I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 129

Sword Shop Alone (128)

The cause of the fight is revealed

Hijacking of inspections, airplane terrorism.

What happened in the middle of Japan’s capital turned the world upside down.

Each country temporarily halted aircraft operations and deployed government-friendly prosecutors at the airport.

On the contrary, there were prosecutors who threatened to take advantage of the government.

The world was subdued by hostile terrorism in Tokyo.

Two days later in the afternoon.

A hotel used by the Korean prosecutors for lodging.

Dowol was sitting in a suite lounge and servicing.

“Shop window.”

Shop Level 5.

Sword: 7 Billion

Running Instinct: 50 Billion

Triplets: 80 Billion

Currently: million won.

“Tripody is a tidal expansion? ”

Yes, increase your inventory so you can use three swords. I could blow his head off.

Anonymously explained.

Black Anonymous, Blood Hydrochloric Acid, and a Neckiri sword obtained by the slaughter of terrorists.

“The Neckiri Maru function is over. ”

The owner is too strong to look bad.Imagine you started with an increasing sword from level 1.


This is a leap forward. It uses a sword as its free material and combines it with the physical attack of the cipher.

“Can’t you use the Neckiri Maru if you don’t buy the Tripods? ”

Since you’re not Japanese, you may be subject to penalties. This looks like a special kind of blade. I don’t know all of it right now.

Anonymously said.

You can have three swords. It’s not impossible to change the list. If you get another sword later, even if it’s not a Neckiri Maru, you can fill it with slots instead.

“Japan’s fight is over. Then… I’d better buy some Tripods first. ”

Wow, Master. The First Blade is listening, and he has vowed to take his second concubine!

“They say it’s a hero’s sword. ”

Dowol sought to buy the Tripods.

Procurement draws, not bad.

Dowol, who pulled out the shop window, opened the blind window.

Korean oath level 3.

Promise Point: 12,500.

Hospitam: 4,000 points.

Everlasting Herb Price: 9,000 points.

????: 20,000 points.

“What’s the last one? ”

Ah, it will appear when the oath level rises. I can’t see it right now. Hand it over.

After completing the hijacking, you gained more reputation and increased your Blind Spot points.

“The fewer Korean prosecutors operating abroad, the higher the stats. What’s the criterion for” low “? ”

Against the numbers of foreign prosecutors operating in the country? For example, if there are 10,000 Russian prosecutors in Japan and 5,000 Korean prosecutors, the amnesty grass will be effective.

Then this is a necessary ability during your foreign activities.

Dowol bought an all-forgiving initial price.

By the time I got to level five, I was getting stronger. Now you can see the level by detecting the opponent who is hiding the information. Everyone’s naked in front of me!

“Put some clothes on. ”

The repairs are done.

He looked down at Japanese newspapers on the table.

It was a photograph of all sides.

“Prosecutor Chandler from Korea saves people from the scene of terrorism! ’

“Prosecutors threatening Japanese security, conspiracy of prosecutors from Korea? ’

‘Rude words aimed at the prime minister, a Korean who does not know manners. ’

‘Ssano across the sea saves Japan in the fire. ’

The headline reactions are different. The journalists who support the government say the owner is tough, and the owner praises the owner for saving the Japanese even though the horses are rough.

“What a commotion. What’s a Sassano? ”

It’s a Japanese mythological god. You crossed over from foreign to Japanese because of your ferocious temperament? The Japanese prosecutor’s net opinions are calling the owner “Sannoo,” who crossed over from Korea. You have a nickname.

“That’s ridiculous. ”

Despite South Korea’s swordsmanship, the campaign has never been covered by the media.

Korean media took care of themselves.

But the Japanese media had nothing like that.

I can’t even open the curtains of the window.

They’re taking pictures right now.

So I stayed at the hotel and watched the trend.

We’re almost done organizing prosecutors to come in from Korea.

“We need to establish a rescue unit for the prosecutors in case we need to……. ”

The sound of my feet, Seo-young, came closer and laughed.

“Oh, I was wondering who you were. Aren’t you Schönderre Szanou? ”

“Oh, don’t make fun of me. ”

“Looks like it worked for the Japanese. Despite their harsh mouths, their behavior is a popular type of undertaker. ”

He asked.

“Seo-young knows a lot about Japan, right? Is this the kind of country Japan is based in? ”

“A country that believes we shouldn’t be a burden to each other. ”

“Is it possible for people to live together? ”

“It’s not like the Koreans to believe that it’s possible. At the same time…… I completely change attitudes for the organization, not for the individual. Individuals shouldn’t be a pain in the ass. They throw it away for the company, for the country. ”

“ ……. ”

“It means Japanese are dual, and this is a hard place for Koreans to deal with. ”

Seo-young smiled and said.

