I’m The King

Chapter 1465

Chapter 1457 : Hanqi Tianxia (One hundred and forty-s

Inside the big tent, the briquettes piled up in the brazier were burning vigorously. As soon as he stepped into it, a rush of heating came to his face, sitting cross-legged on the thick felt blanket, Wang Jian stretched his feet comfortably. Stretched comfortably.

“My lord, do we really want to promise those businessmen?” Huang Ming asked while pointing at the tea: “Businessmen are greedy. The central bank of the big man is a tool for them to accumulate money. The foundation of our new Qin country It is fundamentally different from the Han country. If we do this, we are afraid that it will easily cause some dissatisfaction in the country! Moreover, even if we make such a weapon, we have to hold it in our own hands instead of giving them the initiative.”

“The puffer fish is very poisonous, but Huang Ming, don’t you also eat it happily?” Wang Jian shook his head and said, “I don’t understand it, this is also impossible.”

;Pig;Pig;Island; Novel www.zhuzhu+; “Just to introduce those factories and technologies?” Huang Mingdao.

“This is an important reason.” Wang Jian nodded, “Businessmen are chasing profits. They are all masters who don’t see rabbits or hawks. We don’t hand over the National Bank to them. We will always have the technologies we want. No. And these new technologies are the foundation of the Han nation. Because of these, they can proudly lead all the forces and complete the sweep of these countries one by one. If we want to live longer, we must To master these technologies, even if you lag behind them, you must not lag far behind. To put it more bluntly, we must have the power to fight back.”

“Secondly, you said that the National Bank is a tool to accumulate money, and you also mentioned the idea. Our Xinqin is made up of manor owners, large and small. These manor owners are our old brothers who started our business, and they are also ours. The foundation of Xinqin, but they have formed a complete social chain within their own manor. When the door is closed, they lack nothing. Everything can be made by themselves. In this way, the court treats them. The influence of the manor will be limited. With the passage of time, the strength of these manor owners will increase, and they may even have the ability to threaten the court. Therefore, we need new things to change this situation and introduce various kinds of big men The factories in the country impact their social chain and set up a national bank. Control them a little bit from the capital, and slowly drive these manor owners out of their manor.”

Huang Ming thought: “The king wanted to be like a big man, and Gao Yuan did the same, but he used the land to deprive the landlords of their land, so that they could only step out and invest the funds in their hands into industry and commerce. Only then did you have today’s big man.”

“The same, not the same. We can’t take his approach, because those manor owners are our brothers, and they are the foundation of our nation. Without them, Xinqin would be gone, so we have to let them willingly. Come out.” Wang Jian said with a smile: “Although the means are different, the purpose is the same. The big man sees results quickly, but we see results slowly. But we are slow but we can achieve a smooth transition.”

“The king is really far-sighted and far-sighted!” Huang Ming admired sincerely.

“You can praise the wrong person!” Wang Jian shook his head repeatedly, “I didn’t think of it. It was Cao Wending who analyzed it for me. This person is really a talent!”

“This person is indeed very knowledgeable, but unfortunately he is a Han Chinese.” Huang Ming sighed.

“What’s the matter with the Han?” Wang Jian laughed, “In Dahan, he is just a businessman, and he is also a treasurer who does things for others. Although Shunfeng is a behemoth, no matter how big he is, he is only a chamber of commerce. Compared with our Xinqin?”

Huang Ming was a little surprised and said: “My lord, do you want to dig this Cao Wending to Xinqin?”

“Why not? This person has vision, strategy, familiarity with all the rules of the big man, and has a wide range of contacts. We Xinqin, we lack such a person now. But this matter is not urgent, we have to take it slowly, me, you We must consciously find some opportunities to approach him slowly, test him, even seduce him, and finally let him completely fall into our arms.” Wang Jian turned the teacup in his hand.

“If this person joins, we will avoid a lot of detours, and if I let this person be the first assistant, I would like to come to the Han country with a high level of peace of mind. He must be a Han, and he has inextricably linked with the Han country. .”

“But this is also a hidden danger of our Xinqin!” Huang Ming said with worry.

“You are wrong.” Wang Jian shook his head again: “Cao Wending hasn’t stood above that height yet. When he really becomes our Xin Qin’s first assistant, his mind will change. The so-called **** determines the head, but It’s not empty talk. Being a businessman can never go down in history, but as a first assistant, he can do it.”

“I will find a chance to try his attitude.” Huang Ming said.

“Well, to be more concealed, it’s best to let him slowly feel our appreciation for him, and then be able to lean over by himself little by little. By then, everything will come naturally.” Wang Jian exhorted: ” Don’t tell anyone about this until it’s fully accomplished.”

“Subordinates understand.” Huang Ming nodded.

