I’m the Only One With a Different Genre

Chapter 86

Chapter: 86

[Error, unable to measure]
[Detailed error contents]
[Error 0291]
[Error 98821]
[Error 0031]
[Error 7876]

The paper that Lily was holding was filled with notes saying that measurements couldn’t be taken along with an endless list of errors. Lily couldn’t hide her trembling gaze as she thought,
“Are you telling me that the top-tier magical tool used by other organization leaders can’t measure him?”

In this situation, there were only two scenarios.

First, the magical tool was broken and couldn’t measure the values properly.
Second, for some reason, even the highest-grade magical tool couldn’t measure Lian’s physical condition.

Out of those, the first option made the most sense. Lily quickly peeled the band off Lian’s body.

Nero, who was checking the results next to her, smartly lifted his shirt and pointed to his solar plexus, saying,
“I was the last one measured, so let me give it a shot.”

If it was completely broken, the results would be totally different from what they got last time.

Lily placed the band on Nero’s body, and before long, the results were out.

“…It’s not broken.”

That meant the magical tool was perfectly fine. Noah, who had been holding her breath, spoke softly,
“We need to find a better magical tool. Or a competent healer.”
“Yeah, looks like that’s the only way to get a proper reading.”

Finding a better magical tool than the top-grade ones would require raiding the kingdom’s treasure vault or something. So, hunting down a better tool seemed nearly impossible or something that would only happen in a very distant future.

Noah bit her lip, pondering,
“If a top-tier magical tool can’t get a reading, how bad is his condition? No, wait, maybe it’s not about his condition being bad but rather a side effect. A side effect of those experiments.”

Thinking of the cruel experiments Lian endured made Noah clench her fists tightly, and her body trembled.

“Hey, I’m really hungry. Can we eat now?”

Lian’s sudden announcement broke the heavy silence in the room. With nothing else they could do, they prepared the meal they had brought for Lian.

Lian had collapsed suddenly and hadn’t woken up for a whole week. But nobody could figure out why. This uncertainty weighed heavily on those who cared for him.

Even though Lian was smiling and talking right in front of them, it felt like he could shatter and disappear at any moment. In that precarious atmosphere, Lian thought,
“Phew, finally feeling alive again.”

He felt energy flowing through him and thought the whole situation wasn’t such a big deal.
…At least until he was half-constrained the next day.


“Noah, is there anything I can help with?”
“Just relax and don’t worry about me.”

Since that day I had that bizarre dream, I couldn’t have time to myself anymore. It might sound odd, but…

To put it simply, whether I was inside the room or wandering outside, someone had to stick by my side at all times.

And if no one was there?
…I couldn’t leave the room.

‘This can’t be confinement, right? No way! Haha!’
I laughed to myself at the ridiculous thought.
‘Once they see I’m healthy, everyone will go back to their own things!’

A week passed like that.
…I was still stuck not being able to go anywhere alone. At this point, I realized something felt off.

“Isn’t there anyone with some free time?”
“Um… Nero said he’d be back as soon as possible. We could switch when he arrives.”
“Hey, I’m fine now. I can be alone.”

Just like any new organization, Nest was super busy. So, it was tough for anyone to hang around me.

In such cases, the least occupied member would scramble to finish their tasks and come back, or they’d ditch their work entirely and run over.

Every single time I said, “I’m healthy,” but nobody paid attention. Sigh…
“Master! Master! I made this!”

While I was feeling gloomy, Jess came rushing in with something in her hands. It was a craft made of colored paper stuck onto a regular piece of paper.
“Oh, well done.”

Upon my praise, she immediately bowed her head and let her ears droop. When I gently raised my hand, her ears flopped even more and her tail started wagging like crazy.

Feeling playful, I almost took my hand away but she was just too darn cute, so I ended up giving her some head pats.
Swish, swish!
Her tail wagged like crazy, as if it could lift her off the ground.

“By the way… who teaches Jess?”

