I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 164

Sword Shop Alone (163)

Two men.

The roar of the audience.

South Korean prosecutors cheered on the name of dowol.

Japanese prosecutors, too.

Chinese prosecutors, on the other hand, kept their mouths shut.

“What about Lindsay?”

“I’m not coming out. Just the two of us. ”

Riolong’s words.

I looked at him quietly.

“Wait, you……. ”

“We’re clear.”

Jung Jin-ho hurriedly ran down the ring.

Jung Jin-ho said in a bad way.

“…… Lindsay was injured and went to the hospital. ”

“Are you serious?”

“He says he won’t be able to move today. I’m told it won’t cost you your life. ”

He looked back at Riolong.

Riolong said calmly.

“Let’s get started.”

“First check, why did you do it? ”

“I will kill you today and all the prosecutors in this place. ”


He asked me why.

Liu Long volunteered.

“What else can I do? ”

It was his brother’s blade that waited for Riolong to come to watch the Chinese prosecutors.

It’s not the first time that’s happened.

Riolong grins with his teeth bared.

“Yes, I’m the nigger you’re talking about. Dirty black skin, always the object of ridicule. ”

“Why didn’t you go to another country? ”

“I was born in China, I speak Chinese, I am Han. They never admitted it… ”

Riolong pointed to the Chinese prosecutors in the audience.

“They never thought I was Chinese, but I am Chinese. No, I wanted to be Chinese! ”

“ ……. ”

“Is that weird? Is that funny? Is it scandalous? But my mother was Korean, and I grew up thinking I was. My roots are in China. Yeah, well, I was holding out until the sword opened. It was tolerable.”

Liu Long smiles bitterly.

“But as the sword opened and I became a different prosecutor, the story changed. I had a special quality called the ‘Holy Spirit’, and in addition, I was chosen by the Shin Sword. Then… everyone hated me so much! I can’t leave a Chinese sword to this nigger. I came here to assassinate people 20 levels above me. ”

“ ……. ”

“I couldn’t find a good place to sleep. If I try to sleep, the inn turns into a bloodbath that night. ”

Liuron continued.

“China’s honour! The arrogance of the Han Nation! They all screamed and tried to kill me. If Master hadn’t taken me in, he would have died a long time ago. ”

“Do you think Taochen abandoned you? ”

“Don’t bullshit me! ”

A fabulous no-ho-ho.

The intestinal disturbance subsides.

Riolong stares at the escape with bloodshot eyes.

“What do you know about Master Oogway? ”

“I’m sorry.”

“ ……. ”

Liu Long blinks as she apologizes.

It was a face that I did not expect to be apologized to.

He rubs his face in embarrassment.

“Master is a big man. He was concerned about the people, not just me, but the future of the country. At the opening of the age of the sword, the master desperately tried to unite the prosecutor, the civilian, and the party. Wherever he went, he bowed his head for as long as he could. ”

Riolong recalls.

“He spent his money, effort and time trying to save people. He bowed his head to thousands of prosecutors, sometimes risking his life and confronting the fallen horde with a sword. I admired all the big men who stayed away from wealth and power and swore only for the people. ”


“But I couldn’t bear the thought of your dedication and sacrifice. Why does he have to sacrifice so much? Why would he cut off his limbs for the bureau’s experiments? ”

“…… what? ”

“Human experimentation! Since when does China give a shit? ”

Riolon reveals his teeth.

As long as I wanted to tell someone.

You look like you’re about to cut off your arm.

“The Chinese government was frightened when the age of the sword opened. So when the great extermination policy, the prosecutor, appeared, he trampled the whole town and city into the army. It was a crazy policy, but at the time it was panicked, and China could do it. ”

Inspector Hunt.

It almost happened in Korea and has already happened in other countries.

“But Master negotiated secretly with the government on behalf of the prosecutors. He gave himself up to stop the army from pointing a gun at the people. The Chinese government cut off and attached its master’s limbs several times in the name of studying prosecutors. He endured all kinds of poisons, accidents, and the deaths of ordinary humans. Burned, frozen, and suffocated. ”

“ ……. ”

“The prosecutor only dies by the blade of the prosecutor? To confirm that…… someone has to be tested! ”

Liu Long’s point.

The leap forward shivered.

Common sense now that a prosecutor only dies with a knife.

But it takes a process to convince governments, existing authorities.

You’re not going to die?

Like this?

A prosecutor on Earth proved it with his body.

to endure all kinds of pain that you don’t have to die.

That was Taochen.

“The damn government! To reassure the people in power! You endured it for the sake of your country’s survival! ”

Liu Long said.

“If the master draws his sword, he can kill every human being in the Chinese authorities. The Party’s Patriarchs? The Yellow Sword? I could wipe it all out. But the master was patient. This was the way for the country, so he cut off his arms and legs and protected the system. ”

“ ……. ”

“After the collapse of the Chinese government, the chaos of the unknown, the prosecutors who could kill thousands alone, became out of control and endured enduring horrific events. ”

Riolong grits his teeth.

“But I… I couldn’t bear it. A group of governments mocking the patient master, those who spit and kick, saying that they can’t do anything, bowed their heads to them, but I couldn’t. Master was more than a father to me! ”

Liu Long vomited.

“So I killed him! I killed and killed! The man who insulted the people paid me back the same way! The rapers raped each other! The man who took his fortune took his life and his wealth! Liu Long! Your skin is black, but your blood isn’t even black! I didn’t want to forget the two letters” negotiation “! ”

“ ……. ”

“To the government, I was just a son of a bitch who messed with the system. It was bearable. But to the people I wanted to protect, I was only the Black Devil who threatened China. My face called ‘The Black Dragon Horse’ was wanted all over the country, and I couldn’t find a place to sleep even if I had money. ”

I was silent about the overthrow.

