I’m The King

Chapter 1498

Chapter 1790 : Han Qi Tianxia (one hundred and eighty

Jiang Jiaquan smiled and poured a cup of hot tea for Tian Dan. He also took a cup, sat back on the chair, and pulled Qiu Qian tighter. The temperature in early spring was still those frozen people, and the snow outside still hadn’t melted away. , People are getting old, always a little afraid of cold.

Tian Yuanyuan felt colder, though the eyes of the old man on the opposite side were smiling, but it made him extremely cold.

“Do you think the current big man is not good?” Jiang Jiaquan asked.

Tian Yuanyuan shook his head.

“I also think that you don’t think that the current big man is bad, because it is not the current policy of the big man. As you are, it is definitely possible to set foot on the political arena again and be able to hold the same position.” Jiang Jiaquan nodded and said: “Let Let me guess your mind. Long-distance. Actually, you are still unwilling to the destruction of Qi State, or you may think that there are too many factors, such as your brother’s sudden rebellion, such as far-reaching and far-sighted thinking. Many years ago, Bai Yucheng’s foreshadowing was planted. For example, the Chu people took advantage of the fire at that time. You think that if it weren’t for these, with your talents, Qi Guo would never fall so easily. So, your heart Are you unwilling, right?”

Tian Yuanyuan lowered his head, the expression on his face was both indignant and blank.

“You came to Dayan Lake, you studied the laws of the Han country, you found a chance to step into the political arena again, you succeeded, you became the head of Dayan County, and the people here voted for you. “Jiang Jiaquan laughed. “I really want to talk about the depth of insights into the current national policy of the Han Dynasty. I am afraid that many court officials are not as good as you. However, you study him and learn from him, not to serve him better. I want to find an opportunity to overthrow him. Am I right?”

Tian Yuanyuan nodded: “Old Jiang is right, Tian has this heart.”

“Did you look for a chance?”

“I thought it was an opportunity, now it seems. I misestimated the King of Han, and I made waves. I sang along with Xun Xiu and used people like He Dayu to persuade Gao Yuan to take the throne and call himself emperor. The power is gathered in the hands. In fact, many people in Dahan agree with this, such as the army. If it succeeds, then I have succeeded in the first step.” Tian Yuanyuan raised his head.

“Once the power is greatly restored to the central government, there will be a lot of inconveniences in the localities. However, all parts of the Han Dynasty, including their people, are accustomed to freedom. This first step is just to sow the seeds of dissatisfaction, or There will be no outbreak in a short time, but since the seeds are planted, they will always take root and sprout.”

“The King of Han has always advocated freedom and rights. It was under his leadership that the people under his rule began to have this kind of consciousness, or throughout his life, Han will not change much. But in the future , Maybe, the next generation of emperors will not have the experience of arduous entrepreneurship like Han Wang, and they will certainly not have his big-mindedness and grandeur. At that time, if he has great power in his hands, then it is very likely to change. . This is the opportunity I look forward to.”

“You are older than Gao Yuan, will you wait for that time?” Jiang Jiaquan laughed. “Even if it’s like you said!”

“Seeds are sprinkled. Roots and sprouts, flowers and fruits. As for whether I can eat this fruit, I don’t care.” Tian Yuanyuan sighed, “It’s just that I still underestimate the King of Han. He is indeed unprecedented, and he has no future. The great king of the world, this time, I lost again with perfection.”

“Then what are you going to do now?” Jiang Jiaquan asked.

“I have arranged all the political affairs of Dayan County that should be arranged. There will be no trouble in the near future. This time, I am coming back to say goodbye to my father. I think Cao Tianci should already be on the way, right?” Tian Yuanyuan suddenly I laughed, “I will not run, nor will I commit suicide. I will take a bath and change my clothes. I will wait for Cao Tianci to arrest me and go to Beijing. I just want to see the lofty side again and have a deep talk with him. I want to understand what he is. Such a person, so, there is no regret in death.”

Jiang Jiaquan shook his head and turned back to Tian Dan: “Lao Tian, ​​your son, he is really a talent. When I first came here, he often ran to me to discuss my great Han national policy with me. He regarded himself as a real Han, and wanted to do something for the people, but he did not expect that his true heart was here.”

“I also hope Jiang Gong is complete.” Tian Dan smiled bitterly, “I’m just such a son. I don’t want to have it anymore. As long as I can save my life, I will keep him at home in the future and reflect on it.”

Jiang Jiaquan laughed: “Lao Tian, ​​you are serious. Long-distance, do you know? You can be regarded as a famous person in Dahan now. Of course, I am not talking about this kind of thing, but what you did in Dayan County, you Do you know the election of the first auxiliary? Yan Shenghao is limited by his age, and he can only do this one. Who do you think will be the next one?”

