I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 101

Sword Shop Alone (100)

Crush it before you challenge it.

The next day.

Dowol got out in the morning at Cheongwa University.

Escalation was a special example of a legal civilian.

Of course, it’s not unnecessary to protect the president’s identity.

He sat on the terrace and packed breakfast with ham eggs.

“A successful celestial rod. ”

Wigabin, sitting across from me, said softly.

Wearing light pajamas, she smiled.

“Clothes are light, but masks still stick. Did you put glue on it?”

“I put a spatula on it. Anyway… ”

Wigabin said with a passing tune.

“The death of the Jung Jung River Gang has come as a great shock to everyone, but it has truly come to a realm since you were known to protect the president at Cheongwa University. ”

“You need an excuse to do something big. ”

Even in the age of the sword, the president is important.

As long as Dowol is guarding the president and the government, the people will follow.

Wigabin said while drinking coffee.

“The newspapers and the news are very indirect about the demise of the Jungle Gang. You must be looking at your new powers. ”

“You’re afraid I’ll find you with a knife. ”

After the war in Yeouido, public media in South Korea never mentioned the prosecutor directly.

But in the near future, there will be a war between countries, and then there will be press.

He thought about it and turned his head.

“So what happened this morning? I’ve spoken to the president. You have a pretty good idea. ”

“The district attorneys have come to Seoul. ”

“That was fast.”

“When you get on the train at dawn, you stay there. Korea’s not a big country, is it? ”

But it’s still too fast.

Dowol said.

“Take off your bag. I wonder.”

“If you invite me to a celebration party that breaks the Junction Wave. ”

“Do you want me to get rid of you or not? ”

The prosecutor’s union swallowed up the entire athletic and wild poison.

The only thing left is protection. We can’t fight back.

Wigabin smiled and said.

“Can’t you just give me a hip dance? ”

“Enough jokes. Were you afraid of the death of the Jung Jung River yesterday, or did the ambitious congressman contact the prosecutors who supported you? ”

“Yes, congressmen are supposed to represent their territory. In the age of the sword, the sword is plus. ”

It was a story I had already heard from the Jung Jung Gang.

In the age of the sword, Korean parliamentarians were intertwined with provincial prosecutors and interests.

“The lords of Daejeon, Ulsan and Gangneung have come up personally. You must have some skills to represent the city. ”

“The local lords have come to Seoul. ”

It was a subtle word to say, Lord Fatherland.

Escape has determined the speed of the Gavin.

“You’re very quick on your information. Congressmen would’ve been on the run, too, but they figured it out in less than 12 hours. ”

“The Jung Jung Gang was ambitious for the Great Pit, and the Cold Salt Award was the one who poisoned Congress with blood. As a congressman, I was the most comfortable lord in Seoul. It turns out I have an information desk for the senator, and I have leverage.

“Influence. How many members of Congress can sleep? ”

“A hundred and twenty, I’d say. ”

That’s close to the past, isn’t it?

I was a little surprised by the leap, and Wei Gavin said.

“If there’s a bill you want to pass, I can help you. Of course you can do it with a knife, but this is better for you, isn’t it? ”


He nodded.

Politics is enough to support the work of the sword system.

“This is how you plan to secure your position when the finite is cleaned up? ”

“It’s a struggle to avoid vomiting. ”

He also planned his place in a new Seoul.

As political advisors and assistants in outreach.

He smiled bitterly.

“This is hard to resist. You have a good head.”

“It’s only possible because you’re a straight line. If you’re going to be president, this offer is pointless. ”

Wigabin said.

“Then the second piece of information, your parliament speech this afternoon, will be interrupted. Congressmen who have brought in their local prosecutors are planning a boycott. ”

“Will you stop me from engaging in politics? ”

“Or tame a recruit. A ploy to subdue four aircraft behind the Yuan. ”


He burst into laughter.

It’s absurd.

“Yes, Ulsan, Daejeon, members of Gangneung? If you insist, I’ll let you know the topic. ”

“I already know where the prosecutors are staying. We got him on our side. ”

“Leave it alone. The provincial lord is also the lord. Fighting in the streets makes Seoul’s citizens even more nervous. First… ”

The overthrow was lost in thought.

“Got it. I’ll take care of it. ”

Many of the members of Congress’ weaknesses were noted on the USB that left finite findings.

