I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 111

Sword Shop by myself (110)

The world will stand with us.

It’s all burnt out.

Taegwoo tried to tell me.

“The evidence is……. ”

“You can’t take on a smuggler alone. Shall we plunder the four muscles of Ulsan? ”

All the lords had already believed in the word of desertion.

The prosecutors will not be judged by law.

Taegu also changed his attitude.

“You mean one-on-one? ”

“If you have something prepared, go ahead. ”

“Let’s make a deal, Crucifier. ”

“Fuck you.”

He drew his sword.

Taegu stood up and said.

“If you can guarantee my life…… I’ll tell you the whole truth about this. But if you kill me, you’ll never know. ”

“Yeah, you’re the one with the insurance. ”

Just like I contacted Song Literature on my way up to Seoul.

There is an escape plan for when things go wrong at this permanent meeting.

Taegu said confidently.

“Yes……. ”


At that moment, Dowol flew a sword.

A flying sword aimed at his head, Taegu shakes his head and twists to the side.


However, Taegwoo’s knee stabbed him in the chest.

The result of the leap while flying a sword.

Striking with a zero-sword sword, the impact of crushed ribs.


Taegu is retreating. However, this is not the end of the escape.

Getaway follows Taegwoo as he lightly rises and leaps.

It was a common angle of fisheye method, an application of heresy jumping.

“Well……. ”

The outbreak doesn’t land, it comes again.

Taegu urgently drew his sword, but at that moment, he heard a sound.


I punched through Taegu’s right arm, returning from the blunt force of the sword.


The arm, which was sagging in shock, plunged the arm into the capital.

Out of the way!

Taegu’s right arm was broken in a vicious blow to the dagger.

Taegu, who was crushed by the arm holding the sword, quickly retreated, but it was too late.

He was already enacting the swordsmanship.


A close blow to Taegu’s chest.

“Ugh… ”

Evasive action!

At the moment of his relief, Dowolwol followed him like a magnet.

Chilitswordsmanship pursues enemies with vertical rise in physical strength during the seven strokes.


Even if I try to stop it with a sword, Taegu’s right arm has already been smashed.

Puck! Puck!

Then he quickly opened up the rest of the fight.

“Huff, huff… ”

Taegu, who was bleeding, knelt on his knees.

Losing his arms, he looks up at the unbelievable face.

“What the……. ”

Taesoo has taken control of Ulsan at level 45.

However, I was beaten without a single swing of the sword.

The lords who were watching also groaned.

Even those who have gone through the dislocation of Park Kang-hyun from Daegu, Yeon-su from Incheon from Daegu, cannot overcome Taegu like that.

Everybody knows that.

Surrender is the strongest of the prosecutors here.

Taegu begged humbly.

“Help me, Crucifier. If you let me live, I’ll be loyal to you. ”

“There’s something else you should be praying for right now…. ”

The bounty was on his tongue.

If your name is Lord, you should think about the future of your men.

It’s the Lord’s own directory.Ulsan has nothing to do with this.

However, Taegu was the exact opposite.

“…… Ulsan’s prosecutors won’t let you kill me! ”

“If I let you live, my people will not stand idly by. ”


He swung his sword and ended it.

I just gained experience and didn’t level up.

Instead, the sauce grew wider.

Right now: ₩ 981,2312 million.

“You’ve got a lot of money. ”

< You may have taken it in exchange for working with foreign countries.

He looked around.

Ulsan prosecutors who followed Taewoo's orders had already disarmed Yugabin and the swordsmen.

I joined the other lords' swordsmen and ended it right away.

While Dowolwol was texting on his cell phone, Taegwoo's body was also removed.

He sat down again.

“Now, once you've refined, you're done. ”

“…… That's it? ”

Jong-Hak Kim asked on behalf of the other lords.

Everyone was dazed.

He smiled and said.

“Why? Let's kill Taegwoo's family and their relatives, and stop their descendants? ”

“No, that's not it…. ”

“It's not too obvious, is it? A minion like that did this to you? ”

Everyone nods.

Dowol explained.

“Taegu is just a broker who smuggled Japanese prosecutors into the country. He's not the one who blew up Busan. ”

“The Japanese did this, didn't they? ”

Yeon-soo Oh of Daegu lit her eyes.

The bounty shook his head.

