“Because I want to build a cavalry!” Gao Yuan said, all four of them were stunned. Seeing the four dumbfounded, Gao Yuan smiled: “Don’t be surprised. I have already discussed with Master Lu. We will To build a cavalry team with a hundred men is because there are too few people who can ride horses. Otherwise, we can expand the team a bit, but at the moment, we have a cavalry with a hundred men, which is already great. And our first team It will be expanded to five hundred people, that is, we still have a vacancy for two hundred people. This matter, everyone has to worry about it.”

“Soldier Cao, you don’t need to worry too much about recruiting soldiers. I have already found out the slaves we rescued from Hu Tu Lao. Many of them are the same as me. One person is full and the whole family is not hungry. And these people are hated by the Donghu people and now they are full of hatred. In the past two days, many people have come to ask me if I can join the army, the salary of our first team, The treatment really makes them envious.” Yan Haibo said.

“Are you doing this these two days?” Gao Yuan was surprised and happy.

Yan Haibo smiled triumphantly, “Not only did I do this, I also let our soldiers show off among them how comfortable we are, how generous and wise we are, and with the soldiers, the future is unlimited!”

Gao Yuan couldn’t help laughing, “Little Yanzi, I can’t tell, you are really a clever ghost.”

Sun Xiao said: “Bing Cao, this cavalry can’t be a cavalry. We can’t fight at once!”

“Don’t worry about this. I planned it a long time ago, and He Lanxiong discussed it. They sent the best equestrians to help us train the cavalry. The level of the Huns cavalry is not inferior to that of the Donghu, infantry, you. It is the best equestrian among us. I am going to bring this cavalry team to you. How about it, do you have confidence?”

“As long as the soldier confessed, I will do my best to do my best!” The infantry jumped up and said loudly.

“Okay!” Gao Yuan patted him on the shoulder, “Tiancheng, you have to work a little harder these days. Those we rescued, except those who are willing to serve as soldiers, are sent to entanglements. Send them away. After all, the Curie Pass is not a place to stay for a long time. There are also spoils to be sent to the county. You are in charge of it. Are you still in charge of your legs? Isn’t it in the way?”

“No problem!” Cao Tiancheng said: “It’s just a matter of using one’s lips and drawing books, which is nothing.”

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