We can organize it in a different way, even without any weaknesses.

Wigabin laughs.

“Now, can I skip the pelvic dance? ”

“I can’t help but miss you. ”

Lords from the province.

Overpower Congress first.

And in the afternoon.

Yeouido Parliament House.

It was once burned down and rebuilt.

Chairman of the Council.

It was a rare day when there were three hundred members of Parliament.

The Parliament Chairman said carefully.

“Then I’ll get to the last one. Officials…… The Lord of the Prosecutor’s Union will listen to you. ”

The leap has risen to the top.

The way the congressmen looked down, the live camera caught him.

He scratched his chin beautifully.

“Thank you for all your hard work. Greetings. I am the Lord of the Prosecutor’s Union. Some of you may not be familiar with the Prosecutor’s Union, so I’ll briefly explain…… This faction will rule Seoul’s sword system from this day forward. ”


The death of the Jungjun River wave, I was attacked by Gangnam as declared on the air wave and fell down.

And the victory took hold of Seoul.

The congressmen listened with a stiff face.

“I was originally going to talk about my future aspirations and the sword and the way the country is going, but I’m going to change my plans. I have an agenda. ”

He smiled.

“From now on, I want you to resign from Congress. ”


“Well, what? ”

The quiet congressmen raised their voices.

I tried to listen to something, but what is this madness?

I received a calmly uplift.

“We’re still talking. I know about parliamentary waiver, immortality, democracy. So if you voluntarily resign in the sense of respecting that…. ”

“You’re crazy! This is no place for a kid! ”

Senator screaming whales.

He stared at Dowol and said.

“I’m talking about people. Can we not talk about this? ”

“…… what? ”

“What are you talking about! ”

“No, I won’t. I don’t want to hear anymore… ”

The members of Parliament rose to their feet in fear.

But the man who had already anticipated it said liquor.

“The entrance is guarded by prosecutors following me. Oh, there are people out there who would like to make a phone call, so if you could just hold off for a moment. Again, I’m not done talking about it. ”

“This……. ”

“Do I have to say it again? How many times do you want? ”

Dowol quit John Doe.

Calm, but slow voice, 300 members of Parliament were overwhelmed in the first place.

The old crooks that rolled in politics? Many members of Parliament died during the war in Yeouido, so many are early bloomers.

Even though he was old…… even though he crossed the line or crossed the line, Dothru, the prosecutor, was able to subdue him with his eyes.

“You want me to talk to you in a different way? Are you sure?”

“…… umm. ”

The members of Parliament groaned.

An obvious threat, but Yeouido knows the war.

You should listen to him when he speaks.

All the congressmen who stepped down and got up sat down.

Whether you’re looking for it or not.

The leap forward said badly.

“If I was going to do it with a knife, not a horse, I would have done it by dawn. Isn’t there a reason why Gu Tai brought us here, to bring us live cameras? So just listen to me carefully. ”

Tyre’s a total kindergarten kid.

The elderly senators simply rolled their eyes and remained silent.

I only said leap in the static.

“I am not going to order the dissolution of Congress, nor am I going to declare a Commandment. I hate to be disrespectful of you, but I intend to respect the vote of the people who voted for you. So I’m not going to hurt you or anything. ”

“ ……. ”

The senators rebelled.

Dowol said.

“But the only thing that’s different is the conspiracy and the overthrow. I don’t think you can claim immunity if you conspire to overthrow governments, even if you’re a congressman. ”

Ignore the law, the political interpretation.

He wasn’t talking to Congress right now.

The public watching this broadcast, the prosecutors.

Fifty million people in Korea want to see this.

“I demand voluntary resignation of the three parliamentarians, who have called the district attorneys to Seoul to stir up a rampage. The three are Shin Hye-gyeong from Sung-gu, Woowon-chun, Ulsan, and Gangneung in Daejeon. ”

The three nominated members of parliament opened their eyes.

“Don’t say no. We’ve got it all figured out. ”

Dowol mentioned a screen on the back wall.

“Oh, don’t shoot this with a camera. Put the camera down. We’re launching the data from the D.A. ‘s Net, so no matter what happens, you won’t be responsible. ”


The broadcasting cameramen panicked and quickly turned on the camera.

But now I can see it clearly in the eyes of the congressmen.

