I’m the Professor in Charge of Villainesses in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 4

If I were to describe the current situation, it feels like I clearly ordered kimchi fried rice, yet all I received was a solitary bowl of plain rice.

I’m at such a loss that I can’t even find the words to express it.

Could it be that I’ve landed in yet another different world, not Asa-flora?

Since the homeroom assignment changed, even the important events have started to feature other kids instead of the protagonist.

Truly, you can’t get more ridiculous than this.

“Professor Daniel? Are you okay?”

“Uh-huh…! I’m fine.”

“With how you’re speaking, you seem to have a lot on your mind, though?”

“It just came up a second ago……”


“It’s nothing.”

THWACK! It felt like I just got smacked hard on the head, but I forced myself to act casual.

However, because of my earlier attempts to bring Nina into this, Rynelle was relentlessly digging for more information.

“If you have any troubles, please let me know. While I can only listen to your worries, they say just putting your thoughts out there can lighten your heart, right?”

With a gentle demeanor, Rynelle calmly sat beside me, wearing an expression full of warmth.

She looked like she genuinely wanted to hear me out and comfort me.

But there was no way I was falling for that.

“While that’s true, I’m really okay. It’s nothing you need to worry about!”

I stubbornly conveyed my refusal and quickly distanced myself from Rynelle.

Some might argue that Rynelle has become nicer compared to her original character.

But that statement carries a deadly flaw.

If Rynelle had truly reformed, she shouldn’t even be found in a special class in the first place.

The fact that she was assigned to the special class means there’s 0% chance of her having turned over a new leaf.

‘I have solid evidence.’

As she pretended to be concerned and sat next to me, I felt a slight distortion in the mana flow behind her.

It wasn’t magic, because mana shifts when using spells.

A distortion in mana typically occurs when using magical tools, not during spellcasting.

‘In this situation, there’s only one magical tool Rynelle would use.’

A voice-recording magical tool.

If I spilled my thoughts, she’d record it and later wield it against me as leverage.

(TN: Truly a bitch, just like Kushida)

She pretends to be sweet to lower my guard and then gets me to reveal my weaknesses.

It was one of the classic tricks Rynelle employed in the original story.

“Is that so?”

“Yeah, thanks for worrying. Well, I’ll be on my way now.”

If the conversation continued, I might accidentally say something weird and ruin everything.

I was indeed wearing a mask, but at any moment, the face behind it could be exposed.

To avoid such a situation, I jumped up and hurriedly left my seat.

I felt a sticky gaze on my back, but I dismissed it.

‘By the way, where could Nina be?’

In the novel, this event took place during sunset, so I was unsure about the exact time.

I had arrived about on time, but it’s possible I either came too early or too late.


In the end, the event has gone haywire.

How much more trouble would I have to go through to untangle this mess?

My mind felt like a tangled ball of yarn.

I figured I might need some time to collect my thoughts, so I decided to return to my dorm for today.


“I guess it’s not easy, huh?”

Just moments ago, she tried to urge Daniel to share his troubles, but he turned down Rynelle flatly.

She pulled out a stick-shaped magical tool that she had hidden behind her.

Despite her disappointment, she was also intrigued, playing with the magical tool.

“That’s not true; I’m really okay. There’s nothing for you to worry about.”

From the tool, the voice of the man who had just vanished from Rynelle’s sight floated out.

After uttering a façade of gratitude, the magical tool fell silent.

Certainly, there was nothing of value that Rynelle could extract from that brief conversation.

“I thought he looked dumb enough to be turned into a slave, but maybe he’s not as foolish as I thought?”

Rynelle leaned back and closed her eyes for a moment.

In her mind, she envisioned the image of the naïve young professor.

He looked like a perfect mark, easy to exploit from any angle.

However, contrary to his appearance, he was proving to be quite the challenge to conquer.

‘There’s definitely something more to him.’

Rynelle recalled the first homeroom session.

A lively male student tried to show off and ended up facing off against the formidable Ailey Barnen, who was impossible to ignore.

Unfortunately for Daniel, he just had to be caught within the gravitational spell Ailey had unleashed.

Even as a professor, in that situation he should have been on his knees.

‘Though he did end up on the ground, sweating bullets…’

Rynelle came to believe Daniel was just acting.

She was confident in her understanding, having been acting her whole life.

‘A new professor hiding his strength on purpose… how intriguing.’

With a delicate smile stretching across her face, Rynelle felt a thrill of excitement.

With her tongue sensuously gliding over her lips, she let her desires show.

‘I want to uncover his identity and secrets and make him mine…!’

Despite the bubbling desires within, Rynelle’s face remained remarkably calm.

