I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 13: Consequences

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 13




I'm in a predicament. 


Well, it was more of an annoyance than anything. However, if left alone, it'll get worse with time. I wanted a peaceful school life without any trouble, even if all my classmates hate my guts. But… 


It seems they've reached their tipping point. 


-Kill yourself. 




-Drop out. 


-Sexual harasser. 




Those exact words were written on my desk. The handwriting was messed up, purposely made so they wouldn't identify the perpetrator. Snickers and taunts pulsate across the classroom by my ever-so-kind classmates. I'm flattered, you know? 


I sigh. I kinda expected this, especially after my confrontation with Stella. It seems some of her little fanboys got upset I mocked their goddess — or angel, pick your choice. I strap my bag to the side of my desk. Then, I take out some wet wipes I had beforehand. See? I was prepared. 


I scrub the wet wipes to my desk, removing the black markers. Luckily, they didn't use permanent markers or ink. Well, I would have reported them for vandalism if they did do it. Their mocking increased seeing me cleaning my desk. I ignore them, more focused on my table than their half-assed attempt at bullying and gossip. If you're going to mock me, say some interesting stuff, you pathetic bunch. 


I entered five minutes before homeroom. It seems I'll have to spend most of my time with this. Hah… I'll try to get some evidence and present it to Mr. Jackson. Compared to other schools, Vanitas High is rather polished with its policies on bullying. 


"Hey, ass-hat." 




Damn, this stuff dried up. I'll have to scrub harder. 


"I'm talking to you, moron." 




Half-way done. I didn't waste as many wipes as I expected. That's good, I'll need them for in the future. 


"Don't ignore me, you fucking bastard!" 


The back of my collar was forcibly pulled, almost making me stumble. I kept my balance though. But, my face came face-to-face with the bully. Dyed blonde hair tied up in a flashy way, slightly taller than me, bigger muscles, and eyes sharp enough to intimidate you. 


"What do you need?" 


I replied casually, too lazy to hide the annoyance laced in my voice. Despite his intimidating figure, my eyes went back to my desk, agitated at the little speck of marker fluid attached that I missed. 


Bully A — that's what I'm calling him — switched his hold from the back of my collar to the front, trying to lift me. However, I grab his right arm with my left hand, applying as little force as possible. 


"I advice you not to touch me so mindlessly." 


I warned, keeping my voice leveled and poised. With my STR nearing two digits, snapping his bones would be easy. Sadly, he isn't aware of that. Besides, I wouldn't want the school to call my parents because I broke a student's arm. 


"Or what?" He mocked, a smirk plastered on his face. His henchmen cheered him like a hero as he tightened his grip around my collar. "I'm just trying to educate you into knowing your place, you damn molester." 


I roll my eyes. You're acting more like a third-class villain than me, you know? Now that I think about it, isn't this one of Stella's stalkers— I mean pursuers? 


I mean, look at her. She looks visibly frustrated, rageful even. I appreciate the thought but this wouldn't have happened had you never spoken to me in the first place, causing a commotion. You know what? Let's have some fun with this bastard.


"Did Stella's interest in me make you jealous? It's a pity, she doesn't like such unrefined… barbaric guys like you. Maybe if you didn't try sticking your pants in every girl in our class, she might like you more." 


I mocked, my lips curling in satisfaction. My taunt was effective as my classmates — despite their unfavorable impressions of me — laughed and snickered at bully A. Hell, even one of his henchmen laughed at my joke. 


His face went red, filled with rage and embarrassment. He clenched his left hand, ready to punch me. Before he could, I tighten my hold on his right arm, controlling it to the point where it doesn't break, but leaving him in excruciating pain. 


His rage-filled face quickly turned pale. A mute scream leaving his mouth as I continue gripping his left arm. He flailed, trying to escape my hold, but I held him down. The classroom started noticing his strange behavior, confused at his desperate visage. Probing gazes started assaulting me, inquiring me for answers. 


