I’m The King

Chapter 1475

Chapter 1467 : Hanqi Tianxia (One Hundred and Fifty-s

He tightly wrapped the cloak made of rags on his body, Tian Lei looked up at the goose feather-like snow that was still flying in the air. The snow was mixed by the wind and danced in the air irregularly, his sight was blocked by dozens. Within meters, as you move forward, you can only see the endless whiteness.

It’s cold, it’s too cold. This was the only thought in Tian Lei’s mind. The rag cloak was full of small holes, which could not help too much. Although his hands were covered with messy cloth strips, they were still covered with frostbite. Riding on a horse, the whole Everyone felt stiff. Tucked his hands under his armpits and warmed his hands with the weak temperature from his body, he felt that he could not hold the handle of the knife at all.

He is a veteran cavalry with excellent equestrian skills. With only his legs clamped between his horses, he can still maneuver freely, but the horses under his crotch seem to be a bit weak. In recent days, due to the heavy snowfall, he has gone logistically. The pig + pig + island + novel ww.zhom method has sufficient food supply, the horse can no longer eat enough, there is still a little beans in the pocket, usually this is the increase of the horse’s meal, but now, it is two days There is not enough food to replenish it. In this snowy day, it is difficult to find some grass roots. Seeing the horse lose weight quickly these two days, Tian Lei is full of irritation.

Such a snowy attack is simply a lonely throw. Once it fails, there is not much chance to escape, and the horse can’t run at all.

As an experienced veteran cavalry, Tian Lei was sent out as a scout, with ten cavalry under him, but Tian Lei did not have any confidence in these rookies. In recent years, there are fewer and fewer veterans like himself. , Had to be split and used, but in this way, the combat effectiveness dropped drastically. These recruits have little experience of survival on the cruel battlefield. Once they encounter an enemy, they are the first to die.

Tian Lei didn’t like this war. To put it more simply, he didn’t want to fight the Han people by phone. He is the survivor of the last Qin and Han war. As a cavalry, the confrontation with the Han cavalry in the last war made him really frightened. The Han cavalry, especially their Huns cavalry and the East Hu cavalry, have more experience than this kind of battle in the ice and snow. They are too rich.

But he was a soldier, and he had to go to war with the order, and Qin’s laws were harsh. The punishment for deserters is extremely severe, not only for the soldiers themselves, but also for their family members. Tian Lei’s current home is in Shannan County, and there is a father and a mother in the house, plus his wife and two daughters, so he can be regarded as one family member.

Earlier, because his wife didn’t give birth to a son for himself, he didn’t feel less angry with him. When the anger was upset, he even gave his wife a few punches. But in the past two years, he has treated his wife much better because of the fellows and companions he once envied. Their son had to enlist in the army before he became an adult and set foot on the battlefield. After every war, a black pass would be sent to their village. Looking at the grief-stricken expressions of the fellow villagers and listening to their heart-piercing crying, Tian Lei suddenly felt. In this era, giving birth to a daughter is really the right choice, because they don’t have to step on the battlefield. Every time they get home, they can see the family get together and share that few food, which is not a kind of happiness.

Another worry is that he has become uneasy in the past two years. His daughter has grown up a year, but she cannot find a suitable boy of the right age to marry. They have either died in the battle or have already set foot on the battlefield. 3617/’>I hope my daughter will marry a soldier again, because that way, they may become a widow at any time.

Wait a minute, or the war is about to end. When the war is over, we will find a husband’s house for them. You don’t need to look at the man’s family situation, as long as they can live well. They are not yet eighteen years old. Although they are old girls in the village, they can still wait for two years. Two years, the war should be over.

I have already passed forty. After this battle, I can either retreat from the front line unit and transfer to the logistics unit to serve, or I can become a cavalry instructor, and an experienced cavalry like myself Daqin has become less and less.

The premise is to survive.

Pulling a slightly slightly weaker hand out of the armpit and lifting the horse rein, today’s patrol is almost complete, and it is time to go back. Although the temperature in the camp is not much better than outside, it can at least block the wind.

For ten days, the main attacking unit in front hasn’t defeated the enemy in front for ten days. This gave Tian Lei a very bad feeling. This feeling is too familiar. It seems that it was the same last time. The cavalry troops came in large numbers, cutting off the Qin army’s back path and cutting off their supplies. In the end, hundreds of thousands of troops had to make a desperate fight, and finally disappeared in the encirclement of the Han. He shuddered violently, this time not because of the cold, but because of the chill.

The horse under the crotch stopped suddenly and kept arching its mouth in front of the snowdrift. In Tian Lei’s eyes, this snowy field was not unusual, but the horse’s sense of smell was always more reliable than that of human eyes. , He leaped off the horse, reached out and planed at the arch of the horse, and after a while, he only felt the blood all over his body solidified.

