I’m The King

Chapter 1437

Chapter 1429 : Hanqi Tianxia (One Hundred and Ninetee

Below the Lion Ridge, the Han army has used trenches, barriers, and barbed wire fences to enclose the entire mountain. Only the few passages that are open can be seen by the blind. Although the two cavalry cannot see the trap with the big mouth and blood basin, as long as someone wants to protrude from these places, they must be greeted by the wild iron hooves and sharp sabers of the cavalry. ≥∈≡.┮.

“What are you doing here? The attack is up. It’s a matter of three times and five divisions.” Agu Wine was a little dissatisfied with Guo Lao Ling’s procrastination. After pushing Tan Feng onto Lion Ridge, Guo Lao Ling did not have any hard attacks. The plan, digging trenches and building walls all day long, and contemplating the plan to trap his opponent to death, made Agguwyne extremely unhappy.

“Fuck it!” Guo Lao Ling said honestly and unceremoniously: “Now there are a group of trapped beasts on the mountain. They can’t eat or drink. Can they stay for a few days? Didn’t you see people coming down and surrendering every day? There are about five or six thousand people. Tan Feng fled up the mountain to get a total of fourteen five. It’s almost half down. I guess it’s almost reaching the limit. Either they will be attacked or they will be attacked. We are exhausted.”

“Isn’t this wasting time in vain? I guess they should all be hungry and get down, and now they are fighting, it can be said to be effortless.” Aguwine said: “After the battle, we can still participate in the destruction immediately. In the battle of Chu, the days are exhausted, and people are about to die.”

“Fighting is killing people. Now that the victory is in hand, why let the brothers be killed or injured. This lion ridge is so dangerous. If we attack, they roll a few rocks from above, we can’t stand it.? ≈ ≧.╊ . It’s better to be sleepy.” Guo Lao Ling made a haha ​​and said to his lieutenant: “Today I will add a few more pots at the foot of the mountain, boil the broth, and steam the buns. I don’t believe that they are still like iron kings. I’m greedy for them.”

Gu Li on one side endured a smile and said, “From the perspective of the soldiers who came down and surrendered, the people on the mountain should have no fighting spirit, but we can’t tell if we fight up. It is always possible to lose a few people. Okay.” The continuous battle. A lot of the Xiongnu cavalry divisions have been reduced. These are the elite of the Huns. Every time they die, Gu Li feels a little distressed. Especially now that the dawn of victory is already in sight, dying on the eve of victory is not a pleasant thing.

“Wait, maybe the enemy on the mountain will surrender in the next moment.”

The top of the mountain. In Tan Feng’s big tent, after the big case, Tan Feng sat in a formal dress. Before the big case, a dozen generals kneeled on the ground with sad faces.

“You have followed me for so long and have enjoyed blessings and hardships, but in general, you have suffered more.” Tan Feng smiled, but his words came with a strong sense of sadness: ” The Lord is incompetent. The three armies are exhausted. Now we are on the road to death. There is no room for turning over. If I live, you can’t live. Only if I die can you live.”

“General!” There was a mournful voice below: “We are willing to follow the general to the end.”

“It doesn’t make any sense.” Tan Feng shook his head: “In the past few years, I have always had the intention of opportunism. This is the root of my failure, and now I am dead. ⊥≮Net≤.╈ Why do we have to fight again? This move, I have never done anything rushing over a wall in my entire life. It doesn’t help at all. For me, the battle is over and everything is over. Wan Ming!”

“The end is here!” A burly general stood up and walked a few steps in front of Tan Feng.

Picking up two letters from the table, “Here are two letters, one of which is for Gao Yuan. The other is for Ning Xin. After you surrender, give these two letters to the Han army and ask them to replace me. “Transfer.” Tan Feng, “Don’t worry about your safety. The Han army has never killed captives. At most, you are just going to be flat-headed people from now on, but that’s fine. In the future, you will plant a few acres of land, marry a wife and have children. , Or you can live in peace.”

“General!” After receiving the two letters with both hands, Wan Ping knocked his head to the ground, crying.

Tan Feng laughed and stood up, “I am a man of my generation. He is born a great man, and he is also a ghost. Why should I be a little girl. I am half my life. I didn’t expect to die on the couch. A good man. Let your death be under the axe.”

With a choking sound, the saber was pulled out of the waist and stretched across the neck, “Brothers, I’m going!”

With a slash of the knife, the blood spattered, spilled over the big case, and also spilled blood on the bodies of all the generals in the tent. With a bang, Tan Feng collapsed and fell on his back to the ground, his big eyes still not closed, staring into the air firmly. Net.╊╬.┮c┯om

“General!” All the generals in the tent rushed up and cried bitterly while touching the corpses.

At the foot of the mountain, Aguyong rushed into Guo Laolin’s army account. Seeing his excited son, Aguyong was furious: “It’s no rules, where is this place, did you rush into it?”

Aguyong flushed, and said incoherently: “I have surrendered, and the mountain has surrendered. The white flag has been raised, and their soldiers have put down their weapons and are walking down in line!”

“I have surrendered?” All the generals in the tent stood up, “It’s faster than I expected.” Guo Lao Ling shrugged, “It seems that Tan Feng himself knows that there is no way to go, he can only die. .”