Inspection information on the test net on the wall.

“Maguichang, the Lord of War, is in Seoul now. No information concealment. He did not conceal information from Ulsan’s Taesoo. Oh, Lord Kim Jong-Hak of Gangneung was hiding information. Park Yoon-gil, also known as the neighbor, is in Seoul. ”

It was the current residence of the prosecutors registered to the prosecutor net, the information that escalated one by one.

If the lord moves, the lord moves.

It’s hard to conceal power information, and that’s what stealing is all about.

“Now, the three provincial prosecutors came to Seoul overnight. Did they come up with their own judgment? Or did the congressman put in a phone call? ”

“Mo, it’s a trap! ”

The horse horn stood up and cried out.

I got a free pass.

“Just pull up the call history. If it’s true, then I won’t end it with a word. ”

“So……. ”

“Lie to me first and then forget you ever thought you could cheat. Then your head will be thrown out in blood. ”

His tongue was stiff.

A dodge was shooting.

“I’m busy. If you’re gonna say it, you better say it with your life. ”

“ ……. ”

Congressman is a horse changer.

But the prosecutor is a person who strangles people.


He sat down trembling.

Then the senator in the back opened his mouth.

“We’re in a bit of a tizzy situation, so we may have brought him in for protection.” ”

“There are not just one or two prosecutors, there are a hundred of them. I had a hundred each. It’s not about security, it’s about trying. Councilwoman Ohsun Gophalldragon. ”

The Gophallic Dragon’s face has changed.

The legitimacy of the answer was second, knowing the face, name, and number of members of the board.

It means that Dowolwol was prepared.

“esteemed members of parliament, do we need to sit the Moribeans in the same position, seeking a political asylum in the midst of a state of chaos? ”

“So…… this is how you want to end this? ”

Kofaldragon asked as a search party.

If the congressmen who brought in the local lords voluntarily resigned, would they be satisfied and resigned?

It was a political negotiation.

However, Dowol bounced his head off variously.

“I was going to, but it’s not democratic. I’ll vote on it. ”

“Well……. ”

“You have parliamentary qualifications. ”

Gophallic Dragon is embarrassed.

A voluntary resignation of three senators is just a one-time issue.

However, there is a precedent for voting.

“No, that’s the right procedure……. ”

“More than 30 speakers in Parliament? Here it is. Congressman Kim Jun-hyuk, I ask you to pass it on to the congressional chairman. ”

Dowol set up Weigabin and made all the necessary preparations.

The situation took place quickly, and Ko Palm Dragon sweated coldly.

“What the……. ”

He was going to vote from the beginning.

No senator would dare cast a vote for a prosecutor who threatened to pull out his sword.

Since then, if there is a senator who calls the district attorneys to Seoul, it immediately disqualifies them and loses their position.

He was going to make a precedent for the Parliament.

“Did you design it all?” ’

But, of course, if you ask for a qualification right from the start, Congress will reject you.

So he threatened with a knife, presented evidence, demanded resignation, and then pretended to vote back.

I went through several steps on purpose.

Kofaldragon examines the reaction of the surrounding senators.

Everyone was relieved.

I think that the election is not voluntary, but that the process of “voting” is important, and I am not willing to harm the parliament.

That’s not it, you idiots! ’

Kofaldragon cries into his heart.

He got everything he wanted.

the resignation of the members of Congress who brought the prosecutors in, the consent of Congress on the matter, the prevention of the recurrence of this situation, and the assurance of the people who are watching it live.

It was a skilled gophallic dragon who noticed the leap.

When the atmosphere of the meeting chairman calmed down, Dowol said.

“Now, would you like to vote on this issue? ”

“ ……. ”

“Oh, you have such a small voice. Do you mind if I vote to disqualify the congressman who tried to run for Congress? ”

The congressman reluctantly replied, laughing at the election.


“The voices are small. I can’t hear you. Louder! ”

“…… Yes! ”

Parliamentarians answer like elementary school students answering teachers.

In front of 50 million people.

All the Koreans who were watching the broadcast at this moment understood.

The swordsman escaped. He’s the governing prosecutor.

A man who rules Korea.

This is the first step to taking down Parliament.

Politics is done, now it’s a sword.

Clean up the prosecutors who came to Seoul to gain power.

In a sure way that all the other provincial lords know.

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