I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 25: Abilities

Chapter 25: Abilities


"Earth form!!!"

In a place surrounded by trees, I shouted at the top of my lungs as I cast a spell.


The sound of the earth's crust resonated through my ears but what came after only disappointed me.



Just a tiny freaking hill of the earth was what I was able to do. Not even close to the size of my head.

"What a trash of a progress!..."

I whispered since I was trying to make a huge sharp object or a large knife but instead made a shitty bump.

However, soon a male voice followed at my back, "My Lord, you did great!"

Just his compliment irked me. No rather, it disgusted me since it felt like he was insulting me.

‹How dare a commoner, insult me???› that's what immediately came to my mind. I wanted to fucking shout at him or even kick his ass. But I chose to remain calm.

"Hmm..." with that, I let out a growing growl in response.

This guy beside me right now is my current butler or like replacement for Mary since she is not present. While the place I'm in right now is no other but outside of the town.

Since I get a lot of attention in the training ground and some annoying crowd or fucking commoners. I chose to go here.

I just wanted to check what the training ground looked like and tried training there the other day.

Like I said before I'm a curious man so no need to ask more.

And as for the skill I chose... Well, I chose one magical ability that could make me control the earth. Basically an earth element of a magic.

'Elemental Earth'

An ability that can manipulate anything that's geologic, ranging from plants and trees to minerals and rocks... Performing this ability requires me to use mana.

I also bought 'Psychokinesis'

Just like the name says it's telekinesis where I can control objects with the use of my mind!

However, this shit is not magic rather it's some sort of ability. I use my mental strength to perform it. But if I used them multiple times my head would hurt like hell! I even find my nose bleeding sometimes from doing it too much. Though, I hide these symptoms since it's not that severe.

I can only just control little objects for now because this ability has a level and its current level right now is one. I have to mention that my earth elemental ability doesn't have a level because it just needs me to know how to use it. Basically, I need to master this ability and know the complex shit behind it.

This time though... Using these abilities requires time to know how to use them. Unlike Super slash or abilities that require my body to improve to use them in an unlimited amount of time. Nothing like information on how to use the abilities immediately galloped into my mind. It needed me to actually test and demonstrate them first.

Why are their different you ask? Well, the earlier abilities I bought are what would I call something that is very basic so I think that's the reason why I'm able to quickly learn them using the system. But magics and abilities that have complex and need deep understanding; simple information that could help me wouldn't do the job.

As for the last ability I bought...


I haven't used nor tested this yet. Since I'm with someone I don't really trust. I wouldn't want anyone to know this ability of mine except for Mary.

This ability can make me a portal anywhere that I would want to go in this world but the only limit is that it consumes a lot of mana depending on how far the place I want to go.

But if it's within my range or near me it consumes little mana from me. There's also one thing, if something tried to stop the closing of my portal by some external force or an object, it can stop the closing process and an enemy might even be able to follow me through the portal I opened.

Anyway, you might be asking why I chose Earth elemental, something that could manipulate rocks and stuff when I already have Telekinesis.

The simple answer for that is... I bought Telekinesis first but after I saw how weak and how I can just control tiny objects first, I decided to buy the Earth Elemental ability. I also need to level my Psychokinesis up in order to carry even bigger things. I tried to buy earth elemental since I want to manipulate things like rocks or huge stuff. This shit can come in handy in the future.

I would of course still use telekinesis to level it up and combine my earth elemental magic.

With that last thought in mind, I then turned my head toward my butler.

Soon a fresh-looking young man emerged out of my sight.

His name is 'Gregory Spicer'. A thirty-four years old man. His appearance is that of dark brown hair combined with brown eyes, quite tall and slightly more handsome than average people.

Despite this Butler's professional movements, he emits cheerfulness and friendliness. The complete opposite of Mary who shows a chilling demeanour. Don't be fooled by his cheerful presence though, since this guy can kill me in a blink of an eye. He is actually the shadow of my father, like a messenger, who gives every information that Antelmo wants. That father of mine is probably trying to observe me to see if I'm truly capable of keeping my word.

"Young Lord are you going to try again?"

The butler asked.

"Yes, so shut up," I quickly snorted.

But this time, instead of using the ability of earth elemental to control rocks, I tried to use my ability 'Psychokineses'.

