I’m the Only One With a Different Genre

Chapter 102

Chapter 102

Lian’s eyes trembled as he thought,
‘Ugh, what do I do now?’

Though the coughing had finally stopped, he still couldn’t bring himself to lift his head and pretended to cough softly instead. Desperately rolling his eyes, he started searching for an escape route.
‘I need to get out of here fast. If not, I could end up embarrassingly bleeding from my nose and dying!’

The sight of a beautiful woman’s body was enough to send a man favored by a unicorn’s love straight to heaven.
Scenes of people collapsing with happy faces, blood streaming from their noses, and their souls departing their bodies were common occurrences in the gag world.

Lian recalled ‘that scene’ and felt his nose tingle.
‘I might really die…!’

Lian’s body began to tremble uncontrollably with a fear of death he had never experienced before.
In the gag world, someone might have jokingly remarked, “Hey, Lian, why are you shaking like that?” But to the people here, it was entirely different.
“Damn it! Is this a curse?”

Lian’s body was shaking like a drill, and it didn’t look normal to anyone. Seeing him tremble almost like he was having a seizure made Lily and Nero grab onto him tightly.

In cases of sudden seizures, people often unintentionally choke themselves or hurt themselves by throwing punches all over the place. So, Nero and Lily were holding Lian down with fierce strength.

Lian, who merely trembling out of anxiety, was quickly subdued. The real kicker was that it wasn’t just Lily and Nero holding him down; Noah was there too.
“Lian, are you okay?”

When Noah suddenly got close and pressed down on his shoulder, Lian’s trembling stopped completely. He instinctively looked up and got trapped in her beautiful green eyes.
‘Huh, huh… she smells good.’

Whether it was because she had just taken a shower or because Noah’s natural scent was just that nice, she smelled like flowers.

Sweat began to bead on Lian’s face as the atmosphere grew ever more serious.
“This isn’t going to work! We need to get him laid down first!”

Lily’s firm voice was quickly responded to by Nero. In an instant, Lian found himself laid down on the bed, and a blanket was thrown over him. Now, Lian faced a new dilemma.
‘Huff, ah…! Noah’s scent is way too strong!’

Since he was lying on Noah’s bed, her scent was suffocating him. He bit his lip to keep himself from inhaling the intoxicating aroma.
Was it because he was desperately trying to resist?
His lips started to bleed.
“Lily! Hyung is bleeding…!”
“Wait a moment! I’ll figure something out with this new magical device…”

The three of them began to panic, thinking Lian was starting to spit blood again.
“I’ll go get another healer right now!”
“Ah, that new person, Mukan?! Yeah, she might know what’s causing this!”

Mukan was the one who, during the external assault by the Four Heavenly Kings, worked relentlessly to heal as many people as possible without fearing the monsters coming in.
Thanks to her noble efforts, many lives were saved.

Even though Mukan had been working almost like a slave in another organization, she was quite an experienced healer; perhaps she could accurately assess Lian’s condition.

As Noah dashed out to get Mukan, Lily attempted to use a magical device she had never seen before to analyze Lian. At that moment,

Before anyone could stop him, Lian suddenly sat up in bed and jumped out. No, he bolted out of the room.
“Oh, whoa?”
“L-Lian hyung! Where are you going in that state?!”

The quick-witted Nero followed right after Lian, but by the time he got outside, Lian had already vanished.
“Huh? Huh? Hyung? Where are you? Hyung?”

True to the nature of a gag world resident, Lian zoomed out of sight like he was teleporting!

Not long later, Noah returned, practically dragging Mukan along, but by then, Lian had already melted away into thin air.

The main building had plenty of empty rooms, mainly because there weren’t enough executives to fill them, due to the building’s large size. Lian had found himself in one of the seldom-visited rooms, pressing his forehead against the wall.
Based on the stacked chairs and tables nearby, it appeared to be a storage room. Clearly, somewhere that had fallen into disrepair, as a thin layer of dust rested in the air.

With Lian overwhelmed by mental shock, he barely even noticed his surroundings.
He let out a small groan and then,
He whacked his forehead against the wall. The impact felt weaker than a hand clap and didn’t really hurt. But that action alone was enough to chase away the demons trying to invade his head.

