I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 22: A Knight

Chapter 22: A Knight


In the territory of Lopez, a father and daughter talking privately. It was no other but Valentina and Victor.

The girl sat on a wooden chair while the man sat on what seemed like a throne.

"Valentina..." Victor said in a solemn tone.

"I'm sorry if I now only realized that you were pretending to like Alfonso..." He continued, while Valentina stayed silent as she doesn't know what to say at this moment.

"I only did that for you and of course to gain more power. However, why is it that you had to torment yourself?"

After he said those words, Valentina's eyes trembled for a moment. But she soon gritted her teeth as she recalled Alfonso's words that were deeply ingrained in her mind.

The question that she had been asking, whether what she did was the right thing to do has now a clear answer.

'Was her decision the right thing to do even though it could hurt his father?' that was the question that plagued her mind, but at that instant, "Father... I want to become a knight."

Valentina responded. She had always tried to stop herself from mentioning that she wants to become a knight like her mother. Because she knew that her father would deeply oppose that. She knew that her father didn't want her to live life just like her mother did.

Since the death of her mother, her father always tried to distract himself from work. Because of this... Valentina felt burdened to say that she doesn't like Alfonso since her father only engaged her to him so they can strengthen their power and even give her a prosperous life with the power and wealth of the Quiñones family.

She felt burdened to say what she wanted, so she kept on lying to not make him worry. She also didn't want to say that she wanted to be a knight, because it could deeply affect her father. Since Victor's wife died being a knight who went to war. She felt that her father would be scared that the same fate would happen to her too.

However, those shackles of her were broken when Alfonso said something to her the other day.

|I did it because I think it was the right thing. If my loved ones cannot understand that. Then they are simply, selfish. They should rather be happy and respect what I chose."|

Alfonso taught her that she should live for herself from now on. Even though that would hurt her father, she decided and understood that her father is just selfish if he can't understand her. Especially when she saw that Alfonso tried to save her maid with those reasons backed up.

If she can't do this, then how can she become like her mother?

After all this time, Valentina realized that she lacked courage. Unlike her mother, she thought of herself as a coward.

With that in thought. Valentina looked at his father in the eyes, who had been silent for a long time now.

His outside appearance wore a sophisticated expression but deep inside his emotion spiralled like an endless wave. Conflicted about what he'll do.

After a prolonged silence, he soon deeply breathed, "Valentina" before he called out his daughter's name.

"I'll give you a chance... However, If you cannot pass my test. Then I will not allow you." Victor said in a strict tone.

But Valentina who heard his response only widened his eyes.

"Yes, father!" She then bowed her head as she spoke those words. Inwardly though, she was happy.

She was happy that she made this decision.

"I will not let you down!" Valentina added with delight and confidence before she stood up and turned her back.

She knew why her father is going to test her. It was to know whether she could survive being a knight or even be worthy of becoming one. She knows that her father is only doing this for her, so she didn't dislike it. It even made her will get stronger.

Meanwhile, Victor who is watching his daughter walk away is in a hazy state.

He now knew why his daughter never told him anything. The other reason too was because of his wife's death, and because of that, the two of them slowly became distant. He was worried though for his daughter because a female knight is always looked down upon by males. He knew that his daughter is going to walk a thorny path, but he can't stop her since if he did... It would only hurt his daughter.

If it was the earlier days, he would have immediately opposed his daughter turning into a knight, especially at the time when he was still mourning for his wife. But after he saw what Valentina put up with. He had no choice but to make her chase her dreams.

At this moment, he recalled Vanessa inside his mind and asked.

‹What would you have done in this situation?›

However, when he asked that, he could only chuckle because the answer was obvious. Vanessa would support her daughter and even train her like hell.

A faint smirk then slowly bloomed on his lips.


Alfonso's POV

At a table that could easily hold twenty people.

With a dignified stature. I then gave the girl in front of me, 'Alice,' who is on the other side an indifferent glance.


We're currently eating for launch, as to why is because my father—Antelmo, had this rule where all of the family members need to gather at the same table when it's time to eat. However, since there are only two kids in this house, the table felt empty and lonely. Even though we are surrounded by maids. Whilst for Antelmo... He is not here right now, probably investigating the assassination.

Anyway, as for Alice...

Alice is one of the death flags Alfonso faced. You see... in the game, if you played as Alfonso, you'll try your best to survive in every route toward the people you meet. Including heroines and the main character, heck! Even side characters! However, even though you survive all of them. You'll still die at the hands of Valentina in the end. Where she kills you in cold blood.

And why is this girl one of the death flags? Well, it's either within three years that she had enough of Alfonso and decided to poison him. The start of Alfonso's game story is when Alice already appeared. So I had no way of knowing that an assassination happened because it was never mentioned! Like I said, only a hint of it.

In any case, That's one of the death I'll have to face if my decisions toward her are shit. Well, you can still survive in the game though by only not being too rude towards her.

‹I could actually just kill Alice so that I have no problem anymore...› I pondered. However, I soon shook my head. ‹But that would only lead to troubles. My father would either kill me for that and... I wouldn't want to do that after I promised myself to change. Her life was miserable enough so killing her is unreasonable and fucking disgusting!› I muttered inside my head. Soon, however, I frowned when I realized that I just casually thought of killing an innocent girl like Alice.

