I’m the Only One With a Different Genre

Chapter 113

Chapter 113

As I’ve mentioned once in passing, Noah’s chest was so big that it left me wondering how on earth she had managed to hide it all this time.

Even the magical tool couldn’t reduce its size fully, so she had to wrap it with bandages just to keep everything in check.

But the seal on such a chest came undone without even unwrapping the bandages. What happens when something tightly bound suddenly breaks free?

“Ugh… so tight…”

Her chest burst out from the tightly wrapped bandages like a dam about to break. It was like watching a horror movie – her white shirt began to stretch ominously as if it were sensing its impending destruction.

The buttons were desperately trying to hold on for dear life but ended up popping off like humans caught in a natural disaster.

“So uncomfortable…”

Noah scrunched her face, wriggled around like a fish out of water, and then yanked her shirt off her shoulders. With a fierce tug, she unraveled the bandages wrapped around her chest.

“Noah, Noah! Hey, Noah…?”

A loud gasp escaped, but I swallowed it back down with a deep breath.

‘Should I shout to call someone? No, no! There’s got to be a reason Noah’s been dressing like a guy! I can’t let her secret get out like this!’

That’s the logic talking.

“Phew, ahh! Much better!”


Noah, in a display I wasn’t prepared for, yanked the bandages out from under her shirt and tossed them aside. I turned pale, my body stiffening up as if I had just witnessed an emergency.

Slump, Noah now completely free, draped herself over me, beaming like she had just won a championship.

“Am I really cute?”

Bombs went off in my head in real-time. Mini-Lians started to throw down like it was a street brawl. The little bit of reason left in me was being knocked out by instinct. The remaining sensible part of me shouted:

There are other guests in the inn! Get yourself together!

Noah is drunk! She’s not thinking straight!

Is being ruled by instinct even human?!

Noah is your FRIEND; get a grip!

Those mini Lians were wiped out the moment Noah tilted her head and got uncomfortably close enough that our breaths mingled.

With each breath Noah took, the ‘reason camp’ mini Lians felt more cornered. They yelled:

What good is your reason if you lose it?!

You’ve never even held a girl’s hand!

That painful reality hit me like a punch, making my eyes burn. They were right. Like a rock, I couldn’t even twitch a finger; losing my reasoning would just send me into a faint.

All those thoughts shattered under the fierce physiological reaction flowing through me without my consent. New confusion crashed into my mind.

‘What is this? Why is this happening?!’

Not reacting would be weirder, but the fact that I was reacting felt even stranger. And it wasn’t because I was impotent.

‘This can’t be happening. Why? Why?!’

In this gag universe, physiological reactions only happen during romantic moments with a lover or during alone time. Any other situation? You’d just get a nosebleed and call it a day.

Noah and I weren’t even lovers, nor was this a private moment. This was a moment where any reaction should be impossible!

So feeling this physiological response in such a situation felt like I had turned into a heroine who unintentionally took a weird drug and got all hyped up.

Right now, my mind was pure chaos. I couldn’t even begin to grasp what was going on, let alone understand it.

“Huh? Lian… why aren’t you responding?”


Noah wriggled like a kid throwing a tantrum, her brows slightly furrowed.

“W-wait a minute, N-Noah…”

Her soft, warm chest bounced against mine. On any normal day, this would’ve knocked me out with a nosebleed, but right now, all I could do was flush red—no extra reactions whatsoever. And there were no interruptions!

‘What do I do? What should I even do?!’

This impossible situation felt like my brain and Noah’s magic device hit the off switch. I felt like my mind was reeling when Noah crawled up to me until our faces were practically touching.


My vision was filled with her beautiful green eyes, which seemed to convey annoyance that I hadn’t responded.


Her sleepy voice and warm breath brushed against my lips.


In a moment that felt stolen straight from a movie, her captivating lips slowly parted and words came out like spun silk. I felt every fiber of my being freeze in real-time.

“You better answer…”

Her voice slowly lost strength, and just as her green eyes were half-lidded…


The mingled breaths scattered as our distance shrank to absolute zero. I was totally immobilized, like an animal caught in a delightful trap. Her soft, brown hair cascaded down, grazing my cheek.

Noah’s scent seemed to wrap around me, engulfing my senses.


At the moment our lips met, Noah drifted off into dreamland. Our lips stayed locked for about a second before pulling apart with a loud pop.

Noah’s face flopped down onto my shoulder like a rag doll. By this point, my eyes were half-focused and I was in total shock.

The instant our lips met, my brain logged out completely. All that occupied my body was sheer instinct.

Just then, my once-stiff hand began to move, and just as it was about to wrap around Noah—

“Yaaawwwn… I need to pee…”


Ribon’s voice echoed from outside the door!

Time stretched painfully for me. Instinct kicked my desire into overdrive: ‘This can’t be discovered!’

Maybe thanks to that instinct driving me, I picked up Noah and dashed toward the entrance.


I slammed the door shut with my body before it could fully open. Since the door opened inward, blocking it with my body meant nobody could come through even without a lock.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Ribon’s confused voice filtered in along with the sound of her wrestling with the doorknob. The closeness of her voice snapped me back to reality.

“Oh, Ribon, I’m still in here.”

“Huh? Oppa? I need to pee…”

“Right! I’ll be out in a sec, just wait!”

With urgency etched into my face, I looked down at Noah in my arms. I wanted to wake her up, but my eyes slipped down to her lips involuntarily. My face burned, and my body went rigid.

“Oppa… hurry…”


Ribon’s insistence brought my brain back online. After everything that happened, now wasn’t the time for second-guessing.

I gently shook Noah and spoke in a volume quiet enough not to be heard by Ribon.

“Noah, Noah… wake up, Noah…”


Noah, completely oblivious and deeply asleep, responded to my shaking but didn’t open her eyes.

Knock, knock!


I felt like bursting into tears.


Noah was lost in a pleasant dream.

In her dream, she was a squishy, warm, massive brown rabbit. Lian was underneath her saying, “I’m sorry, I’ll be honest from now on… and Noah, you really are an adorable rabbit.”

Like most dreams, she’d realize it was all a silly fantasy upon waking.

“Noah… Noah…”


Noah felt Lian’s distressed yet happy face fading from her dream, her consciousness floating away. Someone was gently shaking her.

“Noah, when you wake up, wrap your chest!”


The word ‘bandage’ jolted Noah awake. Her vision was filled with brown cloth, like she was covered by a blanket. She tried to sit up but was held down by a firm hand.

“Uh, check your clothes before you get up.”


Lian’s whisper came from beyond the blanket, and Noah squinted down at herself.


Her chest, slightly flattened by the magical device, was still unwrapped. Instinctively, she crossed her arms over her chest, eyes darting around like a squirrel.

“The others have all gone downstairs for breakfast, so take your time getting ready. Oh, and the bandages should be next to you.”

Lian quickly rattled off his instructions before letting her go. Moments later, the sound of the door closing reached her ears—Lian had left the room.

With a bright red face, Noah scrambled up, quickly wrapping her chest and buttoning her shirt.

Years of practice had her back to her usual self in no time. But her face was still blushing like a cherry.

‘Why was I sleeping with my chest unwrapped? And why does Lian know about it?!’

Noah clutched her messy hair and racked her brain to remember.

‘Last night, I definitely… went down to the lobby…’

She began to sift through the memories, each one coming back like a tidal wave.

‘I helped the bartender who was about to fall… drank strong alcohol thinking it was cold water… then headed back here…’

Heat rushed from her neck to her ears.

As the memories of last night crystallized in her head.

“Ugh, wh-what…?”

She completely short-circuited.

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