I’m the Only One With a Different Genre

Chapter 98

Chapter: 98

She started to spill out what she knew, bit by bit. Lian tossed new questions at her like he was playing catch, eager to clear up his curiosities.

To sum up the long conversation:

“Who are you?”
– “I’m the loyal servant of ‘that guy’ and a god from another world.”

“And where is this?”
– “This is my mental space. It’s a spot where I can really flex my powers. It’s like having your mind dragged into a dream state.”

“Why did you bring me here?”
– “Well… my colleague went missing, and the trail went cold here, so I thought I’d do some digging.”

“Which colleague?”
– “Hamulina. But honestly? I’m over it now.”

“What did Hamulina want with me?”

At the last question, the creature—no, the god from another world—shut up for a second, but then couldn’t handle Lian’s fiery gaze and started sweating bullets, spilling even unnecessary info.

Gods from another world are basically those whose worlds got wrecked or who got kicked out and tossed into dimensional cracks.

There are heaps of these gods; some are good by human standards, while others… not so much.

She’s a god from another world but not exactly a high-ranking one. So, she serves ‘that guy’ like a trusty sidekick.

The god of this world made a dumb mistake, weakening the dimensional barriers. Because a god’s power pops when it owns a world, ‘that guy’ decided to take over this world.

Other gods from another world exist too, and they’re in a fierce competition.

So naturally, as ‘that guy’s’ servant, she sees any other gods from another world who don’t follow ‘that guy’ as foes.

And guess what? Even more hostile than those other gods are the gods from the Dark Fantasy world.

Even though this world is toast, it’s still a Dark Fantasy god’s playground. If he jumps in, things could get messy real fast.

Enter Lian, who’s packing the power of a Dark Fantasy god, making him a prime target for all the invading gods from other worlds.

But so far, the only gods who’ve noticed Lian are her and Hamulina. Unless another god spots him, he’s not really in danger… yet.

She hesitated for a moment, then said there’s actually a real problem.

“The real problem?”
[Since Hamulina is a loyal servant of ‘that guy,’ she likely fed him info about you.]

“What? So that means…”
[‘That guy’ is about to make a move.]

She didn’t outright tell Lian that ‘that guy’ was a big player in the Demon Lord’s army, but Lian was already onto that.

I mean, he knew Potensian worked with Hamulina and was one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

‘At first, I didn’t recognize him because he looked different…’

In the original story, Potensian looked more like a fish dude than a human. It wasn’t until later, when he had time to spare, that he realized Potensian’s weapon and quirky speech matched those of the Four Heavenly Kings.

‘So, to wrap it all up, the Demon Lord’s army is gunning for me?’

This was way worse than he thought. The Demon Lord’s army itself didn’t terrify him. After all, he’d seen the wreckage left behind by those who opposed them.

But he worried about others.

‘…Others might get caught in the crossfire.’

Even though Noah held significant power in Cardishian, they were still chilling in Demon Lord territory. Danger could pop up from anywhere at any time.

‘If I hightail it out alone… Nah, I can’t bet they’ll only come for me.’

Noah, Iris, and Jess, all part of Nest, would eventually team up with the hero party. They might not look heroic yet, but when the time came, it was gonna be like shining needles in a haystack.

When that day came, they’d catch the Demon Lord’s army’s eye, leading to either a betrayal or death. Even if they got lucky and survived, they wouldn’t come out clean.

‘I haven’t found the Duke’s knight yet, but…’

With a serious face, Lian made up his mind.

‘I gotta get everyone out of Cardishian, no, we need to escape the Demon Lord’s realm.’

As his thoughts organized themselves, his narrowed vision expanded again. The mascot-like god from another world was watching Lian nervously.

‘Given it wanted to target me and is a god from another world, I need to deal with it here. But… I’ve got no way to do that.’

Lian glanced down at his palm. The mark was there, but even calling Gargandoa didn’t yield anything.

It seemed this space was special in some quirky way.

‘Ugh, I need to exit ASAP and start plotting our getaway from the Demon Lord’s realm.’

After some internal debate, when a decent answer didn’t pop up, Lian decided to say, “Who cares!” to the god from another world.

