I’m the Swordsmith

Chapter 36

Sword Shop Alone (35)

Start of the show

Dowolwol looked around the shops in the Blue Staff area and talked.

It was sales, floor trimming.

The day has come, the day of the party has come.

Gangnam Night.

The party leader who was invited to Dowol was held about a whole hotel.

Dowol also bought suits and participated.

“Sorry, you can only enter here if you are invited today. ”

I blocked the entrance from the first floor.

< The prosecutors are on guard. Both are level 10, not just a guard ball, but Gangnam is also different.

The two prosecutors were also guards at the party.

Dowol pulled the invitation out of her arms.

The opposing Pokémon receives and nods.


Tearing up the invitation with both hands.

“Sorry, you can only enter here if you are invited today. ”

He didn't get angry right away.

Thinking for a moment, he nods.

“I'm not stopping this without knowing. You know who I am, and you want to fuck with me? ”

“Do we need to get to know you? ”

“ ……. ”

There's no end to it.

But the two of them revealed their teeth, as determined.

The badge and initials on the collar look familiar.

It was a symbol of the Clan and Double Cross, which ruled Gangnam District in four pieces together with the old Blue Pang.

With Cha Mu Hyuk, a clan of people who were called 'Gangnam Dragon’.

He smiled and said that he understood the leap.

“Oh, I'm a little disappointed if you pretend not to know. ”

“What? What are you doing? You want me to draw the knife? Pull it out.”

The guard is dead.

The opposing Pokémon may be at a high level, but they are confident that they will not be able to draw their swords.

Trust the name of your clan.

“I think they were talking a little too much in Gangnam… ”


He grabs the guard by the collar and throws him out.

I threw it lightly like a catchball and it flew a lot.

The guard's body flies horizontally, placing a wrinkle.

It was a powerful force in the face of weakness.



An unauthorized ferrari crashes down the road.

Wing, wink, wink.

The crowd's gaze gathers as the burglary alarm sounds.

< … huh? Master, what are you going to do?

“You didn't kill him. ”

He asked, looking at the remaining one.

“Hey, aren't you surprised? ”

“…… Yes? ”

The guard's attitude has changed.

He said calmly.

“Oh, what a surprise. Did you have an epilepsy? All of a sudden, you blow yourself up and smash the car! Did you know he had a secret hobby like that? ”

The guard rolls his eyes.

If you say no, you might die.

He was asking with such threats.

“You knew, didn't you? ”

“…… Yes, it is. ”

“Of course he has to pay, right? ”

Tuned Ferrari, not just any other car.

A 10-level inspection is not easily reimbursable.

But the guard nods coldly.

“Yes, it is. ”

You're lucky you didn't fly away.

The leap has been cleared.

“Okay, now you know who I am, right? ”

“…… Yes, sorry I didn't see you. Governor Double-Down.”

I called him "Mr. Gumho", not just "."

If I had just become a sword, my heart would be shrunk.

However, I did not skip the leap.

The ones who make up their minds, decide to give it back.

“If you recognize it, you should act. ”

“…… Yes? ”

“Invitation, pick and paste. ”

The escape was torn, pointing to the scattered invitation on the floor.

The guard's face stiffens.

He is also a test, level 10.

After a moderate prenatal experience, the sword experience is much longer than the surplus.

He asked puzzledly.

“What are you doing? We need to scrape it up before the wind blows. ”

“Yes, yes. ”

The guards are leaning down and scavenging for invitations.


Dowol shot him in the head with his feet.

“ ……. ”

The guard trembles.

Surrender said naturally.

“Oh, wait a minute. I'm gonna tie my shoelaces again. This is a perfect foothold because your back is a cliff. ”

“… Khh. ”

“Huh? What's the matter? Lure?”

Dowol pressed the guard's head lightly.

“Hey, think about it. What do you think of me when you tease me like that, when a level 10 piece of garbage is all over the place and I haven't killed you yet? I think I'm really nice. No, how can a prosecutor be this good? ”

The leap gave me more strength in my feet.

Wood Duck.

It's cracked in concrete.

“Who put you up to this? ”

A man jumps out from the entrance, asking for a low bounce.

It was a familiar face, after an expedition.

The bounty was low on the guards.

“Hey, I'll pass on the look on his face. ”

He stepped off and approached the expedition.

“Oh, it's been a long time. How have you been?”

“… let's go inside. ”

The expedition saw the smashed Ferrari and the fallen guards, leading to a swift escape.

In front of the elevator.

Waiting for you to come down, the expedition said cautiously.

“I think you went a little overboard. We are gathered here today among the Wild Dog Clan… ”

“Rather, I refrained. ”

He explained what he had done.

“They didn't wake you up for nothing. They're after me. ”


“Level 10 is not meant to die, and there's no way you're going to put up with a novice saboteur. They get their orders from above. ”

I brought an invitation. Is it blocked at the entrance?

Ordinary people are embarrassed.

The situation that someone tried to test him on immediately dawned on me.

“The man who orchestrated this would have been happy if I had killed them both. You can use that as an excuse to hit me. ”

“Then……. ”

“I've heard rumors that the Double-Cross Clan leader is a wreck. We'll see what he's like today. ”

At the end of the trip, the face of the expedition became serious.

