I’m The King

Chapter 1515

Chapter 1507 : Hanqi World One Hundred Ninety Seven D

His Majesty the Emperor did not mean to blame, and his tone was extremely relaxed, but as the pioneer of the siege, the commander of the Ninth Army Luo Weiran was still quite stressed. If he attacked again, he would still not be able to win the Hangu Pass. , The old face of the Ninth Army is going to be lost home, when the time comes, Commander Xu will come to change the general, can he still be a man? I’m afraid that even everyone in the Ninth Army will detour when seeing the friendly forces with their heads down and seeing others.

As a battlefield veteran, Luo Weiran is still a little skeptical of the new weapon of His Majesty’s confidence. The wall of Hangu Pass is far more robust than he imagined, and Qian Zhongyi, the guardian, is also tenacious. It gave him a headache. The opponent was also an old man, and he had a mortal heart. The layout of the defense was extremely clever. The fierce shelling like yesterday did not destroy the opponent’s firepower point, and the infantry launched an offensive. At that time, the fire of the counterattack shocked him.

Sometimes I think about it, and I particularly hate those unscrupulous businessmen in China who want to make money. If they weren’t for the imperial court to take the cement and steel structure construction technology and sell it, they would also have a large amount of money. Earning the money for cement and steel bars, it is so hard to hit Hangu Pass today. If Hangu Pass is still the same as before, it would have been destroyed after the artillery came down. It’s good now, the cannonballs have hit countless, only leaving countless small pits on the city wall, basically there is no threat to the main body of the city wall.

Luo Weiran also roughly guessed how the opponent’s artillery was hidden. In fact, in some cities in China, he had seen such artillery positions, which were more sophisticated than those of Qin, because Dahan’s artillery was lighter than Qin’s man-made artillery. Much, the artillery with wheel rails is usually hidden in the blasthole, when nothing happens. The artillery couldn’t be seen at all, there was a baffle at the entrance of the cave, and the baffle was pushed up. The artillery hole was integrated with the wall, as soon as the war broke out. Pull off the baffle and push the artillery along the rails to be able to fight.

The Qin people thought about using this technique as well, which made the attackers brains awkward. Unless luck was overwhelming and the shells flew directly in and exploded along the cannon hole, there was really no way to take the opponent.

After waiting for a day and a half in the torment, Hangu Pass was also quiet for a day and a half, Luo Weiran finally waited for the new type of shell that the Emperor said. A technician was under Luo Weiran’s gaze. Opening one of the boxes, Luo Weiran was surprised that the box was divided into two layers, and one of the thin mezzanine layers was filled with water. At this time, he also saw that the same was true of the opened lid.

“What’s this for?” He lit the box and asked.

“Commander Luo, this is a white phosphorous warhead. This thing has a very low ignition point, and it will spontaneously ignite if you are careless, and it will be extremely scary when it burns. It will never stop if it is not burned out. It cannot be extinguished in time, so usually only water is used. They are completely isolated from the air.” The technician carefully picked up a warhead and placed it on the table.

It is completely different from Luo Weiran’s imagination of listening to shells. This white phosphorous bomb was in the shape of a cone. It was lying on the table at the moment, with its thin iron shell shining faintly with blue light under the light.

Staring at this unusual bomb, Luo Weiran asked inexplicably: “This is completely different from our artillery procedures, how can we shoot them out?”

The technician explained: “Sergeant Luo, he did not use artillery to launch, but used another launching device, but this white phosphorous bomb was too difficult to store, so when we made it, we divided them into two parts. One part is this kind of warhead containing white phosphorus, and the other part is a propulsion device with gunpowder. During combat, the two parts are installed together, the fuze is ignited, and the propulsion device will fly with this white phosphorus bomb. Towards the goal.”

“Sounds like the kind of gadget called soaring cannon for the New Year!” Luo Weiran said in surprise.

The technician smiled and said: “Sergeant Luo is really amazing. This thing was originally inspired by the sky cannons, but with the warhead of this white phosphorous bomb, it’s terrifying. There are some places. I’m afraid it’s more terrifying than artillery.”

“More terrible than artillery?” Luo Weiran stared at this extremely delicate cone, it was hard to imagine where he was so good: “Explain in detail. Tell me where is he so good?”

“Yes, Commander Luo!” The technician nodded and sorted out his thoughts. Luo Weiranfa and this person trembled slightly at this time, and their hearts couldn’t help but move.

“This kind of white phosphorous bombs have a very low ignition point. If they are exposed to the air, they will spontaneously ignite at a slightly higher temperature. After an accident, dozens of people in a workshop died.” The shaking of the technician’s body became more and more obvious. Obviously, he remembered the scene at that time. “Commander Luo, can you imagine it? The clothes of those people are all intact, but the people, the people, burned terribly.”

