I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Chapter 16: Changing perspective II

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Chapter 16

「Changing perspective II」


I was careless. 


Now that I think about it, the 'shortcut' I was thinking about was out of range of the school's eyes. Also, since we were on the side of one of the farther buildings in the whole academy, there's barely any security here. 


In short, it was a perfect location for fights and disputes to occur. 




Should I leave? Or, should I not? When I backtracked, I saw who the two parties were. Furthermore, judging by the contents of their conversation, I knew who it was. 


It was class 1-5 and class 1-4. 


It seems class 1-4's views on purebloods are what caused the conflict. Scratch that. They just have beef towards one another. It's probably that. Anyways, It's better to leave. Who knows if they have that skill—


"Someone seems to be eavesdropping on us." 


A soft female voice rang out. Hearing her words, cold sweat began to gush out my back. Following that, I heard footsteps. Steady small crunches heard as they slowly became louder. They were getting closer. 


Without hesitation, I augment my legs with Magic Power before sprinting. My legs burst with energy, expanding the initial distance we had. Right as I was about to turn around a corner, a chill ran down my spine. Tsk, they used inspect on me. 


Letting out a series of curses, I increase my speed even faster, leaving them behind. I could hear their footsteps as they chased me. However, it slowly faded the more I ran.


Despite my perception telling me that they were gone, I still ran. After one last glance to make sure they weren't catching up, I stopped. Once the adrenaline was gone, the strain and exhaustion hit me like a truck. 


I pant, inhaling all the oxygen my lungs starved for in quick, rapid breaths. My legs were trembling, probably from the backlash of enhancing them with MP and running extensively. Losing my strength, I sat down on the grass below me. 


Hahh… I fucked up big time. 






???'s POV


"Seems like your lap-dogs have trouble finding that eavesdropper." 


The man in front of me mocked, pointing fingers at my companions. He was Calum Payne, one of the many egoists in class 1-4. He suddenly called out to us and preached to us. 


It was aggravating for one. I could care less about this spineless bastard's opinion. It might even be better to send him into a coma if I could. If I could that is. 


The ironic thing was that he was nothing but a lap dog himself, eager to lick the boots of every noble in the higher classes to get their attention, especially in his own race. 


"Speak up! I knew your kind was never the smartest." 


My face twitched at his words. I could feel the malice from my three companions, each of them ready to fight. Calum, along with his two equally brain-dead companions, grinned, amused at our reaction. I motion at them to stop. Fortunately, they followed my gesture. 


"Are you done yapping? If so, then there's nothing left to talk about." 


I turned around, tired of this farce. Being the leader of the entire class is exhausting. The two days of school holidays were paradise to me. I didn't want to spend it arguing with some insignificant worm. 


"Come back here. Right. Now."


Calum seethed. I didn't bother hearing his obnoxious voice any longer. It was grating to my ears. Continuing my walk, I filter out every word he says, going from one ear to another. 




Frowning, I turn around. MP gathered in front of Calum, forming a ball of pure MP. It was magic bullet. The lime green football-sized orb glistened menacing, ready to unleash. This moron actually cast a skill in public. 


"I didn't know you were such an idiot." I jeer, pissed off that I had to fight. 


"I could say the same to you, ignorant fools." 


He sneered as the magic bullet expanded. Sighing, I activated my own skill. MP swirled inside me before forming into the same skill as him. However, the size was a few centimeters smaller than his and the color was a shade of raspberry red. 


He smirked, seeing the size of my magic bullet. I grin at him, finding his ignorance humorous. Then, I activate my inherent skill. 


'Blood transfusion.' 


I felt something drain in my body. Soon, my magic bullet expanded in both strength and size, its figure more imposing than Calum's feeble one. 


Without hesitation, I shot it towards him. In response, he reluctantly cast his magic bullet at me. The two spells collided, forming a miniature shockwave. 




Dust clouded our visions and wind pressure assaulted all of us. I kept my cool, forming another five magic bullets just in case. The size was much smaller than the initial spell I cast. However, I was aiming for accuracy rather than power here. 


When the dust cleared out, the figure of Calum kneeling on the ground, all bloody was seen. My lips slightly curled, finding sadistic pleasure in his disheveled appearance. Serves him right, I thought. 


Calum's two companions drew their swords at me. In response, my three companions brought out their weapons. Once again, I beckon to stop. However, this time, they were less reluctant to withdraw their weapon. 


"You look quite battered up from fighting a 'half-bred'." 


I mocked, trying to get a reaction out of Calum. Sadly, he was too injured to talk. In fact, I could see his lips part and close, trying to say something. It seems I've injured him more than I hoped. 


I look at his two companions, my eyes sharp and heavy. The five magic bullets the size of a golfball hovered above me, longing to be released. With an authoritative, composed voice, I spat: 


"I'm guessing that is all you have to show?" I hang my words, checking to see if they have any bark left in them. After a few seconds, I continued. "I'll be taking my leave then." 