“It should be Wu Qi. Last time he was elected by a small margin. This time, in order to make political achievements, he and Sun Xiao teamed up to launch a three vertical and three horizontal transportation network. If he succeeds, his first assistant The position is the nail in the head.”

“You are right, but you know that Wu Qi is not sitting back and forth. He regards several people as strong opponents that he will choose at that time. Do you know who they are?” Jiang Jiaquan asked.

“There will always be me?” Tian Yuanyuan asked mockingly.

“You are right, one of them is you.” Jiang Jiaquan said sternly: “He regards you and Fang Shu of Liaodong as the strongest opponents. You made such a show this time, I think Wu Qi must be a big deal. He was relieved, he only needs to deal with Fang Shuluo!”

“How is this possible?” Tian Yuanyuan was surprised: “It is beyond my expectation that a person like me can be the head of a county, Han Wang, no, now he should be called His Majesty the Emperor. , How can I be allowed to go for the post of first assistant?”

“So, you haven’t really mastered the laws of the big man, and you haven’t really understood Gao Yuan.” Jiang Jiaquan said: “In Gao Yuan’s heart, there is no one in the world. There is only one kind of people between Zhao and Wei. You Tian Yuanyuan can manage Dayan County well and make Dayan County stand out among the counties in the world. You have a deep foundation in Qilu, and you have a strong politics. Capital, then, why can’t you go to elect the first assistant? As long as you are focused on the sake of the big guys.”

“You only think of Qi people and Qi country, but Gao Yuan thinks of all the people under heaven. This is the biggest gap between you and him.”

Listening to Jiang Jiaquan’s words, Tian Yuanyuan smiled bitterly.

“Do you think you missed a better opportunity? If you think like this, then you are even more wrong. The first assistant is just a person who manages this country. It is impossible to do whatever you want. The Great Council is The biggest weapon to restrain the first assistant, let alone you, is that I was often embarrassed by them in the past. The political system set up by the emperor is to keep the rule of man factor to a minimum. No one can do whatever they want. Originally he could, but he gave up, not only did he give up, he also swept away the obstacles in the future. If he was alive, he would still have a strong influence on the political arena of Han. But since him, no emperor will do this. As he said, the emperor will only be the symbol of the great man, and the totem of the great man.”

“Tian Yuanyuan, you can rest assured to be the head of your Dayan County, Cao Tianci will not come, no one will come to arrest you.” Jiang Jiaquan said: “What have you done? Persuade the Han king to add the emperor’s title? Persuade the emperor to close. Persuasion is in the hands of one person? The big man is not accused of this. Although you are indeed sinister, we, the big man, do not have the law of condemning the heart.” Jiang Jiaquan stretched out a hand and touched Tian Yuanyuan: “Go back and think about it. What should I do?”

“You mean, King Han won’t be held accountable?” Tian Yuanyuan looked at Jiang Jiaquan dumbfounded.

“I think you must have been familiar with Dahan’s law, even better than I am.” Jiang Jiaquan said: “If there is no prohibition in the law, it is feasible, or in many people’s opinion, if you do this, you are still loyal to the King of Han, Tian. Long-distance, use your ingenuity to benefit the people, just like you did before, you have the ability and wisdom, as long as you truly regard yourself as a Han, one who can create well-being for the people People, or in the future history books, you are not only recorded in the annals of history as the former ruler of Qi, but in another identity.

Tian Yuanyuan stood up abruptly, and drew a deep thought toward Jiang Jiaquan, “Listen to the Lord’s words, better than reading ten years of books, remotely taught! Long-distance farewell!”

Turn around Tian Yuanyuan strode away.

“Gong Jiang, he will really be fine with the remote, the emperor really won’t pursue it?” Tian Dan was still a little worried, and asked.

“Gaoyuan’s mind, I know best, don’t worry, there will be nothing, Gao Yuan will regard it as completely ignorant of this, or this time the farce, instead, let him find an opportunity to completely destroy his The social system he longed for was set. He used to laugh at himself for making a fool of himself. This time, I think he got what he wanted.” Jiang Jiaquan stood up and walked behind Tian Dan. Pushed Tian Dan’s wheelchair and walked out.

“Let’s go, we two old guys go out and blow the air. We can live a few more years. Let’s take a look at the ideal system that Gao Yuan has been chanting in my ears for more than ten years. What will it bring to the big guy? ”

The wheelchair squeaked across the snow. Jiang Jiaquan was surprised to find that in some places, some green grass had stubbornly penetrated the snow layer and got out of it.

“Lao Tian, ​​the current big man, like these little seedlings, has emerged from the cocoon, but he still needs all of us to take care of him and protect him from thriving until he grows into a towering tree, which in turn helps us Descendants of China cover the wind and rain!” (To be continued.)

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