I let him go, his right arm had a visible mark from my hold. I'm sure it'll turn into a bruise. He wobbled, struggling to keep his balance. I left him be, waiting for him. When I thought he had recovered to a certain extent, I spoke. 


"Homeroom is about to begin. It's best you stay seated before Mr. Jackson arrives." 


I said. He flinched back in fear. Thinking I'd done enough, I sat down on my desk and continued scrubbing, ignoring everything else until homeroom starts.


I don't know what bully A did, but judging by the sound of footsteps leaving, he left me alone, along with his entourage of hypemen. 


'What a great start to the morning.' 






Lunch break. 


Packing my things, I started heading towards the canteen. I was taking a detour. I wasn't going to the usual route but instead took a less crowded longer route. 


Now that I think about it, I haven't explored the school yet. At least, I only went to the necessary places. I knew this place from the back of my mind thanks to Vanitas Online. But, I wanted to see it with my own eyes. I already saw the differences between reality and the game. I wonder how good the scenery would be?


Let's do that tomorrow and show some pictures to Amy. If I do it today, the possibility of someone discovering me is high. After all, they could use the 「Inspect I」skill to check out my stats. it's unlocked at class level 5 caster. That's part of the reason why I've been low-key and not exploring. 


However, if I get to class level 5 in bandit, I'll get 「Disguise I」, a skill that disguises my stats from appraisal skills. Sadly, it only works for the first level of Inspect. Still, there shouldn't be any students with Inspect II or above. Teachers are strictly prohibited to use any skills on students, especially appraisal ones. Even the principal is no exception. 


The only person who could discover me is her. But, as long as I don't go to the library, I should be fine. She has a certain habit of using an appraisal skill for every new student she sees. 


I strutted towards an empty hallway, my footsteps echoing in the silence. I glance around, eyeing the interior of the place with interest. It seems this area is a ways off from the main building, judging by its lack of people. 


I wasn't merely walking around nor was I sightseeing. I had a reason for all this. That reason being… 


"Hey, fucker!" 


I halted, turning around to see bully A and his entourage. Man, these guys are predictable. I eye the whole group, around five of them came. He must have been pissed off to get this many people to assault me. 


"What is it now? You're a lot braver than I thought to stage an assault despite pissing your pants earlier." 


I taunt, a smirk threatening to emerge. There's no point in pretending here. I could use as much venom as I could. Coincidentally, I had a lot of frustration to vent. 


"Hahahaha. Look at this guy. He doesn't even realize he's about to get jumped."


He snarled at me before smirking. His hypemen laughed along with him at his poor attempt at a joke. 


"You know what? If you grovel in your feet and beg for forgiveness, I might leave you with only a broken arm. Hahahaha." 


They laughed yet again, resounding in the empty hallway. Their grating voices scratching my ears as I cover them with both my hands. 


"Hey, you done laughing? You sound like a bunch of clowns. 'Grovel in your feet and beg for forgiveness?' Have you been reading too many of those wuxia novels? If you're trying to intimidate me, at least make some fresh lines you deplorable pieces of shit. " 


I replied, my voice imposing and repugnant. My words made them stop laughing as their face went red. I calmly took my hands away from my ears, happy that I didn't get to hear their obnoxious laughter anymore. 


"What. Cat got your tongue? Let's get this started, I still have to eat my lunch." 


I crack my neck. Then, I enter a stance. My left foot in front as my right in the back, both my heels off the ground to allow better explosive movements. My left hand ready to go and my right blocking the right side of my face. A classic boxing stance. 


"You'll regret this. Get him, boys." 


All four of them rushed towards me. Judging from their speed, they should be level 2. The first to reach me was a thin man. Not as thin as me but thinner than everyone in his group. Black hair in a buzzcut with a semi-attractive face. He won't be as attractive once I'm done though. 


A grin plastered on his face as he swings a right hook towards me. It was wobbly and weak. Not because of his stats, but because he didn't put his body into it. I sidestep, easily dodging the fist with a few inches to spare. 