“How do I get out of here?”
[You can go that way.]

The god pointed with its stubby arm. There was some dark, swirling thing over there, looking a lot like a portal.

[Going in there should wake you up.]
“…Why are you telling me this so easily?”

[Ugh! It’s your fault I ended up like this! If I weren’t stuck in this form, I’d have booted you out myself!]

As the god threw another tantrum, Lian instinctively began to shake it up and down. Its eyes started spinning from the motion.

After letting go of the dazed god, Lian made a beeline for the portal. As soon as he thought of heading that way, his body moved on its own.

“Alright, I’m outta here. Try to be nicer from now on!”

With that, Lian hurriedly flung himself into the portal. You know how these mental realms twist reality and time? He was in a rush.

Once Lian disappeared into the portal, the dazed god, floating in the dark space, suddenly erupted in laughter.

[Keh heh! Silly human!]

As Lian vanished, the god gradually started morphing back into its original form. If a human laid eyes on this god? They’d probably rip their own eyes out from the sheer otherworldliness.

A cute child’s voice twisted into a bizarre mix of males and females, old and young.

Feeling its body revert, the god looked toward the portal.

[Heh, I’ll enjoy this.]

That portal Lian jumped into? It wasn’t exactly a reality-replenishing portal. In fact, no such portal existed. To get back to reality, Lian would’ve had to do away with the god. That’s just how this place rolled.

With a nonchalant flick from the god, the portal vanished. Lian found himself trapped inside the god, with no exit available.

[Despair in infinite darkness and crumble; become my sustenance.]

The inside of the god was cloaked in endless darkness, a place meant to drive anything mad until it shattered.

Normal humans wouldn’t last a single second in there, but the god could actually sense Lian’s presence inside.

[So, what despair will you provide me?]

As the god drooled with hunger for what was to come,



Her stomach tore open, and something popped out. She looked at what could be considered her stomach. There was a ▉.

The ▉ began to wiggle.

The ▉ tore her belly apart.

The ▉ started shredding her to pieces.


▉ devoured her.


“Hunyangnyang, nyangnyang punch…”

On a fluffy bed, a giant dakikuma around 170cm long was sprawled out. Tucked between it was the god of the gag world, sleep-talking while wearing pajamas and a bunny-eared sleep mask.

“Nyangnyang… so tasty… hic…”

She let out a tiny burp while in her sleep, completely oblivious.


Chirp, chirp.


Lian sprang awake, eyes wide open. Sitting up abruptly, he caught sight of the sun just beginning to rise outside.

“How long have I… ahem, how long was I out?”

His head felt foggy, but thankfully, unlike the week-long slumber, he felt pretty refreshed. This time, he didn’t seem to have slept for too long. Thank goodness!

As he stared blankly out the window, he shook his head like a wet dog drying off.

‘This isn’t the time! I need to get ready to make my exit from this land.’

Fueled with fresh determination, Lian jumped out of bed and dashed to the bathroom. After a quick scrub, he bolted straight to the desk in his room, plopped down, spread out some paper, and grabbed a pen.

‘It’s been three years since I’ve been here. It wouldn’t be weird if the knight had already reached Cardishian by now.’

Lian had often asked Noah to keep tabs on the knight’s whereabouts. Being familiar with his name and face made it easy for Lian to ask Noah for updates.

The results were always the same: ‘Not found.’

Realizing that blindly hunting could lead to missing the knight entirely, Lian pulled from his original story knowledge to piece together when the knight would arrive. This year was that moment.

‘It’s around the time when the knight should show up, so I need to check whether the knight has arrived in Cardishian and figure out who to leave with. I’ve gotta prepare food and supplies too.’

Lian wasn’t planning on dragging the entire crew out from the Demon Lord’s territory. Though the officers might join, many regular members thought illegal activities weren’t a big deal.

Growing up in a place with zero morals made that stand out even more. He would need to filter out those unwilling to leave the Demon Lord’s realm.


Lian steadily mapped out his plans, as if the universe itself was cheering for him.

“Hyung! Noah is back!”

Just in time, Noah returned from her trials.

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