I’m The Lowly Villain In The Game

Prologue: Transmigration and it’s difficulties

I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game | Prologue 

「Transmigration and it's difficulties」

"Welcome, students of « Vanitas high school » . You stand here before us as the new generation that will mark themselves in history." 

A deep solemn voice ran across the entire auditorium. All students seated listened to the man's voice with interest. 

Long white beard with hair that was almost balding. His face was wrinkled but he held a smile as he spoke. Two distinct jet-black horn sprouted out of the side of his temples. 

He held himself with dignity and grace, inspiring all the freshmen who were eyeing him. 

It was a beautiful scene, showing the awe and strength of this place… 


Oh god… This scene… 

"You all are the future of each of your races. Whether you are in the 6th class or in the 1st class. Whether you are from a commoner's background or royalty, everyone is equal." 


I spat out in ridicule. I was still having a hard time processing what just transpired, but I was beginning to connect the dots. 

"As instructors and staff of  «Vanitas High School», we will do our best in guiding all students." 


A sharp pain ran across my mind. I lower my head and support it with both my hands, trying to dull out the pain, but to no avail. 


A weak groan left my lips as the pain intensified in random intervals. It would come in pulses, as fast as it came. Some pulses were weaker than others, whilst others would be excruciating, almost knocking my consciousness. 

It wasn't just pain that was knocking at my head. I felt something enter my mind, like a chip being inserted to my brain. I knew this was my own delusion, but the feelings was just that surreal. 

Moments passed. My sense of time soon became obsolete. My mind was fully focused on the agonizing sensation as the noises outside, whether it be the students, the principal's speech, or whatever else, was filtered out of my mind. 

Suddenly, I started tasting a metallic taste in my mouth. Only then did I realize that I bit my lips hard enough to draw blood. I wasn't bothered as I would have screamed in pain had I not done so, attracting the attention of everyone in the auditorium. 

The pulses of pain soon subsided, only coming in small and weak intervals. But even then, I was left panting. 

Information— no… Memories soon flooded my mind. They were foreign. It didn't contain the 18 years I've lived through. They were not mine. 

However, I didn't feel uncomfortable. It was like a long last memory being unlocked, filling my soul with nostalgia. It puzzled me. They weren't mine, but I felt at ease remembering them. 

Then, like a thunderclap, my mind was able to recall all the memories of the foreign man— the previous owner of this body. 

His memory… No, is it mine now? Anyways, his memory clashed with mine. As the knowledge of two lives were being exchanged, my jaw dropped as I began to make out what his memory was showing. 

Rummaging through my pocket, I find a small rectangle card. It was my ID. Inspecting it, my already wide eyes widened once again. 

 « Vanitas High School »

Name : Lukas Gasper 

Race : Human

Class : 1-6


Isn't this the same as the game? 

Vanitas Online. 

It was the most popular game in VR. With the latest technology being able to replicate the 5 senses close to reality, Vanitas became one of the greatest MMORPG in the gaming market. 

It had over a hundred million concurrent players online across various servers. It was featured in the news many times and was known to everyone, whether they were old or young. 

The game had two features in terms of gameplay. The story mode or MMORPG. The story mode of Vanitas Online was used to get the player better at the game before joining the MMORPG section of the game. 

However, the story mode was well-received in the community because of the cute heroines and handsome male characters. You could pick either a female or male protagonist and capture those characters. 

I was a victim to this as I completely finished the original story mode multiple times now. However, I didn't touch the female protagonist part of the story mode. I wasn't comfortable flirting with the same gender. 

Anyways, every time you start the game, either as the customized male or female character or pre-built protagonist… 

This scene would be the first cut scene. 

Listening to the voice of the principal and his speech… Getting excited over a new play through… Yes, I was ever so familiar with this feeling. 

This was the world of Vanitas Online. 

I would honestly be pumped up right now. I wouldn't even mind standing up right now and shadow box out of sheer excitement. However, there was an elephant in the room… 

Lukas Gasper. 

That was my name and the memories of the man that flooded my mind. My previous vigor diminished as I realized what this man meant to the plot. 

Lukas Gasper was the first ever villain of Vanitas Online. He was the lowly villain that would turn into a stepping stone to shine the protagonist's glory and strength. 

And I possessed his body… 

I swallow a mouthful of saliva. I'm pretty much fucked, aren't I? I just started off my journey in another world and I would immediately get shut down… 

Wait! This is the beginning cutscene. That means I haven't done anything to warrant a beat-down from the protagonist. 

Right! I can still live! I can still peacefully dungeon explore without the hindrance of the shitty plot!

I smile in contentment. With my current state of being sweaty, curled up, and smiling eerily, I looked really creepy, but I didn't care. 

I could enjoy the world I've invested so much time in. I was knowledgeable of the game. You could even say I was one of the top players, although I haven't had a proper chance to tell. 