Then, I dive a knee up his stomach. Before he could scream, I send a right hook straight to his face, knocking him out. He flung a few feet before crashing into the wall of the hallway in a deep, loud thud. I made sure to control my strength, otherwise, I would have broken his neck. 


The next man, a burly and sturdy-looking guy, approached me with his fist. Cautious seen in his eyes as he threw a right punch at me. I caught his fist, using my left hand. My hand stopped his attack like a brick wall, earning a baffled look from him. 


He tried to pull his fist back, but I held it with a tight grip. When he realized he couldn't pull his hand out, he tried to punch me with his remaining hand. But, before he could do so, I bash him with my right fist. 


Blood flew from his nose. I didn't know if it broke but it sure did look like it. He tumbled backward, knocked out by my blow. Only then did I release my hold on his hand. Fortunately, no blood landed on my clothes. 


The last two rushed to me, but I could see their reluctance. Sadly, I won't spare them. They had the gall to assault someone in a one-on-five. I'll make sure they understand the consequences. 


One tried to punch me in the stomach and another kicked me in the face. I didn't bother defending, letting them land their hits. 




"Did we get him?" 


"No, you didn't." 


"N-no way." 


I grab the neck of the one who kicked me in the face. Then, I send a kick towards the other in the solar plexus, knocking him unconscious. I tighten my hold on the guy's neck, lifting him in the air, and making him squirm. After a moment, I toss him to the ground and kicked him in the head. 


My eyes landed on bully A, who was utterly terrified. He already collapsed on his ass, legs trembling. I took a step, he took two back. I took two steps, he took three. We continued this process, with me slowly approaching and him trying to back away. Sadly, our little game ended when his back landed on a wall, a dead end. 


"W-wait… We can talk about this—" 




I ram my knee to his face. If the guy I punch didn't break his nose, I sure as hell broke this guy's nose. From one-hit, blood started gushing and his face deformed. 


"D-do you think you'll get away with this?" 


"I reckon I could. Why do you think I lured you here in the first place? There are no security cameras, no teachers, and no students. It's just us." 


He shuddered. I kick him in the torso, making him skid across the hallway with blood trailing in his path. I slowly approach him in a casual, almost nonchalant gait. When I stood in front of him, I grasp his hair, making him look at me with his disfigured, bloody face. 


"If I ever see you pull this stunt again, I'll make sure that every bone in your body breaks. Got it?" 


He weakly nods his head. Thinking that was enough, I send a right hook to him, knocking his consciousness. When I saw his motionless figure, I heave a sigh. That felt good. I got to vent my emotions a bit. 


Now let's go get lunch—






Fucking piece of #&%=! 






End of class. 




I clutch my stomach, trying to quell down my immense hunger. Finally, I thought, hearing the bell. I hurriedly pack my things, desperate to get out and get something to eat. Sadly, before I could bolt out, I was called. 


"Hello. May I have some of your time?" 


A kind, gentle voice. It was similar to Stella's, but it wasn't her. I turn my head, looking at the person who called out to me. Silky brunette hair with bangs just shy over her eyebrows. She looked gentle, homely even. Her equally brown eyes peered at me in a cozy, warm manner. No matter how much I try to stray my gaze, it always finds a way to lock back into her eyes. 


She was attractive. Although she wasn't on the same level of beauty as Rose or the cuteness of Stella, she still had her unique style in alluring you. If I had to describe it with one word, it would be fluffy. 


I knew who she was. She may not be as popular compared to the other heroines, but, in the end, she was still one. 


"What pleasure does our class president have to do with me?" 


Eva Ashford, class 1-6's president, and one of the sub-heroines. It seems the class election already happened. I didn't pay attention since I already knew the results. Still, it's the first time Eva has reached out to me. Was it the bullying? 


"You know me?" 


"Well, I'm not that ignorant to not know our class president." 


"Is that so? Then, do you know who our vice-president is?" 


"No. I didn't pay attention." 