“Think about it. The Japanese prosecutors are attacking us because the Korean lords are meeting. Anyone can tell if the killer is Japanese? ”

“ ……. ”

“Jungjun Gang Co., Ltd. traded with the Japanese West to acquire troops. But Taegu is not in a position to promise that. Japanese prosecutors have different employers. ”

The lords groan.

The leap has been lifted.

“Taegyu sent Japanese prosecutors to Seoul, and this time with instructions from someone to send Japanese prosecutors to Busan. Someone is the Busan terrorist. ”

Everyone understands.

It was no wonder Taegu offered to tell me the truth about this case.

The case has not yet been settled.

“We'll come back to this in a little while. Since we've cleared every country, let's clean up our internal affairs completely. ”

Dowolwol looks around at the lords.

Everyone fixed their posture.

He deserves to rule over them.

“I and the Prosecutor's Union want to be the swords representing Korea. Follow me, everyone. ”

He said without hesitation.

“I'll tell you the terms. First, all prosecutors in Korea must belong to the prosecutor's union without any exception. All prosecutors appearing in Korea from now on, as well as existing prosecutors, level one prosecutors, join the power test. ”

“That's right…. ”

The strongest swordsman in Korea, Dowol, who lightly subdued Taegu.

If you vote for the oath, Seoul or Busan was a story that had been going on before.

Everyone was a little embarrassed and accepting.

“Two, I'm not a very democratic leader. It must be a dictatorship, but we must follow it. ”

“That's a bit……. ”


Everyone groaned uncomfortably.

It is acceptable to enter under the escalation.

However, the lords also wanted to secure their right to speak.

“How much of our opinions should be reflected in the test leading Korea? ”

Kim Jong-Hak ventured out.

The bounty shook his head.

“I know what you're talking about, and it makes sense. However, the war that a swordsman must wage as the representative of Korea will be long and harsh. The command system must be disrupted. ”

“ ……. ”

“Paradoxically, a rather non-democratic organization is required to defend a liberal democracy. It's the army, right?”

It's a face that everyone understands even if they don't want to.

The top and bottom clothing required by Dowolwol, if the swordsmanship really represented Korea, was necessary.

Kim Jong-Hak said again.

“Still, I would like to have a minimum opinion opening window. ”

“I've got that covered. The actions of the prosecutors, the acts of combat, are entirely up to me. But I will take your opinion on the other side. ”

What other realm?

He said without hesitation.

“In the future, the Crucible is not just a group that fights. It will be a political group that drives the interests of prosecutors in Korean society and represents opinions. ”

“…… You mean the political party? ”

“You want politics?”

The lords were all baffled by the sudden outburst of stories.

He nodded.

“If governing people is politics, governing prosecutors is politics. What is the prosecutor's status in Korean society now? ”

“That's ……. ”

Everyone hesitated.

Dowol said instead.

“Walking murderers. Are you enjoying this? ”

“ ……. ”

“Are people avoiding you with knives? I put my strength into my shoulders at first. When you walk into a coffee shop, the cashier's face turns white, and when you go to the cinema, people don't want to sit near you. I'm treating you like an epidemic. You want to live like this for the rest of your life? ”

Magilchang grumbled.

“Isn't that something you have to do? It's true that we shed blood… The common people are scared of us. Of course. ”

“Of course not. We can fix it. That's why we picked up the sword, and we gathered the people. ”

Dowol said, looking around at the lords.

“Who has children here? Put your hands up.”

Half of them raise their hands.

Dowol said again.

“So does anyone have a family who isn't a prosecutor at home? Brothers and sisters, parents, friends. ”

Almost everyone raised their hands.

Dowol nods.

“Should your children, parents, siblings, and friends live by people's eyes because they know the prosecutor? ”

“If he does, I'll kill him! ”

Yeon-soo of Daegu exclaimed faintly.

The bounty was on his tongue.

“Will you kill everyone who walks by? After all, there's a limit to what you can do with a knife. You can't rule the world on horses. ”

“The Lord of Seoul is right. If you are ignorant, stay still. ”

Park Kang-hyun from Incheon laid a hand on Yeon-soo Oh.

Dowol told the lords.

“If you fight for your life, you should be honored. The child of a prosecutor should be proud of his parents. We should be proud parents and proud children. ”

“ ……. ”

“Everyone would've given up on this with a knife. Instead, if there is someone who imitates my parents, siblings and children, they will change it to kill them, and there are people who have actually done it. But it's symptomatic. It's not a fundamental prescription. ”

Fear is sprinkled with blood, and there is a limit to that.