"—That is all. And once again, welcome to « Vanitas high school »!" 

Cheers erupted at the end of the principal's speech. After they calmed down, the teachers and staff assisted the students out of the auditorium. 

I, on the other hand, am still in my seat. I was thinking of various plans and sorting out Lukas' memories. I didn't even notice that the majority of the students have left the auditorium.

Atleast until I was called out. 

"What are you doing? Wait, why are your lips bleeding?" 

Cold yet familiar. Lifting my head up, my eyes met her beautiful but sharp eyes. For some reason, my heart ache and feelings foreign to my own began gushing out. They were Lukas' feelings. 

Some part of me screamed to do something, anything to get her attention, but the real me, without Lukas' influence, held back. 


A weak cry left my mouth. I precisely knew the relationship between the two. I knew just how bad it was. But Lukas' body, memories, and feelings were now mine. This unrequited love of mine was eating my heart away, little by little. 

Lukas' feelings, as much as I want to admit weren't mine, were now mine. I couldn't deny that. Maybe that's why I felt my heart ache so bad, knowing what would happen in the future. 

"Stop staring at me." 

"S-sorry.. I just bit my lips." 

"Okay. Don't be late." 

Her face, perfect and without blemishes, frowned as she glared at me. Without waiting for my response, she turned around. Her red hair fluttered and swayed with elegance. 

By the time she was out the door, I finally calmed down. Small tears rushed out of my eyelids, much to my irritation. 


I clicked my tongue in my mind. How pathetic to cry over a girl. She isn't even your girlfriend… In fact, she hates you… So why? Why does it hurt so much… 

Rose Hart.

That was the name of the girl who just spoke to me. She was one of the very first heroines of Vanitas' story mode. A strong-hearted and passionate girl. Her older brother was an adventurer and she wanted to follow his footstep, much to her parent's reluctance. 

That was what I know about her with the collective knowledge of the game and Lukas' memories. Her popularity with the player base was one of the highest because of her unique appearance and distinct traits. She wasn't my favorite in the story mode, but she was up there. 

The relationship between her and Lukas is as bitter as it can get. Lukas harrased her in many ways to get her attention. Even in the academy, Lukas did some nasty things just to get to her. 

Naturally, as the customized character or pre-determined main character, you would be tasked to beat the living crap out of Lukas. It was satisfying for the player playing… But as Lukas himself, I feel uncomfortable. 

Lukas and Rose were childhood friends. That was apart of their setting. Lukas' obsession towards her is because of their time as children; Confirmed by Lukas' memories. 

The deeper I look into his memories, the more I assimilate with Lukas' feelings. I was still in control, but there were moments where his feelings would counteract my current feelings. The earlier conversation with Rose was one of those moments.

As much as I would love to fulfill Lukas' unrequited love, it was too dangerous. Rose's current attitude towards me was too bitchy and toxic for me to handle. Also, there was the chance that I might get shat on by the protagonist if I ever get near her. 

I needed to keep my distance from her, level up properly, and get over this love affair that will never bloom. Fortunately, that was enough to convince the Lukas in me as my spiraling emotions began to calm down. 

I drag my heavy body to my classroom. As I slide open the door, I try my best to be inconspicuous as possible. I just needed time to think through things. I really wasn't in the mood to talk. I had alot to do, alot to experiment, and alot to think through. It was too sudden. 

Luckily, none of my classmates bothered me. I just sat in my seat, looking outside the window in disinterest as I try to recall and process all of Lukas' memories. My emotions fluctuate indefinitely as I began to recall the more significant memories but I kept a straight face throughout the whole process. 

The door to the classroom opened and an middle-aged man walked right in. I knew who it was so I straighten myself and wait for him to start. 


A powerful cough shut the whole classroom up. Every student that weren't aware of his presence frantically looked in his direction. Satisfied by his action, he nods his head and begins his explanation. 

"Now that I've gotten all your attention, let us begin. My name is Brent Jackson. I'll be your homeroom teacher for the next year or so. I'm a human like all of you here." 

"Some of you may already be aware of what Vanitas is and what it has to offer. But to those that don't, I'll explain it to you so listen carefully."

He pauses and waves his hand. The black board in front of the whole class began to shimmer in a low yet steady light, before turning into a full display of letters, drawings, and numbers. 

Students gasped in interest and shock. I kept my composure. I've seen this scene too many times, too many to count. I was better off than the majority of students who were flabbergasted. 

Although I wasn't as shocked as them, I was still surprised. If I had to point a finger to it, it would be that the trick Mr. Jackson just showed was too real. As much as technology in the game could replicate the 5 senses, they couldn't beat the real thing. 

Our homeroom teacher nodded in satisfaction. Realizing he had gotten the attention of all the students, he continued his explanation. 

