I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 179

Sword Shop Alone (178)

Attack Again

Good afternoon.

Concorde Square in Paris.

The scenery of the Seine flows, and the streets are decorated with pieces.

I can see the Eiffel Tower from afar.

People were coming and going.

Dowol arrived with Seourah, Ayaka and Mori.

Mori cautiously said.

“… I’ve heard a lot about you, but you’re an artist?” So you don’t want me to model nude, do you? ”

“No way…. ”

Ayaka shakes her head.

Seo Yu expressionlessly said.

“In that case, I’ll take his place. Don’t worry about it. ”

“What are you talking about? Th-that pervert painter will make everyone feel better if Yura is teased? ”

Ayaka was surprised and held back, but Seoyura insisted.

“You’re fighting for your lives. It’s my job to keep the area organized and to be as trouble-free as possible. ”

“…… Mr. Dowolwol, you wouldn’t do that, would you? ”

“I’m sure they brought you here to do that. ”

He smiled.

“I brought him here because I didn’t know what he was up to. I’ll take care of it. Just wait and see. ”

“Yes, but there are a lot of people here. ”

Mori pointed out.

Germany started a war, and people were wandering around the square.

You see tourists taking pictures everywhere.

Seo Yura explained.

“It’s Poland, Finland and Norway that are at war now. In addition, there is little war between prosecutors, little damage to civilians. The average person is not getting a big phone call. ”

“But I’m too free. ”

“Paris, France, is the heart of Europe, guarded by powerful prosecutors. It’s now Europe’s second safest city after the Vatican. ”

“The Vatican? Where was it…? ”

“This is where the Pope lives. Europe and the West have much more religious influence than Korea. No prosecutor dares pull a sword out of the Vatican. It turns all Christians against each other. ”

Women’s chatter.

He moved forward with one ear.

Painters gather in front of the fountain.

They were painting the portraits of lovers and family members, or painting the landscape.

One of them is the one who is caught in the background.

He approached and stood in front of him.

“You wanted to see me? ”

The target presses the bread hat and yawns.

“Men don’t draw. ”

“Is that why you asked me to bring a woman? ”

“It’s best to see her if you want to know who’s upset. You don’t seem to have a wife, but Asian oath. ”

The opponent appears to be a white male in his thirties before and after.

It has no major features other than that it has sharp eyes.

But this is the head of the Alstromerian clan.

A Pokémon that somehow connects itself to a sword.

When he tried to sit in the empty chair in front of him, the man emptied his tongue.

“If you’re not going to sit her down, quit. That way it tastes good. ”

“ ……. ”

He looked back for a moment.

Seo Yura lowers her eyes and Ayaka nods slightly.

However, he looked down with his hands down his trousers.

From now on, it’s halftime.

“I thought you wanted to see me about something? I don’t think you’re in any position to make any demands. ”

“Don’t you have a problem with China? ”

The opposing Pokémon’s Clan Leader smiles.

“I don’t mean to pry. Let’s not make a fuss. I just… I just want to know who you’re picking in this case. Of course, they’re beautiful enough to provoke my artistic spirit. ”


“Oh, Maya. I’m impressed, to be honest. Everyone was working on it because she was a rare beauty, but it was an iron wall…… I can’t believe she fell in love with him first. Actually, that’s why I’ve always wondered about you. ”

He said as he sat down.

“Then draw me Mayana. ”

“ ……. ”

“I miss the woman I can’t see, and I ask her to paint a picture. Isn’t it tempting for a painter? ”

The man who was glancing at her was small.

“He never gives you control. Yeah, I lost. ”

The man shook his hand and said,

“Philip Werner. He’s overseeing Alstromeria for now, but the branch chiefs from all over are letting him run it on his own. Hardly anything I do. ”

“Surrender. I don’t believe all that, but I’ll pretend I do. ”

“Just like Maya chose. ”

Philip said, making fun of the pencil.

“When I do this, I usually bring my girlfriend along confidently, or leave her a beauty behind. Those who roll their heads are trying to impress me, and those who are naive just bring their women. I’ve never seen one answer like you before. ”

“An offer you can’t refuse. ”

Painters move with sensitivity.