Through this encounter, she realized that Daniel was wary of her.

If she approached carelessly, the distance between them would only widen.

She decided to approach him slowly and stealthily, waiting for the moment to peel away his mask.

Hehe…! Ahaha!


The next day, it was homeroom.

Students from the special class, seething from my absence the day before, awaited me with bated breath.

It seemed they had picked a representative; before they could speak up, I cheerfully cried surrender.

Though I belted out that I’d prove my worth, it was just a bunch of hot air.

“You’re free to do as you like! After all, they say a magician shouldn’t be confined to a mold!”

Sure, my teaching authority was shot down, but I didn’t mind that. I wasn’t planning on lecturing them, anyway.

I’d become a mere façade of a teacher.

Besides, since my class wasn’t a required subject, I’d rarely face them.

Once in the morning, once in the afternoon. I’d just show my face and leave.


“Why does it feel so lousy even though we won?”

“All I want is to smack that professor’s face once!”

“Same here!”

“Group assaults on professors can lead to expulsion, so bear that in mind! If you have any complaints, follow the duel request procedures!”

Of course, for the duel to happen, both parties needed to agree; if I declined, that would be the end of it.

As I gently explained this to the students, I noticed their expressions turning increasingly ferocious.

Before they boiled over, I quickly wrapped up the homeroom and left the classroom.

If their fury pushes me into the role of a villain, I’d gladly provoke them.

“Professor Daniel.”

“Hello, Professor Pernelson.”

A sharply dressed man with slicked-back hair addressed me.

His impeccably tailored frock coat showed he was someone who pursued perfection, radiating nobility in his composed strides.

He was none other than Professor Pernelson, the special class professor and one of the main antagonists in the original story.

“What on earth have you done to make the students of the special class so uptight since yesterday?”

“I’m not quite sure myself. It’s possible they’re just frustrated with me for not being clear-cut.”

“Hmmm, that’s a valid point.”

“Speaking of which, could you please lend a hand in guiding the special class students?”

“Why should I deal with such a troublesome task?”

“Instead, I’ll take care of the students in class F! You dislike them enough to say they’re not worth your time, right?”

“Did I say such a thing?”

“Yup, you’ve implied it without realizing.”

Of course, that was a lie.

While Pernelson might utter such statements down the line, here and now, I shamelessly pressed him.

Having taken on class F should make it a hundred times more appealing.

“So, despite our designated classes, you’re suggesting we help each other out?”


“The special class may be trash, but at least they’re talented trash, so it might not be so bad.”


“Don’t get too cocky. I’ll accept your suggestion, but remember, I’m the one losing out in this arrangement, so be thankful.”

“Of course, I’ll be grateful!”

While it’s quite a bit to chew on, it is indeed factual.

I’m the rookie professor this year, while he’s a seasoned veteran with a decade of experience.

Even in a chaotic special class, I couldn’t afford to treat Pernelson lightly.

It was a favor to take care of students I couldn’t manage myself.

I was never in a position to make such an offer, but thanks to Pernelson’s strong inclination to look down on the weak, it went smoothly.

“Lastly, whatever method I choose to educate the special class, don’t interfere.”


“Alright, I’ll take my leave now.”

Even until the end, Professor Pernelson maintained that prickly attitude as he departed.

Despite his rudeness, his image as a genuine noble was undeniable.

Looking at my faint reflection in the window, I thought I could never become like him.

“What… Pernelson has his charm, and Daniel has his too.”

It’s okay if I appear inferior to Professor Pernelson right now.

A future where I’ll shine just as brightly as him is waiting ahead.

Hmm, hmm, hmm!

As I hummed cheerfully, a girl suddenly darted around the corner of the hallway.

It was too late to dodge, and we collided; yet my body didn’t budge an inch.

Only the girl who bumped into me was knocked back, so I quickly reached out to grab her hand to prevent her from falling.

“Are you okay?”

“Out…! I’m so, so sorry! I wasn’t paying attention at all!”

“When you’re in a hurry, it happens.”

“Eh…? You’re not angry for bumping into you?”

“I don’t get angry over things like this.”

Instead, my heart was racing like crazy.

I hadn’t anticipated running into someone here at all.

“More importantly, are you hurt anywhere?”

“Ah…! Thanks to you catching me, I’m perfectly fine! Thank you so much!”

“I’m relieved to hear that; just be sure to be more careful next time, okay?”


The girl beamed at me with a bright smile and continued on her way.

Watching her charming little steps retreat further away, I couldn’t help but smile.

A petite figure with an innocent face that triggers a protective instinct.

She was none other than the one and only protagonist of this world.

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