My earth elemental is only a disguise to not make him know my other ability. I'm not the type of person to blatantly show my abilities to others or else it would make it disadvantageous for me. Especially, someone, I don't trust. As I have mentioned before, Alfonso died a lot of times in the game even from side characters.

I have also mentioned that the story starts at the academy right? Well, in every heroine and character you play. Only Alfonso where you try to survive from other side characters that are going for your head before you get to the point of him at the academy. He had the most difficult level ever to play. The first phase was making the right decision so Alice will not poison you.


Shortly after, I then used my psychokinesis to move the bump I made earlier.


Which resulted in me being able to make the circled form of dirt fly up the sky.

In that instant, I commanded inside my mind to make the circled object fall at a horrendous speed toward a tree.

A deafening sound then followed, and intense wind passed through my face from the force of the fall that my object created.

Moving like it was the same as a bullet.

Without sparing more seconds,


The sound of the dirt I created made a hole in the perfect centre of the tree I aimed at. Though it was tiny but destructible enough to kill a person.

All I could say is that I could use my telekinetic ability like a bullet using any objects around me. At first, it was hard and I have never thought I'd be able to make this ability this strong after hundreds of trials.

While for my other ability... I've been using my earth elemental to create sharp objects with the use of my psychokinesis to apply a force upon them.

I could actually use my earth elemental magic to apply force on them but it's not the same speed that my psychokinesis could create. If I'm being honest, earth elemental falls shortly. Too slow to even match the speed of a bullet.

It's like being able to just throw objects without touching them.

However, the ability to create or form a shape via psychokineses is incredibly difficult, even though I could move objects at the speed of a bullet.

Though not completely impossible, it is still slower to construct one shape since I have to exert all of my fucking mental energy.

Like the circle-shaped dirt I made earlier, I was able to quickly do that because of my earth elemental ability but if I were to do it with my psychokinesis, I'll have to focus a little harder to create that shape and in the process takes much longer time.

Anyway, I'm able to perform my psychokinesis ability without a problem because my mental strength is quite strong, combine with Alfonso's.

Though my head is kind of starting to ache now because I've been doing this shit of bullet piercing for a long time now.

I soon then let out a tired sigh.


Then suddenly,

"Very impressive young Lord. I haven't seen anyone being able to do what you just did." The butler commented with genuine astonishment.

"Such flabergasting use of your ability... Just how..." he continued. However, I shook my head in response.

He's surprised since I can make the dirt travel at such speed. Since no one can do that in this world, I understand why he is surprised. As I have mentioned, the speed of force that an earth elemental can apply to the rocks or dirts it control is very slow. It's the same speed as throwing a rock like a normal human being but with any size. But I won't explain why and how I can do that. He can just fuck off.

Without sparing any more time,

"Still trash... Let's try again!"

I then used my Earth Elemental magic to create sharp objects through the use of rocks and dirt. Though, they were the size of knives and forks since my psychokinesis won't be able to move them if it's too large. And I'm not skilled enough to create large sharp objects yet but I'm almost there... Probably...


The sound of the sharp objects I created then moved toward the holed tree and what followed only was the impending doom of the tree getting eradicated by a lot of holes.

Soon, the tree finally lost its trunks' strength to stand and fell helplessly.


Dust then filled the area as I watched the fall of the tree.

With a satisfied expression, "Tsk! I guess this is enough" I muttered to the butler as I started walking.

To be honest, it has been long enough, however, my perfectionism urges just made me train much longer. Because I wanted a much more perfect way of demonstrating my abilities.

Since I'm able to form sharp objects now, I thought I would try and make a huge sharp knife but sadly I can't with my current mastery. Only a large rock or boulder can do.

To be honest my perfectionism urge is still trying to make me train and master the earth elemental where I can create a huge sharp object. But it's much more manageable now than the first urge so I decided to stop now before it gets worse and drains my mana along the way.

While walking, suddenly the system rang inside my head.




‹Hooh! Nice!› I mumbled inwardly in delight. But my joyous moment soon dissipated. Especially when I remembered the past of Alfonso that flashed inside my mind.

One thing I was curious about and have been ignoring since I need to get stronger first, ‹How and why is Alfonso so disgusted toward commoners?›

Yes, why is he the way he is? Because in the game, it was never mentioned why he turned horrible.