"You're awfully honest, hahaha. By the way, she's our vice president. Hey Irene!"


She chuckled cutely before waving to a nearby student. I followed the direction she waved from. Luckily, I didn't have to look much because the student in question stood up and walked toward us. 


My eyes quickly widened. 




Luscious black hair, starry violet eyes, and a pretty face. She waved at Eva before trotting towards us. The closer she got, the more of her features I could make out. Long, perfect eyelashes. Her red lips glistened, almost bewitching me. Her face bare, with no blemishes held a slight smile. Her gaze landed on both my and Eva's figure, surprised at my appearance and relieved at Eva's. Despite that, I felt no hostility from her. 


"This is…?"


I questioned. She was never mentioned in the game. Maybe a hidden character? The story mode did update since I last played but I was too busy with the MMORPG to check the patch notes.


I pondered, thinking of a suitable explanation for this anomaly. But, all thoughts diverged as my stomach screamed in protest, telling me to get something, anything to eat. 


"This is Irene Cromwell, our vice president." 




Her voice was as beautiful as her looks. She playfully waved at me. However, that didn't stop me from seeing the calculative glint in her eyes. I frown a little before controlling my expressions. Let's get this over with. 








My face scrunched in embarrassment. Now of all times… I seriously want to dig a hole and crawl my way inside. Fortunately or not, only the two girls heard my stomach rumbling. 




Irene chuckled briefly. Eva looked surprised, before showing an amused smile. I once again bit down my embarrassment and prayed for this to end. 


"You can have this." 


Eva rummaged through her pocket before taking out a bag of banana bread. My eyes sparkled, all thoughts of keeping my dignity intact perished the moment my eyes laid upon the majestic, beautiful loaf. 


"Really?!" I asked. Eva nodded as she passed me the banana bread with a sweet smile. She looked like a goddess of salvation in my eyes. "Thank you very much." 


I said as I stuff my cheeks with it. The sweet mellow taste of the banana paired with the chewy texture of the bread quenched my ravenous state. Ahhh… You're a lifesaver, Eva. 


"So, why did you call me out?" 


"Uhm… It's nothing. We thought you needed company… considering your reputation." 


"I see… Thank you." 


My eyes softened as I stare at Eva. I told myself that I was fine being alone at home. However, I still feel regretful at not being able to live proper student life, have friends, hang out, and the like. 


Being friends with Eva is something I can afford. She does have a connection with Rose, but it's minimal at best. Besides, there's a limit to how much I can lie to both my sister and parents before they catch on to my lack of friends. 


"Does this make us friends?" 


I asked, tilting my head as I softly smile. In response, Eva replied coyly with a hint of playfulness. 


"Does it?" 


"How am I suppose to know? It's not like I have that many." 


"That's not what I mean. I'm asking if you want to be friends." I blink in confusion. Seeing me misunderstand her words, she chortles. "You're pretty clumsy, you know?" 


"Cut me some slack," I grumble, trying to hide my embarrassment. Seriously, I blame my stomach. "I guess it does make us friends." 


"Hehe~ Friends."


Eva extended her hand towards me, a snug smile plastered on her face. I shake her hand. They were delicate and soft, in contrast to my rough hands. Her warm smile seems to have gotten warmer, making me feel comfy all over. 


"Oh, I want to be friends too!" 


Irene says, extending her right hand towards me too. I pull away from Eva's hand and shook hers. 




I took note of Irene's hands, which were filled with calluses and rough patches. It seems she's been training with a weapon for a while now. Well, I was the same. 


"I have to go now. See you two tomorrow." 




"Goodbye, Lukas!" 


Irene and Eva said respectively. With one last wave, I exit the classroom. Despite my blank expression, my heart was thumping, excited at my success in making friends. 


Although I'm not too sure of Irene, I could trust Eva. I knew her character all too well. She wasn't like that. Remember those times, my mind wandered back to four years ago, eliciting dark memories to resurface. 


'Forget it.'


Let's get to level 6 for now. 


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