"Vanitas high school is the most prestigious high school in the entire world. Even getting accepted in the academy as a freshmen is an achievement on its own."

"I won't bore you with the details you already know of, but the city of Vanitas was created from the unity of the races of the world. This place became the stronghold to unify all races without discrimination and nurture the future generation of talents. "

"There are 6 classes in every year. the 1st class up to the 6th class. You may know that the 1st class is where the most elite stand. And… "

He takes a deep breath. Then, the atmosphere of the classroom turned deadly tense. You could drop a needle and everyone would hear it. 

"The 6th class is the weakest class." 

The entire class was filled with a heavier tension. I mean, we were practically called failures of the academy. Who wouldn't be tense? Wait. I'm that guy. Right, I wasn't as tense as the others. The matter with transmigratting gave me a bigger sense of tension than this. 

"Do not fret. You all may be in the weakest class. But the only place we can go is up, right?" 

Mr. Jackson's words that encouraged the students improved the atmosphere. However, I couldn't be the same. His words, although partially true, were just false hope. A propaganda to encourage the impossible and increase morale. 

Everyone in this class has a commoner background and were of human race. In the eyes of this world, humanity was an inferior race. Also, with no influence or political support, you couldn't have the head start and advantage that nobles and the privilege have. 

Mr. Jackson knows this. But he wouldn't trample on the small hope that this class had. The small hope that we would break through the next class, despite it being close to impossible. 

After the chattering subsided, Mr. Jackson began to explain the rules, schedule, history, and anything that would be covered in the start of a school year. 

Since I already knew everything, my attention was elsewhere. But I'll just simplify what he's saying. 

Vanitas is a city where all races could live without discrimination. Although this was only in the surface, but that's a story for another day. Anyways, buckle up since this will take a while. 

First of all, there are various races that inhabit the world. Elves, dragons, orcs, and dwarfs are a few to speak. Humans do not possess the natural talent and skills that some other races do. 

Humans didn't have the extraordinary physique of the orcs, the smart technological skills of the dwarfs, the MP control of the elves, the traits of a vampire, or the superior genes of a dragon. 

Humans were just kinda… there. They weren't special. That's why in the eyes of this world and the other races, humans were inferior. 

Even the academy, that boasts and prides itself in equality, can't prevent the discrimination and prejudice inside the school. It was pathetic. Why talk all shit about equality if you couldn't fulfill It? 

I sigh in frustration. The discrimination is something I forgot about in the heat of my excitement. Nobles and other egotistical people might pester and downright harass me because of my race. I didn't want that. I should act inconspicuous for a while until I get strong enough. 

Anyways, the academy is so corrupt that there's even a division on what classes are called. The 1st to 3rd class are called higher class whilst the 4th to 6th class are called lower class.

Just from the name, you could tell where this was going. Higher classes contain the nobles, royalties, and other talented individuals. Also, they have more funding, influence, and political support.

By the way, the human princess, who is regarded as a genius, is in the 3rd class. Also, she's my favorite heroine. 

Lower classes contain the commoners or lesser influential nobles of the academy. Also, the 6th class only has humans. It was like saying that humans were naturally inferior. 

"Now I only have one more thing to say. Our world has a mystical power that allows us to view our individual strengths. This is the « Status ». All you have to is think of the word in your head and it should pop up. Also, no one can view your status unless you permit them to."

Ah right, this part. Thinking of the word status, a transparent blue panel appeared right in front of me.

 « Name » Lukas Gasper

 « Level » 1

 « Class »「-」

HP : 20/20

MP : 15/15

STR : 3 

AGI : 5 

STM : 3 

VIT : 4 

INT : 7 







Holy shit. This is horrendous. First of all, all his beginning stats are below average except INT. Secondly, he doesn't have any inherent skills. How the hell did Lukas pass the strict requirements of the academy? No let's not think about that. I could make use of this, however bad it is. 

Inherent skills are skills you were born with. It is completely random. Although it isn't uncommon to not have an inherent skills, almost all students of Vanitas has an inherent skill. 

Class were just like in regular RPGs. You could unlock them at level 5, but that wasn't my priority right now. As excited as I am, I needed to sort out my memories and feelings. Right now, I made out about a quarter of Lukas' memories, and most of them were from his childhood. 

"Okay. It seems like all of you are caught up in what to know. Now, I want all of you to introduce yourself. Friendships and companionship are crucial in your time here." 

Oh right… This part… 

  All right. Hate me if you want but I wrote all this in my phone. I did proof-read this, albeit half-heartedly. Feel free to point out any grammatical errors, it would help a ton. Also, any form of feedbacks, whether good or bad, is greatly appreciated. As a writer, I want to improve my mistakes.

Finally, Thank you for reading the prologue of "I'm The Lowly Villain In The Game"!

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