At first, I thought it was only because of some OCD and that Alfonso is just a horrible and despicable man since birth. However, after I saw his past flash through my eyes doubts filled my mind.

There have been moments lately where I just suddenly remember the past of Alfonso where he is smiling with Mary. I couldn't believe it at first because of how sweet and kind at first Alfonso was toward commoners.

‹Just what happened to him to turn this way...?› I deeply asked inside my mind. And soon another thing I noticed lately appeared.

And that's the way I react toward commoners and my disgust for them. Why? Because it has been kind of controllable. Ever since I cried in front of Mary. It's like it has become slightly better to control the impulses Alfonso had. It's a slight change but as the one who is in control of this body. It's huge.

It's as if Alfonso is slowly opening up. Especially toward Alice, I noticed just how my body can easily call her my sister unlike in the game. Alfonso rarely uttered Alice as his sister but acknowledged her despite that. But I could only speculate that it's because Alice has mixed noble blood in her.


I then shook my head as I ingrained my mind to know more about Alfonso's past.

‹I should gather information about who Alfonso was like›







Mary's Side

Nighttime. In the territory of Lopez, a maid with blood all over its clothes emerged. Surrounded by dead bodies and fire spreading all over a destroyed household.

Her eyes were cold as ice as she stare down at the woman like a pig who is currently at her feet.


The woman laughed like a mad lad, "Is that woman's daughter dead?"

The woman then spoke before she continued in a furious tone.

"That fucking bitch!!! She took everything from me. It wouldn't be so bad as to take her daughter right?"

However, silence from Mary is only what the woman got. The woman's eyes then turned bloodshot and at the same time, she growled like an animal. Even though her face is already full of bruises and her legs were dismembered, the hatred within her endlessly fired up which kept her from being still alive.

"I hope that bitch is in hell so that I can ki-"


Before the words that the woman wanted to utter could finish. Mary stomped on her head as the woman's blood splattered everywhere.

"No one should harm my Lord" Mary then muttered with her indifferent gaze as she stared up at the dark sky.

After she told the Lopez family to stop their march to massacre the household she just destroyed, she immediately mercilessly killed everyone in the household which was the reason for the assassination. That's why she is alone right now and no knights are around in her place.

Without furthering her thoughts anymore, Mary started walking. But as she is walking, her gaze soon turned warm when she remembered Alfonso's smile.


A faint grin then soon slowly crept on her lips with blood all over her body and clothes. If someone saw this scene, they would think of her as a demon. But for Mary, it was the sweetest moment for her because of how she remembered Alfonso's smile. She has never seen Alfonso smile again ever since the horrible incident happened to him. So seeing him smile at that certain moment made her heart skip a beat.

If so ever, she wanted that moment to stop time and stare at Alfonso continuously. Even though it was just a short moment; It was immediately ingrained inside her mind.

Suddenly, a memory flashed inside Mary's mind.

|Mary, it's quite lonely here... Why do I need to study all of these?| it was no other but a memory of young Alfonso who had an innocent face.

|My Lord, it's because you'll need it in the future| Mary who is in that memory replied. But Alfonso soon snorted at her, |Hmmpp! I wish I had a sister or a brother. If I ever had one...| raising his hand with a clenched fist, |I'll spoil her and we'll always play! So that we'll never experience these boring lessons| he shouted with a smile on his face. While Mary in that memory cutely chuckled.

It was a recollection of how Alfonso wanted a sibling so he could play with them. Since his father always ignored him, Alfonso felt lonely.

To describe him, he was a child who longed for his parents' warmth that day. A child who wanted to feel what it feels like to have a family. A child who desired a sibling, thinking he'll get that love through them. Despite all of the troubles he had, that day, his smile was at its best. Yet that innocent and cute smile died when he was tainted by the cruel world.

But because of this memory, Mary saw a glimpse of that child in Alfonso when he remembered his faint smile.

With that, the memory inside Mary came to halt. With a determined gaze, "My Lord... I will make sure that your smile will never disappear again" Mary vowed with her blue eyes that glimmered in the dark.


Uploading much earlier because I won't be able to face uploading on Monday. Anyway as always... I'm open to criticism if you see that needs one.

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