Hearing the trembling voice of the technician, Luo Weiran not only became nervous. “The clothes didn’t burn out, but the people burned out?”

“Yes, it has been burned into the bones. This thing is like a maggot attached to bones. It will never stop until it is burned.” The technician said.

Seeing this technician’s expression, Luo Weiran also became a little worried: “Does this thing require any special skills?”

“It doesn’t need to be. When launching, it’s like playing the sky cannon. Even the storage of this thing is very careful. If something happens, it will happen.” The technician said.

Upon hearing this, Luo Weiran immediately said: “If this is the case, you are still responsible for the maintenance. Are you enough people? You will give us as much as you need tomorrow. This is the case. Danger, people here have not been in contact, so we won’t intervene casually.”

“That’s fine.” The technician nodded, carefully put the warhead back into the box and closed the lid, but took out the other half of the shell from another box. It was a cylindrical object. , On top of the tail, there are three tail wings.

“It’s still very different from the soaring gun!” Luo Weiran held it in his hand, “The first half is terrifying, but the second half is pretty delicate. Are these bayonets used to connect with the white scale warhead? This tail is used for some small wings. Isn’t it too heavy? Wouldn’t it be possible to fly farther if you took it?”

“This can’t be taken!” The technician laughed: “These three little wings, but it took us a long time to figure it out slowly, Commander Luo, when you were playing the sky cannon, that thing was It’s not that no one is accurate, and sometimes they fly in a hurry?”

“Not bad.” Luo Weiran’s expression changed. “One time during the Chinese New Year, my naughty boy played that stuff, but the soaring cannon made a bend in the air and hit the face of one of my family impartially. A miserable, **** one! You, your thing won’t be in such a situation, will it?”

“It did happen at the beginning, but those experiments were all carried out under specific terrain, and they would not accidentally injure people. These three small wings are used for stable flight. With them, the cannonball flight will not occur. The problem is too big, basically it can still fly according to the predetermined goal, otherwise, it is impossible to put it into actual combat.”

“Can this thing really help me open the Hangu Pass?” Luo Weiran still had some doubts.

The technician proudly said: “Sergeant Luo, you will be optimistic about tomorrow. Although Hangu Pass has a difficult terrain, the more this kind of terrain, the more effective this white scale bomb will be. Tomorrow, Hangu Pass will be an adult hell. ”

“I hope so.” Luo Weiran said, not being merciful, as long as he can make the enemy die more and his own people die less, he doesn’t care if Hangu Pass becomes a **** on earth.

In the emperor’s imperial tent, Yang Dasha looked at the emperor somewhat distracted, “Your Majesty, will you still go to watch the formation tomorrow?” He had nothing to say, Yang Dasha has never been a good conversation partner.

“Not going anymore.” Gao Yuan shook his head: “The white phosphorous bombs have already been shipped, and they will be put into use tomorrow. Hangu Pass will become a **** on earth. It will be miserable. I will not go anymore. Comfortable.”

Yang Da silly laughed a few times. His Majesty the Emperor Xindao has fought the world for more than ten years, and the number of enemies who died in His Majesty’s hands is not 1,000 or 800. If you count the number of people who died in battle in the entire world during these years, It is an extremely large number, so the emperor’s words can be suspected of hypocrisy.

Gao Yuan knew what Yang Dasha was thinking, but he knew too well that the white phosphorus bomb was so powerful, even in his previous life, this thing was forbidden.

He also didn’t expect this thing to be artificially produced by this era. First, the Yizhen Research Institute accidentally discovered white phosphorus in the experiment, and then the characteristics of this thing were quickly unearthed. Later, the Weapon Research Institute also quickly intervened. The family united and quickly decided to use it as a weapon for research.

A weapon similar to a rocket launcher was born. When Gao Yuan saw this weapon for the first time, he was also stunned. He felt that he still underestimated the ingenuity of people in this era. They actually came up with a tail wing on the tail to maintain the stability and direction of the rocket’s flight, so that this weapon can finally be used on the battlefield.

I personally ordered the use of this weapon, which is also based on the characteristics of Hangu Pass. Tomorrow, thousands of rockets of this kind will explode over Hangu Pass. Hangu Pass, those who can survive can only be afraid of one hand. It can be counted. What makes Gao Yuan feel a little uncomfortable is that these people will never be hacked to death with a single shot, and they will die in pain.

I will be despised by God! Gao Yuan thought in his heart.

“Dasha, do you want to fight?” He stood up and clenched his fists.

Dasha Yang’s eyes lit up suddenly, “Your Majesty, you haven’t moved your hands for a long time.”

“Sample, still can’t clean you up?” Gao Yuan sneered. “Come on, let me loosen your muscles and bones for you.”

“I won’t keep my hands.” Yang Dasha stood up excitedly. (To be continued.)

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