I’m The King

Chapter 1435

Chapter 1427 : Han Qi Tianxia (One Hundred and Sevent

The Yinhua River in autumn became extraordinarily quiet, and the water was flowing quietly, softly like smooth silk, and when the breeze blew, there were many beautiful folds. When Tan Feng led his troops to reach the Yinhua River, the weather had become a little gloomy, standing on a high ground, watching his soldiers hurriedly chop down trees and make rafts in preparation for crossing the river. For this desperate army, time is everything now. Once the Han army reacts and the army that has besieged it comes forward, the Yinhua River behind it will become their burial place.

The army’s ability to act is always extremely powerful. Before long, all the trees that can be used on the banks of the Yinhua River have been cut down, and the rafts have been put into the river, and the leading troops have already stepped up. The raft slid toward the opposite bank. Due to the current, they would land on the lower reaches, where they would establish a safe landing area for most of them.

Novel; more and more rafts are put into the water, almost filling up the river in sight. Tan Feng sighed softly. Almost half of the troops had already stepped onto the raft and were crossing the river. He slowly rode his horse down the high ground and stepped onto the largest raft. This raft was tied specifically for him. The upper and lower layers were tied together. Compared with other rafts, it was much better, at least Tan The front is standing on it, without fear of getting his feet wet.

With a bang, a bit of big water droplets hit Tan Feng’s face, raised his head, and then it turned out that it was actually raining, and it became denser bit by bit. Finally it rained. This rain will add a lot of difficulties to one’s own retreat, but in the same way, the Han army will also face the same problem. Tan Feng led his war horse and looked at the soldiers on the bank who had gathered together waiting to cross the river. There is no ease, no smile, and some are just numb and heavy. He couldn’t help but sighed softly.

Are you going to be a bereavement dog again?

The autumn rain is dense and long. The patter of rain drops on the river surface, popping up countless round ripples, forming a particularly dynamic picture that fills the entire river surface. If it is at other times, Tan Feng might give birth to many others. The reverie came out, and now, in his heart. But only bursts of desolation.

The raft suddenly swayed from side to side, and Tan Feng was shocked. Although it was raining, there was no wind. The Yinhua River was always calm. Except for a few waves caused by the raft crossing the river, it was not enough to make the raft oscillate. He raised his head suddenly and looked at the army that had not yet crossed the river.

The soldiers gathered by the river were also at this moment. Qi Shushu turned his head in the same direction, and a rumbling thunder-like sound came from his ears, and the blood on Tan Feng’s face faded clean at this moment.

cavalry. Mass cavalry.

The ground was shaking, and even the water of the Yinhua River seemed to be tumbling at this moment. The soldiers on the bank had become a mess, and the officers shouted loudly at the soldiers to immediately organize a defensive formation. But obviously, under such terrain, any effort is futile. Many experienced soldiers had already expected the result, and ignored the command of the officer at all. No matter what they were, they jumped into the Yinhua River. These experienced veterans accurately judged the next form, but in panic, they forgot that they were still wearing armor.

The heavy armor made them swim only a few distances in the river and exhausted their energy. They stretched out their hands in vain and scratched on the surface of the river, and then sank to the bottom with a string of blisters. There were only a few veterans, using the fastest At the time, he took off his armor, threw away his weapons, dressed only in his single clothes, jumped into the river, and swam desperately towards the other bank.

There were about tens of thousands of soldiers gathered on the river beach. The black heads squeezed the entire beach almost impermeable. Some jumped into the river, and some fled to the sides. You push me and squeeze into a ball, officer. At this moment, the command completely lost its restraint on the soldiers.

With the loud sound of the bugle, the first war horse suddenly appeared on the embankment, and the Huanglong Qi raised high in his hand was particularly dazzling. Immediately behind him, a series of war horses suddenly appeared, and did not stop in the slightest. These war horses crossed the river bank and rushed towards the bottom. Accompanying them to charge was the sound of swishing feather arrows.

This is the independent Huns cavalry division led by Gu Li. While charging forward, while bending the bow and shooting arrows, a life-threatening feather arrow flew out of the knight on the horse. There was no need to aim at all, because they were all enemies on the opposite side. As long as they shot out, they would always be able to Hit the target.

“Kill!” Accompanied by the slightly dull voice of commands from the ghost-faced general, thousands of Huns cavalry shouted in unison, retracted their bows and arrows, and drew their scimitars, like tigers and wolves, and went straight into the beach. Get on the chaotic soldiers.

