I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 34

Sword Shop Alone (33)

Next Victory

Provocation of dodge.

Blue Fang’s prosecutors turn their eyes completely upside down.

“Son of a bitch! ”

“Hey! Kill them all! ”

Everyone rushes through the passageway to escape.

The processors’ prosecutors are in a hurry to intercept and the chaos unfolds.

But in the end, dozens of people broke through.

“Oh, it’s freezing! ”

I prepared for those who came against me with their eyes turned upside down.

But at that moment, In-young intervened.

Get it!

Maya, the woman in the hotel staff uniform.

Maya swings her sword with both hands and confronts the Blue Fang prosecutors.

Two daggers held in reverse. They’re terribly fast.


Along the rotations of the glamorous body, beautiful blondes flew and red blood was sprinkled.

The Swordsman Blue Fang’s sword flies away and his wrist flies away.


Suddenly, the wounded Swordsman, Blue Fang, rolls around screaming.

Maya speaks calmly after stopping the Blue Pang prosecutors.

“You will not be able to reach Dowol. ”

“Well, what the…. ”

“A woman? Ah… Now, blind? ”

“Siberian bitch! Russian Jatozzi! ”

The recognizable Blue Fang prosecutors were alarmed.

Maya was famous for her blind prosecution.

What’s even more surprising… is that we’re dealing with the Blue Fang Swordsmen and we haven’t killed any of them.

I only stopped myself from swinging my sword or getting hurt.

It meant that my skills were far superior.

Dowol, who saw me from behind, said.

“Are you sure about this?”

“I’m Ring Second now. Dowol Goo.”

Maya turns around and smiles softly.

“We have a duty to keep you safe until you return. ”

“Thank you.”

He said he stepped forward.

If we continue here, of course we will have to fight our way out.

It was a complete mess.

Progress agent to stop the prosecutors in Blue Pang. And the audience was shaken and excited to draw their swords.

The group brawl of 4,000 swordsmen, we don’t know what will happen.

“Will you stop it! ”

A loud shout erupts from the microphone.

It was the shout of Jung, the host.

Jung Jung, who had Park, stepped forward and said.

“This life sentence was hosted by Kwon Min. And it’s over! Cha Mu Hyuk is dead and Dodge has won! To disobey the verdict is to disregard the authority of the Lord’s people! ”

“ ……. ”

Blue Fang, the audience has stopped.

Jung Jeong, Seoul, is a name that must come out when regarded as a Korean female prosecutor.

After that, there are the Cold Salt Free Citizens.

“If you make more noise here, I’ll deal with you if you try to hurt the winner, Dothru! ”

The prosecutors were in the audience at the same time as Jung Jung said.

The prosecutors who followed the citizens, who followed this order in the death row today.

Blue Fang’s prosecutors bitten their lips furiously.

But the people behind the auditorium stood up as well.

All in white coats, hooded men, executive swords of Gangbuk.

An executive sword and a direct clan of Lord Attendant.

In fact, it was said to be the strongest in the North River.

“How dare a female in Gangnam bark from Gangnam! ”

The whole gym was a big roar, a lion’s hoof.

At least level 40, strong.

But I didn’t back down.

“This is what Gangnam, Wild Dog, does! There’s no room for you to interfere! ”

“This is Gangbuk! We just lent you the place, not to say you can do whatever you want! ”

“ ……. ”

You’re right.

But Twist, interrupt.

Jung rolled his head for a moment.

I don’t know what the lords of Kwon and Atonment have been talking about or why I’m here.

But is it Lord Attendance’s intention to stand up to the Executioner’s sword?

Either way…… there are a lot of prosecutors watching.

Today’s response will soon spread throughout Korea’s censorship. It is a matter of public honor.

There is no turning back from the blood.

“This is the Wild Dog, the inside job. There’s no need for the attendance to interfere. If you want to get more involved……. ”

“Hey, she’s dead. Stop it. ”

You hear a banging sound.