Lily, who had been staying by my side until Nero returned, answered my question,
“Kids Jess’s age are taking classes in the annex a bit away from the main residence.”
“Really? Then why have I never seen the kids?”
“There’s a recognition-blocking magic circle between the main building and the kids’ annex, so they can’t come over here. Only Jess and Iris have passes to cross over.”

As I listened, Jess tilted her head up and looked at me with sparkling eyes. When I scratched her chin, she purred.

Although Jess didn’t look like a cat judging by her tail, she purred like one whenever I petted her chin or head. It was adorable!

“Can I go visit?”

Lily seemed to ponder for a moment, then nodded.
“There’s nothing dangerous, so if you want to, feel free to visit.”

While we chatted, Nero arrived.
“Sorry I’m late!”
“It’s fine, you’re not late.”

As soon as Nero arrived, Lily quickly greeted him and left. She was busy after all.

“Phew… So, brother, what do you want to do today? Want to play chess with me?”
“Actually, I’d like to check out the annex where the kids are.”
“The annex?”
“Yeah, Lily said it was alright.”

Emphasizing that I had gotten permission, Nero nodded.
“If Lily said it’s okay, it should be fine!”

Nero flashed a smile and looked over at Jess.
“Perfect timing, because we need to return this runaway student.”
“Huh? Runaway?”
“Yep, it’s middle of class right now.”

When I glanced at Jess, she was giving me the guilty puppy eyes like she just got caught doing something naughty. Despite finding it a bit ridiculous, I couldn’t resist giving her some head pats.

“You little rascal, what were you thinking by skipping class?”
“Hehe, I just wanted to show this to Master!”
“Still, next time wait until class is over before you rush in. Got it?”

I took Jess’s hand and together with Nero, we headed toward the annex.
‘Now that I think of it, this is my first time stepping outside the main building.’

Just like I saw from the terrace, the main building was surrounded by a forest. Nero led us along a path through the forest that showed signs of people having walked there before.

After a while, we found ourselves enveloped in a thick fog that made it tough to see just a few steps ahead.
“Oh, right. Brother, here.”

Nero suddenly remembered something and handed me a round, flat object. It was a wooden token with a magical circle etched on it.
“You need this to get through freely. I have a spare, so you can use this one.”
“Ah, thanks!”

I tucked the token into my pocket and continued walking. After about 20 minutes, the fog finally cleared to reveal a wide open space.

In the spacious clearing stood a single-story building. It was a lot bigger than I had imagined.
“We built it as a single story so the kids don’t hurt themselves.”
“Yeah, it’s definitely safer. They could fall from a second floor!”

Upon entering the building, we heard children’s voices reciting after a teacher.
“So what do we say in this situation?”

Hearing that soft question made me feel nostalgic and smile internally.
“If you don’t want your fingers broken, it’s best to speak properly! That’s what you should say!”
“That’s right!”

“Then, in a situation like this?”
“Stare for 30 seconds, then grip your sword handle! If nothing happens, walk away! And always be prepared for an attack when showing your back!”

The lively voices didn’t match the serious content leaking out of the classroom.
“They say Cardishian is super dangerous, so this training is a must.”

Nero smiled wryly as he explained, and I nodded along.
‘The training I went through was only possible in a safe world.’

For a moment, I thought, ‘This world must be truly safe, right…?’ but put that aside as it felt way safer compared to the dark fantasy world.

“There’s only one class. Iris and Jess both attend it. I’ll knock since it’s time for Jess to join.”
Knock, knock.

When Nero knocked, the teacher’s voice stopped abruptly.
“Just a moment!”

Suddenly, someone dashed over and opened the door.
“Oh! Jess!”

A middle-aged woman with her long hair tied up smiled, her eyes curling into crescents, but then her expression immediately turned serious.
“Is it okay to run out without permission?”
“You won’t do it again, will you?”

When Jess looked up at her with a sullen face, her strict demeanor melted away in an instant. Jess was just too adorable!

With her head hung low, Jess suddenly lifted her face, sparkling eyes locked onto the teacher. And then, just like that, her finger pointed to me.
“Teacher, this is my Master!”

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