“I'm sorry, I don't think I should let Mr. Dowolcheol in. ”

“No, no, no. Rather, I wanted this, and I was thankful that Mr. Away Hook invited me. ”

He calmly said.

“I had to go to the flagship ceremony anyway. Rather, it's nice to have a stage like this. ”

“ ……. ”

“I'm telling you, if I didn't really want this job, I would have turned you down. ”

Repeatedly, the expedition only solved his face.

The outbreak turned the tide.

“I said movie party, what is your exact position? ”

“Clan, Cinemarring films shot six million audiences. It's a big event, so I'm going to gather actors and hang out. ”

“You're not even close. Do you do this? ”

“It's an order from Cinemarring's clan. You cannot disobey. ”

The outward gaze, the expedition said.

“Mr. Dowolcheol, have you heard of Cinemarring? He is now one of the largest investment companies in Korean cinema. ”

“And a Wild Dog clan. ”

It's not just a filmmaker.

Cinemarring made a movie with the money scraped from his sword and squeezed it all he wanted.

For example, if the actor they check refuses the casting offer, the prosecutor will come to the house that day.

Of course not. No, don't do anything.

But even famous actors were intimidating enough, ordinary people.

That's how I swing the movie industry…

“I couldn't make the movie, so I was wasting my money. ”

You can force an actor to appear, but you can't force an audience to appear.

“Cinemarring ruined the movie that he was making, and now what? So I got excited, and I got people together and I threw a party. ”

“Haha…. I'm afraid of who's listening. ”

Elevator's here.

The two of them rode together and continued to talk.

“I checked in advance before I entered the party. Cinemarring, double-cross, which clan are you from? ”

“I don't know everything… I saw the executives of the Gulf and Tempest earlier. ”

“That's the name I was hoping for. ”

Double cross, narrow lanes, tempest.

All three of them were clans adjacent to the territory of Blue Pang, Cha Mu Hyuk next to his shoulder.

He must be drooling when he sees the land of Blue Pang, which has become a desolate commune.

All three of them came to assess the exits, and the guards at the entrance were hesitating.

“I'm going to enjoy this day. ”

The elevator reached the top floor.

It was a party.

High ceilings and flowing music.

A man in a nice suit and a woman in a party dress talk.

The wine glasses in your hand, the romantic music that flows between them.

<…… Everyone is drunk at night and drunk by the atmosphere, but my master is drunk by the food.

Anonymous sightings were focused on eating.

The expedition had to say hello to people, so I left for a while.

< Have you seen the woman who passed by just now? Among Korean actresses known as Glamer…….

“Good meat in this house. ”

Ignored the evacuation and turned the subject around.

“They came to see me. Then show me. ”

I can feel the look in people's eyes.

It was the prosecutors without even checking.

There are twenty people left in separate groups watching.

“They'll try to catch me if they want to. I pretend like I don't know anything. ”

< There are only three levels above level 20……. It's still dangerous. Are you trying to provoke me?

“Not three. Different side. ”

He said firmly.

Focusing on eating grilled duck.

“There are twenty prosecutors now, but all clans are different. The three of you are hitting me with all your strength? It doesn't make any sense. I wouldn't even have to see you in a place like this if I could. ”

The leap was inferred.

“Double-cross's guards were picking on me… for some reason, but it was to show the other two clans that they had their priorities. ”

In summary, three carnivorous animals are controlling each other while drooling over the tasty meat called escaping.

To be alone with each other.

< What kind of human is this head spinning…….

“It's easy to know from someone else's perspective. If you put the profits in front of you, it usually simplifies your thinking. ”

Doubtful was eating meat again, and someone put a glass of wine next to him.

“Why don't you have a drink? ”

“ ……. ”

The target is not a prosecutor, since it has not been detected.

Besides, I've heard that voice before.

When she turns around, there is a beauty in a red dress.

Beautiful face and busty outfit were attractive.

< You're the sawmill that gave the owner the house?

It was Jae-hee.

For some reason, there was an emotional gaze and a strange stubbornness in multifaceted lips.

He nodded.

“Congratulations on breaking into 6 million audiences. ”

“…… I didn't appear in this movie! ”

Jae-hee frowned.

He asked.

“Are you here as an invitation singer? ”

“No, it can't be. Do I look like I'm some kind of night singer? ”

“You don't want a knife to the throat. ”

“Stop that from happening in the conspiracy. ”

“In the end, the bargain is snowing here. ”

He calmly said.

The expedition was busy smiling and saying hello.

It was a gorgeous upscale party on the outside, hosted by prosecutors, and everywhere the prosecutors glowed.

And the biggest interest of those prosecutors was the leap.

Second, there's nothing good about Jae-hee being here and having a conversation.

Dowol outlined the story.

“I'll listen to you later. You need to back off. From now on……. ”

I'm picking up a reading.

The opposing Pokémon approaches.

It's different now.

< …… it's level 32.

Not just any opponent.

He got up from his seat and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

“I have to go to work. ”

The target is visible when the bounce is turned.

< Clan of Double Cross, Baektae Province.

The opponent opens his mouth to eat him.

Then you'll have to rip out his unthinkable mouth.

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