Under the snow, there are some charred charcoal. Among the black charcoal, he smelled the smell of barbecue, the kind of dried meat from Niuguan. Tian Lei had seen it. It was a part of the Han army. This is a standard configuration. Beef and mutton are made into dried meat, marinated and dried, and carried with you. During the march, it will become soft when heated and become a kind of dry food. Tian Lei personally captured Han soldiers, and he had seen such equipment on them. This is impossible in the Qin Army.

Cold sweat kept coming out of his whole body, Tian Lei lay on the snow, desperately pulling the snow pile to the left and right, the floating snow was spread out layer by layer, and more of this kind of ashes appeared in front of his eyes.

The captain’s actions aroused the ideas of other soldiers. Everyone jumped off their horses and followed Tian Lei to pick up the floating snow. One after another such debris was scraped out. Tian Lei sat on the ground. The Han army had nothing. Doubt, this is the trace left by the Han army. Just by looking at the traces they dig out, there is at least one company of the Han army, the company is the Han army’s establishment, and one company has nearly two hundred people.

Tian Lei’s hand was trembling. Since the Han army has appeared, it will never be a small company. There must be a large unit. How did they appear here? And Tian Lei did not see the horse dung, nor did he see it at all. Even if they burned the horse dung, there would still be a smell of horse dung in the residue, but without this smell, is it true that the Han troops are all infantry soldiers? How did the infantry pass through this vast snowfield and suddenly appeared behind most of the Qin army. How did they avoid the cavalry patrolling by the Qin Army?

Tian Lei knew that there were hundreds of cavalry patrols like him on this snowy field, in order to prevent the enemy from infiltrating and destroying their food passages.

“Captain, we have to go back immediately and report to the general.” A Qin army next to him said to Tian Lei, who was a little lost.

“Yes, go back, go back.” Tian Lei reacted abruptly, and the appearance of a large-scale Han army meant that the Qin army would repeat the previous failure.

Tian Lei had just jumped up, and suddenly there was a very subtle howling in the wind and snow. For the young soldiers, they could not notice the abnormal noise mixed in the wind and snow, but for Tian Lei For such a veteran, this kind of howling sounds like a thunderbolt and thunder in his ears.

It was an open-armed crossbow. The Han soldiers used an open-armed crossbow. The body that had just stood up straight fell short, the horse’s rein in his hand was tightened, and the horse that had been with him for many years immediately knelt down in the snow.

“Get down, get down!” Tian Lei roared.

But the young soldiers who followed him obviously hadn’t figured out anything. Tian Lei felt hot on his face. He looked up and saw that the young man standing beside him had eyeballs protruding, and a crossbow arrow shot in from his back. , Showing through his chest, the blood from the crossbow arrows sprayed onto his face.

The soldier snorted and threw himself into the snow. The snow-white snow under him was invaded by the rapidly spreading redness. The howling of the crossbow bolts suddenly became dense, Tian Lei suppressed the great fear in his heart, and lay tightly on the snow, using the cover of the war horse to avoid the shooting of the crossbow bolts. He did not dare to raise his head, but he could Hearing the sound of a heavy fall and the screams of his soldiers, those familiar voices were full of pain and fear.

The time of the attack was so short that he was the only one left in the entire patrol team. There was a strange sound of rustling around, Tian Lei slightly raised his head. In the wind and snow, white figures approached awkwardly, each of them had a long board around their feet and their wrists. With two sticks in his hand, with his arms open, he was approaching him step by step.

The whiteness of the whole body merges them with the snowy field of Daxue . Everyone has only two eyes exposed, and they are scanning the corpses on the ground vigilantly.

“Are there any alive?” The voice of inquiry came from behind.

“It doesn’t seem to be anymore.” In front, a soldier responded.

“Be careful. Everyone will make another arrow. Don’t overturn the boat in the gutter. Fuck you, this is the first group of Qin scouts we have killed?”

“Company commander, this is the fourth shift.” A soldier responded with a smile and raised the crossbow arrow in his hand, aiming it at Tian Lei lying on the ground.

The fear in Tian Lei’s heart was extreme. He knew that when this crossbow arrow was shot, it would be the end of his life.

Can’t hesitate any longer, Tian Leiren lay on the ground and did not move, but raised both hands high.

“Don’t shoot arrows, I surrender, I surrender!” Tian Lei didn’t want to die. He also has parents who are over sixty years old, two unmarried daughters, and a wife who has suffered a lot of grievances from himself but never complained. . (To be continued.)

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