I’m the Only One With a Different Genre

Chapter 64

Chapter: 64

A special match.

This match was a stage prepared only for a select few. There were indeed some spectators, but the protective barrier made it hard to see the action. Most of the audience took this time as a break and vacated their seats.

“This is something… I never imagined.”
“I imagined it, but I didn’t know how to set the stage.”

Angsho sneered at Totojen’s powerless words.

“Yeah, that seems to be the case…”

Totojen stared vacantly at the arena.

“It’s a shame Bansook isn’t here to see this.”
“Why would you bring up that idiot? Let’s not ruin the fun with such tasteless remarks.”

Totojen nodded in agreement. Bansook, who had been mentally shattered and acting all frail like a senile old man after enduring terrible torture and brainwashing by Lian, was eventually butchered by his loyal servant. One night, that servant apparently regained his senses after witnessing Bansook’s dazed state and brutally hacked him to bits before fleeing.

There’s no death more humiliating than being killed by your own slave. Angsho hated even mentioning the foolish Bansook. He felt ashamed of their past when they were referred to as “brothers.”

“This right here is the difference. The difference between me and that fool. I ended up creating the ultimate stage while he just stupidly lost and died.”

Angsho’s expression twisted into a venomous smirk as he scorned the deceased Bansook.

“Now, let’s watch the stage leisurely.”
“Sure, that sounds good.”

Totojen’s voice, which seemed to have aged rapidly because of Lian, regained some vitality.

And thus, the match began.


“What is this?”
[ Hmm? This mist is definitely Rediaholsun. ]
‘Rediaholsun? What’s that?’

As I questioned internally, the demonic sword immediately replied.

[ It’s one of those toxic mists commonly found in the Demon World. Breathe it in, and you’ll see everyone around you as an enemy—even if they’re your ally. ]
‘That’s incredibly dangerous. But why is it here? We’re already enemies with each other. There’s no ally to speak of.’

[ True that. ]
‘Is there no other function to it?’
[ Well, it has a slight arousal effect? Puts you in a state where you rush at your opponent. ]
‘So that’s it.’
[ It’s also brilliant at obscuring vision. ]
‘Yeah, can’t see a thing right in front of me.’

While chatting with the demonic sword, I stepped outside, sword hanging low. Then something the size of a fist flew over my head, bobbing around. Apparently, it’s something like a camera.

I was warned not to break it because it’s super expensive. There are layers of protective magic on it, but considering how strong my sword is, I’ve been warned a bunch of times already.

“Whatever the enemy is, let’s just slice through and get in there.”

I muttered, and the demonic sword buzzed with excitement. My hand also shook naturally.

[ No! It’s been ages since we came onto the stage, I mean, the match! Don’t rush in! No way! Can’t do that! At least let me shout three skill names, and some lines too..! ]

Looking down at the demonic sword, which suddenly dropped its serious vibe and turned into a whiny child throwing a fit on the floor, I sighed.

“Alright, alright. I’ll let you do that.”
[ Three skill names and lines too…? ]
“You’ll be shouting them, right?”
[ Of course! ]

Once I pretended to agree, the demonic sword floated up. I became someone holding a sword straight.

“Okay, calm down a bit.”
And at that moment, the demonic sword relaxed. It seemed pleased, vibrating softly.

‘It’s definitely been too long since you’ve been in a match.’

The demonic sword lamented about how “What’s the point of all that blood if I can’t use it?” indicating just how long it had been since it had a match.

‘Let’s just be careful not to mess up.’

With that thought, I headed towards the center of the arena.

Kwoong, kung, kwooung!

As if the excitement was true, my heart started racing faster. I blinked slowly, feeling like I’d guzzled too much caffeine.

In the distance, I could feel something coming closer.

[ Alright, hand over the control, partner! ]

Handing over control to the excited demonic sword, my body automatically took a fighting stance. It was a different position than when I had gotten tired of using a spear or when I had wrecked the training ground. The sword in my hand was a longsword.

[ Krhhrhr, I’ve arrived! ]
It was hilarious that the demonic sword, despite having rehearsed specific lines, was now just saying whatever excitedly. I thought about correcting it but decided to let it play.