“Did you know that gifts are coming from all over Japan? ”

“Who sent you? Aren’t all the survivors in the hospital right now? ”

“There are a lot of survivors’ families and friends. There are civilians who say thank you and send gifts. They come from Japanese airlines, Tokyo City, and the restaurant where the pimp ate. ”

He frowned.

“Why the restaurant? ”

“They’re very sorry that you had to eat in their restaurant to get into this mess. ”

“I’m not saying I don’t want to, but I don’t understand. ”

He nodded.

“The Japanese prime minister is consistent with silence as everyone moves like that. ”

“You won’t be able to react. ”

The overtaking took place.

“We have to make it react. Please gather them together first. ”

Now let’s get this sorted out and move on to the next order.

Hotel rooms.

Eleven Korean prosecutors sat around and Seo Yu stood a little further away.

Doubtful opened his mouth.

“Japan’s problems are more severe than expected,” he said. ”

“I didn’t expect to crash the plane. ”

Jinho’s words, they were all the same face.

All the prosecutors here have lived by blood.

However, the situation inside Japan was truly spectacular.

Dowol said.

“Everyone gathered information and probably adapted to the local area. So let’s wrap it up. Japan now has five forces. Japanese eastern forces on the Japanese side of the government, Russian prosecutors in partnership with Japanese eastern forces, Japanese Western forces against Japanese government, and Chinese prosecutors in partnership with Japanese western forces. The last of us is here. ”

“Those Chinese prosecutors. Isn’t it a diplomatic issue with the Japanese government? ”

“I’ve been looking into that too…. ”

The surge shook his head.

“There is no official classification of Japan’s eastern and western forces. ”


“The Japanese government does not recognize the existence of the Western military. These Skytree attacks are also being announced as a buzzkill for some of the assailants. So we can’t officially protest against the Western army in China. ”

“Does that solve the problem? ”

“Of course not. So this is bullshit. ”

Escape went back to the story.

“Anyway, the four existing forces are after each other. Soon it will collide head-on. ”

“If you say frontal collision…. ”

Magilchang stammers.

“Following Shinjuku Station, the Japanese government must move in some way. The next time, a plane will fly to Japan Parliament. ”

“But you refused to acknowledge the existence of the Western army. ”

“Well, I’ll just have to hit the head. Above the average sword, there are seven swordsmen in the Japanese West. ”

Dowol got Shimaz.

“Anyway, you’ll think you can clear out the sword and the sword. The problem is that the Chinese prosecutors, they can’t find the power… … they’ll probably leave that to the Russian prosecutors. so that it doesn’t become a diplomatic issue with China later. ”

“Oh, that’s why the Japanese government brought in Russian prosecutors. ”

Carnage, for now.

Derrick ordered it.

“Now, what do we do here? I protect as many Koreans as I can in Japan. And there will be additional reinforcements from Korea. After I finish talking to the Japanese government, I bring in the Korean prosecutors and participate in a frontal brawl that will soon take place. You guys finish your little preparations. ”


“Oh, and the cameramen just skip to the hard way. Don’t touch the common man. ”

I said it just in case.

“The Japanese government might try to catch up. ”


“Then everyone go to work. If you’re not in a good mood, come for a little sightseeing. Instead, it is important to understand the atmosphere of the Japanese public. ”

Everyone got up and left in the direction of the evacuation.

What was left was Seo Yura.

“Seo Yura, work. ”

“I’ve got some information on the Qudo group. ”

Seo Yura lowered her voice.

“The Cudo Group’s funding flow is suspicious. ”

I fixed the posture where Dowolwol was sitting.

Seo Yura kept saying.

“It was natural for the eldest daughter, Kudo Lyka, to join the family until the sword was opened. But it is the story of the finance world that Kudo Reika was chosen by the legendary sword Onimaru and became the prosecutor, and his younger brother, Kudo Ayaka, became the Cudo Group. ”


“It is said that the company’s funds have often disappeared due to censorship. I thought that was the cost of Kudo Reika’s activities…… Looks like Ayaka will pay for it, too. Secretly. ”

Seo Yura added to the gaze of dowol.

“I inferred it based on retirees’ information. ”

“That’s odd. If the Qudo Group is spending money on the sword, shouldn’t it be through Qudo Lyka? ”

Kurdo Reika was the Lord of Edo Numbers who took Tokyo.

Now that he has been officially identified by the Japanese government, he is in fact a prosecutor representing the government.

But Kudo Ayaka secretly spends money…

“Rebellion? You said Cudo Ayaka has the Cudo Group? There’s nothing more to gain, is there? ”

Seo Yura lowered her voice.