I then speculated the reason for even thinking of killing Alice in the first place was because I merged with Alfonso. With his deep hatred toward commoners and disgust, the thought of killing her was triggered. Especially the thought of being poisoned and killed by a commoner.

Yes, it could be much easier to kill her because she is just a child and I'm stronger than her.

However, I didn't let such thoughts devour me, it was a matter of principle.

‹I'll just not be like Alfonso and I'll survive... Probably...›

I inwardly sighed as I proceeded on eating my food in a dignified way.

I then put a lump of meat in my mouth and coldly gazed at Alice who has not touched her food yet.


I silently whispered inside when I suddenly recalled something.

"Why are you not eating?"

I soon asked as I chewed my food.

Startled, she asked in a nervous voice. "Ah... I can?"

"Yeah, is that even a question? You're my sister and a member of our family now after all." Despite trying to sound friendly, my voice emitted a cold tone.


"Do you perhaps want me to go beside you and feed you?" I questioned.

Flustered by my abrupt words, her face turned crimson, "Uh-eh n-no... That would be unbefitting of a noble like you."

She meekly responded and paused for a brief second before speaking again, "Th-Thank you... Though..."

Upon hearing her, I then frowned as I quietly pondered,‹Seriously... It's this extreme?›

I'm not surprised she acts that way because the place she grew up in was a horrible environment. To know more about her. She is actually a daughter of a noble too, however, her mother was of that a maid. To be exact a commoner. Her father had three wives, two noble women and one commoner—her mother. Add that up with one brother and one sister.

Ever since she was born, she was treated like an outcast, simply eating with those noble-blooded kids at the same table was a disgrace. They would make her eat on the floor because they are privileged to do so. Telling her that she is a pig and has the blood of trash. Which explains her reaction earlier.

She probably believes that she is not suitable to eat at the same table as me.

The maids around her also didn't respect her because the blood of a commoner is running through her veins. Not only that, but she also has no strong foundation in the family, so they can only leech on those noble kids.

I mean... Would you leech on a broke person or a wealthy person?

With that, her siblings or fucking brother and sister abused their authority to make her life miserable. There's also a reason why they wanted to make her life miserable, it's because she was considered talented in magic. But since those shitty brats are jealous... you know where this is going.

So now, to beg the question, why and how did she got adopted?

As I have mentioned. Alice is born from a commoner mother, due to the nobleman loving the commoner—Alice's mother than the two noble women. The two decided to kill the commoner woman out of jealousy and envy while the nobleman was out.

When he came back, he became sobber upon hearing his wife's death while the two wives fabricated a story that she was assassinated. Because of his lovely wife's death, he couldn't care about what happened around him.

At this moment in time, the two women decided to use this opportunity to abuse Alice while the man locked up himself in his room to grieve.

What happened to her after this was not a detailed one.

In short, It took some time before the man was able to recover from his wife's death, and when he did. He tried to promise himself to take care of Alice with his utmost care, more like a coping mechanism for his grief.

But along the way, discovered that Alice has a talent for magic. Meanwhile, his two noble children didn't. Because of this, the nobleman's father liked Alice even more. Which caused the reason again for the two children to treat her like a pig out of jealousy. Followed by them telling their mother about Alice's ability.

And when the two mothers heard of her ability, they became angry and decided to plan and sell Alice to someone who buys kids.

In the end, they succeeded and Alice was sold. While the father tried to find her but only to be tricked again by his two wives that Alice is already dead and because of that... He didn't try to find her anymore.

Alice became a slave at this point, and this is when my father saw her in some auction and bought her because he saw potential in her.

That's all I know about her backstory in the game. For your information, I don't know who is Alice's family because they never mentioned their name or even show images of them. Only a brief written summary of her past.

I would have searched for that man but I don't know who they are. Alice could be the only one who knows it and I just can't directly ask her about it since it would probably just make her suspicious of me. I'll have to wait until she shares some of her past.

And one thing... I'm sure she's aware that she got adopted by Antelmo because of her talent for magic. As for her reaction earlier, she probably thinks I'm planning something horrible for her just like how her family did to her.

But such thoughts of mine were soon shrugged off as I spoke once again toward Alice.

"If you think that I see you as trash who cannot eat at the same table as me. Then you are gravely mistaken." I then paused as I took a bite of my meat in a dignified way before continuing,

"Since you are already part of our family... I'll consider you equal to me regarding whether you are a peasant. So don't compare me to some nobles out there."

After that, I turned silent and looked at Alice who had her eyes widened at my response. However, I soon broke the silence with my last words, "So feel comfortable in this place for you are now my sister. If ever someone messes with you, just tell me."

With that, I proceeded to enjoy my food. Only to hear a response from Alice.

"Yes, lord brother..."

Hearing her response, I was quite startled. ‹Oh? That's surprising... In the game, Alice never called Alfonso a brother.› I soon nodded my head as I inwardly smirked because a notification abruptly appeared again.



Anyway, it's been a long time since I asked this but what do you guys think of the current story? Don't hesitate to point out some plot holes so I can fix them and some typos or grammatical issues. Thank you for your time reading my story~ I appreciate it!

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