I’m The King

Chapter 1455

Chapter 1447 : Han Qi Tianxia (One Hundred and Thirty

The forward force of the Qin Army was commanded by Qian Zhongyi. This general Qin, who had severely damaged the 20th Army of the Han Army, was once again entrusted with an important task by Xu Yahua, leading his headquarters with 20,000 horses and horses to rush into the Lubin Fortress. ※〓To read △〓 book. Book 1_k︿a book n s_h︿u.

Qian Zhongyi is indeed an expert in attacking and ambushing. In the heavy snow, he successfully avoided the scouts of the Han army and quietly touched the Lubin Fortress. In front of him, it was the fortress built by the Qin army. After the Han army took over, there were not many changes other than reinforcement, which made Qian Zhongyi not need to worry about the defensive layout of the Han army.

The firepower of the Han army is fierce, and the long-range pressure range is enough to cause any army to pay huge casualties before approaching them. Qian Zhongyi, who has fought with the Han army many times, knows this well, and wants to reduce casualties, only to do his best in the first time They approached the Han army and fought with them at close range, making it impossible for their long-range weapons to wield the firepower they deserve, and then it is possible to win.

Apart from sneak attacks, there is no other way. However, Lubin is a purely military fortress group. It is impossible to complete the mission by attacking only one of them. Zhong Zhongyi simultaneously attacked the five defensive positions at the forefront of Lubin Fortress County at the same time, and the one stationed by Jiang Fu Being at the forefront, of course, is Qian Zhongyi’s first target for removal.

Thousands of Qin Jun, wrapped in white cloaks all over their bodies, marched in the snow and climbed to the forefront of the searchlights on the opposite side. They stopped and began to make final preparations before the attack. In addition to the sabre, the army carried gunpowder weapon kits, grenade, etc. If you want to knock on the fortress group, you must need these things.

However, the luck of the Qin army along the way was not very good. If it weren’t for Jiang Fu’s whim today, he chatted with the soldiers on duty on the top of the fort for a while, so if they stayed for a while, their actions would not have been revealed by the recruits. But after Jiang Fu, a veteran, found them. The situation changed immediately.

“Battalion commander!” The recruit’s voice trembled.

“Don’t panic, now you go down and call all the brethren quietly, yes. I need to read the book.  ̄ ̄a_n ̄s need to read it. Book c ̄c ̄ first call the brothers who operate the artillery to come up.” Jiang Fu whispered.

“Hey!” The recruits agreed again and again, and hurried to the fortress. Jiang Fu stayed on the fortress, flipping the searchlight, seeming to sweep around unconsciously. He was a little anxious in his heart. He knew very well that the enemy’s position was just above the position where the artillery fired, but if they suddenly charged, they would soon enter the dead end of the artillery.

He regretted it a little, and was too careless, so he should set up a few more secret whistles outside. The clips that were originally placed outside must have been touched by the enemy.

More than a dozen soldiers climbed up to the top of the fort in disorderly clothes. Some wore cotton jackets on their bodies as they walked.

“The enemy is in the shadows ahead, and immediately bombard me with artillery. You, immediately inform those sub-forts. When the enemy attacks, they will attack first.” Jiang Fu whispered to the gunner who had just climbed up again. Come to the recruit who is keeping up.

“The battalion commander, the brothers in the main fort have been notified. They will be ready to go into battle immediately.” The gunners skillfully lifted up the cannons covering the guns, charged them, and loaded them. Above the main fort, three heavy artillery pieces were installed. This thing is powerful and has a long range, but the dead angle of shooting is also very big.

“Fight there, battalion commander?”

“Ahead. Fifty steps inward from the edge of the searchlight. Civilization bullets, three-shot combo.” Jiang Fu gritted his teeth and said: “Then it depends on your speed. You can hit as fast as you can, until your guns are hot. It’s impossible to fight.”


Watching the gunner quickly adjust the angle of the artillery, Jiang Fu flipped a searchlight. Facing a sub-fort in front, cover the light source with one hand, then let go, cover it, and open it again. If it is three, change to another sub-fort.

At the next moment, Jiang Fu finally breathed a sigh of relief. He saw an incense head facing his direction in Zipu and drew a few circles. One Reading ※.―1 One

This is the light signal that Jiang Fu and Zibao contacted before, and he figured it out by himself, but he didn’t expect that it would come in handy today.

The general Qin who was in charge of attacking this fortress was Qian Zhongyi’s favorite general Xiang Hong. After successfully approaching the opponent’s fortress without any response from the opponent, Xiang Hong was full of joy. I touched it, and now the opponent is still asleep, and the soldiers under him are preparing for the final attack. They can attack only after he gives an order. The searchlight on the top of the opponent’s main fort is really annoying. It dangles. It is different from the Qin army in other places. Because of the long-term confrontation with the Han army, the Qin army at Hangu Pass is very clear about the equipment of the Han army. , This searchlight is also regarded as an incredible thing by them.