A man was coming down from the audience.

The surrounding prosecutors panicked as soon as they took off their hoodie while wearing it with a hoodie on their shorts.

Blue hair.

“Guo, Kwon Min. ”

“Cold Salt Free Citizens! ”

Everyone was frightened and stiffened.

The absolute ruler of Gangnam, the super-secret prosecutor of Korea, and the madman who set fire to Parliament…… This is the second thing.

This is Gangbuk.

“Rinse, rinse, Kwon Min! ”

I opened my mouth because I was a little numb.

The citizens came to the territory of the tournament.

What if the lords of the Assessment find out? What if we eliminate our citizens, regardless of means and means?

The balance of three pieces of Seoul is broken.

“ ……. ”

The executing swords stood firm as well.

The citizens who were going down the audience stopped and looked back at them.

“Hey, apologize for what you just said to Hae-jung. ”

“…… what? ”

The executing sword raised its voice.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know. I told Hajung that she was a she-camel. I don’t care if you insult me, you know I won’t tolerate it. ”

“…… what if I don’t apologize? ”

Another executive swordsman tried to tell me.

Hoggy, I can’t be seen lightly by so many prosecutors.

Kwon said lightly.

“If you’re rude, I’ll kill you. Well.”

“ ……. ”

The people of Kwon came up to Gangbuk and killed the executive sword?

It’s just a war.


Kwon Min reached out to the side.

Red blood spatters.

Everyone knows what that means.

The citizens want to draw the sword.

A blade stained with the blood of heaven and earth.

Spherical Gum Blood Hydrochloride.

Kwon Min said.

“You can call me an asshole. I can just laugh ’cause I’m the son of a bitch. But if I tell my man, my man,” Son of a bitch, “I won’t stand for it. ”

“ ……. ”

“You don’t like it? Well, then… ”

The first blade bows its head.

“I apologize for my rudeness. The Cold Salt Statue.”

“I use Haoche, not sarcasm. ”

I didn’t want to be disrespectful, but I chose it because I couldn’t say no.

Kwon Min shakes his head.

“I’m done. Apologize to Haeng Yi. Make sure everyone understands. Don’t you know?”

“ ……. ”

The executing sword pauses and leans back toward the distant spirit.

for everyone in the gym to hear.

“I’ll take back that rude remark. Unspecified sterilization (29141;). ”

“…… I accept. ”

The appearance of Kwon Min, who was frightened, received Jung Jung quickly.

Now all she cared about was getting the people back safely to Gangnam.

The citizens leaped down from the audience.

Four thousand prosecutors, the death of the chief prosecutor, Blue Pang’s prosecutors, all stared blankly at the citizens.

What the hell are you doing here?

What are you doing here?

I was also watching the overthrow.

They’re coming straight for him.

A man approaching with blue hair stopped in front of the ten steps of the escape.

The exchange of eyes, Kwon Min smiled.

“You’re gonna like this guy. It’s a lot more real than the pictures. I knew you had to see it for yourself. ”

“ ……. ”

What’s the first word?

This is what I heard before I became a prosecutor for the citizens of Dowol Province.

Once a hero, but now a corrupt maniac, a man who set fire to the Parliament House, and a maniac who kills people in cold blood… It’s different.

Jung abandoned the microphone and ran.

“Kwon Min! What the hell is this place…? ”

“Don’t make a fuss, she’s dead. ”

Jung Jung silenced the calm voice of the people.

Kwon said something to Dowol.

“Help me. ”

The people went up to the stage.

Sniff out the long white cloth that was ready and have Doyle grab the other side.

First, I did what I was told.

I was wondering what the hell I was gonna do.

It was in front of Cha Min-hyuk that Kwon carried the cloth.

Kwon Min shrunk and let Cha Mu Hyuk lie down immediately.

Look down at that face for a moment.

“You bastard, you left smiling. ”

Kwon Min’s face was tangled with envy and bitterness.