Thud! Thud! Thud!
After a few more bangs, Lian’s forehead grew red, with a trickle of blood spilling from a slight scrape, making its way down his face.

Just like how a punch in the face can turn into a black eye, bashing his forehead against the wall made him create a drip of blood that splashed down, a mini masterpiece on his face—welcome to the gag world!
Thus, Lian didn’t think much of it.

What truly mattered to Lian was the chaotic state occupying his mind. To visualize it,
‘Breasts! Breasts! Breasts!’
Mini Lians were waving signs in his head and chanting, occasionally throwing in, ‘What do you think you are, a priest?!’ His long-suppressed instincts were rebelling.

From indecent thoughts about ‘that scene’ to the daydream of marrying Noah and having a happy family for generations—it was overwhelming enough to make Lian clutch his head in frustration.

Before long, Lian squatted down on the floor. Maybe it was the head-banging that had helped, but his rational mind seemed to be returning a bit.
The mini Lians that had been protesting inside were now getting dragged off into some kind of imaginary prison.

Only then was Lian able to sort out his thoughts calmly. The question he had brushed aside popped back up.
He recalled ‘that scene’ he had seen right before fainting and Noah’s image when he woke up.
‘If that scene was real, then Noah’s usual appearance doesn’t add up.’

No matter how much wrapping or covering you tried to do, you couldn’t conceal something that large. Just thinking about it made his ears and cheeks heat up, but he resolutely charged on with his thoughts.
‘It makes more sense to think that the scene I saw was a dream.’

However, Lian was quite aware that it was not a dream. The moment he witnessed ‘that scene,’ it felt like someone stretched time to taffy, searing each millisecond of it into his mind.
‘Ugh… it doesn’t make sense as cross-dressing, and it doesn’t seem like a dream either.’

Questions and doubts tangled together. Groaning, Lian stood up and declared,
“I’ll just ask her directly!”

Perhaps it was because he had trapped those mini Lians blinded by their instincts? Lian had gained the confidence that he could face Noah and hold a conversation with her.
“Alright, first let me get out of this room… Ah.”

As he turned to leave, he finally noticed what a mess he was in. Caught up in all the chaos, he could hardly realize that his shirt was half-untucked and his shoes weren’t on properly.
Nero had changed Lian into a comfy shirt while Lily had taken off his shoes and socks to make him more comfortable while he was out cold. Staring at his dirt-stained feet, Lian looked around.
He began searching for something he could wear as shoes.
‘Crap, can’t find anything. I just need to hurry back to Noah’s room.’

Reaching that conclusion, he headed toward the door.

As he moved toward the door, his shoulder slammed into the edge of a chair that was sticking out.

The stacked chairs wobbled this way and that and then began crashing down. Lian, with a pale face, fled from the tumbling chairs.
Crash! Bang, rumble!

The noise of the old chairs breaking apart echoed loudly in his ears. Lian coughed constantly as the thick dust filled the area, his eyes stinging from it all.
“Ugh… I’m going to get scolded.”

Muttering that, Lian got up.

In that instant, urgent footsteps echoed from outside. Someone was rushing over at the sound of the commotion. Lian thought about how he needed to quickly escape the dusty room, so he scrambled over to the door.

While blindly pushing through the jumbled furniture, he accidentally stubbed his toe on the leg of a table.

The excruciating pain caused Lian to shudder throughout.

Not long after, he ended up coughing up blood. It seemed like a life-threatening injury. Though it was just his little toe that hurt, it felt as if every part of his body was bruised.
Lian folded over, rolling onto the floor. As the blood from his mouth stained the floor, he hastily covered his mouth with his hand.
‘Ugh, blood is such a pain to clean up!’

While Lian, contemplating whether summoning the Demon Sword would help, clutched his aching toe,
The door burst open.

The person who rushed into the storage room, looking pale, was Noah. The moment Lian’s eyes met Noah’s, he realized he wouldn’t get to have a proper conversation today.

Lian’s gaze instantly dropped to the floor, and his face turned a bright red, thanks to the memories of ‘that scene’ flooding back.
As he was trying to back away slowly, Noah approached quickly and grabbed Lian’s shoulder.

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