Besides, Maya’s old boss, he knows her.

Speaking of which, I reacted.

Philip waved his mind with the theme of being a lover who could not see each other from afar.

It was sales skills for leapfrogging.

Philippe said.

“Then tell me your business first. Painting and listening. ”

“We trained special prosecutors called the ‘Yellow Sword Squad’ in China. I heard you cheat on the level. ”

The leap brought out a USB copy.

“The details are in there. Tell that to the sword. Oh, of course, don’t tell them I gave it to you. Tell him you got it yourself. ”

“Why do you insist I work with swords? ”

“You know the prosecutor. Alstromeria, Veritas, Asclepios, Runner Wings, these are the unofficial clans of the D.A. Net. ”

“Is that the end of the story? ”

“These informal clans… are all in charge of the maintenance of the sword system. ”

Dowol said.

“These clans have been spreading all over the world since the dawn of the sword. Without the support of the prosecutor net, it would not have been built. ”

“They say we’re apostles. ”

Philip laughs.

“An apostle preaching the gospel. Oh, don’t Orientals believe in Christianity very much? ”

“I know the drill. ”

“After the sword blew out the head of the President of the United States, there was an unknown incident at the time. There are those whose swords are made by the sword itself. ”

Philipp looks over his head empty-handed.

“Like this.”

“That makes you a prosecutor? ”

“Yes, it worked. Like the holy anointing. ”

“ ……. ”

“The night of the First Blade, the sword itself revealed that it was making special tests. He’s the first twelve apostles to follow God. ”

This was an unknown story.

No, the fact that the sword had a disciple just before him is a myth.

I began to see the hidden truth of the sword system.

“What does the sword look like to us? ”

“A second time Jesus or Maitreya. ”

Put your hands on people’s heads and they’ll make you superhuman.

Isn’t that…… something you can’t do without God?

It’s only natural to fear.

Philip shakes his head.

“Some did, but some didn’t. I was… afraid of the sword and stayed away. I think he’s the devil in God’s clothing. ”

Philip says it’s low.

“A god who kills people and proves himself. Terrible.”

“Isn’t Yahweh killing a lot of people, too? I haven’t read the Bible properly. ”

“That’s blasphemous. But you’re right.”

Philipp smiles bitterly.

It’s like counting old wounds.

“I was supposed to be a German oath. ”

“…… what? ”

Now Nuance was strange.

Like it was meant to be.

“The sword tried to strike me down, but I refused. It was creepy.”

“…… Rheinhardt was also the first twelve? ”

“That’s why they’re so strong. ”

“So this rise in Germany was part of the plan of the Sword? ”

Philip grins.

“What do I look like? ”

“ ……. ”


Overlapping the fact that it was originally supposed to be a German oath?

A German commander from a painter who burns Europe by phone.

Adolf Hitler.

“Did you choose it because you’re an artist? ”

“The words of the sword cannot be trusted, nor can they be judged. But the reason I refused…… was that. I was also afraid of the sword, but I had a hunch that he was going to set me up and start a war in Europe. ”

Rejected, he becomes the head of the Alstromerian clan, and instead Rheinhardt grips his feet.

It was inevitable that he would become the swordsman of Germany, just before the swordsman who wielded the famous sword’s foot.

“So Rheinhardt moves according to the sword’s instructions? ”

“No, the sword hasn’t operated outside since it blew up North Korea. Moreover, Rheinhardt will not remember that he was a disciple just before the sword. Rheinhardt has been waging war with his beliefs and beliefs. ”

“ ……. ”

“You can trust me. I don’t think I’m supposed to tell you stories. ”

Philip teases the canvas.

“I don’t know who the other eleven are. I can only assume it’s the run of Asclepios, Veritas, or the Prosecutor’s Net. Besides, this isn’t important to you right now, so just know that. Tell me important information from now on. ”

Philip said quietly.

“Germany is right to make a teleport. The power of Shining Sword Leviathan. ”

“Leviathan……. ”

It was the name I had heard before.

Names from time to time in the game.

