I’m The Pitiful Villain (Editing)

Chapter 32: Lost Memories

Chapter 32: Lost Memories







Reinhardt's POV


Inside a spacious room, full of treasures.

One man with red hair and heavy knight armor stood in the middle.

Gazing at the empty slot of the item that was taken, Reinhardt couldn't help but chuckle.

"Guess he took one of my most expensive and valued treasures..."

He then shook his head as he contemplated about the item Alfonso took after telling him that he wanted one of his treasures for defeating him.

Reinhardt was baffled by how Alfonso knew of his treasures but soon shrugged it off thinking that he probably found it out from his father.

Since it was not rare for him to give his treasure from winning a fight from him. He also speculated that Alfonso probably heard it in some rumors. 

‹𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖎𝖋𝖊 𝕺𝖗𝖇 𝕽𝖎𝖓𝖌›


Reinhardt inwardly uttered. It was no other but the name of the ring that Alfonso took. A ring with a green emerald in the middle with plain silver, It might look like an ordinary ring at first on the outside but its use was out of the ordinary.

"I wonder if he knows what is the use of that ring?"

He muttered and soon touched his chin while reminiscing the eyes that he saw from Alfonso.

He who was considered strong couldn't help but be also bothered by how his gaze contained a lot of killing intent for a young boy and how much he has changed.

‹I heard that he changed because of the broken engagement. Was it hatred behind it? Or something deeper?

Just what did he go through to be able to air such an atmosphere around him?›

Reinhard asked in his head.

"Interesting..." he soon whispered. As he found himself remembering his past on how similar his eyes were to Alfonso's which he acquired for surviving in a war as a kid.

"I'll be looking forward to how he'll grow in the future" He followed and soon grinned with desire in his eyes to fight Alfonso again in the future.

"I'll surely be able to go all out next time looking at how monstrous he is right now"







Alfonso POV

After I was done taking my award from defeating Reinhardt, Since Reinhardt’s house is just beside the city I immediately went to a tavern. A place that’s similar to my world which is called a cafe but just way more medieval and aesthetic. With Alice present the two of us then sat on a chair, her being my opposite side of the table.

“Congratulations on winning over that monster Lord Brother I'm proud of you! Anyway it’s unusual of you to go out Lord brother”

Alice suddenly said as I ordered a cup of tea first before responding to her. “Tomorrow is my coming age so I thought at least I should enjoy it before going out,” I said that but in reality, I’m just trying to learn more about the territory that Antelmo manages. Though there was some truth to what I said, since I’ve been working my ass off nonstop for over 2 months, it would greatly help just resting and having a little fun with the wealth that my family has especially since the view here is mesmerizing. But as soon as the tea came to my table before I could even touch the cup, my whole body shrieked in disgust.


Feeling irked by a commoner touching my cup I didn’t go any further to even touch it anymore even though I was wearing my gloves. The thought of even drinking the tea made me nauseous. <If only Mary was here… I could have instead ordered her to make a tea for me in this tavern but since she’s busy preparing my things before my travel… I have no choice…> I silently muttered inside my head as I looked at Alice who already took a sip of her tea.

“Are you not going to drink your tea Lord brother?” Noticing my gaze, Alice asked. However, I could not help but reminisce and realize just how my relationship with Alice has progressed. At first, she was scared of me but looking at her now, she’s not even scared to tease me anymore. I wondered when she had the guts to do that but looking back at the time we spent together in that 2 months. Whereas she taught me how to use magic, I also helped her to improve her physique by teaching her how to exercise and even use a sword sometimes. At first, she was silent and submissive about learning how to use a sword but gradually started complaining.

“Have you learned how to properly swing and thrust a sword?” dodging her earlier question, I asked.

“Eh…? Well, I’m doing fine… hahaha…” Alice nervously chuckled. I then inwardly laughed when I remembered how horrible she is when it comes to using a sword or any melee weapons.

<I guess God gave you something that’s called a flaw, hah!> I deducted,

However, I didn’t let my earlier question slide, “You should show me later on if that’s true”

“What? Nooo! It’s so hard I can’t even understand the sword aura you are talking about”

“Sigh! No, you should at least know how to use aura” I firmly said.

“Why do I need to do that? when I can use mana.”

“You never know when you’ll have the time that you have no mana” I followed but Alice quickly retaliated, “But…”

“Well it’s your choice, I won’t teach you how to make the food you like so much then”

I quickly followed. To explain the food I’m talking about. In these past few months. Since I craved something sweet while training with her and because I was feeling hot, I tried to create an Ice cream using my magic ability. While eating it, I noticed how she wanted to try it so I gave her some. Ever since then, she always asked me for an Ice cream like an addict.

