I’m the Professor in Charge of Villainesses in Romance Fantasy

Chapter 6

Spatial magic.

It’s the vision and unique magic of the Crawford family, which is Daniel’s lineage.

This magic pulls mana in a heartbeat, twisting space and transferring designated objects.

The basic theory is like that, and once you master the magic, you can create disconnected spaces or even slice through space itself.

They say you can manipulate space freely, almost feeling like a god.

Just like in a certain ninja manga famous for its eye battles, the lineage is truly legendary.

But how did such a great family end up on the path to ruin?

The answer to that is clear and simple.

The Crawford family has yet to produce a single grand wizard until now.

If they had purely focused on elemental magic, there could have been a few who reached that level.

However, the wizards who inherited Crawford’s blood all attempted to break through their limits through spatial magic, and the results were disastrous.

As the family’s status declined day by day, a new problem arose.

Other prestigious magical families started to meddle and block the appearance of grand wizards from the Crawford family.

Just the fact of possessing unique magic called spatial magic made them uncomfortable, and what if a grand wizard was born?

Nobles who couldn’t stand the thought of Crawford’s soaring status politically tormented our family.

An example of this is the War of Humans and Demons.

Even though ours is a family primarily using magic, the Crawford family suffered devastating losses on the battlefield.

We protested strongly against this, but we had no choice but to follow the Emperor Arungard’s orders.

Of course, there was interference from other prestigious magical families behind the scenes.

Unable to withstand the pressure from the nobles, the Emperor Arungard reluctantly placed Crawford in the worst position.

Eventually, the Crawford family embarked on the path of decline and is now barely surviving on the ambiguous support funds from the royal family.

“Politics is filthy, be it in Korea or this world.”

Anyway, the spatial magic was so jealousy-inducing that it could cause a family to collapse.

Using such magic in a crowded place? Yeah, that’s bound to bring headaches.

“Luckily, everyone seems to be focusing on the duel, so they likely didn’t see it clearly.”

Desperately pretending to be oblivious will suffice.

Plus, more importantly, there’s a topic that can make all the attention on me disappear.

“How strange. I thought there weren’t any duels scheduled for today?”

The fight between Martin and James wasn’t a formally approved duel.

If a professor finds an unauthorized dispute between students, they have the authority to punish not just the fighters but also the onlookers.

In other words, I could become a dictator here, imposing penalty points on every student present.

“I admire everyone’s passionate spirit, but shouldn’t we still adhere to the academy’s rules? Or do you think the rules can just be ignored?”

As I threatened to give penalty points, students started to flee one by one.

The crowd that had gathered in the training hall quickly dispersed, and the once raucous atmosphere vanished.

Any suspicion about spatial magic was extinguished before it even had a chance to surface.

But, it’s too early to relax. Later, rumors might spread around the academy about me using spatial magic.

Still, if I just keep acting like the incompetent fool I usually am, they’ll quickly lift their suspicions.

Until the suspicions are completely buried, I decided to keep my head down and stay quiet.

“Was it a mistake to learn spatial magic? No, without it, I couldn’t have saved Nina.”

Ironically, spatial magic first appeared in the story during the final battle.

After much effort, Daniel, having awakened the vision of the Crawford family, utilizes it to assist the protagonists.

However, having learned Daniel’s training methods and enlightenment through the novel, I easily grasped spatial magic.

That power, initially balanced out, had only appeared in the final chapter.

So, I tried my best to hide it, but it manifests anyway, and now I’m just afraid of the chain reaction it might cause.


In this duel, the one in danger of death isn’t Nina—it’s Martin.

And the center of attention isn’t me, but Nina.

When James went on a rampage and shards flew, it all happened because I became the special class professor.

So, the butterfly effect has already begun.

“It wouldn’t be surprising if the world ended tomorrow…”

As I sighed deeply, I felt a light tap on my back.

Turning around, I saw Nina’s gloomy face.

Wow, even after threatening to penalize her, she didn’t run away!


“Are you alright?”

“I’m fine! More importantly, you…”

Nina was pointing at my palm.

That’s when I finally noticed blood was flowing from the hand I had used to catch the shards.

Even if it was just a wooden sword, grabbing the blade wrapped in mana barehanded was bound to cause injuries.