The soldiers who were crossing the river watched their companions who were going through the massacre on the shore, with both luck and sorrow in their eyes. Fortunately, they crossed the river first and avoided this unsuspecting battle. Sadly, what these comrades are experiencing now, how can they not know that they are waiting for their destiny somewhere next time?

Now they have no home.

“Quickly cross the river.” Tan Feng gave the order loudly and shouted hoarsely, yeah, how could he forget that in Wuguan, the Han army actually had two mobile units, and now the war has basically given up the attack. In Wuguan, these two cavalry units that threatened to bend can be deployed to ambush themselves. Gulistan’s independent Xiongnu cavalry division is here. Where is the Donghu independent cavalry division of Aguhuaien?

Sima Yan is over. Tan Feng didn’t need to think about it. The unit of Sima Yan used as a feint will never be rebuilt. Their feint will be a complete death-death operation, and the Han army can easily blockade. Live their way back.

The raft slammed and stopped. Tan Feng didn’t turn his head back. He took his war horse and stepped onto the beach. He strode forward, not daring to look back.

The side-to-side battle on the river bank soon ended. When it was found that the comrades in the middle of the river and on the other side of the river did not intend to come back for rescue at all, the remaining soldiers quickly collapsed, except for a few who jumped into the river. Most of the soldiers who swam to the other side desperately dropped their weapons and squatted down with their heads in their arms.

One after another, the Huns cavalry reined in the river, drew out the bows and arrows beside the saddle, laughed loudly and bent their bows and aimed their arrows at the heads of those who were sinking and floating in the river. Every time the bowstring moved, there would be a puddle of blood on the surface of the river. , A figure floated to the surface, struggled a few times, and then allowed the river to take it down.

Gu Li looked at the soldiers on the opposite bank coldly, took off the mask on her face, and there was a sneer on the corner of her mouth. Can she live after crossing the river?

Sima Yan rushed hard. The spear in his hand had long been lost, and the knife in his hand had already been rolled. There were fewer and fewer soldiers following him, while the surrounding Han soldiers were like endless waves. Generally, one wave comes after another.

He never imagined that a feigned restraint would turn into a head-on encounter with the enemy. The Han army in Yinhua Town, which was one division, did not stay in Yinhua as they thought. The town waited for them to come to attack, but greeted them brazenly. It seemed that even if he had approved the troops under his leadership, it was not the main force of the Tan army at all.

If it was only the Han army of this division, Sima Yan could not handle the five thousand soldiers and still had the ability to escape. The problem was that they still had the cooperation of thousands of Donghu cavalry, and those cavalry cut themselves off. His retreat, rushing his team to pieces, most of the soldiers were beheaded by these aliens who looked very different from the Central Plains.

The mount wailed and lay down on the ground with four hoofs. Sima Yan jumped off the horse. On top of the horse’s head, a crossbow arrow was embedded, which almost fell into the horse’s skull, and a big opening was opened in the flanks. , The blood will gush out like a fountain.

Sima Yan stood steady. In front of him, the infantry of the Han army could not be seen, but what was even more desperate was that the rows of cavalry were struggling to stand, and the cavalry on the horses were tilting their heads, looking at him jokingly. Beside him, the body of the last soldier shook a few times, fell to the ground with a bang, twitched a few times, and there was no more movement.

It’s all over. Sima Yan bent over, picked up the soldier’s spear that fell to the ground, raised it high and roared angrily, strode forward like a moth to a fire, and rushed towards the densely packed cavalry on the opposite side.

“Kill!” The shrill roar was like the neighing of evil spirits from Jiuyou Hell.

A war horse leaped out, horse hoof like the wind, rushing towards Sima Yan, the spear came out of the hole like a poisonous dragon, stabbing the war horse, and the knight bent slightly, the scimitar was attached to the tip of the spear, don’t turn the direction of the spear , Slid all the way down the barrel of the gun, and with a soft sound, the sharp machete cut Sima Yan’s throat neatly and cleanly.

The horse swept past, circled a small circle, and stopped beside Sima Yan. Aguyong looked at the sculpture, who was still standing in place with a spear, and said loudly: “Look, you are also a tough guy. Just leave you a whole body!”

With a bang, Sima Yan’s body hit the ground heavily.

Aguwine glanced at his son with satisfaction. Sometimes, to maintain a certain respect for the enemy on the battlefield, he is also a good man.

“The whole army pulls out, crosses the Yinhua River, and suppresses Tan Feng.” He raised his **** scimitar and pointed towards the Yinhua River. The hooves rumbled. Thousands of cavalry and infantry from a division of the Second Army were heading towards the Yinhua River. Drive in quickly. (To be continued.)

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