Considering that Ice cream in this world doesn’t exist yet. She knows that she can only find it from me after she searched for it everywhere in this city. “That’s unfair!” Alice complained but I was substantial with my words.

“Well looks like you’ll have to eat it again only after I come back from my travel that is,” I silently chuckled but my voice emitted a nonchalant one and devoid of emotions. However, Alice understood my sarcastic remark.

“Then I’ll show you! just wait until… tomorrow? HEHE,” She replied while tapping her head. I could only sigh in response to how silly she can be sometimes.

“It’s decided then”

“Wha- Noooo!”

Before she could utter more of a complaint, I slowly stood up and gazed outside.

“?” With a confused look Alice followed where I gazed at.

“I’ll just try something,” I said before walking.

“But you haven’t touched your tea though?” Alice followed but I only swayed my hand, signalling that I’m not interested in even taking a sip out of the tea.

“I’ll go with you then once I’m finished with my tea Lord brother~”

After she said those words, I nodded in response before I went toward the thing I gazed at. It was no other but a ‘PIANO.’ For some reason, a quest suddenly popped out of my sight when I looked at this shit.


< Bonus?> I asked inside my mind.

I then soon sat on its chair and stared at the piano in front. “Let’s see… What should I play? Moonlight Sonata?” I quietly whispered before my hands moved toward the keys.


The sound of the first note playing then quickly echoed through my ears. Without wasting more time, I slenderly moved my fingers as I played the keys of the piano. With the series of notes that played, sorrowful yet calming music resonated. Before the melody could start in earnest, it soon generated a gloomy atmosphere almost like a desperate ache that engulfed the surroundings with a mutter.

There was a saying that Beethoven made this piece because of an unfortunate thing where he proposed to a woman he fell in love with but her father forbade her from marrying him as he was without rank. With every melody I could hear the evoking anguish that he went through, no wonder this piece is a masterpiece in my world.

However, as I continued playing, my hands started to tremble as if remembering something painful. Flashes of memory then quickly rolled inside my mind as the system spoke without me noticing.



|“A noble should be able to do this!”| A familiar voice that echoed in my ears swallowed my thoughts as his words continued to rattle my mind.

|“You talentless cunt, A shame and can’t even use a sword properly, What a disgrace to our family for you to not know how to play these notes!!!”| It was no other but Antelmo shouting at the young Alfonso.

It was night time and the moon outside had a beautiful full moon, yet that beauty was a contrast to what Alfonso was feeling.

SLAP!!! The sound of a stick slapping the hand of an already full of bruises rang as Alfonso desperately quenched shouting in pain. Only a silent murmur of his cries then followed. I then soon realized that it was the memory of the young Alfonso before I merged with his soul. He looked like he was eight years old this time.

From what it looked like since Alfonso was so bad and talentless with swords and magic, Antelmo decided to teach him how to use the piano, guitar, and more instruments for him to meet the criteria of their family. But he was heavily punished for every mistake he did. I could even see when they were done with their lessons, Alfonso would silently whimper from the pain that his hand suffered from.

<I didn’t know that he had such a story…>

I helplessly uttered inside my mind, when I regained some of the painful memories of Alfonso. I seriously didn’t expect that the bonus reward would be like this, since I did some piano too in my past life I tried playing but this is really unexpected.

<No wonder I was so good at playing it compared to my past life… was it because this body is so used to playing the piano that I just naturally acquired it too?> I asked.

Only to notice, I had already finished playing Moonlight Sonata.


You received 20 points for completing the quest

Ding! You received 20 points for impressing a person

Ding! Ding!…

I then looked at my surrounding, only to witness people’s baffled gaze piercing me. However, as I looked at my surroundings, I noticed an alley similar to where Alfonso’s memories appeared inside my mind. I couldn’t help but urge to go there and know why I saw that place in his memories.

“Wow, I didn’t know you had such talent Lord brother,” when suddenly Alice who was already at the side spoke without me noticing it from being too immersed in playing and gazing at the alley.


However, I only sat still in response while staring at the alley.


“?” Alice who was confused by my silence then looked at the place I was gazing at.









I'm really happy and grateful that some people are still reading my work even though my uploading of new chapters is freaking random and takes a long time. I just wanna say thank you, guys for reading my story and staying for me to further improve it. Since I was busy with my studies and some mental health problems stuff, I rarely got the time to passionately write and continue my story. Especially since I'm too tired to write once I got back home. I'll try my best to upload chapters daily, though I can't promise, but... It's necessary to do it haha to succeed in life, you need to keep going and pushing.


Lezz gooo!!!! Step by step


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