I tried to hide my palm behind my back, but before I could, Nina grasped my hand.

“Don’t worry about it. A minor injury like this can be easily wrapped up with some bandages in the infirmary.”

“But you got hurt saving me! How can I not be concerned?”

It was one thing to hide it from someone else, but I couldn’t fool Nina.

After all, in a situation where the shards were headed for her, I suddenly appeared to save her.

If it’s Nina, I’m sure she’d keep my abilities a secret. But the problem is how to explain it without sounding fishy.

“It’s lucky the injury isn’t deep, but still, you need to get it treated right away!”

Ironically, Nina seemed entirely unconcerned about spatial magic and was only worried about my wound.

As she glanced at my bleeding palm, Nina pulled out a white handkerchief.

She tore the handkerchief in half, stretched it, and placed it over my wound.

Carefully wrapping the cloth around the injury and finishing it off with a loving knot.

“This should do the trick!”


Nina smiled brightly, signaling the first aid was complete.

But for some reason, her hands remained tightly clasped around mine and wouldn’t let go.

Does she have something more to say?

Nina, gazing attentively at my palm,

Slowly pulled my hand and brought it to her cheek.

The soft and warm sensation from her cheek traveled through my hand.

“This strong hand saved me…”

With a faint flush on her cheeks, Nina momentarily lost in thought.

Was there a scene like this in the original work?

While scratching my cheek awkwardly, Nina suddenly jerked back.

“Ah! Wh-What did I just do…? I’m so sorry!”

Her face was as red as a tomato, and Nina covered her face with her palm and dashed away.

Her flustered departure was cute, but the image of her before she fled kept replaying in my mind.

Eerily captivating, right? It’s surprising that Nina, who was merely cute in the beginning, can show such expressions like that.

Without realizing it, my own face felt slightly warm as I fanned myself.

And all of a sudden, I sensed the discomfort creeping in.

“It doesn’t hurt, huh?”

The hand I had subconsciously been fanning was still bound by Nina’s handkerchief.

Despite forcibly moving my injured hand, I felt no pain at all.

Had the bleeding stopped, or did the affected area not widen any further?

“Could it be…?”

Regrettably, I undid the knot Nina had tied and examined my palm.

Instead of a wound, there was no trace of a scar; fresh skin was forming instead.

It was as if there had never been a wound at all.

“So, the protagonist is different after all…”

Though the situation twisted and turned, it seems Nina’s awakening went smoothly.


“As I expected, I was right!”

Around the time Nina finished treating Daniel’s wound and left.

From the second-floor railing overlooking the training room, a female student was overjoyed.

With hair color reflecting dark intentions and eyes glowing red, sparkled with excitement.

Rynelle Agail was trying to suppress her laughter but ultimately couldn’t control the upward curve of her lips.

“To see the spatial magic my father warned me about with my own eyes…!”

It felt too precious to consider it just luck that she witnessed such a rare sight.

Of course, Rynelle wasn’t the only one to witness that moment.

Along with her, Ailey Barnen from the special class and Princess Yuer were also watching.

Including Nina, who Daniel saved, that made a total of four.

A group of four female students had clearly witnessed the manifestation of spatial magic.

‘Such a toy can never be found anywhere else, right? Aah! I’m so glad I came to the academy!’

Princess Yuer showed a rather indifferent reaction, while Ailey was interested, but due to her lazy nature, she promptly closed her eyes as soon as things wrapped up.

Among all the noble ladies, only Rynelle expressed a passionate reaction and was extremely excited about Daniel.

“Hah…! I can’t hold back any longer!”

As she got to know this man called Daniel, she intended to make him kneel when the time was right.

However, hiding a tantalizing secret made her desires surface sooner than expected.

She wanted to place a leash before someone else got interested or before her prey could escape.

‘Maybe it’s a bit early, but I have no other choice.’

Betting on uncertain possibilities isn’t Rynelle’s style.

Yet, she absolutely couldn’t allow herself to let opportunities slip by without even trying.

‘It’s alright, bringing down a professor without any backing is an easy task.’

With a confident smile, Rynelle strolled away from the training ground.

On the path she took, dozens of shadows moved swiftly, trailing behind her.

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