I’m The King

Chapter 111

Chapter 110 : Brothers, friends

The morning sun crawled lazily into the air, and weakly poured light with a little heat on the undulating grassland. There was a drizzle last night, and the long pastures were still with some dewdrops. , Pressing on the top of the grass, trembling, and a slight breeze, fell from the top of the grass with a rolling ground, reflecting the light, across the air with a colorful light, falling into the grass from Among them, disappeared without a trace.

On the green carpet-like ground, several war horses passed by like a gust of wind. The huge horseshoes trampled the grass and yellow flowers under their hooves in no sense, and merged them with the fertile black soil. Sometimes there are petals on the horseshoes. Above, every time between the hoofs, there are stars and yellow flowers falling in the wind.

In the clear sky and cloudless, above the blue sky, the eagle soaring above the nine sky hovered and screamed. Suddenly, the two broad wings were close together, like a black lightning struck straight down from the sky, approaching the ground, the wings opened, When a beautiful grazing ground flies, there will be one more thing between the iron claws, mostly some hares patrolling in the grass.

The rapid sound of horseshoes and bold laughter awakened countless lives in the grass. They either fluttered their wings and flew from the grass, or they spread their calves and made a line in the grass. Ripple, far away from these huge, tyrannical big guys, the goshawk in the sky has keenly discovered this opportunity. When the horse passes by, it directly exposes countless hard-to-find targets in its eyes.

The infantry raised his head and looked at the eagle in the sky. He couldn’t help itching his hands. He took the longbow on his back with his backhand, and the lead bow wanted to shoot it down.

“Infantry, don’t move it!” The eagle on one side looked at the heroic eagle in the air to his heart’s content, and stopped loudly. This is an unyielding, unruly, confident creature. Its obsession with the sky and love for freedom convinced Gao Yuan. In his previous life, Gao Yuan loved them deeply.

Don’t worry about safety and warmth, just sing for the wind and the clouds; never fear crisis and danger, only proud to carry the stars with the moon, this is the eagle, this is the totem in Gao Yuan’s heart.

The eagle that fell like an arrow seemed to perceive the danger at the moment the infantry longbow was pulled apart. A beautiful arc turned and rose straight up, in an instant, in the eyes of everyone. , There is only a small black spot left. Hovering in the distant sky for a while, but came again by the wind, but this time, it was farther away from Gao Yuan and others.

“Infantry, we are the eagle that soars above the nine heavens. We are not afraid of danger, not afraid of difficulties, even if we suffer a hundred setbacks, we will not regret it, and we will not stop the dancing wings, bravely marching forward and reaching the goal. Therefore, Don’t shoot eagles anymore.” Reined the horse high, looking up at the vigorous eagle, said leisurely. “The eagle lives freely and recklessly, but we have to be bound and controlled by many things, but the infantry, no matter when we arrive, we must have an eagle’s unyielding heart.”

“According to the order, the soldier, the infantry will never shoot the eagle in this life.” The infantry replied abruptly.

Gao Yuan nodded and rode his horse slowly, “Infantry, remember the last time we were besieged by a dozen Hutu cavalry here? If it wasn’t for luck, we happened to meet He Lanxiong, that day we died. In these days, at this time, I am afraid that it has become a dense bone, and flesh and blood will be cheaper. Insects, ants, beasts.”

Thinking of that encounter, the infantry was full of gratitude: “Bing Cao, at that time you could leave. The Hutu cavalry could not stop you at all. You were trapped to save me. If it weren’t for you, I couldn’t survive the moment He Lanxiong came to save. From then on, I knew that my life was yours.”

“A long time ago, I didn’t have a brother. I wandered alone in the world. That kind of loneliness was the most tormenting. Now, I finally have you brothers. How could I abandon you, abandon you and escape alone.” Gao Yuan closed his eyes slightly and took a deep breath.

He was talking about his previous life. At that time, he had no friends, no confidants, no brothers, some were just cold training equipment, and some were just endless struggles of life and death.

The infantry has heard Gao Yuan’s emotion before joining the army. “Our first team is fortunate to have a commander like Bingcao. Otherwise, we are still eating together and waiting to die. How can we have such a beautiful scenery as we were besieged last year. The Hutu cavalry has become a grassland withered bones, but we are still full of spirits. Soon after we want to come, Bingcao will surely lead us to the outside of the horse pass, invincible, and lay a big country.”

Loudly laughed, “Living a lifetime, we should strive to move forward, and we will not be in vain of the decades God gave us…”

“Bing Cao Yongwu, he will live for a hundred years!”

” It’s good to live a long life and be a hundred years old, but as long as you live vigorously, it’s shorter, so what’s wrong!” There was a loud roar, “Infantry, let’s go!”