After taking one last glance at Calum and his group, I spun around, facing my back towards them. Then, I started walking, ignoring everything else. 


I just want to go home. 






"As expected of Aria. You defeated them so easily! " 


One of my classmates and companion, Claire Finch bustled with excitement, her eyes shining. The admiration plastered in her childlike eyes. She was the smallest in our group, totaling around 157cm. Pairing that up with her childlike eyes, face, and reddish-brown hairstyle, she doesn't look like a high schooler at all. 


She was a hybrid between a human and an orc. It was weird since the orcs were known for their tall genes. I guess her height was taken from her human mother. 




The one to my right, my other companion, Marc Baylon coughed loud enough to get our attention. We both look at him, our gaze questioning him. 


"Don't cling to Aria too much." 


"Bleh! Shut up you muscle freak!" 


"… You!" 


A vein bulge from Marc's temple. I sigh in exasperation. They were always like this. Well, the two were complete opposites after all. 


Marc was a prideful man. I knew that from my interactions with him. He respects the strong and disregards the weak. A one-sided view of life. However, that didn't discredit his competence. His idealogy was just… unpleasant to deal with at some times.


Claire, on the other hand, just wants to have fun. She doesn't care about who the strong are and who the weak are. As long as she seeks entertainment in one thing, she'll pursue it. She was much more pleasant to be with. 


As the so-called 'leader' of class 1-5, I've been tasked to guide the entire class. Frankly, it's exhausting. I never wanted the role, but they enforced it on me because I was merely the strongest. That was it. 


I sighed. I wanted to be like any other student. Have friends, dive into the labyrinth together, and chat aimlessly. I do these things with my companions, but the pressure from my classmates is sometimes too much for me to handle. 


I became their hope. A heroic narrative to encourage and increase their morale. We were often called the 'defective' class by the higher classes because of our blood. 


It was frustrating. It was so frustrating that our treatment in the academy was determined by our birth; something we could not control. I wanted to fight back. I wanted to fight for our 'freedom' or whatever it may be. 


But, I can't do that. 


It's not that I can't. It's that I couldn't. I was far too weak to oppose class 1-4. Even Calum, an average student in class 1-4, forced me to use my inherent skill. I was confident in beating any other student in class 1-4. However, when it comes to their stronger students, my chances were too few. 




"What's wrong?" 


My last companion called out to me. Her name was Ellen Harp. She was an elf-devil hybrid. Out of every hybrid in the world, the most discriminated against was the elf-devil hybrid. The two races were at complete odds with one another. So, the child was often ostracized. 


This was our party and the face of class 1-5. We were the strongest of what our class had to offer. Ellen and I were the rear guards, tasked with supporting and aiding at the back. Marc and Claire were the vanguards. They often took the most difficult task as the front. 


"I'm fine. A little tired." I said, making my voice as neutral as possible. "Oh right, did you find out who was eavesdropping on us?" 


"Sorry… He got away. But I managed to inspect him." 


"Don't worry about it. So, who is he?" 


Ellen's face hardened. My mind raced when I saw her usual cold face hardened. Was it the higher classes? 


"Lukas Gasper. Level 2. Most likely class 1-6."


"Those human mutts?" 


I glare at Marc. He faltered, coughing to hide his embarrassment. Lukas Gasper… Why is his name familiar? That's when it clicked. 


"What did he look like?"


"Blonde hair, average height, but his frame is a little thin." (Claire) 


My lips curled upwards. My father did say he enrolled. No wonder his name is so familiar.


"Should I teach him a lesson?" (Marc) 




I say sternly, my voice more imposing than I intended. All three of them looked stupefied. What? Surprised that I took interest in a human? 


"I'll personally take care of him." 


I said, not hiding the smile on my face. I always wanted to talk to him. It's the perfect time for that. 


Now, let's go to my father's coffee shop. 






Lukas Gasper's POV


Oh no. 


At that moment, I realized I had forgotten to change my name when I got inspected. I was too caught up in the moment to consider that. Although they didn't know my true level. They know who I was now. 


My face grimaced. I was always a cautious man. At the very least, I took note of things, unlike regular people. It was a habit that I've cultivated since I was young. However, that didn't mean I was completely aware of everything all the time. 


Just like what happened earlier. There was no way I could have known that a fight between classes 1-5 and 1-4 would occur. And, because of this negligence, I was found by the Detection I skill. 


A simple yet brutal blunder on my end. 


Well, as exaggerated as I make it out to be, there isn't much they can do to me. Yes, I did get found out. However, I'm only on their radar for the time being. Give it a week or two and they'll forget about it, especially since my level was disguised. 


Yeah, let's forget about it for the time being. It's on the weekends. I should rest and ease my mind. I'll think about it later. 


The time was 5:47 PM. Classes end around 2:30 so I took three hours to finish my touring. Dinner starts around 7:30 so I had more than two hours to spare. 


I could go home. I could. But, I should pay him a visit while I have the time. I've been too busy with the labyrinth and school lately. Yeah, let's go meet up with Boss. 