“Is that… a Nordic myth? Maybe the Sword of Fire. Why would it teleport? The Sword of the Sword is nuclear and somehow connected. ”

“It’s changed somewhat. Like Yaotome.”

“ ……. ”

A horse sword from Japan.

Philip knew about him, too.

Philip shakes his head as he moves away.

“What you went through in Japan has nothing to do with me. I’m sure the saint knows. The owners of a new sword or a dead sword can also predict or instinctively feel about other excellent swords. Swords and swords resonate. ”

“Okay, first of all, is there any way to stop that teleport? ”

“It is not a random teleport. No, actually, Leviathan is not a teleporter. ”

Phillip’s words.

I did not understand the overtaking quickly.

“You don’t know because you’re Asian. When I looked at the order, I thought people would finally notice…… ”

“Wait, are you……. ”

Overlapping the information I just received, it seemed meaningful.

Philip nods.

“The result is teleporting, not teleporting. It’s about recreating the past. ”

“ ……. ”

Poland, Norway, Finland.

These are the countries where Germany invaded during the Great War.

It’s going in that order.

He asked calmly.

Meeting like a mother, to extract more information.

“Does sword have nothing to do with Germany? ”

“The sword only intervened a little at the beginning of the quarantine, and the whole time after that, it did. And I don’t know the purpose of the sword. I also stumbled upon the functions of Leviathan. ”

Philip said in a bad way.

“It’s a mystery as to why the sword in the first place opened it, and what it wants. There are those who say,” How can Humans know what God does? “… but that’s nonsense. Sword isn’t God. If it were really God, he would have wiped out the world by flood and ended the creation of heaven and earth. ”

“ ……. ”

Philip pushed.

“If a swordsman is a man, a swordsman is a man! He is only a human being who does this for a purpose. And if you are a human…… ”

“I can kill you. ”

The end of the leap.

Philip stops his hand and looks at it hot.

“I spoke to clans around the world, in secret. If there is a growing test, apply discreetly and judge for yourself. ”

It was one of the reasons Maya supported Dodge in the early days.

I understood and pointed out the leap.

“You knew the sword had planted the seeds of war in Europe. ”

Philipp could have been the German oath, but he refused.

The fact that he was a painter, if he had a good mind, he would have guessed enough.

“Yes, Maya also wanted to know the truth of the sword system. And then she chose you to become an Asian oath. I’m sure you’ll eventually reach the edge of the Sword. ”

“And kill me? ”

“How many of you can be the prosecutor you want? ”

The first twelve.

Philip shakes his head.

“I heard what you said to Maya. Yes, we are the ones who are swept away in time. However, no matter how violent the waves are, we must not only pass through them, but also condemn the storm. ”

“ ……. ”

“You must kill the sword to end the age of the sword. ”

Wood Duck.

A pencil snapped from Philip’s hand.

His face was blushed with anger, whether he was emotional or not.

“Stop the Germans and kill the Sword. ”

“Well, first of all, deliver the USB to the sword. ”

“If you succeed in stopping Germany, I will take responsibility. ”

Philip meant it.

“Make sure you have the skills to stop the Germans so I can put everything on you. ”

“ ……. ”

I have work to do anyway.

Dowol nods and Philip pulls Izel out.

A portrait painted in an instant.

It was Maya’s picture sitting by the window.

Seeing her in the sun makes my heart tingle for some reason.

“You draw well. ”

“This is not good enough. Take it.”


“That’s it. We can spare her if we can. And… you don’t know much about World War II, do you? ”

“That’s right…. ”

In fact, Dowol did not know much about the European front of the World War II.

To the best of my knowledge, I don’t know the order of deployment.

“Where do you think next? ”

Phillip’s eyes.

You hear loud noises around you.

The horrific moaning of the crowd.

Screaming everywhere.

His face became stiff.

“Wait, you didn’t…. ”

“Yes, here we go. ”

The direction Philip is pointing.

When he turned around, he saw the fire burning far away.

The giant tower is on fire.

Everyone knows the tower.

The Eiffel Tower.

The Germans have invaded.

Paris, France!

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