The prosecutors who are gathered here eventually want to be integrated into society.

“What if all of a sudden we die here? Wouldn't the people who held a grudge against us be persecuting the rest of their families? I'm sure you've all thought this through. ”

“ ……. ”

Everyone sighed.

My lords, they have fought many battles.

I would have sprinkled a lot of blood. I would have thought about backing up.

“We should not make enemies of the world. We need the world to favor us. This is why I want to create a prosecutor's union and gather all the prosecutors in Korea. ”

The leap forward said forcefully.

“I want to make it a object of respect and admiration, not of the fear of prosecutors in Korea. I am proud that the prosecutor's son is the prosecutor, and I want to make him proud in school. I want to turn having a Prosecutor's Father into a friend I want to get to know, not a target of distraction and fear. ”

“…… Is that possible? ”

One of the lords asked.

The idea of leapfrogging is that it completely changes social awareness.

Dowol nods.

“It is possible. It is no exaggeration to say that the people gathered here represent all the prosecutors in Korea. We gather opinions and work together to change the prosecutors' social awareness. I, as your representative, will influence the political realm. ”

The leap ended.

“The Swordsman is the sword that defeats the enemies of Korea and is the shield that guards the people. The people of Korea will believe and support us, and we will actually do so. ”

A new leap of faith has been declared.

“We had power. We had money, but we were not respected. The crooked laymen in front were laughing at us behind our backs as murderers. ”

“ ……. ”

Everyone nods to see if there's anything in place.

The more you went up, the more you would realize.

“I change it. So believe me and follow me. ”

“…… I can't get past this. ”

Yeon-soo nods.

“Let's do it! ”

“Wait, we're not done here. ”

“…… No, what's the long story? Can't Seoul keep things short? ”

Oh Yeon-soo grumbled.

“As I said, the incident in Busan is not over yet. I want to make this a cornerstone of the Korean trials. ”

Dowol said.

“Those who are dissatisfied, those who are dissatisfied, must follow my instructions until this matter is resolved. I'll get your opinions later. ”

“I understand.”

The hesitant lords nod.

He said right away.

“Well, here's the first order. The real culprit in Busan is Russia or China. ”

“…… Yes? ”

“Is it real?”

Dowol said.

“Yes, so use your own network and information network to check the facts. Be as quiet as you can. Don't let the civilians get to you. ”

“ ……. ”

“A successful man will play an important role in the subsequent trials. ”

The lords are on their feet.

It is a fact that training is unified now in Korea.

Then it is important to know how high it is inside.

“I'll go first! ”

“I'm coming too! ”

The lords hurriedly left with their men.

All that remained was Maguichang.

“…… aren't you going to kill me? ”

Magilchang hesitated and asked.

Dowol said.

“If you work hard on this, ”

“I understand!”

Magilchang turns and runs.

Dowol, who was alone, looked at the empty table.


Wigabin approaches.

“You're making enemies on the sea at night. ”

“Always. ”

Dowol checked his cell phone.

The text sent after processing Taegwoo, Song Literature, replied.

‘I want to meet him. Come.’

The overtaking took place.

“Let's go, too. ”

“Where to?”

“To see the real Day of the Week. ”

Wigabin groans.

“…… What are you talking about? ”

“Songliterature is not a great place to plan things like the Sheriff's Council. Just as you hide your face in a mask, you were wearing a mask called Song Literature. ”

“And? That's not the only reason you came to that conclusion. ”

“Are you used to me now? ”

“Hard to get used to. Tell me.”

Dowol explained.

“On the day of the Busan Terrorism, Song Literature came to see me at night. You should have come at me in less than an hour. ”

“You have a chief of staff, right? ”

“Given that, the free time is too long. Besides, it hides that there is such a thing as songwriting. ”

Double-Down assembled the situation.

“Just shy? No, it takes time to discuss it with the opponent, and he is an opponent who has no choice but to follow it as Song Literature. ”


“The so-called Sunday Feast, the ruler of Busan, was created by combining Song Literature and + @. Maybe that + @ is bigger. ”

“… So there's a shadow. ”

“Yes, I'm going to check on the shadow. ”

Dowol said.

“You seem to know more about this than I do. ”

The real ruler of Busan.

Meet and find out the truth.

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