"Welcome! Oh, it's you, Lukas. Long time no see." 


"Long time no see. I'll take the usual." 


"Cappuccino it is. How's school lately? You must be busy to forget about me." 


"You know how it is. I'm pretty busy with exploring the labyrinth and taking my classes." 


"Hahaha… I know. My daughter has been coming home late these days." 


 "Oh, right. Your daughter. I haven't seen her yet." 


Boss was a human. So, his daughter must be in my class. I'm a little scared to mention his daughter, as the possibility of her talking about the rumors and reputation was high. 




Boss rubs his chin. He looked to be contemplating something. I didn't bother questioning, opting to drink the cappuccino in front of me. 


Unlike the strong flavor of the espresso I drank before, the cappuccino was less impactful. However, it still had the bold bitter taste that most coffees had. Despite that bitterness, there was a slight subtle sweetness hidden in the drink, most likely from the milk used. 


A hum of gratification left my mouth. Boss' drinks were higher quality than most cafeterias in the city. Also, the price was affordable for me, a student. 


"She should be here by now…" 




He muttered loud enough for me to hear. When I questioned him, he just waves his hand. His eyes switched between the clock and the front door. I raised a brow, clearly bemused by his reluctance to tell what he was doing. What was he doing? 




The store's bell rang. Curious at who it is, I turn my head to the front door. Quickly, my eyes widened, lips parted, and my hand holding my cup of coffee faltered. 


Why is she here? 


Entering the store was a white-haired girl. The color looked natural, rich, and pristine. It was unlike the fake replica color that dyed products use or the aged white color that came with age. No, her hair color was pure and luscious.


The Vanitas High uniform clung to her body, accentuating her hourglass figure. She had dull gray eyes that made her look tired all the time. However, all it did was enhance her beauty. 


The most notable feature was her skin. She was deathly pale. Her skin was so white that it made me, with my already abnormally pale skin, look healthy in comparison. 


Her dreary eyes landed on me, her expression brightened as she walked toward me. Panic and vigilance rose within me. Then, she sat down next to me. 


Damn it. Why is she here? I haven't heard of anything about her visiting this place. So, why is she—


… No way? Don't tell me… 


"Hey, boss…" 




Boss had a smirk on his face. My theory solidified even more. With a slow head turn, I look at the owner of the coffee store straight in his eyes. 


"Please don't tell me she's your daughter." 


"She's my daughter." 


"Is that a problem?" 


The girl questioned me, her expression flat. Her pale skin made her look intimidating. And, knowing who she was, my caution increased even further. 


"Aria, you're scaring him. Sorry Lukas." (Boss) 


"It's fine." 


Yup. It's her. The leader of class 1-5 and one of the main villains in the story mode. Ughh… I didn't think boss' daughter would be here out of all people. It would be best if I keep my connection with Aria minimal at best. 




Boss gave me a thumbs up. He was urging me to talk to her. I don't want to… But it's his request. He was one of the few people I trust in this world. I wouldn't want to betray that. 


"How's your day been?" 




She answered coldly. I was slightly irked at that. I never really liked her in the game, considering her position as a villain. 


"What's your favorite drink here?" 


"Latte." (Aria) 


"Any hobbies you've enjoyed doing?" 


"Diving the labyrinth and reading." 


"Reading? Do you prefer classic or modern literature?" 


"Classical. I read novels." 


I suppress the urge to grunt at her. There's nothing I could do if she was unwilling. Besides, her face was tensed and stern, obviously reluctant about this whole situation. 




"Pft…" (Boss) 


I glare at boss. What's so funny? I'm trying my best, okay? It's your daughter's fault, not mine. 


"You two…" (Boss) 


He was quivering from laughter, barely containing himself. It looked weird seeing such an intimidating man barely holding himself together, but I could care less. 


"Is there something wrong, dad?" (Aria) 


Aria joined me, glaring at her father. Her tone more icy-cold than earlier. Despite that, boss kept trembling, taking long deep breaths to calm himself. 


"I'm sorry for my daughter's social skills, Lukas." (Boss) 




Confused at his words, I glance at Aria. Her ears were red. Her face was even more hardened. Boss, seeing this, snickered again. 


"My daughter isn't exactly the most sociable person. That's why… Please take care of her, Lukas." 


He said with a thin smile. I was honestly stunned. The Aria I knew in the game… 




This isn't a game. Time and time again, I've been proven that this was real life. My past, about Stella, and Aria's personality.


The game only showed the surface of who they truly were. 




I turn to Aria. Both of her hands held her latte as she was sipping on her drink. Noticing me, she turned around, meeting my eyes. I extend my right hand towards her, a soft smile plastered on my face. 


"My name is Lukas Gasper. It's nice to meet you." 


Her eyes widen and the hand holding her cup halted. After a second, she returned my handshake and spoke with a small smile. 


"Pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Lukas. I'm Aria Hughes." 


Seeing her smile, I once again changed my opinion of her.


She looks just like her father. 

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