“The master tried to accept me, but I refused. I told my master I was strangled, and he forced me to say so. I also informed Ryuway and Lindsay. That way he’ll be safe. ”

“ ……. ”

“And…… even though the people and the government turned their backs on me, the Chinese prosecutors expected them to understand me a little. But it’s the same test. ”

Liu Long smiles bitterly.

“Of course, the only thing that came back to me was a persistent blade. Just like last time.”

“ ……. ”

“Now, my story is over. I’m going to kill them all now. Destroy the false hope he chose…… Kill all the prosecutors in the land, return to China and wipe out the government, the prosecutors, and the people if necessary. ”

He asked.

“And then?”

“Well, we should keep leveling up… and challenging the swordsmanship. I’ll have to break the sword and ask you to grant me a wish. ”

Liu Long said.

“If you’re going to give me birth as a nigger, give me birth in their country, and if you’re going to give me birth in China, make me a Hwang race. ”

“With reincarnation, you will be a beast, not a man. ”

“…… what? ”

“You know Buddhism. ”

Liu Long smiled bitterly at the words of the leap.

An intrinsically acknowledged tune.

“I said a lot. You’ve become chatty since you don’t have a contact. ”

“Yeah, it breaks down a lot of images. ”

Liu Long smiled as she smiled.


The long conversation is over.

Mike crosses over as Dowol reaches behind him.

Dowol, who had Mike, said.

“From now on, the opposition of representative inspections of one, two and a half days shall be conducted. As you all know, the one who wins this fight… becomes the swordsman of the three kingdoms. This was approved by both Korea, Japan and China. ”

“What about Lincia Passage? ”

There was a commotion over the Chinese prosecutors in the audience.

Their leader was Lysias, not Riolong.

Dowol said.

“Lindsay has been questionably ambushed and is currently in the hospital. ”

“W-what?! ”

“That doesn’t make sense! This contest is void! ”

Chinese prosecutors have risen to their senses.

The leap forward said coldly.

“Then you can come up. ”

“ ……. ”


The outburst annoyed me.

“Still can’t figure out my temper? How much more blood do you want to see? Shut up and come up.”

Hold on.

“And now let’s be honest. You think two Rincias can beat Riolong? Can Lindsay catch Zhou ‘dan lightly? ”

“That’s ……. ”

Dead Zhoudan is a Chinese garnish who wrinkled Gangnam.

But I’ve never fought Lindsay before.

Just play the level and you’re two people alike.

“But I was able to catch it easily. You must have heard from the survivors. ”

“ ……. ”


“And that I was mincemeat with Riolong. But do you think Lindsay would stand a chance if she were here? ”

Dowolchul, Riolongzhoudanzia.

So far, this is the resemblance.

“That’s exactly what I need to know! ”

“So come up here? ”

“ ……. ”

Sun Liu Long, like Tae-san. And a do-over.

The courage to intervene in the fight between these two prosecutors, who is it?

“You have one minute. Come up if you’re confident. ”

It was quiet.

No matter how proud you are, you don’t have the courage to go onstage.

I’m gonna die.

“So you accepted? Shut up and let’s get on with it. Before I kill them all again. ”

I shot him and turned away.

Riolong looks odd.

“Why didn’t you tell me I did it? It’ll be easier that way. ”

“I have to say, it’s disgusting. ”


“Why did you clean up Lindsay downstairs? ”


Riolong is much stronger.

Riolong said blurrily.

“I have to kill her on stage today. Even if you let me live, you won’t be able to face me. ”

“I didn’t tell you because you thought so. ”


Liu Long said quietly.

“Thank you.”

“Thank you. I’m leveling up big time today. ”

Then Dowol picked up the microphone again and shouted:

“Now, let’s begin the live-fire election of the national anthem of one, two, and one. A one-on-one fight! Anywhere in this gym! No third-party intervention! ”

Dowol throws the microphone back.


The ball starts the match.

In an unlimited match, the two of them did not move immediately.

Riolong looks around the audience.

He looks back at Taochen sitting among the Chinese prosecutors.

Dowol said.

“Draw a new sword today. ”

“Didn’t you hear about my sword? ”

“I didn’t ask and I didn’t tell. ”

Liu Long asked with a locked voice.

“Master…… didn’t he want you to kill me? ”

“Do you really think so, idiot? ”

He asked.

Riolong’s silence.

The leap trembled.

“No wonder I beat you to victory anyway. Why do you ask me every single thing? ”

Liurong nods slowly.

“Now I know why Master chose you. It’s similar to Ryuway, but much more determined and unblocked. Delightful.”

“I’m usually a little out. ”

“But it’s weaker than I am. I……. ”

Riolong grips his fist tightly.

“I am the Imperial Body! I am the king!”


At about the same time, they rush into each other’s land and face each other.

“Huh!? ”

“Well……. ”

The audience was surprised.

Riolong won’t pull out his sword. It’s true of the Lord… But he’s also bare handed!


Fist to fist!


A powerful shock wave swept through the stadium as fists collided in the air.

It was so strong, it even swung the hair of those sitting in the audience.

The two men did not take a step back from each other with their fists outstretched.

Riolong groans as she confronts the odds.

“…… Hmm?

“Do you know if it is’ the heavenly body ‘? ”

He smiled and turned.

“This is amazing! ”

If you’re the king, then I’m the king.

If you have fists, I have feet!

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