Kwon lifted the cloth and covered Cha Mu Hyuk.

I also took the leap.

Cha Mu Hyuk’s body was covered.

I hear crying.

Blue Fang’s prosecutors were crying one by one.

All the big men, who drop their swords, squat and squat, cry like children.


It doesn’t matter who sees it.

I can’t help feeling.

But no one laughed at them.

There was a feeling of aging in the intestine.

The people rose from their seats.

“The child is dead. Move him and bury him. Tell the rest of the boys to do what they want for the funeral. ”

“…… Yes, Kwon Min. So hurry up…. ”

“Okay, I’m going. I was worried Hajung might be in danger. ”

“What……. ”

It’s a fairly wild dog factor, but citizens are a hundred times more important than her.

No, it was a precious test for the entire Korean censor beyond Seoul.

When the foreign prosecutors invade, we must confront them.

Kwon Min nodded lightly.

“Then I’m going. Have a good day. Oh, and… ”

The citizens watched the escape.

Deep gaze, Kwon Min was unlucky.

“Some of the swordsmen are as good as non-Hyuki, but there are a lot of dogs. You know that, right?”

I know the odds.

Cha Mu Hyuk is not the default.

Suddenly, Kwon Min lowered his head deeply.

“Thank you for fighting without Hyuki properly. A man like you is the last opponent, so he’s rarely satisfied with the prosecution. Thank you on behalf of Gangnam. ”

“No, I’m not.”

I can’t believe you just leaned your head and said that.

Lord, I never thought a man with a reputation for insanity would do this.

I was a little embarrassed.

The citizen with the head grabbed his shoulders as he approached without hesitation.

“Dowol, come to Gangnam. ”

“…… Yes? ”

“If you’re going to play, you should play in Gangnam. Lots of expensive cars and lots of pretty women. Do you have a boyfriend? ”

I’ve never seen anything like it.

Despite the panic, Kwon was smiling like a friend.

“What, nothing? Can I introduce you to someone? If one is not enough, two or three? You like that? I love it, too! ”

“…… Kwon Min! Please, just go! ”

Jung said sadly.

The rise of the people’s North Gangnam is now known to the lords of Athens, right?

Professional killers may be sent in.

The citizens turned around and said,

“Slurp! I’m in the youth business with our new moon! Do not interfere with the ambassador of this great country! ”

“Oh, come on! Bullshit, please! Mr. Dowolchul, please come to Gangnam. We’re going to have to clear out the Blue Staff Building or the land anyway. Okay?”

Jung pleaded with me, rolling my feet in my pupils.

It looks really urgent.

“Oh, yeah. ”

“You heard him? He’s coming to Gangnam. You’re young, you’re naval, you do whatever you want! I’m going now. Please go! ”

After Jung moved his back, the people of Kwon retreated next to Dowol.

Kwon said with a smile.

“Okay, then, Doyle, next time I see you, we’re starting a youth business! ”

“ ……. ”

The citizens waved their hands at the bystanders and left.

After the appearance of the people disappeared, Jung fell to his knees.

It must have loosened your legs.

I asked carefully.

“…… Are you okay? ”

“It’s okay. There’s a lot to deal with…… in this case. ”

Jung grumbled, but he wasn’t really angry.

I thought I knew why.

“Gangnam… ”

He got up on the ground and gave him his business card.

“Then, Mr. Dowol, call me before you come down to Gangnam. As I just said, the buildings and land on Blue Fang now belong to Mr. Dowolwolwol. It’s better to get rid of it or something. ”

“Is my safety guaranteed? ”

“The story of Dowolwolwol and Blue Pang is over. Those who ignore it ignore him. ”

I will ask no more about Kwon’s life sentence hosted by people.

Immediately after becoming a prosecutor, the long fight that started in the middle of the month was really over.

No one will look down on him now that he has broken Cha Mu Hyuk and become a sword.

He nodded.


Let’s go.

Land of opportunity.

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