[ So, who’s the enemy? Come out and face Gargandoa’s -… ]


Before it finished speaking, a flash of light shone before my eyes. My body spun around instantly, and the demonic sword intercepted a sharp attack.

Clang, clang –

In the rapid exchange of blows, I caught a glimpse of my opponent’s face.

“What the hell…”

The face was half-shaven, with caterpillar-like eyebrows, buttonhole eyes, and way-too-long 3 cm eyelashes. Oh, and bright red lips slathered in lipstick.

The gold hair, which looked like a wig, a squared-off chin, and a round body that could make anyone cry by comparison to an Ottugi.

The final outrageous touch was a brown coat that reached down to the knees and fuzzy hair sprouting out from the exposed legs.

Curses rose to my throat.

‘Why the hell is that crazy crossdresser here?!’

Crossdresser guy.

The figure in front of me was a pervert who used to pop up on the regular back when I was in high school. My school was co-ed, but that jerk’s targets were always male.

Bodies of the opposite sex get all pixelated in a mosaic, but same-sex bodies, well, not so much. What does that say about this situation?

‘I thought I’d definitely slice that jerk up.’

Memories of yelling “My eyes!” flickered through my mind. The object he was holding with that creepy laugh was a long, purple eggplant.

And at that moment, I completely lost my reason.

‘Gargandoa, kill that bastard fast!’

[ Huh? But… isn’t that a ▉▉? You sure about that? ]
‘What did you just say?’
[ I said, “Is it okay to kill him even though he’s a ▉▉?” ]
‘What’s up with the first half of your sentence? Can’t hear it!’

Chaeng –, clang clang clang.

Even though the swords were colliding too quickly to see, I was able to keep the conversation going since the demonic sword was moving.

[ Oh, is this mental interference? Must be from the Rediaholsun. Wait, you shouldn’t be affected so easily by Rediaholsun! Something’s off. ]

Mumbling to itself, the demonic sword told me to hang on for a bit. Suddenly, a blood-red light began swirling around it. The crimson energy spread from the sword handle up to my hand, eventually covering my entire body.


At that very moment, the pervert in front of me transformed.


[ Yep, that’s your sister. I was asking if it’s okay to kill her. ]
“What?! No way! No way in hell! Don’t you dare kill her!”

[ Well, that’s easy enough. ]

If it had been the demonic sword that just dropped here, it wouldn’t have known, but for one that consumed the blood of hundreds, thousands daily, subduing Iris would be a walk in the park.


Iris noticed her body felt heavier than usual. She thought the thick mist around her might have caused it, but it wasn’t just the mist.

Iris drew her sword for Lian, and her heroic bloodline reacted, allowing her to tap into a vast amount of holy power. But now, the tip of her sword was directed at Lian.

Even if she didn’t realize it, the holy power that had surged to protect what she wanted to guard failed in its duty the moment she lunged with her sword toward him.

That’s why she was completely entranced by the mist.

“Huff, hrr…”

Iris struggled to catch her breath as she glared at the figure in front of her.

A man in a plain shirt, wearing leather armor covering his heart, knee-high boots, and loose-fitting pants stood there, sinisterly grinning while holding a longsword.

…He was the merchant from a slave shop where she had stayed briefly in the past.

He unleashed cruel violence on the slaves, not stopping until his anger was fully spent with punches and kicks. This slave merchant didn’t stop there.

He would drag out children who looked like friends and torment them right in front of each other. “Will you take the beatings for your friend?” he’d ask, and when they agreed, he’d pummel them into near-death.

The only reason this guy got away with wrecking his ‘products’ was that he was the second son of a huge trading company and the dying slaves were kept alive with cheap potions.

Later, when other slave merchants handled the slaves, the potion’s effect would wear off, and the slaves would die in droves. Since the responsible slave merchant had to pay for all of it, the reckless guy had to pay very little in comparison.

Iris hadn’t been around there long, but those horrific days were burned clearly into her memory. The first ‘friend’ she could call her own had died at that man’s hands.

If her reason had been working correctly, she would’ve realized that the ‘dead man’ couldn’t possibly appear before her. But Iris’s mind was over half paralyzed by the toxic mist.

A strange heat filled her head, and her breathing grew ragged. Bloodshot eyes locked onto the man’s sword.

“I’m going to kill you…”

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