“It is said that Kudo Ayaka has contacted not only Sagami and Echigo of the Japanese alliance, but also the Western Lords. ”

“That’s not what a management would normally do. ”

He thought about it and said:

“I understand. And Seo Yu Ra, prepare to return home. ”

“Yes?! ”

“Japan will be a harsher battlefield in the future. Return to Korea and focus on our work. ”

“…… I’m sorry, but we still have some business to take care of in Japan. First, I’ll deal with it. ”

Seo Yu hurriedly retreated.

…… You’re running away?

“I’m going to work. ”

The overtaking took place.

“First, let’s meet with Kurdo Reika to confirm the Japanese government’s intentions. ”


Dowolwol went down to a hotel restaurant in accommodation.

Kudo Lyka, the guest who was waiting standing, bows his head.

“I’m terribly sorry to hear that you’re busy. ”

It was a scaled face.

It seems that the meeting with the Japanese government was very difficult.

He said it lightly.

“Don’t just stand there. Sit down. ”


Lyca crouches her head, facing you.

“I’ve had a lot of excuses in the past. Dowol, thank you for your hard work for the people of Japan. On behalf of the Qudo Group, I’d like to thank you. ”

Lyka placed her shopping bag in front of Dowol.

It’s a token of my sincerity… but I received the dodge because I was fat.

“Is Mr. Lyka’s gift over? The Japanese government won’t give me a medal? ”

“That’s ……. ”

Now Lyka thanked me personally.

He smiled and pointed out that he escaped.

“I heard the Japanese government is very bothered by me. Some even say I conspired with a terrorist. ”

“Here are some press coverage. Sorry, I have already requested a correction. ”

“Mr. Lyka is not the representative prosecutor of Japan, but rather the representative of apologies. ”

The bounty shook his head.

“Should I just run away and have Lyka take care of everything by herself? Was that the way to face Japan? ”

“…… Sorry. I really don’t have anything to say. ”

Lyca doesn’t lift her head.

That’s what happened during the discussion with the Japanese government.

“Did the bureaucrats at least reprimand Mr. Lyka? You let the Korean prosecutor solve everything, what did Lyka do in the field representing Japan? You’re a samurai commander after all? Can you believe it? ”

“ ……. ”


I guess it’s true.

“I don’t know why you’re being so stuffy. Mr. Lyka won’t be cleaning up after the Japanese government. ”

“That’s ……. ”

“Well, here’s the story of another country. So what’s the Japanese government going to do? ”

Lyka cautiously said.

“I’m looking into the situation. ”

“Aren’t you going to tell me to expel the Korean prosecutors? The pride of Japan was shattered because it was the Korean prosecutor who solved the terror, but it seems that’s what the pro-government media was talking about. ”

“ ……. ”

Lyka’s face turns red.

I’m ashamed.

I’ve heard that story again.

“I’ve made a promise to you on my neck. As long as I’m here, that’s never going to happen. ”

“Hang on, not your neck. Get him to work.”

The bounty was on his tongue.

“So the Korean prosecutor should not have any problems crossing over. Next time, even Tokyo Tower will be destroyed. ”

“I’m telling you again. I’ll fix it right away.”

“Really? Do you have a bug today? ”

“…… none. ”

He said that the surplus was low.

“I found information. ”


“The hijacking of terrorists, of course, is no coincidence. If they didn’t know anything about me, their goal was you and your legendary sword. Kurdo Lyka, someone handed over information to the West that you would be in Skytree at that time. ”

“ ……. ”

“Who do you think? ”

Lyca shakes her head in a daze.

“Sorry, I had no idea. ”

“Yes, I’d rather meet the Prime Minister of Japan in person. If the information comes out, we have to have a blanket about where it came from and what’s going on. ”

Kurdo Lyka chose his neck.

“I just keep saying I’m sorry. I’m very sorry if you’ve been offended by the Japanese government’s response or the public’s comments. But I want you to believe that I and many of the people of Japan are greatly grateful for Dowol’s heroic commitment. ”

“ ……. ”

“The grandmother, granddaughter, family and people who had been out to Tokyo said to me, I’d really like to examine Mr. Dowell. Thanks to the prosecutor from Korea, many people, family and friends are safe, and I really appreciate it. ”

He didn’t answer.

Lyka said it again.

“If I tell you this, it’s just empty. So…… this is beyond my authority, but I’ll tell you what. why Japan is rocking so hard, what’s going on right now? ”

Highly confidential.

The cause of prosecutors’ terrorism.

Lyka said quietly.

“A second sword will appear in Japan in the coming New Year. ”

The truth of all this commotion in Japan.

It was a slalom battle to take the second sword.

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