I’m the Only One With a Different Genre

Chapter 47

Chapter: 47

[Oh, looks like there are some decent creatures worth eating this time around!]

As we strolled into the arena as casually as someone out for a walk, the demonic sword shouted in a bright voice.

I glanced towards the heavy cages that seemed to sag under their weight, wondering if there were any strong monsters within.

Ssssshhk, clank! Ssssshhk!

Countless cages swung open, and from inside appeared tens, even hundreds of monsters. The arena turned into a boiling pot of excitement.


Hearing near-screams, I asked the demonic sword, “Is it really okay with so many of them?”

[Ha, what do you take me for? This is easy!]

The sword demanded I take the same stance as last time, and I complied without hesitation.

[‘Blood Wave’]

Monsters charging at me suddenly found themselves standing atop a sea of blood. The blood sea churned mercilessly, swarming the monsters in an instant.


But there was a twist this time.


Despite the wave washing over them, a few monsters managed to survive. They definitely weren’t in top shape, but they weren’t quite on their deathbeds either.

[Heh, just as I thought, only the good ones are left!]

I could hear the demonic sword slurping its nonexistent lips. How on earth does it make that sound without a mouth?

While lost in thought, I focused on the monster charging at me. It looked like a bipedal elephant with an insane eight arms! Each arm was swinging a sword the size of me!

Whooosh, whoooosh—

The swaying blades created an eerie atmosphere, making the air feel charged.

“Can we really beat that?”

If I had no other option, I could always try getting swallowed and bursting my way out of the monster’s stomach. Or, you know, stab it in the throat while getting eaten, just for fun.

[Ha, of course!]

Luckily, we wouldn’t have to resort to such a nasty plan. The demonic sword told me to stab it into the ground. I did as instructed and thrust the sword down into the arena floor.


A long line appeared on the ground. This time, the sword stayed quiet, maybe it wasn’t coming up with a name for a skill.

The line made of my blood extended and finally touched the foot of the elephant-like monster as it got close.


In an instant, the blood exploded upwards, consuming the beast. It was like it got swallowed by darkness.

“Kwooaaang! Kueeek!”

The monster flailed and screamed, but it was no match for the engulfing blood. Where it had stood, a sphere of blood formed the size of its massive body.

The scene was so overwhelming that silence fell over the arena. The creatures barreling towards me stopped dead in their tracks, staring at the blood sphere with wide eyes.

Kugung, swoosh!

The floating blood sphere started to compress as if some invisible force was pushing it down. Bright red blood began to cascade out from underneath.

It was like squeezing a lemon in a juicer; the monster was getting crushed within the blood sphere and bleeding out its life.

The spilled blood then crawled back across the ground, returning to the demonic sword.

[Phwaat, ah—… delicious.]

As I heard the sword moan in satisfaction, I couldn’t help but get curious. “Is my blood tasty, or is it the monster’s?”

[Hmm? Obviously, the contractor’s blood is way more delicious.]

That left me feeling all sorts of weird. Should I be proud? Should I feel like a weirdo? As I mulled over this, the blood globe shrank down to the size of a toddler’s fist.


With a dreadful sound, the monster vanished without a trace.

[Now, on to the next meal!]

An excited voice echoed as the blood from the sword split into ten streams, targeting the petrified monsters. In no time, ten globes of blood formed. I didn’t even need to watch to know what was about to go down.

Crack, crack, snap!

A series of gruesome sounds rang out as various colored blood—green, blue, red—spattered the floor. The sword eagerly lapped up the blood.

“You’ve eaten so much, but why does it feel like nothing’s changed?”

When it had absorbed my blood before, the sword grew in size and gleamed. Now, after gobbling up all these monsters, it didn’t seem to change much at all.

[Well, it’s all about the quantity, you know. If the amount I absorbed from you was enough to fill a lake, then the blood from these monsters wouldn’t even fill a soup spoon.]

In the midst of our trivial chatter, it turned out only the sword and I remained in the arena. I pulled the sword from the ground and surveyed the now-silent stands.

[Oh, dang, I forgot!]

“Huh? Forgot what?”

[I got a bit too excited and accidentally let my killing intent slip.]

“I can’t feel a thing, though?”

[Well, you wouldn’t because you’re my contractor.]