“How does Chief Guo think that Tan Feng must be dead? Maybe he also surrendered?” Agguwine asked incomprehensibly.

“The king said that Tan Feng is a proud person. He can kneel to King Chu or King Qin, but he will never bend his knees to King Qin. Now facing this situation, besides death, he can have a second point. Is the road going?” Guo Lao Ling said.

“Whether Tan Feng is still alive or not, don’t you know if you go and see?” Gu Li smiled, “Let’s go and meet our victory.”

On the rugged mountain road, a team of soldiers walked down with their hands empty and their heads down, one by one, looking languid and hungry for several days, let him be a man of steel casting, and he was also weak at this time. At the front of the team, several generals carried a stretcher, and the stretcher was tightly covered by the long white cloth strips. The first person was Tan Feng’s lieutenant Wan Ming. ≦.╊.

The soldiers of the Han army kept their alert posture, watching these soldiers of the Qin army, beside them, a mouthful of cauldron was boiling the fragrant broth, and beside them, steaming white buns piled up in a bamboo frame. Hill is average.

“Give the brothers down the mountain two buns and a bowl of soup!” a Han army officer shouted loudly, waving his arms.

The soldiers descending the mountain carried the soup and the steamed buns. Under the guidance of the Han army, they walked into the pre-planned areas, one for every five hundred people, surrounded by fully armed soldiers guarding them.

Looking at the soldiers squatting on the ground and devouring them, Wan Ming couldn’t help but feel sore. A bowl of broth and two steamed buns wiped out the last bit of energy of the once tiger wolf teacher.

“Criminal General Wanming, I have seen all the generals!” Wan Ming looked at the Han generals standing in front of him, bends down deeply, and raised his saber with both hands.

Guo Lao Ling took Wan Ming’s saber and said with a smile: “It’s too late to rein in the cliff. General Wan, is General Tan’s body behind him?”

“Yes, General Tan has already left.” Wan Ming whispered.

Guo Laolin walked towards the stretcher with Tan Feng’s body. Several Qin generals placed the stretcher on the ground. Guo Laolin squatted down and uncovered the white cloth, looking at Tan Feng’s pale face and deep neck. With a deep knife mark, he sighed slightly, shook his head, covered the white cloth again, and stood up.

“The Han army will guarantee your personal safety. All the soldiers can be disbanded according to their free will. As for the middle and high-ranking generals, you will be sent to Jicheng to wait for the next arrangement. General Wan, can you accept it?” Guo Lao Ling asked.

“Of course I can accept it.” Wan Ming nodded, could it be said that he did not accept it? He took out the two letters set by Tan Feng from his arms, “This is a letter that General Tan wrote to the King of Han and the Third Princess before his death. Please also General Guo to pass it on.”

Guo Lao Ling took the letter and carefully put it in his arms, “Don’t worry, I will definitely send him to the hands of the king and the princess. General Wan, please!”

Wan Ming nodded, walked a few steps, then turned around, “General Guo, General Tan’s body?”

Guo Laolin nodded knowingly: “Don’t worry, we Han people have never had the habit of torturing corpses. General Tan’s body will be properly preserved and sent to Jicheng. General Tan is a native of Jicheng. Send him back to his homeland for burial. I think he is also satisfied.”

“Thank you!” Wan Ming bowed his hand at Guo Lao Ling gratefully. He was worried that the Han people would cut off Tan Feng’s head for demonstration.

Jicheng has not changed much because of the ongoing battle between Han and Chu. For the capital city of the world’s most powerful country, this war of annihilation seems to be just an ordinary regional dispute. People should What are you doing? In the streets and alleys, people are discussing more about business news, where and who knows something, whether there is value for use, and whether it can be transformed into production and profited from it in a short period of time. profit. It was only when the latest issue of Dahan Daily was on sale, and when people read the news in that newspaper, it suddenly became clear, oh, we Dahan are still at war!

After entering the new year, Dahan Weekly has finally begun the transformation from weekly reports to daily newspapers, printing technology has made great strides, the literacy population has increased in a large scale, and the effectiveness and practicality of the information provided by the newspapers www. . com Let Dahan Daily come into being. In fact, many tabloids have begun to sell on the streets and alleys. Of course, these tabloids cannot compete with the Dahan Daily, and the newspapers also publish some gossip and gossip. Even these unnutritious things are actually owned. A certain market.

A middle-aged man was sitting in an ordinary teahouse in Jicheng, sipping tea while flipping through today’s newspaper. The headline of the front page is that the ten strongest businessmen in Jishicheng jointly established the Jishicheng Commercial Bank, which competes with Dahan Central Bank in many businesses. For government-run banks, they are strongly challenged by private banks. As a big man’s mouthpiece The Dahan Daily actually sang a hymn, which made the middle-aged people who read the newspaper feel quite unbelievable.

But this was not a problem he wanted to care about. Turning to the second page, he finally saw what he was looking for, news about the battle between Chu and Han, but today he just glanced at the headline and his eyes were frozen.

Tan Feng was defeated and committed suicide at Lion Ridge, and the rest surrendered!

(I am starting to finish for the king, and one important person after another is about to call for a curtain call!) (To be continued.)


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