The boots tapped off the horse, and the horse hissed, raised all four hooves, and swept forward quickly.

Gao Yuan and the infantrymen asked and answered questions, but Cao Tianci who was next to them seemed to understand. Although Cao Tianci could ride horses, a twelve-year-old kid could do well in equestrianism, but Gao Yuan didn’t know. Out of some thoughts, I had to bring this little guy. For this reason, I chose a docile horse. Worried that he would fall off, he was tied to the saddle. After running for half a day, Cao Tianci was tied to it. The horse’s legs were already sore and numb, but this kid had a fierceness. He gritted his teeth without saying a word. Whenever the high-end gaze swept over him, they raised their chests and pressed the pain to the bottom of their hearts, not showing their expressions. There is a slight exposure on it.

Although Gao Yuan didn’t understand what they were saying, one thing Cao Tianci understood was that Gao Yuan would take them to do a big business. This was enough for Cao Tianci.

While Ye Feng was still growing up under the warm wings of Ye’s and Ye Jing’er, Cao Tianci, who was only two years older than him, had already endured the cruelest parting of life and death in the world, and saw the cruelest thing in the world. , The horse galloping, blood dripping, and the dead corpse lying on the ground, this made him understand one thing, this world that was once in the mouth of his mother is extremely beautiful, after all, it is still a place where strength is the best. People with hard fists are the truth, and the knife is fast. The person is the truth.

The Hutu cavalry looted their village and killed his mother in front of them. Turning around, the Fufeng carried by Gao Yuan defeated the Hutu, and stringed the once invincible Donghu people together with a rope. , When rows of kneeling down outside the camp, Cao Tianci saw the fearful faces of those people. It turned out that these people who seemed extremely vicious to him would also be afraid when they met someone more vicious than them. .

The scene of rushing into the Donghu people with a high knife is deeply imprinted in Cao Tianci’s heart.

“I will definitely be like a soldier.” Cao Tianci said to himself in his heart.

Gao Yuan and the infantry were galloping forward, Cao Tianci leaned on the horse, grasping the reins tightly with both hands, and there was a burst of pain on the inner thigh, but the pain could not extinguish Cao Tianci’s fiery heart at this time, if I can’t bear this bit of suffering, so how can I become a person like Bingcao, his face is a little distorted, but he doesn’t say a word, letting the horse under his crotch lead him, and closely follow the two people in front of him.

To his left and right, two other cavalry accompanied him on horseback. Although Gao Yuan seemed to be extremely cruel to him, in private, he secretly ordered the two cavalry to take care of this kid, for fear that this kid would not be careful. If you fall off the horse, you will die or be disabled. Seeing the perseverance on Cao Tianci’s face, the two cavalry also admired the pain that they had experienced during the initial riding. Cao Tianci was able to hold on to it at a young age, and he was indeed a character.

“Soldier Cao, look!” The infantry pointed forward and shouted.

A few miles in front of them, the banner was flying, and hundreds of cavalrymen rushed in. On the flying banner, the totem of the Helan tribe, a hovering golden snake flying in the wind, flaunting its might, and running at the forefront of all the cavalry. Yes, he is naturally the youngest patriarch in the history of the Helan clan, Helanxiong.

Reinforced the horses far away Recalling the infantry road: “Infantry, our face is great, He Lanxiong actually greeted dozens of miles away.”

The infantry didn’t think so. “If it weren’t for the soldiers, it’s still a question of whether they could survive the winter last year. Now, not only have they survived the cold winter, the tribe is still expanding, and all this is the support of the soldiers. He Lanxiong is also considered a grateful person, welcoming dozens of miles, this is the courtesy of the soldier Cao Deserved.”

“That’s not the case, Infantry!” Gao Yuan shook his head. “Some people, you helped him, he takes it for granted, and he won’t be grateful for you, and some people, even if you only give him the kindness of dripping, he will rush Quan Xiang reported that people are different. In the beginning, I did help He Lanxiong, but then we were in a relationship of mutual assistance. Without them, we would not be able to defeat the Hutu and capture Latobe alive. Therefore, we are friends, or comrades-in-arms. In front of them, you must not put on a frame of a benefactor. No matter how deep the friendship is, it will not be able to withstand several devastations.”

“I understand, Bingcao!” The infantry said. “But the soldiers, the Huns, and the Donghu people are essentially the same. Now we have the same enemy and we will go hand in hand. After that, what if we conflict with their interests? What should we do then?”

I thought about it for a moment, “Infantryman, you can think of this, it shows that you are a thoughtful person. I am very happy. Now we are united and we will gain, and we will lose if we divide. And who can say for the future?” But anyway, it’s always good to have one more friend. It’s also good to be a friend for one day.”

“I see, Bingcao!” The infantry nodded solemnly.

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