At this time, the other party’s beam suddenly changed strangely. Xiang Hong saw that he didn’t swipe around in front of his eyes, but aimed at one of his own sub-forts, brightened up, brightened, repeated, and then Turn to another one and repeat the above action.

Xiang Hong was stunned. Although he didn’t understand what the other party was doing, it was clear that this was a signal, and the opponent’s main castle was giving a signal to his child.

Xiang Hong’s heart sank slightly, something went wrong, the next moment, he jumped up suddenly, choked out his waist knife, and screamed: “Strike!”

Thousands of Qin troops suddenly stood up from the darkness, burst into sky-shaking roar, and rushed to the fortress in front.

At the same time, on the top of the main fort of the Han army, three heavy artillery fired loudly at the same time, and the muzzle emitted bright fire.

The sleepy night was awakened by shouts and artillery at this moment. The dense snow also gave way at this moment. Three flowering bombs fell on the snow and exploded. White snowflakes were flying all over the sky, but they couldn’t at all. It is pleasing to the eye, because among the snowflakes, there are frightening pieces of iron.

Xiang Hong saw angrily that after three loud noises, his offensive troops were shot out of three blank spaces.

“Forward, fast, forward!” Only forward. At this time, retreating or staying still will only become the victims of artillery bombardment. Only if you move forward and hit a dead corner where the artillery can’t shoot, you can have a fight. Power.

The Han sergeants rushed up to the fortress wall, a sacred crossbow was stripped of the felt clothing, and a barrel of crossbow and arrows were put into the bracket of the archer, which is extremely difficult for ordinary bows and arrows in rain and snow. The storage is different. The Shenji crossbow uses mechanical spring shooting. Even in this extremely cold weather, there is no need to pay much attention to maintenance.

Artillery, sacred crossbows, crossbows, and grenades constitute the three batches of weapons used by the Han army to defend the fortress, covering almost all areas. The fortresses are set up to take care of each other, and there is no dead space at all. . Seeing the desperate Qin Jun rushing, Jiang Fu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s a dead end, if I found it and rushed upwards, that’s just looking for death.

At this moment, he was relieved, took a long breath, stood up straight, and looked at the dark distance, those places, and some other fortress groups. In the night, he saw fireworks one after another. Walking into the sky from those places, colorful flowers blooming in the night sky, finally smiled triumphantly.

This is the forefront of myself, here is the first step, the Qin army in those places has not been arranged in place, or this is the reason why the opposite Qin army has not attacked, but now, you have no chance.

“Sacred crossbow, mid-section blow! With arms open, let’s come to a few good shooting skills, and kill the fish that slipped through the net.” Jiang Fu carried the knife on the fortress and walked around in big strides. Suddenly saw the earliest recruit, standing there at a loss, not knowing what to do, and slid him over, “You, take care of the searchlights, shoot, and provide targets for our shooters. Damn, there is always a slip.” There is one of the fish, and I remember you for it.”

Seeing the recruits panicked running to the direction of the searchlight, Jiang Fu laughed. After this battle, this kid can be regarded as a veteran. He would never be like this, and he didn’t know what to do.

Wasn’t it the same for me at the beginning? He smiled and touched his ass. Back then, his **** was kicked by crabs for an unknown number of feet. He often flew from behind with a kick, and then kicked himself off guard with a dog-eating posture to get intimacy with the earth. Contact, compared with the crab, he can be regarded as an amiable chief.

In Lubin County, Li Mingjun was asleep. He was awakened by the faint sound of artillery from a distance. A Gulu got up from the bed. The sound of artillery was the horn of war. Li Mingjun understood that the Qin army was calling. Up.

Putting on his armor, he walked out of the room with a knife, looked at the soldiers who had been greeted by the door, and sternly said: “Beat the drum, gather the generals, the alarm bell is sounded throughout the city, from now on, Lubin enters the war period and sends a messenger. Reported to the headquarters of the Jinyang Military Region, it was said that the 20th Army would definitely defend Lubin, and at the same time sent people to notify the chairman, Commander Ping Yan.”

The entire Lubin county town was brightly lit in a blink of an eye The silent night boiled, and countless soldiers poured out from the barracks, and in the military headquarters, Li Mingjun was looking murderously at several generals under his command. “The Qin is here. This is the best opportunity for our 20th Army to rectify the name. He Jun, your third division immediately rushed to the front line, and remembered where I fell and where I can climb Get up, don’t forget the shame that Qin people once gave you. Now, you go and use Qin people’s blood to wash away the stains on your body.”

He Jun, the commander of the 3rd Division, stood up with a flushed face: “The commander can rest assured that if He Jun makes another mistake, he will let my soldiers send you my head.”

“The 20th Army, this battle is going to be famous. Whether you can enter the top-ranking field troops of the Han army depends on your performance.” Li Mingjun drew out the knife and slashed it sharply, cutting the big case before him. .

“I am invincible!”

“I am invincible!”

In the lobby, all the senior generals roared. (To be continued.)


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