After drinking the hot tea in the cup, there was a slight sweat on his body. He took off his coat and lay on his side on the felt blanket. Wang Jian frowned, “He Lanxiong’s arrangement today is really impressive. I don’t understand, how could he arrive at the predetermined location in ten days, ten days? Is it possible to fly over? If it’s normal season, at the speed of cavalry, they can indeed rush past, but now it’s snowing heavily and the snow is very thick. No matter whether it is a horse or a man, walking is difficult, how dare he brag about arriving in ten days?”

“Is he saying this to calm our hearts? Make our fighting spirit stronger?” Huang Ming guessed.

Regarding this statement, Wang cut his nose, “Huang Ming, you are also a veteran soldier. How can you have such an idea? How can the two sides gather hundreds of thousands of people to fight a major event, how can such an irresponsible nonsense? For cooperation between the two sides, the most important thing is to admit that He Lanxiong is not a fool. He should know how much influence it will have on the military’s morale and how heavy a shadow will be cast on our cooperation? So I think, he It must be done, but I don’t know how he can do it. This is the most annoying.”

“Anyway, we will see it tomorrow, Majesty, go to bed early, and we have to get up early tomorrow! You have to take He Lanxiong away, and you have to take over the joint headquarters. I saw Jishi at the banquet today. The three officers of the militia reserve of the county, Dayan County and the Third District Army are not rookies on the battlefield. They are all played on the battlefield. They are all teaching in the military army in Jishicheng. I’m afraid it will take some effort to convince them.”

“I don’t need them to be subdued, I only need them to obey orders. The Hans have strict military discipline. Now that they have made such a decision, they must have passed their anger internally. I am not worried about this.” Wang Jian smiled: ” Their Jishicheng Military University is really an excellent thing. After we return, we will also set up such a school to continuously train professional officers for us.”

“Please leave us for promotion and wealth. Don’t enter this door if you are greedy or afraid of death.” Huang Ming said softly: “To be honest, this couplet of the Jishicheng Military University is really exciting!”

“Always be ready!” Wang Shear nodded. “In just over ten years, the big man has become today’s behemoth and an unshakable existence. There are really too many things worth learning. Huang Ming, when we go back, we must Select the outstanding children from China to come to Han to learn everything they deserve to learn from them. Learn, understand, and get something beneficial for us, and then use it in our country.”

Huang Ming nodded, the current big man, for Xin Qin, is really an example worth learning and imitating. At the same time, it is also an opponent who always reminds them to stay awake and guard against fear. Before they have the strength to protect themselves, what they have to do in front of the big man is to be humble.

In anticipation, I felt that time flies extremely slowly. It was only one or two hours of effort. In Wang Jian’s eyes, it seemed that after several days had passed, it was generally difficult. As a leading general, I met Jean. When he thinks it is impossible to accomplish something, but others have a way to accomplish it, it becomes a kind of pain, because it means that if the two armies meet in one of these situations, they will definitely fail themselves.

He was eager to understand how He Lanxiong completed the Haikou he had praised.

The four watch clappers knocked, Wang Jian was already neatly dressed, with Huang Ming and hundreds of guards, under the guidance of a Han army officer, all the way to the Han army camp.

There, a high platform has been erected. Zhao Xilie stood on the high platform, behind which were the civilian officials of the Third Military Region, while He Lanxiong stood with the officers under the stage.

Standing on the high platform, Wang Jian looked around. There was a vast expanse of white in front of him. The soldiers of the Third Military Region had white blouses, white capes, and white helmets. The sky was white and snow was flying. Man seems to be integrated with the whole world.

What puzzled Wang was that These soldiers had two boards under their feet and two long sticks in their hands, which doubled the area occupied by their team. More than.

“He Lanxiong, Commander of the Third Military Region, request an attack from the Minister of Joint Operations Command!” He Lanxiong shouted while looking at Wang Jian.

Wang Jian’s body shook slightly, and only then did he realize that he stepped onto this high platform today, not as the King of New Qin, but as the supreme commander of the joint operations command.

“Allow the attack, I wish you a good journey, and you will be victorious!” Wang Jian said loudly.

“Chief Xie!” He Lanxiong raised his hand in a military salute, turned around, and shouted, “Go.”

The ten artillery pieces on the high platform began to sound one by one. With the loud noise, the soldiers began to stride towards Xiangfang, slow at first, but getting faster and faster. In the end, Wang Jian saw , But the soldiers supported their hands on the ground and slid out a long distance on the snow. What made him even more stunned was that in the middle of the marching queue of soldiers, there was actually a sled pulled by a dog and a sled pulled by a deer. There are a lot of things on the sledge pulled by these things, but they run extremely fast, obviously, on the snow, their efficiency is much higher than that of horses. (To be continued.)

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