Killing intent is pretty handy for hunting. It dulls the senses of the opponent and keeps them from running away; that’s how the sword described it like it’s harvesting crops.

‘Then time to spring into action.’

Not wanting to deal with that annoying announcer who keeps popping up after matches, or to hear his deafening voice, I told the sword to keep its killing intent unleashed until we left.

“Ugh… Grrr…”

Looks like the sword’s killing intent was stronger than expected, as a hulking slaver on guard duty began frothing at the mouth and toppled over. Seeing his eyes roll back and him twitch brought me a weird sense of enjoyment.

‘That jerk definitely dissed Iris last time.’

While revenge wasn’t on the agenda, I couldn’t help but feel pleased. After asking the sword to reel it in, I made my way down the corridor.

Murmurs began to rise.

As the killing intent faded, the previous silence morphed into chaos. Soon enough, the murmurs exploded into a thunderous cheer.



Inside a soundproof room, the booming cheers felt faint and distant as Totogen slumped in his chair, his face twisted in complete despair, like a gambler who’d all-in one bet and lost everything.

‘How… How could he do that?’

To Totogen, Lian personified pure mystery. The notion that pure white paper can be easily stained came to mind.

But Lian was the opposite. No matter how much filth or darkness was poured over that pristine paper, not a single spot seemed to stick, as if it were coated.

That dazzling image was both uplifting and infuriating, spotlighting Totogen’s own grime.

Totogen had forgotten his main goal of ‘corrupting the pure ones.’ All that remained was an insatiable thirst for victory and stubbornness.

‘If hundreds won’t do, then I’ll prep thousands!’

With fire in his eyes, he gazed at the empty arena.

“And now, the next match is… Right on!”

Regardless of his mood, the event at the arena continued without pause. The next fight would be a gladiator duel.


Totogen marched into the arena with gusto, a big grin plastered across his face at the sight of two slaves weapons drawn.

“This is it!”

If they were that powerful, making it feel like even dozens of monsters were nothing, a mental shock would do the trick!

“Set these slaves’ next match as a gladiator duel!”
“Yes, understood.”

Totogen snickered maliciously before sinking deep into the sofa.

‘This time for sure…!’

In his quarters, Totogen clung to yet another futile hope.




Just as I was about to head back to my room after stepping off the elevator, the guy who tried to find me last time blocked my way—this time with some backup. Three other slaves came along with him.

“You’ve been tossed aside by Lady Bianca, haven’t you?”

“Excuse me?”

What the heck is he talking about?

“Hah, no point pretending. I already heard it from Lady Bianca herself.”

‘Ah, is he talking about that disciple business?’

Gossip tends to get distorted along the way. The story about me refusing to be a disciple must’ve spiraled into something outrageous. I opened my mouth to deny it, but the guy cut in with a haughty expression.

“You strut around pretending to be all that with just one decent item. You’ve got no real skill—”

‘Gasp, how did he find out?’

I unconsciously glanced at the back of my hand as embarrassment washed over me.

“That can’t be your own strength, right?”

Considering that at least 98% of the blood enhancing that sword is mine, technically, 98% of its power is thanks to me. But explaining that seemed desperate, so I kept my mouth shut.


Not saying anything only fed into his arrogance.

“You pathetic little trash are the reason we’re suffering. Know your place.”

He jabbed at my shoulder with his index finger, pressing it down firmly.

“What’s that look? Can’t accept it?”


Caught in my thoughts and fully dismissing his jabbering—a bit like listening to a principal’s lecture—I was caught off guard and accidentally replied with a coy “Hmm?” The guys around me seemed to think I was goofing on them and hardened their expressions.

“We’re here to show you your place, come on!”

I found myself dragged into some kind of rooftop confrontation. I was all set to decline since I was heading to see Iris, but a ring of slaves closed in around me, leaving no escape.

‘Sigh, looks like they’ll be a constant pain if I let this go on.’

Might as well confront them once and for all to sidestep any future headaches. So, I casually followed along—wherever they took me led straight to a training area.


No sooner had I arrived than the guy tossed a sword at me. A regular iron sword.

“If you didn’t have that weird sword, you’d be just an ordinary weakling!”

He smirked confidently, pointing to the iron sword lying on the ground.

“Pick it up. I’ll show you what the level difference feels like!”

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